knee said:
- I think there are better ways to go about this besides disappearing for a month and coming back down the mountain with two stone tablets of new rules... although that would've been pretty bad ass. I don't agree with a lot of the new 'rules' though.
That wasn't exactly my intention. I usually follow this thread pretty religiously, and it's my hope that a lot of people would agree with that. The trouble with that is that I have literally read every single post in this thread, and that I could not really approach the thread with a "new" perspective unless I didn't know what all was being posted. I probably didn't need to wait as long as I did, but that's done and over with now, and we could debate that till we're blue in the face. My intention was to browse this thread like I was doing it for the very first time so I could get someone else's perspective.
knee said:
- There's a lot of feedback given in the thread-- enough that can turn the page in a single day. I like the announcement of blue and gold status., but would it bother you if feedback submissions were PMed to you instead?
That would be wonderful, on a personal note. There's exactly two issues with it that cannot be overcome, though. The first is the site's rules regarding PM totals. The administrators have been kind enough to increase the amount of private messages I can get since they are aware that I have gotten a horde of them in the past. However, if everyone private-messaged their feedback to me, we would hit that limit fairly quickly. I don't update the list as quickly as feedback is received, even on a good day, so it'd be likely that I'd hit the maximum fairly quickly and you couldn't even send me a PM.
The second is a matter of transparency. When feedback is posted publicly, it supports the legitimacy and competency of the user-submitted feedback list. You can search the thread and see some of the feedback given for a particular user. If everyone PM'd me their feedback, you don't know that A) I'm not playing favorites, and B) that all of the feedback actually came from the thread. I get why you think this would be a good idea. It'd eliminate a lot of posts in this thread that aren't item listings. I thought about that a long time ago, and I cannot think of a better way to handle this, unfortunately. One idea I came up with was that you could PM feedback to me if you went back to your post to edit out the item, and list who you sold it to. But there's no way to search your post history, and nobody would actually do it. You guys know that I'm open to suggestions in regards to just about anything.
knee said:
- I'm not a fan of the repost idea. I always go back and clear out my old posts before making a new one (instead of doing a lazy self-quote). I think once a page is completely fair... and will turn out to be less often if the feedback is done by PM. I don't go back more than a single page, because old items usually = sold items. Also, If I've added something new to my post three pages ago, people aren't going to know about it.
I would love to acknowledge that the part about you going back and clearing out an old post is 100% true. You're pretty good and timely about doing that. Unfortunately, "old items usually = sold items" isn't usually true. If you'd like proof, I'd like to submit all of the reposts into evidence. Maybe we could add an exception to the rule if you actually add a new item to your listings, but I think people would simply post a list and omit one item, then add the omitted item as soon as the page turns again.
Implementing a repost rule actually benefits every single seller in this thread. It would cut reposts down tremendously, giving every seller more exposure on the items that they're selling. Right now, every 50 posts or so, it's the same items again and again. There's no incentive to keep looking back through the pages to see the wares if virtually everything looks the same. When you repost, it actually bumps the post count even more, which means it's time for someone else to repost their stuff. You see what I'm saying? It's a vicious cycle. And it just really needs to stop. The only way that I can think of is to reduce it, and 150 posts gives us a better chance of significantly reducing it than does 100. 150 works better for people who have it set to 100 posts-per-page.
I know you're a power seller, but if nothing else, think of the sellers who work all day and maybe don't have access to a computer or something to keep track of their listing. They're not going to be reposting it as frequently as some of the other people are. Their listing will get lost in the world of reposts.
knee said:
- I didn't have a problem with eBay listings, but I doubt that any GAFers actually purchased anything off of those listings that there posted in the thread.
I don't necessarily disagree with you in that I don't think any GAFfers bought anything off the eBay listings. Like I mentioned, as a group, we tend to not want to deal with eBay in general. So I will say that most users that post links to eBay are pretty transparent about it. They state that it's an auction site and the like. I
do appreciate that much. But frankly, just that it isn't business that's being done within the thread, and utilizing it to promote your own listing elsewhere. Not only is that a bit disingenuous to start with, but it's technically against the terms of service for this site. It's just sort of a gray zone for moderation because of the nature of this thread. I'd rather not have moderators cracking down on this thread for that reason.
knee said:
You do an excellent job a running the thread and maintaining feedback, but I think that you're being a little heavy-handed on this one. Also, how would any of this be enforced?
I'm not trying to come off as heavy-handed with any of this stuff. They're unfortunately real problems within this thread. And I know that this won't address all of the issues with the thread. But I feel like they're a start. This thread's existed like this for at least a couple of years now with no real structure to it, a very hands-off approach. Some aspects of it being hands-off have worked a lot better than others. These are some problems that are obviously a result of that. It's my intention to make it better for everyone. A lot of your fellow posters and potential customers seem to like the idea of the repost rule; maybe it's not all bad?
So as for enforcement, I'm not under any illusion that I'm a moderator or that the moderators are going to magically show up and enforce this stuff. I'm genuinely asking each of you to adhere to them. It's for everyone's benefit. If something that we didn't foresee happens as a result of it, we can probably just revert the rules back. But honestly - this should help everyone's posting experience, listing experience, and buying experience. Let's say that of post 7550, these rules go into effect, just to eliminate confusion.