Sup Britgaf.
Where do you come from? (Where do you go, where do you come from Cotton Eye Joe etc)
What's your job/current education/whatever the heck it is you're up to?
Software Engineer
What do you hope to achieve before your futile existence comes to an end?
Favourite daytime TV show?
Fish or chips?
You have both surely!
Daddy or chips?
What's your tipple of choice?
Quite partial to Crabbies spiced ginger wine at the season, otherwise I'll drink whatever is put in front of me.
Favourite party snack?
Onion rings, the crisps. Not the cooked kind. Some people seem to have a hard time differentiating them...
Who is the best bald person?
Phil MItchell
What's your disappointing claim to fame?
I met the Chuckle Brothers after seeing them at a stage show. They called me Fireman Sam, my five year old mind decided that I no longer liked them after that. Least I've met two of the people from the BBC that haven't been revealed to be a paedophile yet I guess.
What's your perfect Sunday?
Quiet space and enough time to sit back and relax before work panic sets in.
Did you threaten to overrule him?
Did you threaten to overrule him?
It's a yes or no question minister, did you threaten to overrule him?
I took advice on what I could or could not do.
What sort of software do you engineer?