I don't drink...nerdkiller stop, you're drunk.
Praise be to Jesus.
Mick, scummiest of all co-dwellers hath been smote. Unable to pay his month's rent up front and his deposit in time, our Land Lady fair has decreed that he is not fit to live amongst us and has been banished back to whichever pit of fire and feces he crawled out of.
A shadow has been lifted from this house and from our hearts. No more will we have to endure long winded stories about how violent London is/was/probably wasn't backintheday, or tales of his old mates getting nicked by the olde bill. No more will I have to endure the sight of his horrifically crooked teeth or the withered visage of his rude and unwholesome girlfriend, who moved in with him having known him for all of two weeks. No more will we have to endure the sound of Mick and his Harpy's night time rutting or suffer the creeping suspicion that they have been fornicating in the living room. No more invitations to seedy sex parties and no more questioning of our sexualities when we politely decline. And no more will we have to put up with "coincidental" problems with the hot water in the house days after an apparently cash strapped plumber moves in.
We have been liberated, we did not even need to fake a haunting as planned. My mind is no longer preoccupied with dark plots of deceit, sabotage or murder. It is like a poisonous fog that had gripped me has been cleared and the sun is shining, cleansing my soul with it's warmth. I have no regrets: my conscience is clear, my buttocks are smooth.
It is a good day.
I don't drink...
I grind up and snort toads.
Praise be to Jesus.
Mick, scummiest of all co-dwellers hath been smote. Unable to pay his month's rent up front and his deposit in time, our Land Lady fair has decreed that he is not fit to live amongst us and has been banished back to whichever pit of fire and feces he crawled out of.
A shadow has been lifted from this house and from our hearts. No more will we have to endure long winded stories about how violent London is/was/probably wasn't backintheday, or tales of his old mates getting nicked by the olde bill. No more will I have to endure the sight of his horrifically crooked teeth or the withered visage of his rude and unwholesome girlfriend, who moved in with him having known him for all of two weeks. No more will we have to endure the sound of Mick and his Harpy's night time rutting or suffer the creeping suspicion that they have been fornicating in the living room. No more invitations to seedy sex parties and no more questioning of our sexualities when we politely decline. And no more will we have to put up with "coincidental" problems with the hot water in the house days after an apparently cash strapped plumber moves in.
We have been liberated, we did not even need to fake a haunting as planned. My mind is no longer preoccupied with dark plots of deceit, sabotage or murder. It is like a poisonous fog that had gripped me has been cleared and the sun is shining, cleansing my soul with it's warmth. I have no regrets: my conscience is clear, my buttocks are smooth.
It is a good day.
Praise be to Jesus.
Mick, scummiest of all co-dwellers hath been smote. Unable to pay his month's rent up front and his deposit in time, our Land Lady fair has decreed that he is not fit to live amongst us and has been banished back to whichever pit of fire and feces he crawled out of.
A shadow has been lifted from this house and from our hearts. No more will we have to endure long winded stories about how violent London is/was/probably wasn't backintheday, or tales of his old mates getting nicked by the olde bill. No more will I have to endure the sight of his horrifically crooked teeth or the withered visage of his rude and unwholesome girlfriend, who moved in with him having known him for all of two weeks. No more will we have to endure the sound of Mick and his Harpy's night time rutting or suffer the creeping suspicion that they have been fornicating in the living room. No more invitations to seedy sex parties and no more questioning of our sexualities when we politely decline. And no more will we have to put up with "coincidental" problems with the hot water in the house days after an apparently cash strapped plumber moves in.
We have been liberated, we did not even need to fake a haunting as planned. My mind is no longer preoccupied with dark plots of deceit, sabotage or murder. It is like a poisonous fog that had gripped me has been cleared and the sun is shining, cleansing my soul with it's warmth. I have no regrets: my conscience is clear, my buttocks are smooth.
It is a good day.
This brings up a question I've been meaning to ask. For you guys and girls that have had a lot of roommate experience, what is your interview / testing process when assessing a potential housemate? Ever been caught unaware by someone you got along well with that ended up being horrible? What are your deal-breakers?Now to start worrying about how bad your next housemate will be
This brings up a question I've been meaning to ask. For you guys and girls that have had a lot of roommate experience, what is your interview / testing process when assessing a potential housemate? Ever been caught unaware by someone you got along well with that ended up being horrible? What are your deal-breakers?
I've never lived alone or with housemates. I've only ever lived with my parents growing up, my cousin when I moved back to the USA, and gotten a flat with two different girlfriends. I'm back at my dad's place at the moment but eventually want to move and possible get a roommate so I can afford something decent.
woah now, you're american?
Sounds like implosive rage. Those kinds of people are dangerous.
I like the idea of a sitcom with Dapperbandit and Genghis Khan somehow being his roomate. Dapper has to teach him how to deal with modern life situations like having his shows accidentally deleted on the living room DVR, dealing with Nintendo fans on online message boards, and getting scolded for leaving the kitchen a mess.
The ultimate odd couple. We both show each other how to cut loose and enjoy life's ups and downs. Genghis shows me how to ride a horse and shoot a bow, I show Genghis how to work out his problems without killing and get him into Mortal Kombat and Civilization. It's not perfect; every now and then Genghis loses his temper and breaks something expensive or burns a village to the ground. But as time goes on, we gain an understanding of each other and a bond of respect grows between us. After some time, Genghis opens up and reveals that even though the house is full of concubines, Genghis is seeking a meaningful relationship. We get Genghis some smart evening attire and hit the bars. I teach him some pick up lines and do my best as his wingman. But in the end it turns out Genghis had a soft side all along, I just helped him nurture it.
Maybe Keanu Reeves as dapperbandit
And then you fuck right?
The ultimate odd couple. We both show each other how to cut loose and enjoy life's ups and downs. Genghis shows me how to ride a horse and shoot a bow, I show Genghis how to work out his problems without killing and get him into Mortal Kombat and Civilization. It's not perfect; every now and then Genghis loses his temper and breaks something expensive or burns a village to the ground. But as time goes on, we gain an understanding of each other and a bond of respect grows between us. After some time, Genghis opens up and reveals that even though the house is full of concubines, Genghis is seeking a meaningful relationship. We get Genghis some smart evening attire and hit the bars. I teach him some pick up lines and do my best as his wingman. But in the end it turns out Genghis had a soft side all along, I just helped him nurture it.
tell their parents.How do you deal with Nintendo fans online?
Depends on which Nintendo fans. If they're like the ones who whined over the new Metroid game, I would tell them to go hang out with the Star Wars folks who claimed their lives were ruined because of the Prequels. I'd give them five minutes before they start clawing at each other.How do you deal with Nintendo fans online?
How do you deal with Nintendo fans online?
How do you deal with Nintendo fans online?
Provide a link to the 2015 E3 direct.
What a fucking ridiculous week. Good riddance.
What happened??
This brings up a question I've been meaning to ask. For you guys and girls that have had a lot of roommate experience, what is your interview / testing process when assessing a potential housemate? Ever been caught unaware by someone you got along well with that ended up being horrible? What are your deal-breakers?
I've never lived alone or with housemates. I've only ever lived with my parents growing up, my cousin when I moved back to the USA, and gotten a flat with two different girlfriends. I'm back at my dad's place at the moment but eventually want to move and possible get a roommate so I can afford something decent.
Just boring work stuff. The Man be getting me down.
We're a person down and I got dumped with several huge and costly email projects at the beginning of the week, along with my usual duties. Very little info to go on and requiring me to know how to do things I have never done before. What the fuck is a photoshop?
Like Jessops?
Just boring work stuff. The Man be getting me down.
We're a person down and I got dumped with several huge and costly email projects at the beginning of the week, along with my usual duties. Very little info to go on and requiring me to know how to do things I have never done before. What the fuck is a photoshop?
Argh. Sounds like you're being thrown into a cement mixer.
Is that some kind of business speak?![]()
Dude I would've said thrown into a shredder if that was the case![]()
appreciate the lack of legal speak when communicating to us plebeians!![]()
Dude I would've said thrown into a shredder if that was the case![]()
Nintendo fan reporting in.
Line up against the wall with all the others.
Do you want a cigarette?
Well to he fair I don't think I ever said that parrying was bullshit, just that I suck as at it. And I never said I hated it, just that I found it incredibly frustrating and unfair at times.I thought you hated the first game, never finished it because "parrying is bullshit" and only got through most of the challenges by turtling behind a shield and playing offline? I need to know your play style for the sequel so I can judge you with my elite Dark Souls superiority.
Sounds like fun Mike. Never been to a foam party, I should rectify that.Just got back from a foam party.
My everything is soaked and soapy.
I took a friend down and he dragged me onto the foamy abyss. I think I swallowed a whole Dove bar of soap worth.
Late night kebab makes it all worth while