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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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New Street or there abouts? Some good pubs in and around the city centre if you look hard enough. They're not part of a chain either (Wetherspoons, etc) so are nice and cheap. I'll try and organise a mini-meet in Birmingham some time.

Yeah near New Street. Can't remember the name of the pub but they had lots of real ales. I'm not up in Brum much for work, maybe 4 times a year.


Yeah near New Street. Can't remember the name of the pub but they had lots of real ales. I'm not up in Brum much for work, maybe 4 times a year.
The Briar Rose is the only one I can think of but I think that's a Wetherspoons now. There's one just outside New Street station which is an 'individual' pub. I can't remember the name of it but my ex and I went there for a meal and a drink on a night out and we got refused service for pudding because my ex didn't have ID with her as the pudding contained booze - but they'd been serving us drinks all night. Birmingham, mane, it's a crazy place.

On an unrelated note, my first ever 'sext' has just been sent. I feel really weird sending it, it's like...I don't know. It just feels weird simply texting my girlfriend, telling her what I'd do to her. I'd much rather, you know, actually be doing it to her.


Obsidian fan
"Bury me alive, bury me with pride
Bury me with berries, that forbidden fruit and cherry wine
Thank you berry much, but tonight's my night and I'm Barry Bonds
Swingin' for the fences, barbaric Kendrick in idle time
Everything in life's subject to change, change whip, change grind
Change clothes, change opinions, right before I change my mind
I don't really know yah business, been in there since I was bendin' Lego blocks
Now you tell the world about me, dry snitch Tater tots...
on my shotgun, now I gotta pop one at the stars
Sky's the limit, I gotta finish as the first rapper on Mars
Mark my word, I'mma make my mark, even when they start their Martial Law
Even when these Martians alienate, my mental state is still at heart
look in my eyes,
tell me I died,
tell me I tried, to compromise
Tell me you love me,
tell me that I,
don't give a fuck and can barely decide
Wishin' good luck on my enemies, all of my energy go to the almighty God, I could drown in a bottle of Hennessy, fuck your amenities, I'm gettin' better with time"


Most intense shit ever.

Shittin eck @ this



Had to be coaxed off a bridge last night by the police in the local bay

Probably would have jumped or at least gone into the bay, but someone phoned them.

Not sure what to think. I'm still having to go to work today, and I've still got no idea if I still want to continue with things

Nothings or no one is helping me
Had to be coaxed off a bridge last night by the police in the local bay

Probably would have jumped or at least gone into the bay, but someone phoned them.

Not sure what to think. I'm still having to go to work today, and I've still got no idea if I still want to continue with things

Nothings or no one is helping me

jesus dude, I don't even know what to say to that. What is it you're looking for by posting that here? Do you want us to give you sympathy, or advice? Did you just feel you needed to get it off your chest? Do you want to talk to someone? I can give you all of these things.

I'm sorry things are so bad in your life that you feel it has come to something as drastic as this. I thought things were looking up for you? From your last few posts it seems your job was going really well and you were happy with things? That sort of up and down mood swing is a clear sign of manic depression, so my advice would be get to your doctor asap. Tell him exactly how you're feeling, what you've been going through, and ask him for help. He can prescribe drugs, or point you in the direction of a professional you can talk to.

If you want to talk to someone more in depth about your problems/feelings please pm me, I have a lot of experience with these matters and am a very good listener.

But do not do nothing, you clearly need help.


CHEEZMO™;100573052 said:
Shittin eck @ this


Right?! First time hearing the verse I was all like "Holy shit! Dat build up! Dat raw emotion!" and

and richisawesome, hope you seek professional help and get well real real soon.


formerly Oynox Slider
jesus dude, I don't even know what to say to that. What is it you're looking for by posting that here? Do you want us to give you sympathy, or advice? Did you just feel you needed to get it off your chest? Do you want to talk to someone? I can give you all of these things.

I'm sorry things are so bad in your life that you feel it has come to something as drastic as this. I thought things were looking up for you? From your last few posts it seems your job was going really well and you were happy with things? That sort of up and down mood swing is a clear sign of manic depression, so my advice would be get to your doctor asap. Tell him exactly how you're feeling, what you've been going through, and ask him for help. He can prescribe drugs, or point you in the direction of a professional you can talk to.

If you want to talk to someone more in depth about your problems/feelings please pm me, I have a lot of experience with these matters and am a very good listener.

But do not do nothing, you clearly need help.

Rich, I don't know you but please listen to Musha.

I know what it's like to want to do the 'big thing' - I've tried and failed in the past - but things DO get better. If I can help in anyway just ask.


Knows the Score
Hey Rich, just to echo what others are saying, you need to speak to someone who can help you with your feelings, don't bottle it up and I hope you'll be in a better mindset soon.


Not to detract from your woes, I found out my uncle died recently and I've been trying to organise a quick return for the funeral next week. As soon as I've booked a flight to Edinburgh I get a weather alert on my phone announcing high gales and I may as well have just stood at the top of a hill with my coat billowed out to let the wind carry me instead.



Rich, depression is horrible to deal with and feels impossible to shake, but know that when you're actually approaching attempts at suicide is when you're coming out of depression a lot of the time.

Things are never as bad as they seem (and I know how desolate things CAN seem), you just need to find the right help, whether it's counselling, medication or even just changing your life balance.

I know that sounds bollocks and unhelpful. My mum used to just tell me that I needed to change my diet and sleep more when I was cutting myself and when I attempted as a teenager and it feels like your issues are being brushed off and made to seem insignificant. I'm not saying that though.

I just want you to know that your life is a whole lot more valuable and important to those around you than your problems are insurmountable.

Talk to somebody. Talk to me if there's nobody you'd rather talk to, just don't let yourself feel like this without doing something positive.


Please tell me after taking that picture you picked up the head and went about your day with it. Something that wonderful cannot be left on the street, it needs to be claimed.

Sadly that picture is not mine but the street that it's supposedly on is about 5 mins away from my place. Tempted to see if it's still there after work or - at least - turned into a shrine.


Maturity, bitches.
And now I realise that the first thing that comes to mind is a humourous comment whenever it is not appropriate. At least I have to skill to keep my mouth shut/not post it, but clearly I'm a terrible shoulder to cry on.

Jedeye Sniv

And now I realise that the first thing that comes to mind is a humourous comment whenever it is not appropriate. At least I have to skill to keep my mouth shut/not post it, but clearly I'm a terrible shoulder to cry on.

Hell, before reading Rich's post I was about to say "I have no biscuits in the office, time to find a bridge". But I'm tactful innit.

Get well Rich, we're with you man.


formerly Oynox Slider
And now I realise that the first thing that comes to mind is a humourous comment whenever it is not appropriate. At least I have to skill to keep my mouth shut/not post it, but clearly I'm a terrible shoulder to cry on.

BGBW, what does your name mean? It sounds like a sexual acronym, like BDSM or BBW.


Knows the Score
I know it's an attract mode kind of thing, but I keep going back to look at this. Not only is it Elite many years later, but it's on the cover of a magazine in a very Blade Runnery fashion.



Rich, I won't attempt to offer help or consolation as I'm an emotional cripple and my soul is an empathetic vacuum, but I hope you get the professional help you clearly need. Chin up buddy.

I found the perfect Less Than Jake song for NinjaBoiX

Less Than Jake - Yo Yo Ninja Boy
Aww Mush! Genuinely had me laughing and grinning like an idiot. Bravo Soturi, bravo.

Here, have some more Op Ivy in return, you can never have too much:
Operation Ivy - Take Warning
Yes, it's BBW with a hint of gnarliness.

It's just my initials
I know what it really means...


Jed, I very nearly posted "that" gif in the "white people can't dance" thread, but I chose to respect your wishes.

It would've shut the naysayers right up though innit.
As eggybob gleefully shouts at meets, it's Big Gay B** W********* ;)
Haha, that's the one!

Acrid has taken to calling me XBoi, I like it.



Rich, it goes without saying that I'm glad you were talked down. I'd hate to think one of our own is suffering so much they feel the need to take their life. Drop me, or any of us, a message when you can. It sounds cliche, I know, but having someone to talk to really does help. From experience, I recommend Musha or Mike. They're both great at listening and even better at giving advice. I'd be lost without their pearls of wisdom. Chin up, pal.

Jedeye Sniv

Jed, I very nearly posted "that" gif in the "white people can't dance" thread, but I chose to respect your wishes.

It would've shut the naysayers right up though innit.

I thank you for your restraint. I don't know if I could take being turned into a 'lol white people' gif. Black people are so mean, man. So what if we can't dance and have tiny cocks :(

I might as well ask a mod to change my username to "Big Gay".



thanks guys

I've been given two days leave from work, and I've got an appointment with a specialist from bupa for a talk, just gotta phone them up.

its not good completely breaking down at work today, but at least im feeling better now. but last night, I would have jumped into the ravine if I hadn't heard my daughter on the phone.

I don't know what I was thinking - I didn't have any rational thoughts apart from just "fuck this, I can't deal with this anymore"


edit: i got mud all over the inside of the police car last night, oops

(It's from an article about how guys behind counters in comic book stores are dicks but I seem to remember you had an issue with 'new' Lobo, Musha.)


Yeah new Lobo sucks ass, totally trying to appeal to the Twilight market. They've done the same thing with lots of characters though, making Ollie Queen younger etc. I understand why they've done it, but original Lobo was so much more badass.


Is that a thing, guys behind counters in comic book stores being assholes? I've only ever been to, like, three in my lifetime but they all seemed pretty sound to me. The one was the more mainstream Forbidden Planet store, though, but still.
maybe it's just more of a problem in USA, but I've never had a problem. I've always found guys in comic book stores don't treat me any different to anyone else, they're always super friendly and happy to help out no matter who you are.


Knows the Score
Yeah, I think it's more of a US Bro culture thing. The comic shops I used to frequent in the UK (and the ones I've found in Europe) usually had a decent mix of guys and girls behind the counters.

Blink Me

Yeah, I think it's more of a US Bro culture thing. The comic shops I used to frequent in the UK (and the ones I've found in Europe) usually had a decent mix of guys and girls behind the counters.

Yeah the one I go to has a woman working there as well and they've always been friendly to my ex when we go in. Now that I think about it most of the comic stores I've been to in the UK seem to have female staff working there.

Also I had a wisper gold today and there was a giant hole in the middle of the bar where the caramel was supposed to be. I don't even know how that was possible.

On the subject of depression, its a horrible thing to have to deal with. I'm still on citalopram and debating whether to come off since I relapsed quite quickly last time I came off. Been on and off it for nearly 4 years now since my anxiety attacks used to be so bad that I couldn't eat without chundering.
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