Okay, I have a few items that I would love to sell.
Prices include US shipping. I prefer Amazon payments, but Paypal is cool too. I am on the Good Traders List, so buy with utmost confidence!
PSP Go: White model; didn't really use all that much. I deleted all my settings and info, but the games I had on there are still on the system (some PS1 shooters from Japan, Project Diva 2, Third Birthday, Gladiator Begins, Patapon 2) If they still work while doing whatever it is you want to do with the system, then you get bonus games. Otherwise, delete them? Screen protector on from day one. Includes all items in box, a case, and a cradle.
DJ Max Portable Black Square Quattra Limited Edition Box: Okay, short story about condition on this: Everything inside the box is in great shape; all I opened are the game and the soundtracks. The box itself was the victim of rude handling by the dudes who finished my basement, getting a small rip in the right hand corner of the lid flap (can send pic if you want) and getting very dusty. I wiped off most of the dust as best I could, but you might be able to remove any remaining residue (the dimpled texture of the box material makes it hard to see what is on there). Generally speaking, it looks decent.
Bayonetta figure and Bayonetta Soundtrack Box: These are what they are. I did not keep the box for the figure, but all it came with are the guns, so those are included. It appears to be crazy expensive in the box nowadays?
SOLD The soundtrack set is like new. CDs in slim cases.
NOT PICTURED: Complete Kinect unit with Kinect Adventures game. Bought used from Gamestop in pristine condition, barely used it myself as I got sick of moving furniture to do so. $65