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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Fuck you.



Knows the Score
I never played Yakuza. So I don't really understand the hype except for the fact that it takes a long time to come to the West/ queries about whether it would make business sense to release it in the West. I'll have to catch up with the rest of the trailers.



The lady is having trouble with her phone (iPhone 5). All her social networks have kicked her out (whatsapp, FB, Hotmail) and are no longer accepting her sign in details. Apparently it's the same message for each one saying "there is a duplicate account", and her DOB has been changed. Apparently Safari says "cleaning" next to the icon and won't load either.

Has she been hacked? She has the same password across all the apps, which obviously won't help!

wot do

Edit: i told her to do a soft reset and she can access FB and safari now but still not whatsapp or Hotmail. She is a luddite, so this could be one of those mountain out of a molehill situations.
CHEEZMO™;142065625 said:


The pile of wank continues on to today. I feel like utter shit, and it doesn't help that I had some dippy woman constantly taking my earphones out to talk to me. Just fuck off already. It's pretty obvious that if I'm sat on the bus listening to music and looking out the window, I do not want to be disturbed. Cunts.


The pile of wank continues on to today. I feel like utter shit, and it doesn't help that I had some dippy woman constantly taking my earphones out to talk to me. Just fuck off already. It's pretty obvious that if I'm sat on the bus listening to music and looking out the window, I do not want to be disturbed. Cunts.

Wear a hoodie and slump. Look like you're going to mug someone or don some paedophile facial hair.

It works wonders for me.


Wear a hoodie and slump. Look like you're going to mug someone or don some paedophile facial hair.

It works wonders for me.
You'd think the headphones and my disacknowledging their mere existence would be enough. Besides, I just shaved for the first time since Movember began. It tugged like a fucker which only worsened my already pissed off mood.


formerly Oynox Slider
The pile of wank continues on to today. I feel like utter shit, and it doesn't help that I had some dippy woman constantly taking my earphones out to talk to me. Just fuck off already. It's pretty obvious that if I'm sat on the bus listening to music and looking out the window, I do not want to be disturbed. Cunts.



The pile of wank continues on to today. I feel like utter shit, and it doesn't help that I had some dippy woman constantly taking my earphones out to talk to me. Just fuck off already. It's pretty obvious that if I'm sat on the bus listening to music and looking out the window, I do not want to be disturbed. Cunts.

Just ask the woman to leave you alone politely maybe?


Only slightly. It's more of the fact I'm in a foul mood today.

Just ask the woman to leave you alone politely maybe?
She did it five pissing times. I am not in the mood to speak to anyone today, let alone speaking politely. After the second time I ignored her and put my earphone back in, you would've thought she'd get the message. But apparently, people are as thick as shit.

Pick her up and fuck her off out the windoe
If only I thought of that.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I am now!

I'm sorry to say it was cancelled. Or at least it appears to have been? I can't work it out. Very disappointing. Old perfectionist Morris, I reckon. They've been working on-and-off on this project for five years.

Caught up on the Playstation Experience event. Why are videogames people so badly dressed? I'm dressed more professionally and I'm sitting in a library not presenting a corporate marketing event.


I'm glad I'm self-employed. No more walking into work with grit, ice and snow on your arse from where you fell over. Nope, it's hot chocolate and hoodies for me in work this winter.
I'm sorry to say it was cancelled. Or at least it appears to have been? I can't work it out. Very disappointing. Old perfectionist Morris, I reckon. They've been working on-and-off on this project for five years.

Caught up on the Playstation Experience event. Why are videogames people so badly dressed? I'm dressed more professionally and I'm sitting in a library not presenting a corporate marketing event.

Catch 22. They're slated for looking too casual, and also slated for looking too corporate if they wear suits.

Saying that Andrew House usually looks pretty baller, whilst Steve Jobs got away looking like your unstylish uncle. Then again he was Steve Jobs?

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Catch 22. They're slated for looking too casual, and also slated for looking too corporate if they wear suits.

Saying that Andrew House usually looks pretty baller, whilst Steve Jobs got away looking like your unstylish uncle. Then again he was Steve Jobs?

I see your point. But one guy was wearing a massive hockey 'jersey' and a fedora...

I think that if they want to appear sincere and relatable they can do with the things the say not with some really shabby dress. It doesn't help the industry's reputation at all. Though it was nice to see a couple of female presenters...


I'm glad I'm self-employed. No more walking into work with grit, ice and snow on your arse from where you fell over. Nope, it's hot chocolate and hoodies for me in work this winter.
I'd hate to work from home, I like to be moving around from place to place at work, and like the feeling of home being a place away from all that to chill and relax.

I get the appeal of having the odd day working from home as a nice change, but being stuck in the same place day after day, night after night staring at the same four walls for hours on end?

No thanks.


formerly Oynox Slider
I'd hate to work from home, I like to be moving around from place to place at work, and like the feeling of home being a place away from all that to chill and relax.

I get the appeal of having the odd day working from home as a nice change, but being stuck in the same place day after day, night after night staring at the same four walls for hours on end?

No thanks.

Yeah...I don't mind working from home if I'm exhausted from the day before and don't want to have to get up, get changed etc, but I'm always less productive because it's just not the ideal environment (I end up cooped up in our back room) and there's always distractions everywhere. One day is fine, but two or three and I start to get cabin fever.

Gaming news! (I'm sorry everyone for posting this, I have no one else to speak to about it. Emma's already told me to shut up about games for ever).

I'm selling Mordor - it's just not for me. Too easy and I don't think the combat is very interesting. Shame. The Nemesis thing was fun though (I'll always remember you Pugrish the Steady).

I'm going to try Titanfall on the 360 with my ill-gotten gains. It just looks fun and it'll be a nice change from Destiny PvP.

Dark Souls is already one of the best games I've played in forever. I am dying a lot, but I don't see it as 'hard'. Death is just a tutorial mechanic. Maybe I will regret these words, but I love the way the places feel like places and loop back on each other and the way each encounter forces you to be hyper-aware. I didn't think they made them like this anymore (weep weep).

Ikaruga is oh my god. How good is this game. The music is brilliant too. Emma has heard me yelp out quite a lot this afternoon with frustration (happy frustration, mind).

Dragon Age is wearing off after about 30 hours. Sigh. And I bought it digitally! Go to place, do busywork, no challenge. Talk. Go to place, do busywork, no challenge. Talk. I hope it's just that it doesn't play well with Dark Souls.

Oh and in music news!

8bit - Ben Frost is great. Finally been able to sit down and have a real listen. Have you heard Luke Abbott?

And in art news!

Check out Bernardino Luini's "The Executioner Presents John The Baptist's Head to Herod". I've always loved the Salomé myth and all the variations and I love how placid she looks after helping with a beheading.



Knows the Score
Will look him up, Sploatee! Thanks!

I like working from home every so often, my job doesn't always need to be on site but sometimes I need to be seen by my customer base just so that know to come to me in case of issues.

I've been amused this week that UKIP seem to be mostly under attack this week from Trumpton.

As you were!


I'd hate to work from home, I like to be moving around from place to place at work, and like the feeling of home being a place away from all that to chill and relax.

I get the appeal of having the odd day working from home as a nice change, but being stuck in the same place day after day, night after night staring at the same four walls for hours on end?

No thanks.
I will admit it does get lonely from time to time but, overall, it's great. I wake up, go to my study, load up Spotify and my work, and away I go. I rarely get distracted. And seperating home from work is easy, being the unsociable little cunt I am.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm going to try Titanfall on the 360 with my ill-gotten gains. It just looks fun and it'll be a nice change from Destiny PvP.

The level traversal is amazing. So amazing that I hope more games steal it. Unfortunately, I found that after a few hours it kind of gave you everything it had. After that I was down to ten minute stints, after that I traded it.

Dark Souls is already one of the best games I've played in forever. I am dying a lot, but I don't see it as 'hard'. Death is just a tutorial mechanic. Maybe I will regret these words, but I love the way the places feel like places and loop back on each other and the way each encounter forces you to be hyper-aware. I didn't think they made them like this anymore (weep weep).

So glad you like it, Sploat! I love how you can see everywhere you can go, even bosses you haven't encountered yet.

You're making me want to play it over again!
The level traversal is amazing. So amazing that I hope more games steal it. Unfortunately, I found that after a few hours it kind of gave you everything it had. After that I was down to ten minute stints, after that I traded it.

So glad you like it, Sploat! I love how you can see everywhere you can go, even bosses you haven't encountered yet.

You're making me want to play it over again!
dark souls 2's biggest crime was dropping this.


formerly Oynox Slider
The level traversal is amazing. So amazing that I hope more games steal it. Unfortunately, I found that after a few hours it kind of gave you everything it had. After that I was down to ten minute stints, after that I traded it.

So glad you like it, Sploat! I love how you can see everywhere you can go, even bosses you haven't encountered yet.

You're making me want to play it over again!

That seems to be the general opinion on it too (that's it's just bare bones). I'm glad I've got a physical copy to sell on. I'm hoping it will be my new radio/record game which I just play to zone out - Destiny's been pretty good for that over the last few months but I'd like something just a touch more hectic.

Yup. There's a scary dragon that I think I'm going to be visiting at some point. I'm just trying to resist looking anything up! I did look up what kindling was and what the number in the top left meant. I love how everything looks so Ray Harryhausen.


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
dark souls 2's biggest crime was dropping this.

Sure is. Still plugged hundreds of hours into it. :D

That seems to be the general opinion on it too (that's it's just bare bones). I'm glad I've got a physical copy to sell on. I'm hoping it will be my new radio/record game which I just play to zone out - Destiny's been pretty good for that over the last few months but I'd like something just a touch more hectic.

Yup. There's a scary dragon that I think I'm going to be visiting at some point. I'm just trying to resist looking anything up! I did look up what kindling was and what the number in the top left meant. I love how everything looks so Ray Harryhausen.


Ha! Great movie. Sinbad was where it was at though (for me).

Well, if you got questions, consider me a spoiler free guide. One thing I strongly advise: don't put any points into RES.

You're welcome.

RE: Titanfall. It's not so much it's barebones as the moment-to-moment gameplay isn't all that compelling (barring the free running). You may get on with it better than I did.
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