Who knew volvo could inspire such rage?
That's like having a bitter hatred of any and all hot air balloon passengers.
Those fuckers, just floating about, the cheek of it. I wouldn't have the fucking nerve.
Who knew volvo could inspire such rage?
That's like having a bitter hatred of any and all hot air balloon passengers.
I can vouch for the skills, it was an impressive Jabba. The Tony Harrison head from Mighty Boosh was another favourite of your creations.
Those fuckers, just floating about, the cheek of it. I wouldn't have the fucking nerve.
Like they own the place!
So I fucked my bike up this morning (well a car did) so I'm looking to buy a new one. I got my old one for free from work, and it's always been a bit knackered, so it seems like a good opportunity to actually buy a half decent one.
I've been looking around and my local bike shop has these Specialized ones on sale:
Specialized "Pitch"
Are Specialised actually any good? If not, what would you recommend? Looking to spend around £300-£500.
Check on gumtree, you can usually buy high quality stolen bikes for pretty cheap.
So I fucked my bike up this morning (well a car did) so I'm looking to buy a new one. I got my old one for free from work, and it's always been a bit knackered, so it seems like a good opportunity to actually buy a half decent one.
I've been looking around and my local bike shop has these Specialized ones on sale:
Specialized "Pitch"
Are Specialised actually any good? If not, what would you recommend? Looking to spend around £300-£500.
Yeah, not sure about second hand bikes. I'll have a look but eh.Check on gumtree, you can usually buy high quality stolen bikes for pretty cheap.
Cheers man, I'm posting in there too.
Yeah, I always thought that they were a decent brand, just sometimes a decent brand can be taken over by someone else and suddenly become a shit brand!Specialized are an excellent brand. It all depends what you want the bike for?
Word of advice: never, ever buy a bike from Halfords.
well i have no desire to see a film whose advertising didn't appeal to me, reviewed poorly and is part of a franchise that has a 40% success rate.You're part of the problem. Haven't even seen it and judging it already. For shame.
well i have no desire to see a film whose advertising didn't appeal to me, reviewed poorly and is part of a franchise that has a 40% success rate.
also robots are scary.
also also a bike? c'mon man, everyone knows four wheels good, two wheels bad.
What are good Melvins songs apart from Honey Bucket?
Also i just traded in a wad of games. I stood in the shop with the inention of getting Splatoon but didn't.
Left with Dark Souls 2. Let the fun begin again 😀😀😀😀
Also got captain toad because toad is the only Nintendo character I actually love.
Yeah, not sure about second hand bikes. I'll have a look but eh.
Cheers man, I'm posting in there too.
Yeah, I always thought that they were a decent brand, just sometimes a decent brand can be taken over by someone else and suddenly become a shit brand!
I'm mainly going to be using it for my work commute but also for bike rides so a road bike is a no go.
And I'm not buying from Halfords, going to buy from Harry Halls, my local friendly bike shop. They're cool man, they often fix my and my bro's bike for free (although I always give them a fiver/buy them a pint, whatever). Really sound guys.
Also looking to take advantage of the government's Cycle To Work scheme to get it cheaper. Boosh!
I could make you one. I'm a whizz with papier-mâché. I made a Jabba the Hutt for my Star Wars birthday party.
Melvins - June BugWhat are good Melvins songs apart from Honey Bucket?
Yeah, probably going to stick to a hardtail. I already have my eye on a few, just waiting to hear back from HR about this subsidy so I can get a super fly one.Ok so you want to keep it fairly light, so stick to a hardtail. The Pitch is alright, my personal fave is the Rockhopper, but either the Hardrock or Crosstrail are the best for multi disciplines.
Did you get Scholar of the First Sin?
I'm going to have to do this now, aren't I?
i am umming over getting a 360 version of dragon age. hmm.
i am umming over getting a 360 version of dragon age. hmm.
Which one? Have you got a gaming PC?
Glancing at the meteoritic user reviews for the 360 version of Inquisition, there seems to be quite a few angry comments about performance.
lol look at this old gen peasant
ah well.
and nope, i have a macbook pro which is about as good for gaming as it is at making waffles.
i am so fucking poor.
Well dragon age could last you years if you take to it. I think a normal play through is maybe 80 hours or more? A full one would probably be about 200!
i've liked the ones in the past, i love dumb fantasy rubbish, i'll probably like it but a tiny part will hate how old and last generation it is. grow to resent it. like realising that your child's a red head.
I was woken this morning by my wife trying to push a clothes hanger into my face while complaining that she couldn't turn it off, so that was kind of an odd start to the day.
I was woken this morning by my wife trying to push a clothes hanger into my face while complaining that she couldn't turn it off, so that was kind of an odd start to the day.
Have been playing Batman, but it's kind of shit. I loved Arkham Asylum because you could sneak from room to room, taking out baddies in elaborate set pieces, Arkham City wasn't bad but lowered the encounter rate of same by having more multiple buildings. This one, I think I've fought about 10 guys after 2 hours. As soon as the action begins to flow, it's rudely interrupted by the need to go and get the Batmobile. Need to get through a corridor, use the Batmobile to break an external pipe. Need to get under a gas leak, get the Batmobile to break an internal pipe. Need an elevator to work? Batmobile. Attacked by tanks, here's the Batmobile. Need to get across a rooftop? Try using the batarang to grab the... HAHA ONLY JOKING. GET IN THE BATMOBILE AND JUMP OVER THE ROOFS!
Yet it controls like a shopping trolley right down to the busted front wheel.
You're still at the beginning, it picks up really soon. Stick with it.
I was woken this morning by my wife trying to push a clothes hanger into my face while complaining that she couldn't turn it off, so that was kind of an odd start to the day.
Have been playing Batman, but it's kind of shit. I loved Arkham Asylum because you could sneak from room to room, taking out baddies in elaborate set pieces, Arkham City wasn't bad but lowered the encounter rate of same by having more multiple buildings. This one, I think I've fought about 10 guys after 2 hours. As soon as the action begins to flow, it's rudely interrupted by the need to go and get the Batmobile. Need to get through a corridor, use the Batmobile to break an external pipe. Need to get under a gas leak, get the Batmobile to break an internal pipe. Need an elevator to work? Batmobile. Attacked by tanks, here's the Batmobile. Need to get across a rooftop? Try using the batarang to grab the... HAHA ONLY JOKING. GET IN THE BATMOBILE AND JUMP OVER THE ROOFS!
Yet it controls like a shopping trolley right down to the busted front wheel.
Does the Batmobile explode irreparably?
I was woken this morning by my wife trying to push a clothes hanger into my face while complaining that she couldn't turn it off, so that was kind of an odd start to the day.
Have been playing Batman, but it's kind of shit. I loved Arkham Asylum because you could sneak from room to room, taking out baddies in elaborate set pieces, Arkham City wasn't bad but lowered the encounter rate of same by having more multiple buildings. This one, I think I've fought about 10 guys after 2 hours. As soon as the action begins to flow, it's rudely interrupted by the need to go and get the Batmobile. Need to get through a corridor, use the Batmobile to break an external pipe. Need to get under a gas leak, get the Batmobile to break an internal pipe. Need an elevator to work? Batmobile. Attacked by tanks, here's the Batmobile. Need to get across a rooftop? Try using the batarang to grab the... HAHA ONLY JOKING. GET IN THE BATMOBILE AND JUMP OVER THE ROOFS!
Yet it controls like a shopping trolley right down to the busted front wheel.
Amazing! Was she still asleep?
Batman just doesn't appeal to me. I know everyone says "the combat!!" but I tried Shadow of Mordor and it was just pressing button prompts when they appear. I think Dark Souls has the best combat in games that I've played. I know I would say that, but it's true. It feels weighty and real, and the stakes are always so high it's just a constant rush.
I'm including Bayonetta 2 in that and Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
I think Batman does it better (and Sleeping Dogs better still), it's still really simple with a bit of depth if you care about getting a super combo going, but it really just feels like there's a lot more weight behind the combat. Unlike Shadows of Mordor where it felt like I was slapping orcs with a wet salami instead of a sword.
edit: Dark Souls will only ever have the best combat if it lets me rev up a sword like DMC4 does.
Amazing! Was she still asleep?
Batman just doesn't appeal to me. I know everyone says "the combat!!" but I tried Shadow of Mordor and it was just pressing button prompts when they appear. I think Dark Souls has the best combat in games that I've played. I know I would say that, but it's true. It feels weighty and real, and the stakes are always so high it's just a constant rush.
I'm including Bayonetta 2 in that and Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
Mordor was so poo, wasn't it?
I don't think I'll ever play DMC. Bayo 2 made me realise that I'm not good enough / don't have the patience to get good at character action games.
I'm trying to streamline my games that I play - hence me shifting a bunch of them yesterday. I have to just love myself and accept that i can count on one hand the games I truly love and count on the other all the games I actually care about playing that I've not played yet.
On my left hand
Dark Souls
On my right hand
No Man's Sky
Shadow of the colossus
Last guardian
Dark Souls 2, I guess
Destiny doesn't get in because it's not good or fun. It's just pure crack.
List me up, dudes!
I bought a bike off a guy. It came with a chain but he didn't know the code to it... Also, it has no brakes. I mean It physically does, but they perform no braking function. When I first toddled off down the road on it, I had to full-on Flintstones to stop it. Terrifying and exciting at the same time. Also when I move the handle bars the mud guard swings around and rubs on the front tyre. And the seat is too low but the nut to alter it appears to be basically melded to the screw thing.
Still, £35.
List me up, dudes!
All I'm looking forward to is MGSV:TPP. I'm pretty much squeeing over every bit of info... and I'm a grown man! Honest!
Half awake, trying to turn an alarm clock off but grabbing at the clothes hanger thing at the side of the bed.
Even the combat in Batman seems a bit dumbed down ow, there's a rush attack you can perform that seems to break the flow. It used to be quite rhythmic but that's gone.
What are we listing?
I'm looking forward to Mad Max, Lego Dimensions, Fallout & Tomb Raider this year. Not sure there's much else I care for.
All I'm looking forward to is MGSV:TPP. I'm pretty much squeeing over every bit of info... and I'm a grown man! Honest!
I accidentally sent the guy a text message about a cat in a garden (that was intended for my girlfriend) when I was basically standing outside his house, like some absolute nutter. He text me back basically ignoring it, asking if I was still coming. I then immediately knocked on his door which probably put the shit into him. "THE CAT MAN IS HERRREE".It sounds like the experience was worth the £35.
I saw you in the MGS thread! I was holidaying there. It was nice, the people were passionate and it was very gaming sidey.
I saw you too! Yeah... that thread was a shitfest. I certainly didn't help things.
Honestly, say what you like about Kojima but you can't legitimately call the guy a "hack" with a straight-face. That shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the word "hack".
I think a thread about critiquing a game should stay solely about discussing the critique and a healthy debate. The thread deterred me from posting in the MGS community thread.
I think a thread about critiquing a game should stay solely about discussing the critique and a healthy debate. The thread deterred me from posting in the MGS community thread.
He's not a hack. He's probably the antithesis of a hack.
Direct quote from our Mexican team
"On the alienation of the asset, social security will be detonated"