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British PM Theresa May Brexit Speech 17th January 2017 at 11:45AM GMT

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Thats going to be a tough sell.
Put photos of the two next to each other.
Which one is more dangerous looking.

I mean May looks exactly like Cruella De Vil.

Don't worry, they'll give it a go, and people may ask why the DM is banned on GAF. Not just recognised as right wing, but actually banned



At least she ran with it and done a Panorama doc on herself called "the most dangerous woman in Britain?"



is now taking requests
If the article 50 notification is irreversible, then he's right. We'd end up crashing out without any deal. If it is reversible, then he's wrong, at least in the short term. Parliament could reject the deal and we could withdraw the notification, but there would still be a mandate for leaving the EU thanks to the referendum result.

If the rest of EU are fine with UK staying on after all then article 50 will be reversible, and if they're not it won't be. Realpolitik will trump legalism for sure.

So i guess in the end it will be up to Angela Merkel to decide! :)


I still struggle to understand with this level of delusion.

I get it that in front of her people and her party (and her media) she needs to play the strong leader and all of that, but do you really think that threatening the EU is a smart move?
I just don't get it: I guess this is why that guy that was negotiating quit not long ago, he wasn't ready to follow this madness.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Scotland has ONE Tory MP yet we get complete Tory rule.

Well, when the rest of the constituencies are represented by a nationalist party with nothing to offer the rest of the union, why should non-Scots UK voters care?

I mean lets be real here, while the SNP has made noises of late about putting forward candidates South of the border, right now they represent a specific regional interest only both in terms of policy and representation.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The vote May has said parliment will have is once the deal is done (so a few years time) "do you like this? yes/no. If you say no that's no deal". In other words fucking pandering so she can I gave you a vote (both options will be the same though) when most people assumed the vote would mean "do you like this? yes/no. If you say no we'll call the whole thing off and remain after all".

Where many people get confused is the much sooner triggering or Article 50 (some time in March). The UK high court ("enemies of the people" - Daily Mail) is going to announce soon if Theresa May needs parliament to vote on this or not. May thinks she can use Royal Prerogative to push it through. A citizen legally challenged this pointing out the triggering article 50 changes the legal status of everybody in the UK through law changes and as such you need it to go through parliament. What is really funny is how Brexiteers were all like "sovereignty. British courts for British laws etc" during the campaign yet lost their shit over this matter. It's the very sovereignty you wanted.

Certainly not confusing! </sarcasm>

I wish UK people the best of luck.
Thanks for the quick summary.
TBH Scotland seems screwed no matter what way it goes.

UK seems hell bent on shotgunning itself in the face. We know how that's gonna go.
EU membership would take time and even then... with the current European climate and with things only going to get worse with the US about to start ignoring Russian fiddling in the region.

Basically asking if you want to stab yourself in the chest and slowly bleed to death (Brexit) or do you want to jump into the big deep dark mystery hole and hope there is water at the bottom (Independence)


Cheerleading the SNP?

Neogaf 'progressives' in backing a regressive, to the right of blair nationalist shocker

Requires citation.

Obviously a nationalist, but the while the centre-leftness of the SNP is overstated, Sturgeon herself is pretty centre-left in terms of her rhetoric and the policy positions she has proffered, and internally she's considered on the left of the SNP unlike someone like Swinney who is fundamentally a socially liberal Tory.
The Supreme Court verdict could be significant. If it says the other home nations need to approve A50 then it gives Scotland more of a say.


TBH Scotland seems screwed no matter what way it goes.

UK seems hell bent on shotgunning itself in the face. We know how that's gonna go.
EU membership would take time and even then... with the current European climate and with things only going to get worse with the US about to start ignoring Russian fiddling in the region.

Basically asking if you want to stab yourself in the chest and slowly bleed to death (Brexit) or do you want to jump into the big deep dark mystery hole and hole there is water at the bottom (Independence)

Water? The bet is a river of Buckfast.


What the fuck is this idiot talking about?

Simple.... if Article 50 is not reversible, parliament voting against the deal would crash the UK out of the EU with no deal (WTO)

ergo, politicians will spend the next two years arguing if article 50 can be reversed


Absolute madness.

There is absolutely no mandate for this from the referendum and even if you argue that it somehow did, polls suggest that those who want hard brexit are significantly outnumbered by those that don't.


Cheerleading the SNP?

Neogaf 'progressives' in backing a regressive, to the right of blair nationalist shocker

Yeah this is just nonsense. Anti-trident and anti-Iraq war two simple ones. They've done their best to negate regressive Tory policies like the bedroom tax and constantly call for progressive policies. I'm sure they're not perfect but to the right of Blair... HAHAHA!


Yeah this is just nonsense. Anti-trident and anti-Iraq war two simple ones. They've done their best to negate regressive Tory policies like the bedroom tax and constantly call for progressive policies. I'm sure they're not perfect but to the right of Blair... HAHAHA!

The fear of the Union breaking up really brings out some insane comments. It's a fair political stance to prefer to stay in the UK, but at least have some genuine reasons for it other than "Blairite!".


Absolute madness.

There is absolutely no mandate for this from the referendum and even if you argue that it somehow did, polls suggest that those who want hard brexit are significantly outnumbered by those that don't.

actually the problem is no one knows, the referendum was too binary, I don't know how but it needed to have options in there....

you can not keep arguing that the result would be different if run again, as yet again no one knows that is the case, everyone presumes the result would be different, but in reality no one can say for sure


TBH Scotland seems screwed no matter what way it goes.

UK seems hell bent on shotgunning itself in the face. We know how that's gonna go.
EU membership would take time and even then... with the current European climate and with things only going to get worse with the US about to start ignoring Russian fiddling in the region.

Basically asking if you want to stab yourself in the chest and slowly bleed to death (Brexit) or do you want to jump into the big deep dark mystery hole and hope there is water at the bottom (Independence)

Sturgeon: 'Brexit has left us in a mess. We need to learn from it and TAKE BACK CONTROL...'

It's working out great for us Nicola, go for it!


actually the problem is no one knows, the referendum was too binary, I don't know how but it needed to have options in there....

you can not keep arguing that the result would be different if run again, as yet again no one knows that is the case, everyone presumes the result would be different, but in reality no one can say for sure

The only sure thing, it was a stupid question that should never ever have been asked. Most people are idiots or clueless and easily manipulated. You don't offer a public vote on a life changing decision that has no clear outcome.
The only sure thing, it was a stupid question that should never ever have been asked. Most people are idiots or clueless and easily manipulated. You don't offer a public vote on a life changing decision that has no clear outcome.

The biggest problem was no one thought leave would win so the consequences of it weren't thought through. An actual plan and repercussions such as definitely leaving the single market should have been put forward before the vote. Unfortunately no plan was thought up and the leave side could just spew make believe and whatever else they wanted as facts were irrelevant.


My mum, who voted leave despite the many conversations we had where I explained how the EU funds projects here and how the single market benefits us, just see the news and straight up asked me "Why are we leaving the single market?".



My mum, who voted leave despite the many conversations we had where I explained how the EU funds projects here and how the single market benefits us, just see the news and straight up asked me "Why are we leaving the single market?".


Hahaha. This has direct parallels to Trump voters dependent on the ACA.


My mum, who voted leave despite the many conversations we had where I explained how the EU funds projects here and how the single market benefits us, just see the news and straight up asked me "Why are we leaving the single market?".


Hopefully, you can continue to engage with her as things move forward. I'm glad I haven't had to live with that sort of tension.

Sadly, I think this "surprise" is going to be shared among millions of Leave voters across the country.


Direct rule can only last so long before things kick off again. I think Sinn Fein are largely in the right here, from everything I've read in the UK press McGuinness has basically been the one holding the power sharing executive together while the DUP have largely acted like a bunch of intolerant classless bigots.
The Northern Irish people don't want conflict regardless of the collapse of the Executive.

Some one should offer him one, I'm not familiar with UK constitution and Law but I guess if the parliament says no the brexit it's done

Unfortunately he is right. Parliament will need to vote through the terms of the final deal, but not the actual act of exiting the EU - that will be done via the vote on Article 50.

Once A50 is triggered, according to our government we have left the EU, and it cannot be reversed. Any deal can land in the lap of parliament, but it will be a case of deal or no deal - the Remain case and all its voters will be cut out of the debate. As my party has put it, what has started with a democratic referendum will end up with a stitch-up - a PM and cabinet that nobody voted for implementing a deal that nobody wants, rushing the entire process to ensure we're out of the EU by the time May will be up for election in 2020.

There should be a referendum on the final deal, to ensure that the public has the ability to put pressure on May to get the best deal for the whole of Britain, not just Farageists. Otherwise the 2020 general will instead be that referendum.

My hope is that my party will propose re-entering the EFTA/EEA with a view to regaining EU membership as our European policy in that general election. If you agree, and want to help our pro-Europe platform, you can get involved and help us present the pro-EU case to the British people.


Actually, now that I'm a bit less angry a big part of me is thinking that everything in the speech is at least partially bollocks. Perhaps it's the current culture of misinformation and the way a lot of what May says contradicts what she actually does but I'm seeing a lot of BS smoke here and if I'm suspicious, I reckon the actually clever, well informed people at Brussels are laughing like drains at half of that.


Actually, now that I'm a bit less angry a big part of me is thinking that everything in the speech is at least partially bollocks. Perhaps it's the current culture of misinformation and the way a lot of what May says contradicts what she actually does but I'm seeing a lot of BS smoke here and if I'm suspicious, I reckon the actually clever, well informed people at Brussels are laughing like drains at half of that.

She has said nothing new, just pandered to leavers with the same old. Still thinks she can get everything without being in the EU. She basically set out a hard Brexit stall more than she ever did but only because she will never get anything better from the EU but at the same time is demanding all the good things the EU is minus those laws and migration. The EU will be thinking nothing changed, still waiting for article 50.



Just to reiterate how Scotland voted. Every single constituency Remain, and Remain 62% over the whole country. That the will of an entire nation, a nation which is supposedly an "equal member" of the union, can be so hugely dismissed is mind boggling to me. Independence needs to happen.


Just to reiterate how Scotland voted. Every single constituency Remain, and Remain 62% over the whole country. That the will of an entire nation, a nation which is supposedly an "equal member" of the union, can be so hugely dismissed is mind boggling to me. Independence needs to happen.

She used Scotland and other parts of the opposition as a stalling tactic while they came up with Tory Brexit and got organised.

Tory party>>>>>>anything else.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Just to reiterate how Scotland voted. Every single constituency Remain, and Remain 62% over the whole country. That the will of an entire nation, a nation which is supposedly an "equal member" of the union, can be so hugely dismissed is mind boggling to me. Independence needs to happen.

If EU membership is the only factor to consider in Scotland's future, sure.


Just to reiterate how Scotland voted. Every single constituency Remain, and Remain 62% over the whole country. That the will of an entire nation, a nation which is supposedly an "equal member" of the union, can be so hugely dismissed is mind boggling to me. Independence needs to happen.
The latest polls show 62% of Scots are against Indy Ref 2 and support for independence has dropped a point since Indy Ref 1.
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