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Burnout Crash |OT| Impressions At The End


BruiserBear said:
This thread is like an exact replica of the threads for Criterion's previous two games. Both Burnout Paradise and NFS: Hot Pursuit had severely negative reactions in their respective threads upon the release of the demo.

Over time many people reported back to the threads with more positive impressions, with some even acknowledging they had it all wrong. I'm betting on it happening again with this game. ;)
Burnout Paradise always LOOKED appealing to me, personally I found myself incredibly annoyed with some design decisions and finally picked it up when some of them were rectified.

I have zero interest in this game whatsoever - the Crash mode is and has always been my least favourite part of every Burnout game I've played.


BruiserBear said:
This thread is like an exact replica of the threads for Criterion's previous two games. Both Burnout Paradise and NFS: Hot Pursuit had severely negative reactions in their respective threads upon the release of the demo.

Over time many people reported back to the threads with more positive impressions, with some even acknowledging they had it all wrong. I'm betting on it happening again with this game. ;)

Considering that you posted yesterday that you knew you would like the game before even playing the demo, sounds like you're just as bad as people prematurely pronouncing how bad the game is.


This game is atrocious.

Neverending loading times, annoying voice, boring and silly gameplay.

Burnout for 8 years old.
lawblob said:
Considering that you posted yesterday that you knew you would like the game before even playing the demo, sounds like you're just as bad as people prematurely pronouncing how bad the game is.
Hoisted by his own petard!


I sort of agree with him though.

This thread is knee-jerk reaction total. Yeah, the visual/audio presentation is laaaaaaaaaaaame and for casuals, but the gameplay is pretty damn solid as you'd expect from a Criterion game and that's really what matters, isn't it?

It's not a BURNOUT PROPER replacement or even BURNOUT CRASH MODE replacement, but it's an addictive score puzzle game based on the mechanics of Burnout's crash mode.

I don't really understand the people saying it's slow or has bad controls. Did you play any of the other modes? Each mode requires a completely different strategy as does each map. Some require patience of building up massive pile-ups before massive explosion chains, others want constant explosions frantically knocking cars around while still not letting new cars through.

Most of the power-ups are actually a lot of fun and building them up at the right times is important for score. The stages have a lot of variety in gameplay with different routes, and different special events. Plus leaderboards and optional goals and all that stuff.

Is it GOTY? No. Is it a fun game for $10 that lives up to the enjoyment from the developer's other titles? Definitely.

I'm a huge burnout fan. I thought Paradise was GoTY 2008 and is the best racer this entire gen. When the screens and videos for this first came out I was raging as much as everyone else. I still think it looks stupid and the announcer and pizza wheels are embarrassing. But I can look past that and enjoy solid gameplay and this is full of it.
Just trying it now. Meh. A really strong meh. Kinect control is complete garbage (steering is slow and unresponsive, move around to move the crashed car is downright impossible to judge.

Call me back when this drops to 400points.

Bebpo said:
Is it GOTY? No. Is it a fun game for $10 that lives up to the enjoyment from the developer's other titles? Definitely.
I can get WAY MORE game for $10 than this, which is the biggest issue here. Burnout Paradise as a while was on sale at $10 before, and there's no denying that there's way more content there.

Even as compared to other puzzle games on the platform, this feels weak.
Is there no way to demo the kinect mode? Oh wait I see it's after the loading screen.

Edit: Holy shit the kinect mode is awful.


AlphaTwo00 said:
I can get WAY MORE game for $10 than this, which is the biggest issue here. Burnout Paradise as a while was on sale at $10 before, and there's no denying that there's way more content there.

Because let's compare a day 1 game to an older game that's price dropped and been on sale. At that rate, almost every game is terrible compared to the $5 steam sale deals.

Most downloadable XBLA/PSN games are $15. This is $5 less and has as much or more game as many of them.

Again, controls are fine on a controller.
lawblob said:
Considering that you posted yesterday that you knew you would like the game before even playing the demo, sounds like you're just as bad as people prematurely pronouncing how bad the game is.

As I said yesterday, Criterion has earned my respect to the point where I no longer doubt them. I believe they are among the elite developers of this era. Just as it is with Naughty Dog, no one doubts their next game is going to be anything but greatness. I feel the same way about Criterion. Burnout Paradise was a masterpiece IMO, and last year's NFS: Hot Pursuit was right there behind it. In other words, I don't believe they'd release a game they didn't think was great, and for a $10 game, I think Burnout Crash is pretty great.

Of course this is always about opinions, but there seems to be this weird disdain that comes out with Criterion demos for some people around here. I remember it vividly with Paradise, and then last year with Hot Pursuit. Some people acted disgusted with both demos, and yet by most accounts they're among the best racing games this gen.

I happen to find the aesthetics of Burnout Crash to be incredibly charming, right down to the introductory menu music. I think the voice overs are amusing, and the silly phrases and powerups funny. Even the sound effects give off an old school slot machine vibe. This is clearly a silly arcade smash em up, with some strategy to be employed for the highest scores. To each his own I guess, but I see some genius in everything this team puts together.

HadesGigas said:
Edit: Holy shit the kinect mode is awful.

I am stunned to hear such a thing!
Just tried the demo, and I have to admit I kind of like this. It is a silly, limited game but it is still good. The use of licensed music is a nice touch, and any game that references Miami Sound Machine cannot be terrible.

I kinda want to buy it, although I'm still unsure - which is not good sign for a game that just costs 800MP. I want to see more, although I already feel I have seen a lot of what the game offers based solely on the single event on the demo

I feel if Criterion/EA had not stuck the Burnout name on this people would have liked it for what it is, and not instantly hated it for what it isn't.


I am really liking this game, I didn't expect to see a ton of hate for it. Anyone out there who is enjoying it would you like a friend to autolog challenges with? Gamertag Ascullylive


So is there absolutely NO way to check world leaderboards at all? Seems entirely autologged and friends only?


Tried the demo, pretty eh. Don't really care for the sound effects and voices, and the fact that cars disappear and your crashbreaker fills up automatically are both pretty lame. I get what they were going for, I just don't like it. Also the load times appear to be ridiculous. Might get it on a half off sale for $5 or something, but that would be it. Incredibly disappointing coming from Criterion.
Bebpo said:
Because let's compare a day 1 game to an older game that's price dropped and been on sale. At that rate, almost every game is terrible compared to the $5 steam sale deals.

Most downloadable XBLA/PSN games are $15. This is $5 less and has as much or more game as many of them.
Sure, but while people do want to evaluate games as a vacuum, in the real world, people will evaluate games based on prices. And really, as much or more game as many of them?

I guess we can wait for numbers to show up and see how this one goes. EA's recent XBLA/PSN efforts have been pretty lacking, and most of them get heavily discounted. I don't see this game breaking the trend.


OldJadedGamer said:
Not me, I said Paradise sucked and I wasn't going to buy it until they added in a retry option. Devs fought it but then finally gave in and added it in a patch... then I bought the game.

I was the same way. I only bought Paradise for the PC after they added in the ability to restart races.
Played the demo. I have literally nothing nice to say other than it would make an alright $1 iPhone/iPad game.

Basically they took what I liked about crash mode back in the Burnout 2 days, threw all that away, and added a spectacular amount of nonsense. No thank you.


Murderer's Gut Feeling™
Saw it on the market. Fuck yes! Watched the video. Fuck no! I was expecting HD Burnout old school crash mode. What the fuck is this garbage?
Keyser Soze said:
I feel if Criterion/EA had not stuck the Burnout name on this people would have liked it for what it is, and not instantly hated it for what it isn't.

This is so true. Some people just can't think beyond the name.

abracadaver said:

Wow. That is ridiculous, and not even funny.

My first thought was "How on earth could this small downloadable game justify this commercial being produced"? But then I realized this must be a Microsoft funded deal, which is why it pushes the Kinect so hard, and even has that hilariously false tagline of "better with Kinect" thrown in.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Got it. It's actually fun and pretty damn hard if you want to 100%. I guess I'm part of the minority
BruiserBear said:
This is so true. Some people just can't think beyond the name.
I have no emotional investment in the Burnout name, I haven't played any of them for longer than about half an hour, and certainly don't look out for news on new ones because I simply don't care.

That said, I think Crash is boring and rubbish and worth barely a tenth of what they're charging. Maybe the full game isn't bad, but in that case they probably should have showed the good parts of the game in the demo and maybe I'd be inclined to try them. Also, shipping a score-based game with shit leaderboards is actually insane.

I won't even buy this when it goes on sale, that's how poor an impression the demo leaves.


bought it....it is nice relaxing..i'm a sucker for all kind of bonuses and pinball sounds....I see the fun in it, and having fun with it...just one more game.....800maybe to high..better 400 points. It is Criteon people!!! they know what is fun.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Not sure what the demo is but the game isn't that bad. It's very casual since the crash sessions last much longer but it's gonna be tough grabbing every star. It has a nice risk/reward system built in where you can play it safe and just crashbreak in the center, or be risky and go after detonating buildings and such. You can also use the cars you have crashed into the field to detonate and ricochet into buildings. There's quite a bit of depth into it.
Wario64 said:
Not sure what the demo is but the game isn't that bad. It's very casual since the crash sessions last much longer but it's gonna be tough grabbing every star. It has a nice risk/reward system built in where you can play it safe and just crashbreak in the center, or be risky and go after detonating buildings and such. You can also use the cars you have crashed into the field to detonate and ricochet into buildings. There's quite a bit of depth into it.
The demo is the very first mode on the very first junction, and that's it. So the one where you've got five lives, that's all you get to see. I spent most of the level just sipping a cup of tea while I watched stuff pile into me, then I pressed A and went back to my tea for a couple of minutes.


Why in the world are they making games like this and not a Burnout Paradise 2?

Next to games like Fallout 3/NV, Oblivion and a few other titles, BOP has been one of my most played titles this generation. I really hope they do a second.


What I liked about the Crash mode was seeing the cars get mangled up and obliterated. If I wanted this I would just buy some hot wheels and mash them together like a toddler.


Keyser Soze said:
I feel if Criterion/EA had not stuck the Burnout name on this people would have liked it for what it is, and not instantly hated it for what it isn't.
I disagree with you here. I'm not invested in the burnout name at all and came in with zero expectations for this game. I played the demo for 30-45 minutes and just wasn't feeling it at all. It's a very low-interaction game. The loading times (especially from the menu) were really bad and I just didn't feel like it was any good at $10. At $5 I might have considered it and as a 99 cent iPad game it'd probably sell well. I think the negative reactions are fair considering the price point of this game.

Also, I realize that one of the game modes might be more fun than the 5X default mode but that's Criterion's fault for making that the default unlock stage for all the intersections. If the other mode is more fun they should have made that the default. No global leaderboards for a high score based game either? WTF? It's just all the design decisions that are on the surface that make me feel so negative about the game.


works for Gamestop (lol)
toythatkills said:
The demo is the very first mode on the very first junction, and that's it. So the one where you've got five lives, that's all you get to see. I spent most of the level just sipping a cup of tea while I watched stuff pile into me, then I pressed A and went back to my tea for a couple of minutes.

What was your high score? Sounds like you're doing it wrong

Very low interaction game? Man, I feel like I'm playing a whole different gam than you guys. This game is pretty frantic imo. Stuff is always happening.
Wario64 said:
What was your high score? Sounds like you're doing it wrong
Something like 40m, but I only had one go. I got bored and started trying to play it "properly," moving around and blowing up buildings and shit, but as soon as I started doing that I started losing lives. My old strategy was better, plus I like tea.

The game doesn't tell you how to play it, though. It just puts you in this really boring mode on a really boring slow level and basically says "get on with it." Honestly, it might as well have not had a trial at all for how bad at being a trial it is.
I'm definitely with Wario on this one. Is it the same as previous Burnout crash modes? No, but it doesn't have to be. Explosions, hazards, multipliers, what more do you need in a score attack? Damn fine Arcade game to be sure.


works for Gamestop (lol)
toythatkills said:
Something like 40m, but I only had one go. I got bored and started trying to play it "properly," moving around and blowing up buildings and shit, but as soon as I started doing that I started losing lives. My old strategy was better, plus I like tea.

The game doesn't tell you how to play it, though. It just puts you in this really boring mode on a really boring slow level and basically says "get on with it." Honestly, it might as well have not had a trial at all for how bad at being a trial it is.

I'd say it's a bad trial, because it gives you another tutorial in the next intersection level. And the other mode is pretty fun (90 seconds to blow the shit out of everything with constant traffic)

I think this is another case of bad Criterion demo, yet again. I don't think Criterion has ever had a good demo of anything ever
jetsetmario said:
I'm definitely with Wario on this one. Is it the same as previous Burnout crash modes? No, but it doesn't have to be. Explosions, hazards, multipliers, what more do you need in a score attack?

Wario64 said:
I'd say it's a bad trial, because it gives you another tutorial in the next intersection level. And the other mode is pretty fun (90 seconds to blow the shit out of everything with constant traffic)
Yeah, I've heard the other modes are better but I'm certainly not paying $10 to find out.
toythatkills said:
Something like 40m, but I only had one go. I got bored and started trying to play it "properly," moving around and blowing up buildings and shit, but as soon as I started doing that I started losing lives. My old strategy was better, plus I like tea.

The game doesn't tell you how to play it, though. It just puts you in this really boring mode on a really boring slow level and basically says "get on with it." Honestly, it might as well have not had a trial at all for how bad at being a trial it is.
The game actually gives you a quick lesson on how to play it upon booting up the demo. Of course if it gave you detailed instructions and strategy instructions you'd probably be complaining about it telling you too much.
BruiserBear said:
The game actually gives you a quick lesson on how to play it upon booting up the demo. Of course if it gave you detailed instructions and strategy instructions you'd probably be complaining about it telling you too much.
Yeah, it says drive into the middle, wait, then press A, then wait again.


Wario64 said:
What was your high score? Sounds like you're doing it wrong

Very low interaction game? Man, I feel like I'm playing a whole different gam than you guys. This game is pretty frantic imo. Stuff is always happening.

Yeah, uhh my experience is the opposite of low-interaction. The game is super frantic with you flying everywhere left and right while trying to setup roadblocks in various directions to by you time during the movement. I'm always making saves where I stop a car by a millisecond and I'm very relieved when the stage ends as I can put the controller down and catch a breather.

The game is like 90 seconds or so of holding your breath.

The various stage designs with different types of intersections really change up your strategies as well. When I got to the 2nd location with the only wide horizontal lanes it was really tough keeping both lanes blocked at all times while still exploding things rapidly for scoring purposes.

It's definitely a score game

You can setup a roadblock and sit and do nothing (though the cars will probably explode at some point breaking your roadblock), but you're not going to get many points for that. You really need to be blowing up your surroundings and unique cars with high multiplier explosion chains to score high.
I had a blast with the demo! Don't know what's wrong with you guys. Part of crash mode is that it is random. You just have to plan ahead to catch all the traffic. And getting a high score does take quite some skill through maneuvering and aiming.

The addition of autolog made me want to improve my score even more. It's super addicting.

The exploding cars disappearing is a factor you you have to account for. It's a measure to prevent everything getting clogged up, forcing the player to choose whether to blow up all traffic or choose to redirect the carnage.

Wario64 said:
I'd say it's a bad trial, because it gives you another tutorial in the next intersection level. And the other mode is pretty fun (90 seconds to blow the shit out of everything with constant traffic)

I think this is another case of bad Criterion demo, yet again. I don't think Criterion has ever had a good demo of anything ever
Burnout 3 demo.
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