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Bungie Weekly Update (9/03/04)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
since no one seems interested in responding... i'll spark some ;)

Carneyhole* - Imaginary hole placed in geometry that Chris Carney hides in his multiplayer maps so he can hide, popping up occasionally to snipe. The hole is full of guns and health and ammo.

what... you say?

The hole is full of guns and health and ammo.

Not following... here... another helper!

back due to popular demand? :)
Health has been gone since...What, E3? But yeah, it was a good update this week...Halo 2 is pretty much finished...They're just tweaking, and fixing up bugs. Basically, the skeleton of the game is complete.
I have heard there are "health" packs but they basically just replenish your shield instantly... so don't read too much into the whole Carneyhole comment... Ill see if I can dig up where I heard about that...
Here we go:

"Power-ups. Capt'n did they have any power ups in your build?
I saw one power up and it looked like a med kit. It only worked if your shield was completely drained. This was on Lockout."

found here: http://www.nightly.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi/topic/56/6922/17.html?

That forum is probably the best resource for Halo 2 info right now. Take some of it with a grain of salt but for the most part things seem to be pretty accurate. There is info about a Blood Gulch remake, and some other multiplayer levels that I haven't seen anywhere else.


Adrian Perez has been fixing little gameplay exploits – or "features" as cheats call them. One of these is one some, but not all of you will know about from Halo one. If four players stand on the respawn point of an active camouflage power up, and they are all there at the same moment it reappears, you guessed it, all four become simultaneously invisible and take off on a rampage of destruction. Halo 2, for what it's worth, checks to see how many jerks are standing there, and awards the power up to whoever is most on it.

Good to see them addressing some of the quirks to Halo multiplayer. :)

He also recently added some effects to the Rocket launcher projectile sound. The new-improved noise includes a kind of hollow echo as the rocket tube empties. It basically sounds a lot more dangerous. The rocket itself sounds absolutely terrifying and leaves you in no doubt that it is headed straight for your face.

I look forward to it. :D
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