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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Maturity, bitches.
tbh I bet the best thing about the film would be visuals and jokes, and the trailer already spoiled a load of those.

Most likely, and those were the things I feared him spoiling because whenever you talk about the film you're more likely to talk about scenes you liked rather than the story as a whole. I watched a few clips to get an idea about what the movie is like but I'd like to think there's 95% that I haven't seen.

I mean I wouldn't really care if someone spoiled the story to a Mario platformer (mostly because such a task is impossible) but I wouldn't be so keen on someone spoiling the interesting levels.


Knows the Score
I don't think the story is all that relevant to be honest, it's stuff like this that has me somewhat excited.

“Our ‘Clockwork Orange’ sequence didn’t go over very well,” said Lord, laughing.

They initially penned a re-education scene for Emmet, with his eyes forcibly held open, after he strays too far from Lord Business’ way of doing things. The Stanley Kubrick reference was deemed “not perfectly appropriate for family audiences.”


Damn Ninj, get your head checked mate. Meeting me in there is not a good sign!

Felt great to sleep in a bed after a night on the ground. Spoiled by Cub scouts, been too long since I've been under canvas lol.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I told you guys about Her weeks ago, but you didn't listen. Maybe you'll listen to Jed, it really is a gut punch of a film, in the best way. Just sort of brilliant and funny and incredibly sad at points which makes sense since it is primarily about relationships which follow a similar track at times. Go see it.


Knows the Score
I told you guys about Her weeks ago, but you didn't listen. Maybe you'll listen to Jed, it really is a gut punch of a film, in the best way. Just sort of brilliant and funny and incredibly sad at points which makes sense since it is primarily about relationships which follow a similar track at times. Go see it.

It isn't showing in Europe other than by, erm, limited release shall we say until Valentines Day so I think your recommendation was mostly missed.

Jedeye Sniv

I told you guys about Her weeks ago, but you didn't listen. Maybe you'll listen to Jed, it really is a gut punch of a film, in the best way. Just sort of brilliant and funny and incredibly sad at points which makes sense since it is primarily about relationships which follow a similar track at times. Go see it.

The whole bit with
the divorce was pretty raw for me and the mrs since we're in a similar place (together for years, "grew up together" <- that affected me more than anything else in the film I think - I don't want to get divorced! So scary)

I really think it was one of the most honest and 'real' films about relationships I've ever seen.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Absolutely man. It cuts deep on multiple levels I think because there are different things different people will relate to since they put so much in the film that hits the mark on how it feels to be alone or deal with an ex-love, be afraid of losing someone you love, become sick of a long-standing relationship etc. I completely agree that it is one of the most honest and real films about relationships that I've ever seen.
It isn't showing in Europe other than by, erm, limited release shall we say until Valentines Day so I think your recommendation was mostly missed.
Ah that would make sense. Royal command halted, you may see it when it is fully available in theaters.


Jed dropping the funnies today, much mirth has been had!
Damn Ninj, get your head checked mate. Meeting me in there is not a good sign!.
Haha, it was that voice, telltale giveaway.


I'm just glad you didn't shout out "aftersun".


Isn't "Her" Spike's writing debut too? Seems like it's been well received, good for him. I wish he'd direct music videos again though, he's done so much good stuff.

Son Of D

Weekend was pretty good here. Watched 'Her' on Friday (shhhhh), possibly the best film I've seen this decade, everyone needs to see this. Firmly in the (500) Days / Eternal Sunshine camp, it not only had a heartfelt and mesmerising love story (that made me want to put anatomy in ScarJo's sexy mouth) coupled with a fantastic and thorough treatment of a sci fi concept that has fascinated me for years. I loved it with all my heart.

Watched Skyfall on Saturday, confirming to me once and for all that when EVERYONE is saying something is good, it really means it's fairly mediocre and normal. Because most people are fucking mundane and couldn't recognise a good story if it shit in their mouth. Also, it was literally the same story as The Dark Knight apart from wisely cutting the Two Face scenes.

Whatcha writing?
I've been wanting to watch 'Her', heard a lot of good things. And if it's in the (500) Days and Eternal Sunshine camp... I think I'll definitely like it.

Re: Skyfall. I liked it on the first watch, but second time watching it it dragged on too long. It's ok at best if you ask me. Good cinematography though.

As for what I'm writing, I've been brainstorming more on that music video I mentioned a while back, plus writing down notes for a sci-fi (ish) short story. It's more Assassin's Creed esque with the memory simulation idea.


Who was it who recommended me Red Fang and Baroness? Absolutely loving them!
Yeah man, Red Fang are wicked. I've posted links in the past, I think Screaming Meat is a fan too. I've only heard Murder the Mountains, but it is marvellous. They remind me of Melvins at times, which can only be a good thing:

Melvins - June Bug

Stoner Witch is such a good record.
Not completely awful I suppose, but I heard a Zedd tune on Radio 1 the other day and it was super lame. Even with the little lady on vocals, it didn't float my boat. Here is a link for those who haven't been subjected to it yet:

Zedd ft. Hayley Williams - Stay The Night

Just so limp and meandering, not impressed. Even her vocals sound totally phoned in.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I'm not a fan of Zedd in general. But I liked the track I linked, more for the improvised bits rather than the BYOB sampling. Which is probably more thanks to Felguk than Zedd.
On the Lego Movie stuff: it's very good, and there is actually some stuff that could be spoiled about it. Very funny, very sweet and absolutely gorgeous.


I told you guys about Her weeks ago, but you didn't listen. Maybe you'll listen to Jed, it really is a gut punch of a film, in the best way. Just sort of brilliant and funny and incredibly sad at points which makes sense since it is primarily about relationships which follow a similar track at times. Go see it.

Alright, fine. Will add to my list.


formerly Oynox Slider
Yeah man, Red Fang are wicked. I've posted links in the past, I think Screaming Meat is a fan too. I've only heard Murder the Mountains, but it is marvellous. They remind me of Melvins at times, which can only be a good thing:

Melvins - June Bug

Stoner Witch is such a good record.

Yay Melvins. Will have a listen now.

PS I saw a few pages (?) back that you were thinking of getting a Sony Xperia phone? I have an Xperia T (the 'James Bond' phone) and it's bloody dreadful. Glitchy, slow and the Sony Walkman app doesn't even work properly (it likes to randomly quit, sometimes decides to stop songs halfway through and often forgets to start again once a call has finished). Grr. Apparently they've improved now, and the Z1 compact looks good (especially because my child-sized hands struggle with the bigger phones) but I'm scarred. I'm going back to iOS.

Son Of D

Re: Lego Movie. Hoping to see it next week. The inner child (and Lego nut) inside me is excited.

Re: Music. I'm on a bit of a QotSA binge at the moment. Only band I've listened to over the past few days.


formerly Oynox Slider
Re: Lego Movie. Hoping to see it next week. The inner child (and Lego nut) inside me is excited.

Re: Music. I'm on a bit of a QotSA binge at the moment. Only band I've listened to over the past few days.

I know the feeling. I lost a whole month just to Songs for the Deaf. :/


Knows the Score
Finally got round to playing Killer is Dead as it's been on my less than 15 quid list for a while, it looks amazing but my goodness it's shallow.


PS I saw a few pages (?) back that you were thinking of getting a Sony Xperia phone? I have an Xperia T (the 'James Bond' phone) and it's bloody dreadful. Glitchy, slow and the Sony Walkman app doesn't even work properly (it likes to randomly quit, sometimes decides to stop songs halfway through and often forgets to start again once a call has finished). Grr. Apparently they've improved now, and the Z1 compact looks good (especially because my child-sized hands struggle with the bigger phones) but I'm scarred. I'm going back to iOS.
Well the thing is, Android is a pretty solid platform nowadays, and the Z1 is a beast. I hear nothing but good things. The camera is crazy too. But give it a month and I'll be crying about wanting to be back on iOS! Never satisfied.

I was probably harsh on iOS, it's really slick and stuff, just too limiting for me. I like a bit more customisation. Plus, if I upgrade, I get a 10gb instead of 3gb allowance.

Cheers for the input Sploat, but I think I'll go back to the robot side. The batt on this iPhone is killing me mane!
Re: Music. I'm on a bit of a QotSA binge at the moment. Only band I've listened to over the past few days.
QOTSA and Rated R are their best records, but Songs is still amazing.
Finally got round to playing Killer is Dead as it's been on my less than 15 quid list for a while, it looks amazing but my goodness it's shallow.
That's Suda for you, style over substance personified.


formerly Oynox Slider
Well the thing is, Android is a pretty solid platform nowadays, and the Z1 is a beast. I hear nothing but good things. The camera is crazy too. But give it a month and I'll be crying about wanting to be back on iOS! Never satisfied.

I was probably harsh on iOS, it's really slick and stuff, just too limiting for me. I like a bit more customisation. Plus, if I upgrade, I get a 10gb instead of 3gb allowance.

Cheers for the input Sploat, but I think I'll go back to the robot side. The batt on this iPhone is killing me mane!

That's alright! I was tempted by that small phone myself! Phone sizes are just bonkers these days.


That's alright! I was tempted by that small phone myself! Phone sizes are just bonkers these days.
Yip, it's the only reason I held off on going back over for so long. I loved my Note, but it's embarrassingly large, I felt like Dom Joly making a phone call in public. When I was due an upgrade I looked at the vanilla Z1 but it was even bigger, it was like holding a small tea tray, the size of the thing is faintly ridiculous.

So I got the little iPhone and it's so much more practical but I don't like the operating system as much. So now they have downsized the Z1 to iPhone size with no noticeable compromises, I'm in there like swimwear. Sold boyee!

Now I just need to wait for it to launch on EE, but I'm in no rush. I'm quite happy using my iPhone until they pull their finger out.


Need to be more active here, I am not very efficient in my boarding time management.

Her sounds interesting, reminds me of a film I watched when I was going through my indie films must all be amazing phase. Film called Love Object, although way darker and sinister... with a more 'real' element to it. The trailer for it is terrible though, only watch the first half if you do.

Marc, that sucks. It's only a starter though, you've got to begin somewhere!

Got an acoustic anyway but I was being greedy, so it turned out my order was 'delayed' by the manufacturer so basically those guitars are out of production and someone went around buying up all the leftovers. Making me think they probably spontaneously explode or something.

Ended up getting a different cheap one, white to be the ying of my acoustics yang:


Now all I need to do is put in years of hard practice so I can play Paint it Black to myself when no one is around.


Are you in Manc? It's chucking it down isn't it?

I am around in the city centre today if you fancy a cup of tea.

I'm in Preston right now, then Stockport later, but I'll give you a shout when I know when I'm closest to actual manc :)
An evening would probably be best if you want, because I'm working like a dog in the days

Jedeye Sniv

Re: Lego Movie. Hoping to see it next week. The inner child (and Lego nut) inside me is excited.

Re: Music. I'm on a bit of a QotSA binge at the moment. Only band I've listened to over the past few days.

What do you think of the last record? I'm really impressed tbh, I had discounted everything since Songs for the Deaf (apart from make it Wit Chu which is god-tier), but I'm super super impressed with Like Clockwork. It sounds like the fourth album I actually wanted from them.

Roysters 'T-Bone Steak' crisps are the God of all crisps.

They're definitely in that upper echelon for me. red sunbites are my bag though, aww yeah.

Jedeye Sniv

Anyone else very excited by McDonald's Mario toys?

I AM!!!!!!!!!

oh wait I'm 30


One Day I Will Kill You - Deadbolt

Goin Out West - QOTSA

[url="http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7U9bVPUTLU&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DY7U9bVPUTLU]Little Drop of Poison -Tom "Motherfuckin'" Waits[/url]

by far and away my favourite Tom Waits song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9Mse62NFl4&feature=kp

I like weird shit a plenty but I can't get into Tom Waits at all. When I heard this song I was like WTF, he could sing normally??

ps your Tom Waits link is broken there. I clicked it!


What do you think of the last record? I'm really impressed tbh, I had discounted everything since Songs for the Deaf (apart from make it Wit Chu which is god-tier), but I'm super super impressed with Like Clockwork. It sounds like the fourth album I actually wanted from them.

I thought Lullabies to Paralyze had some really good songs as well (Tangled up in Plaid, I Never Came and Blood is Love), more so than Era Vulgaris though I've never managed to stomach it long enough to finish.


formerly Oynox Slider
I thought Lullabies to Paralyze had some really good songs as well (Tangled up in Plaid, I Never Came and Blood is Love), more so than Era Vulgaris though I've never managed to stomach it long enough to finish.

I thought Lullabies was pretty good too, it just had a little bit of filler. I feel sorry for Era Vulgaris, I love the sound of that album and I think it's got some great songs on it (Turning on the Screw, Sick Sick Sick, Run Pig Run...). Like Clockwork is actually one of my least favourite of theirs.


I thought Lullabies was pretty good too, it just had a little bit of filler. I feel sorry for Era Vulgaris, I love the sound of that album and I think it's got some great songs on it (Turning on the Screw, Sick Sick Sick, Run Pig Run...). Like Clockwork is actually one of my least favourite of theirs.

I wasn't too fond of Like Clockwork, but a few listens and I started liking it more and more, now I like all of it but the titular song.

Maybe one day I'll load up QOTSA (which I'm also not a massive fan of) and Era Vulgaris while I play PSO2. Listening to stuff while playing kinda forces me to get through it all as I can't be arsed to alt tab and change it.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
by far and away my favourite Tom Waits song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9Mse62NFl4&feature=kp

I like weird shit a plenty but I can't get into Tom Waits at all. When I heard this song I was like WTF, he could sing normally??

ps your Tom Waits link is broken there. I clicked it!

Thanks for the heads up. I fixed that bad boy.

I'm pretty sure there will be some Tom Waits out there for you. His early stuff is sweet but a little tame for me, I've always preferred him when he's either playing it super cool daddio or zooming out to the weirdest edges of music... all whilst speaking in werewolf tongues:

Kommienezuspadt - Tom "goddamned" Waits

Jockey Full of Bourbon - Tom "hot damn" Waits

Just the Right Bullets - Tom "I don't give a fuck" Waits

You need to watch that guy perform. He's incredible. I expect that whenever he takes his hat off a murder of crows will fly out and turn the sky black with feathers. Or summink.


How could I forget...

Way Down In the Hole - Tom "Mac Daddy" Waits


That tomato man I promised...


Jedeye Sniv

Also, since I've finally worked out how to use imgur, I'd like to introduce you all to lil Evy Eris and my comedy wife:


Awww lovely family there man :)

edit: I'm starting to think that lo-res but massive phone pictures are an interesting new aesthetic that will be mostly confined to this era we're in now. I love the big circular fuzzy pixels.
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