UKIP may end up slightly refashioning themselves now, being the most frustrated by FPTP so they may pick up the mantle of electoral reform pusher as the Lib Dems attempted previously. I mean, the better part of 4 million people voted for them and they barely managed 1 seat. Oddly they also complained on behalf of the Greens.
Dumping Nigel might give them the opportunity to clean up their image and having Suzanne Evans (polite and affable, wrote their manifesto and hasn't had any major fuck ups) or Douglas Carswell (experience as an MP in a respectable party, stiff backed but sensible, now UKIP's only actual MP) take leadership could help smooth over the party's reputation. It was all a bit too easy to link Farage with his pints and guffawing to the scandals. The flip side of that is that UKIP might seemingly lose the "they're all the same but we're not" thing where they get to be politically incorrect because that's wot real people fink, common sense etc.
Or they may just fade into obscurity.
Maybe Kilroy will come back.
I can't see them going with anyone other than Farage if he stands for the leadership, he was actually doing a decent job of making them appear respectable in the face of mental new outbursts by his colleagues every other day*. It's got to have been the hardest job in politics trying to keep that party above water. Obviously anyone with half a brain could see through the "we're not racist" charade fairly easily, but I think that was the point. The charade enabled him to do politics while still covertly appealing to four million racists - he was acting very astutely really.
*I still laugh every time I think about that video of Rozanne Duncan.