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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes

i'd roll down the treble a little on the overall EQ, mainly the hi-hats and guitar and perhaps use an acoustic for the main guitar picked part. overall minor technical annoyances that can be easily fixed. your vocalist is particularly impressive and definitely buckley-esque.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Cross-posting what I posted in the rock music thread since I'd love to hear some opinions if possible.

S'very nice. Definitely hearing the Buckley influence Ninj mentioned. Best bit: the vocals at the end sounding like a guitar on those top notes (iPhone speakers may have done that). Guy has some serious range!

On another note, I've mostly been listening to The Drift by Scott Walker:

Scott Walker - Cossacks Are

Scott Walker - Jesse

He's mental. He uses a donkey on one track and meat for percussion on another.

Stewart Lee was amazing. Didn't even realise that lasted for 2.5 hours. Didn't know he briefs the audience on what he's going to do. I have watched a lot of Stewart Lee over the last year, so there's bound to be some repeated segments like islamophobia but that goes for any comedian and he was aware how changing events affect some of his segments' elements. It was great to see him try the observational comedy routine, riffing on Michael McIntyre, Lee Mack, or Frankie Boyle. Also went off on Mock the Week or other comedy panel shows, which was well-timed as I just was watching Richard Herring and Sara Pascoe discuss the mechanics of panel shows last night. He's gone on Paul Nuttall from UKIP before but this time totally twisted it into a new segment about the English flag and his sick pet cat while his wife is away for 3 weeks. His screed at the BAFTAs results was brilliant. I love how he already had audiences' laugh variation and quatity in mind, so he'd go off on about how we weren't laughing at the right bits of the sentence. His transitions into his characters is so seamless that the audience will laugh at the low-brow jokes while less at the high-brow ones and feel sorry for him which perfectly works for his bits as an angry comedian professor. Throughout he was basically daring us to not laugh, which was quite hard even with the use of brechtian alienation device. Just had to laugh about the Maltese flies. The whole urine and his grandpa segment was just genius.

It's just great deconstructionist satire. He's so self-aware and meta about his position ("politically correct middle class liberal), what people think of him (that Telegraph "contempt for his audience" review), what kinds of comedy there are, what kind of comedy is expected of someone in their late 40s (personal stories, kids say the darndest things, nostalgia wanking), and how they misinterpret his characters. There was one predictable joke about post-marital sex being crap, but that still was delivered brilliantly. All of it makes him out to be actually the most human of comedians.

Next year he's gonna come back with the more narrative style of Carpet Remnant World, which means there'll be lighting, sets, and all that which means by his words that the ticket will cost £4 more hehe.


Lee and Herring remain 2 of the most underrated comedians of all time. RHLSTP is constantly great, does Stewart do anything outside of touring? I'm pretty sure that last thing I saw him on was Time Trumpet.


In that case job well done! I always found mixing really difficult at home, it's definitely worth paying the money to record everything in a studio and getting a pro to do it for you. But for a home demo it's not bad at all, let me know if you guys have any gigs in London.
We'll be going into the studio later this year, we just needed something to get out there for now. It also gives us time to finesse things live before recording properly.

I'll keep you posted on gigs!

Agreed on the Jeff Buckley thing.

Got a nice sound there Xun, good stuff!
Cheers mate!

i'd roll down the treble a little on the overall EQ, mainly the hi-hats and guitar and perhaps use an acoustic for the main guitar picked part. overall minor technical annoyances that can be easily fixed. your vocalist is particularly impressive and definitely buckley-esque.
Having listened to it on more devices I definitely agree with you there.

The hi-hats are a little overbearing and there is a tad too much treble on the guitars as well. Ironically though the main guitar part was recorded with an acoustic, even if it does sound like an electric.

Cheers for the comments!

S'very nice. Definitely hearing the Buckley influence Ninj mentioned. Best bit: the vocals at the end sounding like a guitar on those top notes (iPhone speakers may have done that). Guy has some serious range!
Thanks for the compliments mate! I'll let our singer (who is actually called Guy) know.

I must say it's great finally getting something out there! Thanks for all the comments everyone.
how the flying fuck does someone get into IT support? i feel like that might be the only thing i could actually do as a career maybe.

anyone ever feel like every decision they've ever made career/education wise has been the wrong one?


Maturity, bitches.
how the flying fuck does someone get into IT support? i feel like that might be the only thing i could actually do as a career maybe.

anyone ever feel like every decision they've ever made career/education wise has been the wrong one?
Well I started as a volunteer where I currently work. But their IT needs were far more basic so literally just saying I had a comp sci degree and knew how to turn a PC on was all I needed.


Neo Member
how the flying fuck does someone get into IT support? i feel like that might be the only thing i could actually do as a career maybe.

anyone ever feel like every decision they've ever made career/education wise has been the wrong one?

IT support is weird to get into as most places require at least 6 months to a year experience, obviously that's not something you have if this will be your 1st job in the industry.

Try poking around at 1st line roles on service desks, that's the best place to start as some places there will take someone on with no experience. Obviously you will need to show that you know your stuff to a certain degree but that's usually done at the interview stage with phone tests before the interview etc.

Give it a go. 1st line is a start then once you get your foot in the door and get the experience behind you, more options will open up for you.

Also hey everyone! I spent the weekend being violently ill and watching the league on Netflix. That sums up my last 3 days. How's things?


Y'all should get a trade behind you and stop being office drone chumps. It's something you've always got to fall back on and friends and family always want a bit of help with that kind of stuff. Plus the money is good.

Becoming an electrician was the best decision I ever made career wise, I'd hate to be stuck in an office all day. My new job will def have office duties but I've got 7 tower blocks to manage so I'll be mooching about plenty.
the problem with 'getting a trade' is that you'd have to go for an apprenticeship, if even possible, or an incredibly low paid junior role. most won't hire you without college education in the relevant field either.


Yeah, I got lucky with my apprenticeship, they provided everything and the pay was great considering:

1st year - 11k
2nd year - 16k
3rd year - 19k
4th year - 23k
Qualified - 26k starting

Bored me to tears in the end though and Sunderland sucks balls.
I like being at a desk. I play with internet crayons all day and make pretty things in a comfy chair.
I'd get cabin fever staring at the same four walls all day. It'd drive me crazy. Plus, sitting on your arse for 9 hours a day isn't exactly conducive to a healthy lifestyle.

I just couldn't do it anymore. Did it for a few years as a younger man, hated it.


Hello Everybody! Going to see Stewart Lee soon. He's my favorite comedian.

Also, I won't eat fish & chips unless it's haddock. Cod is shit! Come at me bros


Had my second interview for a developer role in a digital creative agency yesterday. First casual interview on Monday went great. Second interview went well too. Met the director and she was impressed that I am capable of meeting with business clients and take down requirements thanks to my current job. Was a bit rusty on the technical exam though :/ Did my best. Hopefully, this job will get me to sharpen my skills and get me out of my comfort zone. While my current job had a few great perks, I felt I was coasting and not challenging myself the past year. Most of my work colleagues are like 5 years from retirement so yeah... Not a great position to be in. Something new and fresh will hopefully resolve that :)

Plus, it's only 30 mins walk away from home compared to 30 mins drive so I can be healthy.

Wish me luck BritGAF.
"For too long, we have been saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone',"

That's got to be one of the scariest quotes I've ever read. David Cameron, of course.
"For too long, we have been saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone',"

That's got to be one of the scariest quotes I've ever read. David Cameron, of course.
does his bond villain-esque routine give him kicks? he must be aware of how utterly orwellian that sounds.
thanks voters, thanks media, thanks.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
"For too long, we have been saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone',"

Have we ever said that to our citizens? Even implicitly? I don't think so.

Though as a Conservative I should mention it isn't "our citizens" it is "our subjects of the Queen" or something like that.

EDIT: Perhaps what he meant to say was "For at least the last 100 years, we have been saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will assume you have not paid your TV licence, post leaflets through your door requiring you to inform us of a change of address, require you to report your income from *all sources* promptly and under penalty of a fine, conscript you if we wish to the armed forces, deny you access to the [legal advisor/toilet/social worker/doctor](*) because you do not have enough [money/time/illness/of an innocent face](*), require you to fill in an over impressively large form with obscure questions if you [have a job/don't have a job/are self-employed/are not self-employed/require medical assistance/don't require medical assistance/exist](*), prevent you from carrying a three-branched candlestick at night through a market town, BUT so long as you then obey the law we will leave you alone except for, um, taxes, regulations on what work you may do and where and how you may solicit it, further regulations on who you may employ and for how much and for how long and under what conditions, and who you may make friends with, photograph, enjoy beer with, have sex with. Oh and also, it's probably an offense of some kind to not know how many square feet there are in wherever the place you are living is. etc etc

But that's not very soundbiteworthy.

I can't be arsed to fill in all the links in the above.

Q: Why the fuck am I a Conservative?

A: Because most of the above is kind of true anyway, and at least the Tories are honest-ish about it. That's sort of why.
"it doesn't matter if you obey the law because we have the world's biggest metadata combing infrastructure in place so we know what you're up to regardless but obviously you shouldn't worry because you're not doing anything wrong now, are you?"


formerly Oynox Slider
Have we ever said that to our citizens? Even implicitly? I don't think so.

Though as a Conservative I should mention it isn't "our citizens" it is "our subjects of the Queen" or something like that.

EDIT: Perhaps what he meant to say was "For at least the last 100 years, we have been saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will assume you have not paid your TV licence, post leaflets through your door requiring you to inform us of a change of address, require you to report your income from *all sources* promptly and under penalty of a fine, conscript you if we wish to the armed forces, deny you access to the [legal advisor/toilet/social worker/doctor](*) because you do not have enough [money/time/illness/of an innocent face](*), require you to fill in an over impressively large form with obscure questions if you [have a job/don't have a job/are self-employed/are not self-employed/require medical assistance/don't require medical assistance/exist](*), prevent you from carrying a three-branched candlestick at night through a market town, BUT so long as you then obey the law we will leave you alone except for, um, taxes, regulations on what work you may do and where and how you may solicit it, further regulations on who you may employ and for how much and for how long and under what conditions, and who you may make friends with, photograph, enjoy beer with, have sex with. Oh and also, it's probably an offense of some kind to not know how many square feet there are in wherever the place you are living is. etc etc

But that's not very soundbiteworthy.

I can't be arsed to fill in all the links in the above.

Q: Why the fuck am I a Conservative?

A: Because most of the above is kind of true anyway, and at least the Tories are honest-ish about it. That's sort of why.

Hi sheep!

I imagine that as a business owner, the Tories probably represent your interests the best.

I really struggle with the Tories , though. It might be growing up with clause 28, the miners' strikes and an ardent left wing family, but I find them so upsetting.

I won't go into all of the hyperbole but just in a practical sense, Tory governments privatised BT, destroying my dad's livelihood and mental health, they have historically opposed anything to do with gay or trans rights (and while admittedly more socially liberal now have appointed a 'defence of marriage' advocate as equalities minister) and have decimated the majority of alternative education provision that Emma has worked in (three schools have been closed down in the last five years, each time prompting her to move jobs).
I have had to wait over 5 years for fairly essential surgery, when pre-Tories the wait was 6 months. I've seen the majority of libraries in Manchester close and my home town of Blackpool reduced to a rotten husk. I know those last two points could come down to local politics, but I can't help the feeling that the Tories shit on the North because it's politically expedient.

Edit - by shit I mean that I wouldn't expect the Tories to cut council funding to Surrey as much as they would in, say, Bolton.

On a personal level, I find it immensely upsetting to see a group of incredibly wealthy upper class men telling poor people to live within their means, when they themselves have never experienced a sliver of poverty. I also find the collusion between the Tories and the Murdoch empire vile and (I'm not being hyperbolic here) cancerous.

At the same time, I appreciate that the Tories are good for the middle classes. I work in a profession where Tory tax policy benefits businesses (although how much of that is just the leadership of those businesses is open to debate).

Morally though, there's something about the core of the Tories I find hugely distressing. I have the feeling that as the child of an immigrant, who belongs to the LGBT community and believes in truly public services and equality across class and race, the Tories aren't my party at all. If I lived in the wealthier South, I may feel differently, but in the North I just see a wealthy London cabal running the country for the profits of a few, aided by a media and their own Etonian innate belief in their divine right to rule.

Edit / I feel I need to make really clear that I'm talking about the party and not those who vote for them. I may disagree with you on the politics but I in no way believe that voting Tory suddenly turns you into a lizard incapable of human connection who kicks homeless people for fun. The Tories aren't evil and neither are people who vote for them and I think that narrative is pretty toxic itself.
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