Edit: In case my cryptic in-joke was too subtle, it's Cy. Yup...
That explains why he's on my ignore list.
Edit: In case my cryptic in-joke was too subtle, it's Cy. Yup...
...then immediately made a huge fuck up by sending an email campaign to the same audience twice (5,000 becomes 10,000) on the very same day that our MD is meeting with the company to make a bid for doing all their future email work.
I'm fucked, aren't I?
Is that a costly mistake or does it just look bad?
If they don't get the contract because of it, costly.
It's not that bad. I mean, c'mon, we have Doctors. Legit the best soap on TV.
Meat, I don't understand why sending the same email twice is such a catastrophic fuck up. Well done on the pay rise though!
I'd say in terms of mistakes that's a pretty minor one, if the mail was important and was never sent in the first place (WE ARE CLOSING ON YOUR HOUSE kind of stuff) then maybe yeah. Wouldn't fret.
Hi, by the way. I used to live Cambs. Worked in the Rat and Parrot and the Tram Depot. You live in town? They still got the Reality Checkpoint in the park outside that hotel? Saved me many times.
Just a little out of town, they've still got that around aye. Never really taken it in though hah, actually didn't know it had a name till googling that...
Destiny next week... DESTINY.....
I'm off to the London launch party, going to get so so smashed and take pictures.
I got a pay rise and letter commending me on how well and quickly I've taken to my new role...
...then immediately made a huge fuck up by sending an email campaign to the same audience twice (5,000 becomes 10,000) on the very same day that our MD is meeting with the company to make a bid for doing all their future email work.
I'm fucked, aren't I?
Word of advice: don't use cupboards or lockers unless you have absolutely, positively no other choice.
That explains why he's on my ignore list.
Yep I listened to Bad Religion, some NOFX, The Vandals, Offspring etc.Mostly soundtracks atm for me but when I dip back it has been them and The Distillers. Bomb the music industry have quickly become a new favourite too. My formative years were mostly stuff like Bad Religion, NOFX, Rancid and their ilk. Think first gig I ever went to was Stiff Little Fingers haha.
As a side note, after living in Cambridge most of my life, I still have no idea why I think that getting a bus will be quicker some days ugh. Left the house 40mins ago. Could have walked it in that.
Muuuuuuush, I listened to this Propagandhi song when I was 15 or 16 and was floored.I will check out all of these too
Isn't Birmingham the prime scene in the UK for pedophiles? I'm pretty sure I eat somewhere that there are loads of massive pedos there.
I don't think a TV show makes up for the scum that inhabit the place.
This is too perfect a post that now I think you're an alt.
This is too perfect a post that now I think you're an alt.
I'm going to be in England for a few weeks and I seem to have my plans all sorted, but I'm hoping to spend a day in the Lakes District.
Please Brit-Gaf tell how to make the most of a day trip to the Lakes District.
You mean like I listen to alt music or something?
Go for a walk around the lakes, they are really beautiful. Proceed to take tons of photos with your phone camera, which inevitably mutes the colours and beauty making it look like you went for a walk around a reservoir in Staines.
Post the album of approx. 2000 images of the same lake to facebook with the comment "great day out!![]()
" with a melancholic blankness across your face and a feeling of emtpyness. You will get 2 likes.
Are you questioning the beauty of the resevoirs in Staines?
How dare you.
So now you're insulting my synchronised swimming?
I would be impressed by your lack of tact were I not so thoroughly fucking affronted.
No I just thought you lived in Staines for some reason.
I think your synchronised swimming is fabulous.
I do live in Staines you slack-jawed ignoramus.
But thanks.
1 person synchronised swimming is an under appreciated sport.
Anybody got any non-fiction videogame book recommendations? Preferably on Kindle - I've got a long flight tomorrow. I wanted to read both Masters of Doom and Game Over but they're both tricky to get hold of, particularly the latter.
So we're grassing up alts now?
Anybody got any non-fiction videogame book recommendations? Preferably on Kindle - I've got a long flight tomorrow. I wanted to read both Masters of Doom and Game Over but they're both tricky to get hold of, particularly the latter.
Anybody got any non-fiction videogame book recommendations? Preferably on Kindle - I've got a long flight tomorrow. I wanted to read both Masters of Doom and Game Over but they're both tricky to get hold of, particularly the latter.
Learned a valuable lesson this eve.
Don't take partaketh of the medicinal herb and attempt to play at a driving range, one of the worst place in the world to be when you're hyper selfconscious and fighting to maintain control of your bodily functions.
420, blaze it peasants
See, I'm going to have to do this now.
If the missus lets ya/doesn't find out, I heard she wasn't too happy with you puffing at Download
congratulations on your accelerating age!
It's getting faster?!
It's getting faster?!
Soon you'll be like that guy who "chose poorly" from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
I'm afraid so.
Speaking of....whatever, are you coming to the meetup next month?
Happy Birthday
Donovan! "Germany declared war on the Jones boys."
...and what do you mean "soon"? I'm almost there already.
It is decidedly un-so, I'm afraid... no wonga.