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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
So I've been doing more and more research on Brexit and whilst I've still come to no conclusion. How in the fuck are people in GAF getting away with their elitist posts about if you're not voting in you're an idiot? Voting leave is not the same as electing Donald Trump.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
So I've been doing more and more research on Brexit and whilst I've still come to no conclusion. How in the fuck are people in GAF getting away with their elitist posts about if you're not voting in you're an idiot? Voting leave is not the same as electing Donald Trump.

Maybe you haven't done enough research to actually understand? (This sounds far more sarcastic than I meant it)

There aren't any real benefits to leaving, besides woolly(but not unjust) self-determination issues. It weakens our international diplomacy, our economic position (short term at the very least) and could be disastrous for consumer rights.


So I've been doing more and more research on Brexit and whilst I've still come to no conclusion. How in the fuck are people in GAF getting away with their elitist posts about if you're not voting in you're an idiot? Voting leave is not the same as electing Donald Trump.

Because if you're not voting in you either don't care about the economics (which is fair enough but also a fairly strange viewpoint) or you're buying into the conspiracy theories that every major organisation that has done an analysis has said that Brexit is a bad idea not because it is, but because they're all corrupt.
So I've been doing more and more research on Brexit and whilst I've still come to no conclusion. How in the fuck are people in GAF getting away with their elitist posts about if you're not voting in you're an idiot? Voting leave is not the same as electing Donald Trump.

It's been painted as a left/right issue and GAF is left wing as fuck. That's all there is to it.


I'm not politically minded in the least and barely know what's going on in the world half the time, but leaving the EU seems like a hollow, quixotic and ultimately foolish endeavour championed by blinkered simpletons under the banner of "patriotism".


formerly Oynox Slider
I'm not politically minded in the least and barely know what's going on in the world half the time, but leaving the EU seems like a hollow, quixotic and ultimately foolish endeavour championed by blinkered simpletons under the banner of "patriotism".

I think that's a bit of an overstatement, probably as blinkered as the ones you're talking about!

Kind of shows how it's more an ideological than analytical debate now though.

I'm undecided in all honesty. I can see arguments on both sides and a hell of a lot of bullshit on both sides too.


I think that's a bit of an overstatement, probably as blinkered as the ones you're talking about!

Kind of shows how it's more an ideological than analytical debate now though.

I'm undecided in all honesty. I can see arguments on both sides and a hell of a lot of bullshit on both sides too.

I'm definitely decided, but both campaigns have been an absolute shit show, it's undeniable
Yeah the lack of public access or understanding has allowed both sides to mislead and obfuscate to suit their agenda. Neither side will back down and it's too late to do anything about it.

Philosophically I'm out and will be voting that way but I'm underwhelmed by the quality of debate like, everywhere.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Maybe you haven't done enough research to actually understand? (This sounds far more sarcastic than I meant it)

There aren't any real benefits to leaving, besides woolly(but not unjust) self-determination issues. It weakens our international diplomacy, our economic position (short term at the very least) and could be disastrous for consumer rights.
I have, there are, you're wrong.

Must you solidify my post by the first reply
Because if you're not voting in you either don't care about the economics (which is fair enough but also a fairly strange viewpoint) or you're buying into the conspiracy theories that every major organisation that has done an analysis has said that Brexit is a bad idea not because it is, but because they're all corrupt.
Why must you be so obtuse. There is an argument for leaving, it is valid and there are clear benefits.
It's been painted as a left/right issue and GAF is left wing as fuck. That's all there is to it.
Yeah I suppose you're right, I expect better from Brits though.

Philosophically I'm out and will be voting that way but I'm underwhelmed by the quality of debate like, everywhere.

Yeah, just being told I'm a racist, don't know jack shit and am objectively wrong is not really a debate.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I have, there are, you're wrong.

Must you solidify my post by the first reply

Why must you be so obtuse. There is an argument for leaving, it is valid and there are clear benefits.

Yeah I suppose you're right, I expect better from Brits though.

Yeah, just being told I'm a racist, don't know jack shit and am objectively wrong is not really a debate.

It should be noted that you didn't actually present any argument for leaving the eu. You just said 'you are wrong'

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
It should be noted that you didn't actually present any argument for leaving the eu. You just said 'you are wrong'


If there's anything to be noted it's the fact I didn't ask to debate the Brexit, but the fact that people are so arrogant they're going to question my ability to come to my own conclusions.

I can't be bothered to debate and I wasn't looking to. I was asking why people are seemingly given a free pass to take the piss out of OUT supporters like GAF do Donald Trump fans which are straight up not the same thing.


I have, there are, you're wrong.

Must you solidify my post by the first reply

Why must you be so obtuse. There is an argument for leaving, it is valid and there are clear benefits.

Yeah I suppose you're right, I expect better from Brits though.

Yeah, just being told I'm a racist, don't know jack shit and am objectively wrong is not really a debate.

There is no economic benefit to leaving, which is what I said.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I can't be bothered to debate and I wasn't looking to. I was asking why people are seemingly given a free pass to take the piss out of OUT supporters like GAF do Donald Trump fans which are straight up not the same thing.

That's fair enough and this isn't the place to be having that discussion, anyhow. I do feel like you have a bit of a persecution complex in this matter; people aren't comparing brexit supporters to Trump supporters on GAF. Actually the Brexit thread has had some interesting back and forth, especially with the always great CyclopsRock/phisheep. Moreover, UK Poligaf is not left wing, it is notably less of an echo chamber than in US Political threads. A lot of the major contributors are conservative-ish. Anyhow, please vote, regardless of whom it is for.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
There is no economic benefit to leaving, which is what I said.
There is no immediate economic benefit and of course there will be recession. The Treasury forecasts a 0.1% reduction in GDP for the next four quarters if we leave the European Union and.........the "analysts" say we will lose 500,000 jobs? We saw nothing even close to that during the banking collapse of 2008 and that led to a 7% reduction.

That's fair enough and this isn't the place to be having that discussion, anyhow. I do feel like you have a bit of a persecution complex in this matter; people aren't comparing brexit supporters to Trump supporters on GAF. Actually the Brexit thread has had some interesting back and forth, especially with the always great CyclopsRock/phisheep. Moreover, UK Poligaf is not left wing, it is notably less of an echo chamber than in US Political threads. A lot of the major contributors are conservative-ish. Anyhow, please vote, regardless of whom it is for.

Yeah I do, because people keep fucking persecuting me and others with condescension and personal attacks because I have a different view to them, which on this forum is usually frowned upon but apparently not in this case.

Which is why I'm bitched and ranting in my little old britgaf.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
There definitely shouldn't be a BritGAF meetup before this referendum.

Oh, there certainly should be.

Run it like a US caucus - Brexit to the right, Remain to the left and the losers buy the drinks.

And you get to complain about the rules committee and throw chairs and everything!
Hey BritGAF, moving into a flat this weekend, first time living on my own.

What's the most stressful thing I should mentally prepare for? I already have a long list in my head but not sure how to order it.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Hey BritGAF, moving into a flat this weekend, first time living on my own.

What's the most stressful thing I should mentally prepare for? I already have a long list in my head but not sure how to order it.

If you have tonnes of shit then that, or if there are any fuck ups with internet/gas/leccy or bins from the council.

Just make your house a home as soon as you get in there man. Happy home, happy life


Hey BritGAF, moving into a flat this weekend, first time living on my own.

What's the most stressful thing I should mentally prepare for? I already have a long list in my head but not sure how to order it.

the weird noises you hear at night. It gets spooky.

Make sure you have all bills sorted, the worst thing we had was a previous tenant trying to screw us and we had an electric bill come in at over 1k just call them all and make sure you state move in date etc.

Also protip bulk buy pasta, rice and some sauces they'll come in clutch one day I promise.


Also protip bulk buy pasta, rice and some sauces they'll come in clutch one day I promise.
It sounds so simple but this is honestly the best advice ever. I always have pasta in the cupboards, as well as a jar or two of pasta sauce and a few tins of canned fish. Can knock up a pasta bake in an hour. Simple.


Hey BritGAF, moving into a flat this weekend, first time living on my own.

What's the most stressful thing I should mentally prepare for? I already have a long list in my head but not sure how to order it.

Moving all your shit. After that it's a breeze, at least for me.
Hey BritGAF, moving into a flat this weekend, first time living on my own.

What's the most stressful thing I should mentally prepare for? I already have a long list in my head but not sure how to order it.

Staring into the crushing abyss of loneliness and despair takes some getting used to but you'll get the hang of it eventually.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
You know what's hilarious?

Not realising your tenancy runs out in July not June and that you have another months rent to find

Who would be dumb enough to do that guy hehehueheue


Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
So I walked out of my exam yesterday thinking I might've just gotten 100% which even if I don't is one of the craziest feelings.

Dimensional Analysis is still a tricky one for me so if I've gotten my units wrong I'll have sacrificed some marks, over all though my aim was to get 48% and if I don't get that I'll be on the phone with clown college within the hour.

I got 98% yo

Stress of moving update: References all gone through, going to sign the paperwork at the branch on Friday, before getting the keys on Saturday morning. Sister is gonna help with moving all my shit, but she's 6 months pregnant so can't really help me unload, but driving will be a good help. TV bought and arriving Friday, Sharp 42" for under £200, not bad. Broadband ordered, will be activated on Tuesday, which is earlier than it could have been so don't mind waiting the extra couple of days. Bed, corner sofa, coffee table and maybe some other bits in a potential package deal from a local furniture store, going over on Saturday or Monday.

I hope everything comes up Milhouse.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Stress of moving update: References all gone through, going to sign the paperwork at the branch on Friday, before getting the keys on Saturday morning. Sister is gonna help with moving all my shit, but she's 6 months pregnant so can't really help me unload, but driving will be a good help. TV bought and arriving Friday, Sharp 42" for under £200, not bad. Broadband ordered, will be activated on Tuesday, which is earlier than it could have been so don't mind waiting the extra couple of days. Bed, corner sofa, coffee table and maybe some other bits in a potential package deal from a local furniture store, going over on Saturday or Monday.

I hope everything comes up Milhouse.

Yeah maybe don't ask your preggo sister. You not got a mate to help?

I'll help if you pay for my ticket up to you and feed me! I'm strong and everything.

You sound like you're doing pretty well so far geez
Haha that's what I said but she insists, she's only gonna drive anyway so nothing too strenuous. Have got a mate involved now too, she's even giving me a coffee table. Score!


Yo, I've been up for 27 hours, this place is super weird and stinks of weed. I might be in love.
Yep I was just there. Weed and sea lions.

If you want a chuckle go eat at the extremely traditional Kennedy's Irish Pub & Indian Restaurant.
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