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If it isn't clear to you, being dissappointed and hating are different things. People are dissappointed by things every day. You play a dissapointing game, or watch a dissapointing movie, you sigh, then move on, never to remember it again.If it isn't clear to you by now then let me point it out for you. People aren't hating on TLOU. They were just disappointed by the direction the series ended up going. If they hated it, they would say nothing. If anything, they are just expressing what they ended up hating based on the direction the series ended up going in. Let's not confuse things.
Jokes on you, I don‘t fall for the obvious baitgames they throw out.Damn, can't even imagine what you would say by stumbling upon Ubisoft titles, or Eidos, or Square Enix or Bethesda. Stay miles aways from those.
Ludonarratove dissonance is the worst idea ever created by gamers.
If it isn't clear to you, being dissappointed and hating are different things. People are dissappointed by things every day. You play a dissapointing game, or watch a dissapointing movie, you sigh, then move on, never to remember it again.
Hating it is having the game constantly regurgitating in your mind and making pointless threads months down the line.
OP is clearly a psychotic hater. He can't move on. He is Ellie. He's stuck in a cycle of hatred. Neil Druckmann has mindfucked him for the rest of his days.
I would agree.. but that controversy also brought us The Last of Us.Ludonarratove dissonance is the worst idea ever created by gamers.
Thanks monsieur Freud. Or Maybe this is a videogame board with little impact on our real lives, the game just won the VGA and being a huge fan and admirer of the first game i'm free to express my disappointment through analysis and discussions.OP is clearly a psychotic hater. He can't move on. He is Ellie. He's stuck in a cycle of hatred. Neil Druckmann has mindfucked him for the rest of his days.
Can't emphasize this enough.
When she wrote & directed the incomprehensible mess that was Uncharted 3.When's the last time Amy Henig has finished a game?
Good Lord. And Hennig getting their projects cancelled. How unfair.Didnt druckmann also want to kill of Elena in uncharted 2?
She's behind Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves, both thousands times more charming and appealing and even magical than any pretentious piece of shit produced by Naughty Dog this gen.When she wrote & directed the incomprehensible mess that was Uncharted 3.
EDIT: Oh sorry, looking it up I was wrong. She also wrote the masterpiece that is Battlefield Hardline.
Truly she is a writing master a real visionary, unlike Druckmann.
I know what you're getting at, and it's not her fault if a project gets cancelled, as per the Star Wars game she was working on.
I liked its narrative. Doesn’t matter that you’ve accused people’s brains of being able to detect or not detect things. That accusation does not make the narrative bad as it is good. (See we can just say stuff to will it into existence.)The game have actual faults in it's narrative structure and even entire premises of game, your brain being able to detect them or not.
The real news for me is that Bruce and Neil don't follow each other on Twitter.
why ?
Hmmmmmm.......now that's a good question.
Meanwhile, the game just won IGN's player choice GOTY:
You know, voted by the public and not picked by journos? I feel so bad for you people
When she wrote & directed the incomprehensible mess that was Uncharted 3.
EDIT: Oh sorry, looking it up I was wrong. She also wrote the masterpiece that is Battlefield Hardline.
Truly she is a writing master a real visionary, unlike Druckmann.
Will we ever stop beating this dead horse?
If it isn't clear to you, being dissappointed and hating are different things. People are dissappointed by things every day. You play a dissapointing game, or watch a dissapointing movie, you sigh, then move on, never to remember it again.
Hating it is having the game constantly regurgitating in your mind and making pointless threads months down the line.
OP is clearly a psychotic hater. He can't move on. He is Ellie. He's stuck in a cycle of hatred. Neil Druckmann has mindfucked him for the rest of his days.
Why would adding AI that calls out the name of someone you killed make it better? The stealth in Tlou2 is just as retarded as GoT and I don't see how that weird shouting 'Alice' every 5 seconds helped.Agreed. Its basically a better Assassins Creed Japan lol I personally like the game, but man it has many issues and can get massively repetitive. Its story bored me to sleep and I only liked the side stories with the other cast of characters.
Don't even get me started with Ryuzo's character basically betraying the entire country for food despite running past Rivers valleys filled with fucking Fish Deer running and shit are you kidding me? I literally laughed out loud because this doesn't really make a lot of sense and I have to question how the fuck did anyone seriously write this with a straight face. I mean my god...you LITERALLY HAVE FISHING VILLAGES, his clan has bows and arrows yet can't kill deer, boar, bears and all the other fucking animals that clearly they can consume? The fuck?
THEAP99 " It's basically just another Sony Ubisoft open world but with more polish. Congratulations. A B - minus rated game isn't goty worthy. Maybe if ghost of tsushima released in 2013 it would be. But today, nope. " Agreed. I like the game, but its not doing much new and has lots of room for improvement. We wouldn't give most Assassins Creeds GOTY and i feel this game falls in that area.
The Last Of Us 2 is simply a better game even before we talk about story.
Think about it.
Ghost Of Tsushima 2. If they added dogs that are actually able to SMELL YOU, AI that actually looks for you, have their heads move many directions looking for you like in The Last Of Us 2, actually vocally say the name of the person you just stealth killed looking for them as their ABSENCE CONFIRMS SOMETHING IS WRONG, someone telling me that being added in Ghost 2 is bad?
If you take those elements and add them to Ghost, you have a better game. Period. I like both games, but clearly 1 of theses games just has a deep level of quality that is very hard to top and elements that should be added in Ghost Of Tsushima 2 (or what ever they will call it) simply to make the world make more sense in terms of gameplay.
it's called analog stealth. different types of grass, different types of sight-seeing, and enemies will flank you like crazy.Why would adding AI that calls out the name of someone you killed make it better? The stealth in Tlou2 is just as retarded as GoT and I don't see how that weird shouting 'Alice' every 5 seconds helped.
Surely the confirmation of absence would be the ai then actively searching for you like all the best stealth games (splinter cell/thief etc.)?
This seems like a mechanic that's kind of useless unless you want to talk about how it ties into Tlou2's 'reveng is bad narrative' and how inconsistent it is.
it's called analog stealth. different types of grass, different types of sight-seeing, and enemies will flank you like crazy.
here is one example of how well crafted the ai is in tlou2