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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. Sorry.



So the Birthday Skeleton that was unearthed by that tree was meant for you?

Happy Birthday!

I don't know what that means but thank you!
Some memes never die. Spooky skelingtons will never die. Because skelingtons were never alive. But even if the meme did die? What happens to skelingtons when they die?


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Some memes never die. Spooky skelingtons will never die. Because skelingtons were never alive. But even if the meme did die? What happens to skelingtons when they die?


When skewingtons die they get dragged to the Charnel Pits deep in the earth by a clew of man-sized worms. Once there they feel the inexplicable urge to take their place at the Great Wheel that keeps the world turning. There are no guards. There is no light. Only the bleak comfort of endless, repetitive work till they earn the release that comes when one becomes nought but dust.

If skeletons aren't alive, what is holding you up?



Daps, some memes are too amazeballs to ever really die. Like Stoned Birthday Dog for example:


Give it up for Stoned Birthday Dog ladies and gents.
I don't understand PMQs.

Someone asks a question, David Cameron says whatever he wants, and nobody is allowed to challenge any of his answers no matter how spun or absurd they are. What is the point of it meant to be, like, what is it meant to achieve?


formerly Oynox Slider
Happy belated birthday Meat!

I don't understand PMQs.

Someone asks a question, David Cameron says whatever he wants, and nobody is allowed to challenge any of his answers no matter how spun or absurd they are. What is the point of it meant to be, like, what is it meant to achieve?

It was an unusual PMQs, wasn't it? I think Corbyn missed a trick by not challenging DC on his responses. Moving straight on to the next question wasn't particularly effective.


I don't understand PMQs.

Someone asks a question, David Cameron says whatever he wants, and nobody is allowed to challenge any of his answers no matter how spun or absurd they are. What is the point of it meant to be, like, what is it meant to achieve?

The purpose is to hold the government to account. But, given that Thatcher wanted to answer every question no matter the subject, it has devolved into a large amount of questions with generic, PR lines. In this modern era, It is more of a morale boost for either party rather than an actual court.

This PMQ's was a bit different, usually the leader of the opposition follows up PM's question in the segment. Corbyn tried to weave a narrative towards the end but it failed given he decided to just crowdsource as many public question as possible. It was easy for Cameron to combat and not be held accountable for what he said. Contrast this to the leader of the Westminster SNP MP when he asked a follow up question today.

There is room for improvement in the 'new PMQ's' We are still yet to see if it will last (the structure and the theatre) and if Corbyn will manage to stay long enough to instil permanent change. Every 5 years, the same approach has been tried to restore it and failed. It does not help that PMQs is one of the times of the week where a large number of headlines are made for the public to see. Therefore, PR statements and theatre are bound to flourish.
It was an unusual PMQs, wasn't it? I think Corbyn missed a trick by not challenging DC on his responses. Moving straight on to the next question wasn't particularly effective.

I will confess to not listening to it often, but Corbyn didn't seem to come out of it well, to me. He'd challenge Cameron on something (why isn't there affordable housing) and Cameron would respond (we've made loads of affordable homes!) and then Corbyn moves on, which kind of gives the impression that he doesn't have an answer, that what Cameron said was an immutable fact.

I could see why someone listening to that would vote Tory, Cameron simply wasn't challenged by Corbyn on any claim he made and so all his claims by default appear true. If that's a problem with the format then the format needs to be changed urgently because it really does nothing to further the debate between the PM and the opposition.

It strikes me that what we really need is PMAs rather than PMQs, like actually force the guy to answer questions and back up those answers rather than just bat away the awkward ones while reeling off his neat pre-made responses to the rest.

Not that it matters anyway, Corbyn will lose the next general election for not singing our shitty national anthem that one time. That's the important stuff.

Contrast this to the leader of the Westminster SNP MP when he asked a follow up question today.

This was the only point at which it threatened to get interesting and then they just moved on immediately to tigers. (wtf)


formerly Oynox Slider
I agree. I read that Cameron was able to use the space Corbyn created just to wheel out his usual policy statements and I think that is correct.

I think it's interesting to see, though. I veer left politically (no shit, right, I pretty much tick all of the boxes) so I'm just happy to see anybody upset the apple cart a little bit. Even if those apples are getting splatted on the pavement.


formerly Oynox Slider
I don't understand! What does that mean?

Even I'm feeling like MGS5 isn't very MGS'y. Although it's fun to switch it on for an hour or so, potter about and grow the base, I'm missing the 40 minute lectures about what AI is, plugging my controller in the other port etc etc etc. It feels very "clean" and without that sort of haphazard lunacy that the other MGS games I've played (1,2,3) have. It's still a wonderfully-playing game though.

I finished Shadow of the Colossus. Absolutely adored it. I mean, ADORED it. I had a 50/50 reaction to Ico but SoTC just clicked with me. I've started another playthrough of Ico and am enjoying it more now I know the solutions to the puzzles. It could just be that I'm awful at puzzle games which made my first playthrough horrific (seriously. F U piston room. F U waterwheel) but second time around it's all flowing a lot easier and I'm quite keen to try and speedrun it.

I'm also playing through Mario U, it's lots of fun. I still prefer pixel-Mario to 3D-Mario but it's a fun and tightly made game. I do think it's a shame that it doesn't let itself go a bit more though. I've just finished the Van Gogh level and more of that would be wonderful.

Oh and late at night I've been playing Alien:Isolation. Just finished the fan service bit and got the flame thrower. I'm a fan and so I feel very serviced. Absolutely loving the game still. I seem to have a thing for the environment. It feels so much like a real place - the layout and structure all make sense within the world.

That sounds like I've been doing nothing but playing games while I rehab but it's not true. I've managed to cut down my gaming to 1 - 2 hours a day and feel way, way better for it.


Knows the Score
Been mostly on Wii U this last week or so, I bought Yoshi's Woolly World / Mario Maker as I couldn't resist the pink wool Yoshi & Mario Artbook respectively.

Mario suffers from people uploading really shitty levels so far, or trying to demonstrate how clever their Rube Goldberg levels are. I was hoping for more Nintendo 2D levels but I don't seem to see any.

The hidden items make Yoshi fun but the Amiibo gimmick is way stupid. You can add a new Yoshi by using it, but then you have two on screen at once and end up knocking one into the void and losing balls of wool for stupid reasons.


Even I'm feeling like MGS5 isn't very MGS'y. Although it's fun to switch it on for an hour or so, potter about and grow the base, I'm missing the 40 minute lectures about what AI is, plugging my controller in the other port etc etc etc. It feels very "clean" and without that sort of haphazard lunacy that the other MGS games I've played (1,2,3) have. It's still a wonderfully-playing game though.

Pretty much how I feel to be honest, it's still got some of that MGS weirdness but toned down a bit. Everything is really well designed though and feels like it's worth doing.

This week has been so long, so very long and I've only been in my office since Wednesday D: Was off ill prior to that.


Where does BritGAF sell their games? Ebay and Cex burn me out and don't get many replies from the Buy/Sell/Trade thread but I'm assuming it's because that's so US focused. Does my head in when I get an American gaffer interested in buying something but then backs off after finding out the shipping costs/exchange rate.

Got 15 years of shit I wanna get rid of!

There should be a Euro Buy/Sell/Trade :(
Where does BritGAF sell their games? Ebay and Cex burn me out and don't get many replies from the Buy/Sell/Trade thread but I'm assuming it's because that's so US focused. Does my head in when I get an American gaffer interested in buying something but then backs off after finding out the shipping costs/exchange rate.

Got 15 years of shit I wanna get rid of!

There should be a Euro Buy/Sell/Trade :(

There was a Euro BST, nobody used it, it died. I assume the thread is still there if you want to just bump it and see if you can get it going.

You can actually get pretty decent prices if you trade it at Game and get them to price-match CEX. You do have to deal with the staff being absolute cunts about it though, unfortunately.

You could do a car-boot or something if you've got loads, or just whack it on eBay as a job-lot so you only have to deal with it once. There aren't that many options really. Other UK-focussed games forums could be worth checking out but obviously with a post-count of 1 you might not have much luck.


There was a Euro BST, nobody used it, it died. I assume the thread is still there if you want to just bump it and see if you can get it going.

You can actually get pretty decent prices if you trade it at Game and get them to price-match CEX. You do have to deal with the staff being absolute cunts about it though, unfortunately.

You could do a car-boot or something if you've got loads, or just whack it on eBay as a job-lot so you only have to deal with it once. There aren't that many options really. Other UK-focussed games forums could be worth checking out but obviously with a post-count of 1 you might not have much luck.

I found the thread and it turns out I actually posted in that thread 4 years ago lol, might talk to a mod to see if it's worth bumping.

It's the ebay fees I hate which is why I kinda wanna avoid it, I did sell amiibos on there a while back and the fee annoyed me.


Where does BritGAF sell their games? Ebay and Cex burn me out and don't get many replies from the Buy/Sell/Trade thread but I'm assuming it's because that's so US focused. Does my head in when I get an American gaffer interested in buying something but then backs off after finding out the shipping costs/exchange rate.

Got 15 years of shit I wanna get rid of!

There should be a Euro Buy/Sell/Trade :(
I don't think I ever sold a game in my life. I only ever seem to give mine away as a hand me down to someone.


I'm too much of a hoarder to sell/Trade-in. I did get rid of a few games at CEX when I moved house/PS3 broke, but that's about it.
Hey who remembers Art Attack, yeah with the talking Head

Good yes of course you do

Hey who remembers Vernon Kay

Yeah sorry for bringing him up

Anyway so here's my point.




So, one of my cats passed away today. She took her last breath right next to me.

When we got her we were told that she wouldn't live to see 1, 16 years later she dies today.

You will be missed Jude :(


So, one of my cats passed away today. She took her last breath right next to me.

When we got her we were told that she wouldn't live to see 1, 16 years later she dies today.

You will be missed Jude :(

I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Jordan. I received news this week that the cat I've had since I was 11 is on her last legs and it's pretty hard to take.


So, one of my cats passed away today. She took her last breath right next to me.

When we got her we were told that she wouldn't live to see 1, 16 years later she dies today.

You will be missed Jude :(
I may not be the most empathetic guy in the world but that must've been awful. It's got to be hard enough to find your pet has died but for her to pass right in front of you, man...

Sorry for your loss dude.

(Jude is a cool name.)


I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Jordan. I received news this week that the cat I've had since I was 11 is on her last legs and it's pretty hard to take.

It's pretty heartbreaking, I'm only 24 myself so for her to make 16 years old, I've had her over half my life. It's strange as I can always remember her being there.

Really sorry to hear that Jordan. 16 is a good age.

16 is a very good age, when we got her we were told she wasn't going to see her first birthday. So she definitely had a good run.

I may not be the most empathetic guy in the world but that must've been awful. It's got to be hard enough to find your pet has died but for her to pass right in front of you, man...

Sorry for your loss dude.

(Jude is a cool name.)

It was pretty awful, I just keep hearing the little murmurs and sighs just before she passed. I'm happier she died at home and wasn't in pain (from what we could gather) I think I would be more devastated if she just disappeared.

Just a bit worried about the knock on effects it might have on my other animals. I have another cat who is 18, he doesn't seem to be bothered by the loss of Jude and I have a golden Labrador who is 13, she seems quite sad about the loss.
I just got the new Disturbed album. It's incredible, really most fucking excellent. There's a cover on there which I would never have put them down for doing, but they more than pull it off, I think this is honestly one of the best covers I've heard in a really long time.



I just got the new Disturbed album. It's incredible, really most fucking excellent. There's a cover on there which I would never have put them down for doing, but they more than pull it off, I think this is honestly one of the best covers I've heard in a really long time.


Was a bit skeptical going into it. Even giggled a little bit at the beginning but then as the song continued I was like "wow! I'm moved! That was incredible"

Speaking of music, the company I work for is celebrating 25 years and I decided to take part in the music playlist selection committee.

My task is to pick 3 songs from the year 2007 and I'm kinda finding it difficult to pick 3 songs :( The year seems to be filled with Rap/RnB tracks but it's trying to find tracks that would be appropriate for an office party.

So far I got:-

The Way I are - Timbaland
Don't Stop The Music - Rihanna
Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna
Misery Business - Paramore
Roc Boys (And the Winner is) - Jay Z
The Pretender - Foo Fighters
Valerie - Mark Ronson/Amy Winehouse

Notable omissions:-
Smack That - Akon
Umbrella - Rihanna
Crank Dat - Soulja Boy

Any 2007 tracks I missed out?
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