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Burnout 3 and Live (UK perspective)


Burnout 3 came out on Friday, and I managed to pick it up on Saturday. Thought I'd play it a while before getting my arse handed to me online. So last night onto live I went. Setup a room then things started going wrong. Friends list was all over the place, everyone was offline (no they weren't), Sending an invite was a joke because "mail could not be sent". If a friend did join it chucked everyone else out of the room and after every game the room shut itself. I have no idea what EA up to but this is the worst LIVE game I ever played and this is made twice as bad as the game itself is fantastic. I think EA should leave this online thing to Microsoft.
Well, I agree that EA's influence on the game's online implementation (and its music component) sucks, I consider myself fortunate that I've yet to have a problem like the ones you and many others have mentioned. Perhaps that EA update coming up will fix many of the problems you're having. I'm more irritated at the lack of a proper replay mode.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Seems to be par the course for most people. The lobby system is buggy beyond belief, but once you actually get into a game (a trial unto itself) its really awesome.


MightyHedgehog, I thought it might have been a one off but it did it all night. I had to log back on multiple occasions and it took ages to do so. Screen went blank a couple of times and everthing was locked up. A friend in work was also playing it last night, on my friends list he wasn't online and he sent me a few invites, none of which I recieved. Shame really as its a great game. I must say though I'm happier paying £29.99 for Live if this is the shambles EA are giving out and no doubts will be charging for in the near future.


The Inside Track
The Burnout 3 servers are in maintenance right now, hopefully some issues will be fixed. One can hope, but with EA...


dont worry the mutliplayer's charm wears off quickly anyway. Single player is where you'll be spending all your time.
"Electronic Arts is coming under serious flak this week, vexed by technical problems thwarting the integration of Xbox Live online play into the just-released Burnout 3: Takedown. This is EA’s first Live project, and some teething problems were certainly expected: although the current situation is more severe than had been anticipated.

The fundamental problem is that EA wanted to do things its own way when Microsoft has already set up a fairly rigid, and pleasingly workable, online gaming community. Indeed, it was this difference in views that prevented EA taking advantage of Live at an earlier stage. However, the arrival of Burnout 3 was hoped to remedy this conflict: bringing the two corporate giants together in a joyful jig of international gaming goodness.

Reports from Live enabled Burnout 3 players have, however, deviated from the entirely positive remarks expected. In fact, people are getting seriously frustrated that the product they were promised seems to have fallen flat for seemingly inexplicable reasons. Players are getting booted off servers, log-ins are failing, Xboxes are crashing, Friends Lists are vanishing… it is, in fact, a small catastrophe for the makers of Burnout 3: which is an absolutely excellent title (offline, at least!).

EA should expect some hefty criticism over this issue. Online gamers have been receptive towards the Xbox Live way of doing things, and EA’s intervention: separating game lobbies on a national basis and forcing opt-out mailing lists, has so far proved problematic. However, it is hoped that these problems will soon be rectified.

Later on today, Burnout 3 will be closed for play as EA carry out “scheduled server maintenance” and “lobby server deployment”, which will hopefully smooth out a few of the issues experienced thus far. We certainly hope so anyway: especially on behalf of all those who ran out and bought Burnout 3 on its release day specifically to get involved with Xbox Live!"


Yes its from Spong but still.....i thought this game was supposed to be played online........


I also wish that people from other countries would stop hanging out in the american lobbies and kick people out of the server 'because our game is british-people only, you know"
Bluemercury said:
This is EA’s first Live project, and some teething problems were certainly expected: although the current situation is more severe than had been anticipated.

Only first if you're in the UK. NCAA and Madden were out for a while. Not that they haven't had their own live problems. Any word on the patch helping?


Im not havin hardly half of the problems you guys seem to be experiencing...At worst I might get booted out of a game,but its very rare and Im back in within seconds...
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