show me your skeleton
And then you can get destiny
And then you can join the clique
already have that crap taking up hard drive space on my 360 so NO THANK YOU.
And then you can get destiny
And then you can join the clique
Hi BGAF, it's been a few weeks, wait Sploatee is still on about Destiny?
Oh sploats...
already have that crap taking up hard drive space on my 360 so NO THANK YOU.
do you have to be so rude, really? Do you? Destiny and I are really close you don't have to speak like that :-(
britgaf is an intervention, sploatee. it's time you faced your little 'destiny' problem head-on.
i want a ps4 so bad![]()
It's okay, you don't need one, the PS4 is just for the cool kids. I don't even use mine, it's just a symbol of status... but also because I overestimated how much I wanted to play the games available on it.
It's okay, you don't need one, the PS4 is just for the cool kids. I don't even use mine, it's just a symbol of status... but also because I overestimated how much I wanted to play the games available on it.
Hi BGAF, it's been a few weeks, wait Sploatee is still on about Destiny?
Oh sploats...
maybe i'll buy a cheap wii-u off of ebay.
Dealing with car crap before I can prep for things in June. Work is whatever. Dating is whatever.Longer than that surely? How are the tricks?
Masters offers, assuming they aren't for an integrated course should be 2:1 in a relevant subject. Funding for it is different although you should be eligible for pg loans
Congratulations by the way, I have a few MSc economics friends. They all work in investment banks now.
Anyone here listen to the Barry and Angelo's podcast?
I bought the Daily Mail today and no matter how many times I shower I still feel dirty.
Is there no cure?
So I borrowed Tomb Raider for PS4 from a colleague and so far (about 70% through) I'm fairly impressed with it. Though it takes a while to get going and there's far too much of the "climb across this shit that's collapsing" schtick from Uncharted for me. Jesus, what a Calamity Jane, everything she touches either bursts into flames or falls to rubble or both, any time she heads out to rescue someone, they die. Walking across a rickety bridge for the fourth time I'm actually surprised when the bridge doesn't burst into splinters.
Anyway, the way the game signposts what you can and can't climb on is less insulting than Uncharted, which basically goes "jump repeatedly at this yellow shit you thick cunt". The rope bow and climbing axe give you a few different ways to get around. I do wish there were more optional tombs to do... I don't understand why there's a generic box at the end of each tomb but you get a 3D render of nonsense collectables no one cares about, complete with a description from Lara. But no, this artefact you recovered from a momentarily challenging tomb is less worthy of that treatment than some shit you found on the floor.
Combat is quite good, nice satisfying shotgun, the dodge mechanic is also quite fun to use. Enemies become a bit spongy later on but it's never horrendous. The skills and gear stuff at camps is good, although it doesn't really feel like you can specialise, it's just a matter of time until you unlock everything. I feel like the upgrade parts you need to craft a new rifle or pistol or whatever shouldn't just be picked up from random enemies or crates.
One aspect I found a bit strange was that one of the first things you need to do is hunt a deer because Lara is hungry. That's the whole reason you get the bow and arrow in the first place, so you can hunt a deer. Funnily enough, that hunger is never a problem ever again, and the whole survival thing doesn't even come into the game. Any animal you kill or fruit you forage just gives you XP. It seems like there was a clash between the survival story the developers wanted to tell and the game they wanted to make.
Still, overall I'm enjoying the game and will actually finish it before I jump into The Witcher 3 .
My rating so far: N for Not Bad
Was it for the Lego toy? Might as well and go and lambast immigrants and house prices at your next drinks and nibbles evening tbh.
Yeah it was. I already feel way more racist. Maybe I got some kind of cancer from it.
My rating so far: N for Not Bad
Basically how I felt about it. Underappreciated game.
Why isn't that enough? Gamers always seem to want a cookie days, a figurative pat on the head for simply playing the game.Lots of room for improvement though. Particularly with the optional tombs. For one, they are too short, quite often its one simple physics puzzle you need to figure out to complete it. The other problem is the lack of satisfaction, you get a generic chest with the same animation at the end. You haven't found anything actually interesting, you've just opened a box and gotten some XP. That XP feels more or less redundant since it's just a matter of time until you unlock all the skills. So basically the puzzles presented by the tombs are only worth the novelty they present and even then, they're too short.
Why isn't that enough? Gamers always seem to want a cookie days, a figurative pat on the head for simply playing the game.
Portal 1 & 2 are basically a string of puzzles that are there for nothing more than the novelty they present and yet they're two of the very best, most satisfying games you could hope to play.
I might play some Tomb Raider today, I need something else to focus my nerdy energy on while I wait to dive back into Destiny bounties tomorrow.
Or maybe Evil Within, hmmm...
Why isn't that enough? Gamers always seem to want a cookie days, a figurative pat on the head for simply playing the game.
Portal 1 & 2 are basically a string of puzzles that are there for nothing more than the novelty they present and yet they're two of the very best, most satisfying games you could hope to play.
I might play some Tomb Raider today, I need something else to focus my nerdy energy on while I wait to dive back into Destiny bounties tomorrow.
Or maybe Evil Within, hmmm...
Where has he been lately, actually? I can't remember the last time I've seen his mug around.Btw
I guess I can see what you guys mean, and some genres benefit more than others by rewarding the player. Racing games for example:
"Good job on winning, now here is a faster car that's harder to control, see how you get on with that."
It's a good way of not only rewarding players but also as a means of moderating the difficulty curve.
But other games, puzzle games being the obvious example, simply solving the current challenge should be reward enough.
Where has he been lately, actually? I can't remember the last time I've seen his mug around.
Face. His face. I thought you Brits invented that piece of slang.
Face. His face. I thought you Brits invented that piece of slang.
His fault for adding question marks.
His fault for adding question marks.
Also watched part of a great documentary on the Spanish Civil War last night. Fascinating time, makes you wonder if there was a similar situation in Europe right now whether or not you'd see a load of people volunteering.
Thanks! Yeah I have my degree, so hopefully the condition is a formality like hearing back from my referees. Worst case would be a grueling interview.
I hope it can take me into consultancy work ideally.
Nope, what's the cast about?
I asked this about Milton Keynes and people responded that it's basically a desolate wasteland, so I was wondering - what's Sevenoaks like to live in/what is there to do in Sevenoaks? Cause I've just received an offer for a place on BT's Graduate programme for the security team there.
Sevenoaks is one village along from where I'm from.
I asked this about Milton Keynes and people responded that it's basically a desolate wasteland, so I was wondering - what's Sevenoaks like to live in/what is there to do in Sevenoaks? Cause I've just received an offer for a place on BT's Graduate programme for the security team there.
Sevenoaks is one village along from where I'm from. It is a pretty nice, fancy place. Very posh and suburban. But like a lot of Kent, there isn't much for the young outside of London. Getting to London is fairly easy on the train though.
Sevenoaks has a good gym, some golf courses but not much else of convenience. Very expensive place to live as well, given its function as a commuter town for London. Nearest proper urban area is Maidstone (or Tonbridge I suppose, never liked the place) which I always describe as having everything you could reasonably need from a town but nothing you'd want.
It has a way less cynical feeling than MK, but is more for late 30s+ people than graduates.
Congratulations on the offer!
Wouldn't exactly call it a desolate wasteland. It's just a bit more "pipe and slippers" than most places. I grew up in MK and even though it can get a bit stale there's a fair bit to do, lots of parks, MK DONS OI OI, easy to travel to London etc.
Grats on the offer.