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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes


New Starfox looks great but the rest of Nintendo's stuff was pretty dull. First time they've ever disappointed me, I was about ready to throw in the towel and call this E3 a wash but then S-E come in and are all "NIER2! Platinum!" and now I am maximum stoked.


Eh, if you look at the development teams and the fact it was up to early 2016 games only and the revealed broadcaster schedules for 5 games on IGN and Gamespot it was expected. What I was most surprised about with these bounded expectations was that Animal Crossing U was not Animal Crossing U, and the amount of time they wasted on the Skylanders segment. I also feared (and rightly so) that they would spend too much time on Yoshi's Wooly World, a game that comes out in 2 weeks.


I didn't even want to be surprised by Nintendo they've got 2 great 3DS games out in Japan and this was a great chance to announce them over here instead of just a bunch of repeats. Oh, Mario RPG is cool as well.


What you have to remember as well is that because of the Nintendo Direct strategy, they won't just release all their eggs now. They'll try and release a steady flow of information throughout the year at infrequent times. The Zelda U VGA trailer, MM3D announcement, Fire Emblem IF(Fates) announcement, etc. This further weakens their already weak lineup because of shifting development and resources to NX in 2016/17.
How could I miss this!

How's Mortal Kombat X lol

It's fun! Mortal Kombat X inkludes numerous gameplay innovations and improvements: from a visual upgrade, to the new Variations system and then then expanded online mode, which offers Kombatants new ways to play and engage within the Kommunity. Klearly a labour of love, the game is unrivalled within its genre for the amount of single player Kontent on offer.

While I respekt From Software's brave attempts to make games, I would wager the Krypt, a first person maze minigame wherein the player kollects artefakts needed to explore the labyrinth and spend in game Koins on Kostumes, Koncept and additional finishing moves, is more Kompelling and atmospherik on it's own than all of From Software's games, even if you played them back to back at night in an abandoned orphanage.


Ah, OK, that makes more sense now meat. Your words affected my understanding. :p

I can see how that could get confusing, especially given that thread gets like three posts an hour.

(You seem to be incredibly pedantic regarding people's posting etiquette bro. Just let it go, nobody likes a back seat mod.)
Mentioning that someone is backseat modding is backseat modding, HA HA, YOU LOSE! *snatches Subway sandwich*



Oh man, only just got round to listening to these. Vaults and BANKS are right up my street. nice stuff man.
Glad you dig! Yeah, Vaults are quite good but I've only heard a handful of tracks. I'm a big fan of BANKS' debut though, listened to that shit countless times. It dips a little in the middle, but it's starts and ends really strongly.

Check out Alibi, Fuck Em Only We Know and Before I Ever Met You too, fantastic stuff.


formerly Oynox Slider
So...I watched the Sony press conference and a bit of the Nintendo footage. My actual proper-night-of-sleep thoughts:

I thought that Dreams looked really interesting. I'm curious to see what will come of it. The idea of being able to wander around and have all of these unpredictable things happen sounds appealing.

Black Ops 3 actually looked good to me, mainly because it's turning into Titanfall. I loved Titanfall. I'm reluctant to play CoD campaigns after Ghosts which I tried really hard to like but afterwards wished I'd never given brain space to.

I'm still not convinced by the Guerrilla game even though I think it's an interesting concept. I'm trying to finish Killzone Shadow Fall (just to finish it!) and the storytelling is just so, so bad and the game design so botched in places.

The Devolver showcase was way too short but all of the games looked pretty similar. 2d, pixel art, gore.

Final Fantasy 7 - it was nice to see the response in the audience but I have no emotional connection to the game and I'm not very good with JRPGs. I might try one again at some point because I'm sure I'm in the wrong here and the rest of the world is in the right.

Shenmue 3 / TLG - *shrug* (for now)

Erm is that everything? Oh yeah

Uncharted - looked really good, actually. Really, really good. The game felt really alive and dynamic.

Assassin's Creed - I had a little bitter snicker to myself when it did the weapon demo. It's just gonna be press X to awesome, isn't it? I don't understand that franchise. And the cane thing is straight from Bloodborne, no?

Battlefront - it's Star Wars so I'm biased but I'm not that sure it's going to be great yet. Looks like it might be a bit bare bones.

No Man's Sky - looks amazing, still. But how long can they keep it in development for? There's no way it can live up to all of the hype.

Destiny - of course I'll be getting it straight away. I watched the extra 8 minute clip they revealed and I imagine that's all of September gone.

So I think that's it. Because I don't have any emotional connection to Shenmue/TLG/FF7 it feels like a bit of an empty conference to me, mainly showing things that have already been shown or big multiplats which are a known quantity. I think there's enough to look forward to later this year (Star Wars, Black Ops, Destiny) but it's mostly the big franchises and I was hoping for something a bit more "Sony-ish". Maybe Rime / The Witness will be out this year. I know Everybody's Gone To The Rapture is out soonish.


And Starfox I thought looked OK. I just hope you don't have to use the gyro. The Metroid Prime game looks a bit depressing though.


Gotta agree with you on all points there, Sploat. Especially about FF7/Shenmue/TLG.

Elite: Dangerous is currently filling my space saga void, but I'm interested to see how No Man's Sky will turn out.

I really haven't been feeling this year's E3 half as much as I did last year's.


Maturity, bitches.
MS - "For all those who don't leave the house, this is what a car looks like."
Sony - This was on a 2am so gets an automatic 0/10
Nintendo - "These Amiibo seem to be selling like hotcakes, let's focus on them!" (or why one perhaps shouldn't reveal things a few months before E3_
EA - "Welcome to not Parkinson! Tonight we'll be talking to Pelé!"
Ubisoft - le epic meme XDDDDDDD


Excited Tentative Don't Care

Uncharted 4 - Jesus christ on a bike, love the franchise, looks amazing, will be huge amounts of fun

Black Ops 3 - nope, no more CoD for me, so done with that franchise now (he says, no doubt buying it on the cheap later)

Horizon - looks amazing but I don't think Guerilla have a great track record, intrigued none the less

SW: Battlefront - Battlefield: Star Wars, sold

Starfox - looked awful, like really bad, it was a little embarrassing

DE: Mankind Divided - sequel to one of the best games of last gen, this should be good

No Man's Sky - still not sure about this one, but it's an interesting proposition

The Last Guardian - I just don't think it looked very good, not impressed

Final Fantasy 7 Remake - not much shown but it's one of my favourite games ever

Just Cause 3 - it'll be one of the most fun games this year, played the shit out of JC2

Gears of War 4 - looked incredibly dull, and this is someone who adores the first game and is very fond of the second

Mirror's Edge Catalyst - loved the first game and I have a lot of faith in DICE (no pun intended)

Fallout 4 - it'll probably be great, but I dunno, not all that hyped for it for whatever reason

A load of other games happened, but I'm bored of doing this now!


Looks pretty awesome. Shame the rest of the Direct was tame. But it was expected. I'm excited by a new multiplayer Zelda.

Tame is one way of describing it. I'd probably opt for 'yeah, you guys should make mobile games and the odd third party title for the proper consoles'.


I think the new StarFox looks great. Only think I'm not too hot on is the gamepad screen aiming or the All Range Mode lock on.

The treehouse stuff shows it off a bit better I think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Sr-oa83VY

edit: a few things from S-E's conference:

Hitman sounds like it could be really good. Hopefully going more for Blood Money than Absolution, sounds like they learned from their last game.

Deus Ex: Looked great as expected but a had a small chuckle when the guy said the original team are working on it because all I could think of from that is "no one who messed up Thief is allowed near this".

edit 2: E3 was Platinum heaven. They're working on sequels to two of my favourite games of all time (Nier and Lylat Wars) and they're making some Transformers game that looks surprisingly fun.


I have a massive favour to ask. I'm working a comic con there bank holiday weekend in August and hotels are all really expensive, any chance you could put me up on the Saturday night?

You are welcome to but we don't have much in the way of sleeping arrangements. There's no living room sofa to crash on, I have a sleeping bag though!

Have you checked The Roundhouse hotel? Usually pretty reasonable
You are welcome to but we don't have much in the way of sleeping arrangements. There's no living room sofa to crash on, I have a sleeping bag though!

Have you checked The Roundhouse hotel? Usually pretty reasonable

Sleeping bag on a floor is fine for me, is that cool then? Can I stay? Can you PM me your address so I can see how far it is from the venue? I'll see if I can get you free entry to the con as payment!


Sleeping bag on a floor is fine for me, is that cool then? Can I stay? Can you PM me your address so I can see how far it is from the venue? I'll see if I can get you free entry to the con as payment!

Should be fine, provided I haven't moved back to London by then for a job Ive been interviewing for.
Hopefully in the next week or two.

They've said they like me but I'm the only one that has gotten this far in their interview process and they "cant hire the first person through the door". So who knows.

Okie dokie. So if you get the job you'll be moving back to London and I can't stay, if you don't get the job it's cool for me to crash. Got it. Keep me posted!


Sony managed to sell me on a PS4 in 2016, although the first party output does seem a little sparse still.

Uncharted 4/Collection, The Last Guardian and Horizon combined with Bloodborne, MGS V and Persona 5 is enough to get me on board.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sound Of The Summer™


Jamie xx - In Colour

Jamie xx - Hold Tight
Yo Ninj, time to return the favor with some of my own recommendations.

Fakear - Venus
Tourist - Waves
Ambassadeurs - Breathe

Just some stuff I've been listening to lately that I thought you might like. All very Bonobo'y and chilllllll as fuck.
Thanks for these. Really enjoyed Tourest, Tycho, and Vaults especially. Jamie xx seems promising but I'll need to hear more before I jump on the record.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Hey sploatee. Good, I work the midnight shift at my new job so I'm awake during British hours more. I still lurk and decided to post in grats for the good tracks.

But seems like E3 is the topic of the hour. That Star Wars Multiplayer EA showed looked awesome even if it is just a re-skinned Battlefield.


formerly Oynox Slider
Hey sploatee. Good, I work the midnight shift at my new job so I'm awake during British hours more. I still lurk and decided to post in grats for the good tracks.

But seems like E3 is the topic of the hour. That Star Wars Multiplayer EA showed looked awesome even if it is just a re-skinned Battlefield.

Star Wars counts for a lot. I hope it's just a bit meaty. It feels like it might be a bit of a titanfall situation where it's absolutely incredible for a few weeks but there's no real long-term incentive to keep playing.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I can't think of many multiplayer games released in the last couple of years that have long term incentives that hook me enough to come back again and again. Bit grumpy about games in general but I expect that to change once I finally upgrade my PC or get a newer console.

I powered up Pokemon Fire Red on my DS recently for no real reason. I have a steam backlog and I'd also like to finish Witcher 1 to get to 2 and 3 eventually but everything just seems unappealing and dull right now.


formerly Oynox Slider
I can't think of many multiplayer games released in the last couple of years that have long term incentives that hook me enough to come back again and again. Bit grumpy about games in general but I expect that to change once I finally upgrade my PC or get a newer console.

I powered up Pokemon Fire Red on my DS recently for no real reason. I have a steam backlog and I'd also like to finish Witcher 1 to get to 2 and 3 eventually but everything just seems unappealing and dull right now.

Destiny is very clever in that regard. Almost everything you do feeds into a virtuous circle. I've not seen a competitive multiplayer that feeds so well into the single-player / co-op experience.


I can't think of many multiplayer games released in the last couple of years that have long term incentives that hook me enough to come back again and again.
I have Destiny and Battlefield 4, plenty to fulfill my needs. I have all the DLC for both games too, so there is a huge amount of content to be getting on with.

Destiny fulfills my sci-fi, superhero fantasy fulfillment if I want to shoot aliens in the face and Battlefield is a fantastic, teamwork-focused military shooter where I can roll up in a tank and blow up buildings.

I just picked up GTA5 today as well so I have an open world sandbox to fuck around with and shoot other nerds in too. I'm all set.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I've nawt played any of those games yet. But they look good. I think most are available on PS3 but I convinced myself to wait until I get a better computer or PS4 to experience them in dat next gen quality. I always play things ages after they are initially released, so my experience timetable of game stuff is like Ninja's schedule + 6 months.


Yeah, I'm always miles behind with media. I don't read books at all, buy games a year after they came out, barely ever watch films at the cinema and don't even get me started on TV shows.

The only thing I keep relatively up to date with is music but even that isn't because of any particular effort and more a result of circumstance.


formerly Oynox Slider
I've nawt played any of those games yet. But they look good. I think most are available on PS3 but I convinced myself to wait until I get a better computer or PS4 to experience them in dat next gen quality. I always play things ages after they are initially released, so my experience timetable of game stuff is like Ninja's schedule + 6 months.

His schedule is probably full of anti-Semitic jokes, sexist remarks and "honest" transphobic comments so I don't want to know about that!

The ps4 is a great machine though. I'm really happy with mine - the only problem is that there are too many games to play!
Destiny is very clever in that regard. Almost everything you do feeds into a virtuous circle. I've not seen a competitive multiplayer that feeds so well into the single-player / co-op experience.

i would argue that the single player 'experience' is the multiplayer one they're the same thing. i guess that could go either way as to whether you find that good or not.


I'm not sure on how I feel about the Crucible on Destiny. To be honest I haven't put a significant amount of time in it, but it seems like there's this arbitrary barrier to entry for the PvP because of the cross over. Like, no one needed to deal with The Library if they wanted to jump into Halo's MP and Destiny's campaign mode is nothing but The Library for infinity.


formerly Oynox Slider
i would argue that the single player 'experience' is the multiplayer one they're the same thing. i guess that could go either way as to whether you find that good or not.

Yes - I think it's quite shrewd - the "singleplayer" is really designed as a series of short co-op matches - a few enemies, a few more enemies and then a major encounter. Each lasts about the same time as a PvP match.

The raids and Prison of Elders are slightly different, of course, but Destiny doesn't have a campaign. It's completely modular with the most rewarding (both in loot and design terms) encounters locked behind what are effectively time and/or skill gates.

I'm not sure on how I feel about the Crucible on Destiny. To be honest I haven't put a significant amount of time in it, but it seems like there's this arbitrary barrier to entry for the PvP because of the cross over. Like, no one needed to deal with The Library if they wanted to jump into Halo's MP and Destiny's campaign mode is nothing but The Library for infinity.

Without the Crucible, Destiny is really half of a game (yes, I know there's an easy joke there). It's not for everyone but I do honestly think it's a very smartly designed game - it's just very different - and a lot stranger in design - than people expected. With the 2 DLCs and now the Taken King I think it's going to become a very interesting game. The DLCs are absurdly overpriced though - new joiners get a much better deal by buying the version with the DLCs and the Taken King.


We've just seen Jurassic World. My take:

It's not very good, sadly. It feels like a mish-mash of about three or four different scripts. Elements are introduced and then forgotten about, the pacing is incredibly uneven and there's no real focus to the plot at all. The younger members of the audience (it was packed) seemed to like it, but that's probably because they didn't see Jurassic Park at the cinema. It lacked everything that made Jurassic Park special: that sense of wonder, the build-up of tension and then release, the imaginative set-pieces and the genuine awe and reverence for both nature and the special effects. It's a very empty and soulless film, which just feels...diluted. No one character gets a decent run of screentime, the character arcs feel artificial and rushed and there's a kind of repulsive "career woman hates kids, obviously! but learns how to be a MOM and how being a MOM is more important than having a job, obviously!" arc to the main female character. It's lazy, it's tired and it's entirely hollow. Bad film :-(

Can Spielberg come back now pls thx.


Yes - I think it's quite shrewd - the "singleplayer" is really designed as a series of short co-op matches - a few enemies, a few more enemies and then a major encounter. Each lasts about the same time as a PvP match.

The raids and Prison of Elders are slightly different, of course, but Destiny doesn't have a campaign. It's completely modular with the most rewarding (both in loot and design terms) encounters locked behind what are effectively time and/or skill gates.

Without the Crucible, Destiny is really half of a game (yes, I know there's an easy joke there). It's not for everyone but I do honestly think it's a very smartly designed game - it's just very different - and a lot stranger in design - than people expected. With the 2 DLCs and now the Taken King I think it's going to become a very interesting game. The DLCs are absurdly overpriced though - new joiners get a much better deal by buying the version with the DLCs and the Taken King.

Oh, I don't think the Crucible shouldn't be there, it wouldn't be a Bungie game without PvP. I just think I'd prefer it if it did something similar to Guild Wars. You still use your character but gear is separate (ideally there'd be no gear at all because RPG mechanics in competative shooters are urgggggh), you could even just make a PvP only character that started max level with all skills unlocked so you could just make your build and kill dudes.

Or maybe something like like Guild Wars 2's World v World mode where it just takes you as is but buffs your level to max and gives your gear stats similar to what max gear would be.


formerly Oynox Slider
Oh, I don't think the Crucible shouldn't be there, it wouldn't be a Bungie game without PvP. I just think I'd prefer it if it did something similar to Guild Wars. You still use your character but gear is separate (ideally there'd be no gear at all because RPG mechanics in competative shooters are urgggggh), you could even just make a PvP only character that started max level with all skills unlocked so you could just make your build and kill dudes.

Or maybe something like like Guild Wars 2's World v World mode where it just takes you as is but buffs your level to max and gives your gear stats similar to what max gear would be.

I think that's fair. The current design philosophy is that there are multiple routes to the level cap but there is also certain gear which only drops in PvP or PvE which can be used across both modes. The current problem with the game is that upgrade routes are a bit confusing for new players (thanks to two big changes in upgrade design around the time of each DLC dropping) and the best vendor gear all seems to require currency that only drops in PvP - there are 5 different vendors of Crucible gear and 2 of Vanguard gear. It's odd, but then Destiny is bizarre anyway.


formerly Oynox Slider
Anyway, how is everyone today?

Got a meeting in Leeds this afternoon and then off at the crack of dawn to somewhere in the West Midlands for another meeting. I so just want to stay at home. At least work pays for first class and a Hilton. 3DS night awaits...


Doing good cheers, Sploat! Nothing wrong with a solid 3DS night either!

Last day on shift for 6 days. Going out for my birthday drinks tomorrow, watching Jurassic World on Saturday and buying a new desk for my home office on Sunday with my Dad which is making me a lot happier than I thought it would.
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