Looking to sell a bunch of extra games. I can discount a bit for multiple items.
Pics of most items available
WTS: (prices shipped in US with USPS first class or Priority if needed)
Batman Arkham City Catwoman code - $1
Blood Bowl - $9
Burnout Paradise (new, PH) - $30
Chronicles of Riddick - $8
Ghostbusters (new) - $20
Mass Effect (new, PH) - $16
Mass Effect 2 (new, PH) - $17
Sonic the Hedgehog (new, PH) - $17
Soul Calibur V (new) - $17
SSX (new) - $17
Tropico 3 (new) - $15
Batman Arkham City Catwoman code - $1
Batman Arkham City Robin code - $3
Deus Ex HR Augmented - $22
Fallout 3 GotY (new, GH) - $17
God of War Collection (new, black label) - $25
God of War III (new, black label) - $22
Heavy Rain (new, black label) - $22
Mafia II (new, GH) - $16
Mass Effect 3 CE (new) - $65
MGS 4 LE (some wear) - $35
Star Ocean (new) - $25
Trap Gunner (disc only) - $11
Batman Begins (new) - $8
Batman Dark Knight discs only (2 discs - movie + special features, watched once) - $7
Free with any purchase (or just ask nicely):
Rage (PS3) Anarchy DLC
Bulletstorm (360) online pass
Red Dead Redemption (360) War Horse (may be used already)
Disney Universe (360) Peter Pan + 2 additional costumes