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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not massively into the music posted here but I don't complain about that.

Are you serious...? That's not the same thing. Not at all.

It's really, really simple (totally cross posting from Whatsapp): posting pictures of women and having us ogling over them is making the small minority of regular female posters in here uncomfortable.

Why would we want to make them uncomfortable or drive them away? It's not like we can't have fun without pictures and ogling. We do all the time. It's not like we're being told what we can and can't do either. It's simply a case of being courteous. Simples.

Let's all move on and talk about something we can all enjoy: Metal Gear Online. XD

@showmeyourskeleton: hit me up whenever, chief. I usually can't use a mic though.
I don't understand the issue of hot on girls being posted as long as it's NSFW, and that's not because of thinking of people at work but just because it's a rule.. You're at work to work not browse forums lol. I don't mind if guys are posted too, I'm not massively into the music posted here but I don't complain about that.

I'm not a massively PC guy but I'm always willing to learn but why do women hate seeing pictures of a pornstar? I don't understand how it makes them feel uncomfortable, actors can be hot and I always used to declare my love for Clara Osworld with no problems and musha used to post that arrow guy or comment on fit actors all the time when they were posted.

How does it deter women posting? Sex is hardwired into everyone's brain anyway I think it's weird in a thread where we all get pretty deep into our feelings and are very honest with each other to have certain subjects taboo

Music is an inoffensive subject however awful a band/singer might be.

The connotations of discussing a porn star is a bit different; it is creepy.

I don't think that further references would put me off posting, though. I would be pretty blunt about what I thought and know doubt would end up with a ban...

These are my first posts in here because Sploatee mentioned me and I thought I would make myself known (rather than lurk).


bitch I'm taking calls.
Welcome, C-Fuse.
I don't understand the issue of hot on girls being posted as long as it's NSFW, and that's not because of thinking of people at work but just because it's a rule.. You're at work to work not browse forums lol. I don't mind if guys are posted too, I'm not massively into the music posted here but I don't complain about that.

I'm not a massively PC guy but I'm always willing to learn but why do women hate seeing pictures of a pornstar? I don't understand how it makes them feel uncomfortable, actors can be hot and I always used to declare my love for Clara Osworld with no problems and musha used to post that arrow guy or comment on fit actors all the time when they were posted.

How does it deter women posting? Sex is hardwired into everyone's brain anyway I think it's weird in a thread where we all get pretty deep into our feelings and are very honest with each other to have certain subjects taboo
I enjoy your posts Tash even if I disagree with some of your views. I don't see it as taboo so much as pointlessly exclusionary. I don't see how Pornstar.jpg or Hotgirl.gif inspires original or worthwhile discussion and considering that it also deters female posters from contributing to the thread it is thus downgraded to pure garbage status in my book. Using music as a point of comparison doesn't really fly because music doesn't reduce anyone's identity by default. Beyond that I don't want to make assumptions so I'll let musha or sploatee themselves explain why they would rather not see those kinds of pictures posted.


formerly Oynox Slider
I don't understand the issue of hot on girls being posted as long as it's NSFW, and that's not because of thinking of people at work but just because it's a rule.. You're at work to work not browse forums lol. I don't mind if guys are posted too, I'm not massively into the music posted here but I don't complain about that.

I'm not a massively PC guy but I'm always willing to learn but why do women hate seeing pictures of a pornstar? I don't understand how it makes them feel uncomfortable, actors can be hot and I always used to declare my love for Clara Osworld with no problems and musha used to post that arrow guy or comment on fit actors all the time when they were posted.

How does it deter women posting? Sex is hardwired into everyone's brain anyway I think it's weird in a thread where we all get pretty deep into our feelings and are very honest with each other to have certain subjects taboo

I can't speak for "women" or Musha, I can only speak for me. I'll try and explain how it is for me without setting off all the kerfuffle again.

Sometimes (not all the time), the posting in this thread does tend towards a bunch of blokes essentially going "phwoar" over pictures of women, often pornstars. Sometimes, though, it's not just "phwoar" - I'm sorry Cy for using you as an example - it spills over into "wank talk" or talk which objectifies women. I'm not anti sex ( or porn - provided its support porn (lol at typo - it's meant to be sex-positive porn) which doesn't exploit the performers involved).

But me (yes, as a "woman"), I love posting on GAF because here I get to gush about games and be a nerd and not have to bother with that kind of thing. I don't get judged because I'm a bit different and like games. There's nowhere else I can go where I can actually be myself during work hours. I tend not to get that much abuse in the street anymore because of how I look (at least since I left Blackpool), but a lot of it stemmed from that objectifying mindset, especially when I had short hair. Emma used to get it worse than me.

Almost all the female friends I have have experienced some kind of abuse based on them being objectified (either for being attractive, if they'e trans then for being visibly trans or for them being 'not fit enough'). I'm generally just used to it, but I don't receive it that often anymore. Some people do. So if you log on to a thread and it's all "phwoar" and objectifying women, you might just feel like you'd rather talk to a different group of people, because you get enough of that day-to-day and come here to escape.

I hope that explains how I feel, anyway. It's not a big anti-attractive-woman crusade and it's not any kind of agenda. And I know it's conflicting because we do have quite a lot of "close-to-the-bone" banter. I'm OK with that (you don't spend years working in chippies without that kind of thing and I like it in moderation!) but you can see how its different from excessive "phwoaring", right? Also, just cause I'm cool with that type of discussion doesn't mean everyone is - I mean look at Sah or the way I spoke to Stormtrooper (which was pretty bad, I'm not perfect and I do freak out now and again (evidently!)).

(Edit McEdit: it's just finding a balance - like I know if I'm talking to jimbor or Jed then they're quite saucy fellows, but they're actually really nice guys who just have potty mouths. But if I'm talking to Sah, I know he's quite a sensitive person who takes things to heart, same for Cy. Maybe that's the thing, just being considerate and not expecting everyone else to have the same sense of humour or approach to things that you have.)

I'm not saying the regulars here are sexist (I know they're not!!) but sometimes it's just a bit much, that's all.

That's how I feel about it. I don't think talking about it should be taboo, either (which is why I made my confused ramble in the first place).

Are you serious...? That's not the same thing. Not at all.

It's really, really simple (totally cross posting from Whatsapp): posting pictures of women and having us ogling over them is making the small minority of regular female posters in here uncomfortable.

Why would we want to make them uncomfortable or drive them away? It's not like we can't have fun without pictures and ogling. We do all the time. It's not like we're being told what we can and can't do either. It's simply a case of being courteous. Simples.

Let's all move on and talk about something we can all enjoy: Metal Gear Online. XD

@showmeyourskeleton: hit me up whenever, chief. I usually can't use a mic though.


Moving on...I did make it to West Londo Ruins last night after a big skeleton made me run away. I did try and beat him a few times, but he stood on me and I could do nothing. So I looked over at this beautiful dark lake with a thin bridge across and slowly edged over it and saw some Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark style ghosts. I thought I'd try and get some souls by attacking them. Bad idea. I think I need to use an item I have.

The thing that I'm really liking about it though isn't just the difficulty (I've died a lot already but I think I read an Edge article which described it as "instructional death" and how the game communicates with the player) but the sense of place. I love how everywhere feels like a real place and I love the eeriness of it. I was actually a bit shocked when I saw that I was actually dead and the face I chose when making the character was all hollowed out. The best storytelling is when you can imply what happened and fill in the rest with your imagination, or when you can make your own stories, and it feels like every moment with this game (big caveat: so far) is rich with that.

incredble myths/slander arose regarding catherine of russia's sexual exploits because she was a powerful woman in charge.

in a side note, currently sat at a table on a train where the woman beside me has decided she needs more than one half and so stuck her handbag on the other, covering the entire width. she has 3/4ths of the table to herself. i have complete contempt for human beings.

That's a bit inconsiderate. Maybe ask her to move it then...??

Tbf, I generally hate people on trains anyway. Please leave me alone and let me play my Vita! The worst is when it's a work trip and people insist on talking to me. This is my quiet time, dang it!

Also, sorry for being a bit aggro to you Psychotext. I still think you were rude to me, mind. But yeah, I did bite your head off a bit. Maybe be a bit nicer to strangers who are obviously mid-rage?


bitch I'm taking calls.
Nearly everything in the first Dark Souls game is connected. And I mean that physically and lore wise. And based on this line
sploatee said:
The best storytelling is when you can imply what happened and fill in the rest with your imagination, or when you can make your own stories, and it feels like every moment with this game (big caveat: so far) is rich with that.
I think the game will reward you in a way you will love if you stick with it. It's especially great if you are able to piece together clues about the story from item descriptions and NPC dialogue.


Today has been a really strange day in BritGAF, but an enlightening one at that. I really do feel bad for upsetting the community's female members with my comments, especially Sploatee, who is clearly going through a lot in real life. I apologise to all.


bitch I'm taking calls.


Welcome CyanideFuse.
Music is an inoffensive subject however awful a band/singer might be.
Agreed. And I listen to Paramore.
The connotations of discussing a porn star is a bit different; it is creepy.
Um, how's that now? A discussion about anyone can become creepy given the right/wrong context, but "she's pretty and has nice boobs" is creepy? She's a pornstar, she gets naked in front of a camera for a living, it's not like I'm ogling someone's sister!

Come on mane.
Welcome CyanideFuse.

Agreed. And I listen to Paramore.

Um, how's that now? A discussion about anyone can become creepy given the right/wrong context, but "she's pretty and has nice boobs" is creepy? She's a pornstar, she gets naked in front of a camera for a living, it's not like I'm ogling someone's sister!

Come on mane.

My last comment on the subject otherwise I am guilty of stringing this discussion along.

It gives off vibes of the message posters frantically wanking into economy Tesco toilet paper.

Oh and hey there thanks for the welcome.


I had to call up work on super short notice last Wednesday morning owing to personal issues and wasn't able to go in, and my manager sounded really pissed off with me.

This has been after a couple of absenses, I don't make a habit of it for obvious reasons. I've annoyingly had several major issues all occur within a similar timeframe and altogether this has caused me to miss five days of work.

My manager sat me down today and essentially said he wasn't going to fire me because he liked me, he thinks I do a great job, I've had great comments from other members of the team, and he's willing to give me the benefit of the doubt because of all this and that I actually approached him and apologised for my absence(s).

Those other two girls who I mentioned, will be getting fired because they're pretty much taking the piss.
My last comment on the subject otherwise I am guilty of stringing this discussion along.

It gives off vibes of the message posters frantically wanking into economy Tesco toilet paper.

Oh and hey there thanks for the welcome.

To each his/her own, but I feel you're judging the way I want to spend my friday nights and economy is cheaper than getting quilted. Sometimes if I'm feeling really cheeky I'll use a
, that's called a
posh wank

Actually here's an idea, let's put all the
naughty talk
. It's


formerly Oynox Slider
Nearly everything in the first Dark Souls game is connected. And I mean that physically and lore wise. And based on this line I think the game will reward you in a way you will love if you stick with it. It's especially great if you are able to piece together clues about the story from item descriptions and NPC dialogue.

Cool! I think Meaty said something similar up above too. It gives me really good Metroid Prime nostalgia.

Today has been a really strange day in BritGAF, but an enlightening one at that. I really do feel bad for upsetting the community's female members with my comments, especially Sploatee, who is clearly going through a lot in real life. I apologise to all.

It's over! It's alright. Let's stop or I'll keep apologising too and it'll just be too British to cope with.

I had to call up work on super short notice last Wednesday morning owing to personal issues and wasn't able to go in, and my manager sounded really pissed off with me.

This has been after a couple of absenses, I don't make a habit of it for obvious reasons. I've annoyingly had several major issues all occur within a similar timeframe and altogether this has caused me to miss five days of work.

My manager sat me down today and essentially said he wasn't going to fire me because he liked me, he thinks I do a great job, I've had great comments from other members of the team, and he's willing to give me the benefit of the doubt because of all this and that I actually approached him and apologised for my absence(s).

Those other two girls who I mentioned, will be getting fired because they're pretty much taking the piss.

Yeah. When you work in retail on the shop floor, the assumption when you're ill is always that you're skiving. I think the managers assume that nobody wants to be there.


Years ago, when I was backpacking across western Europe, I was just outside Barcelona, hiking in the foothills of mount Tibidabo...


I was at the end of this path, and I came to a clearing, and there was a lake, very secluded, and there were tall trees all around. It was dead silent. Gorgeous. And across the lake I saw, a beautiful woman, bathing herself. She was crying...
I had to call up work on super short notice last Wednesday morning owing to personal issues and wasn't able to go in, and my manager sounded really pissed off with me.

This has been after a couple of absenses, I don't make a habit of it for obvious reasons. I've annoyingly had several major issues all occur within a similar timeframe and altogether this has caused me to miss five days of work.

My manager sat me down today and essentially said he wasn't going to fire me because he liked me, he thinks I do a great job, I've had great comments from other members of the team, and he's willing to give me the benefit of the doubt because of all this and that I actually approached him and apologised for my absence(s).

Those other two girls who I mentioned, will be getting fired because they're pretty much taking the piss.

That's what retail is like sadly. Because of the typical calibre of employee, high staff turnover and low wages there's very little trust from management towards the normal staff members.

In the year I had in retail I was pretty damn good, thought I was on relatively good terms, but after the one time I called in sick I was still questioned a lot by the store manager. He kept pushing for the gory details, why it had gone so quickly. I quickly put it down to a 24hr bug, and he backed off.

Shamyalamaman twist- I had pulled a sickie.


I was at the end of this path, and I came to a clearing, and there was a lake, very secluded, and there were tall trees all around. It was dead silent. Gorgeous. And across the lake I saw, a beautiful woman, bathing herself. She was crying...

The best part of that scene, Ross is so into it, close to tears, cracks me up every time.

Or Joey's, "the sky's blue Ross, and I had sex yesterday".

One of the few truly great scenes in the last few seasons of Friends.


I have always wondered what happens next in the story.

Someone with some literary skills should finish it. Why was the woman crying? What did Joey do to comfort her?



formerly Oynox Slider
You want literary, poetry, mind blowing stuff!?

Listen / watch this..


(It's from gaming side - 30 min interview with Sean Murray of Hello Games actually talking through a debug build of No Man's Sky. The whole universe starts with an equation. In real life! Seriously. Also, let's talk about the formation of shapes!! Whoaaaaa!!!!! I'm being serious btw)

Also, because I'm working on some art involving the moon, check this out


be better without the astronaut, but you get the idea.

Cyanide Fuse has the best avatar on GAF.

holy fuck, creatures/creatures 2! i loved that game despite it barely ever working on my commodore 64.

I wish I could make games. I would love to create a spiritual successor to Creatures 2. If anyone wants to bung some money my way via Kickstarter I will have a go at learning... ;)

It's fucking freezing.

I had to scrape the inside of my car to be able to see out the windscreen.
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