What do you mean done?
You know what I mean by justice don’t act confused. Yeah MS is also after your money and we all know what’s up, don’t act like you’ve been neutral this whole time.
If you check my posts on the acquisitions, I don't think ive ever praised them or hoped for them. All I have ever said is that more games on my gamepass subscription is welcomed. I also said I want ABK to get stringent and thorough checks and if the cma or whoever thinks it isn't right after months of checking then I think that's obviously the best for all of us.
It looks like ABK is dead? Or do you think it may go through?
I don't think Sony could even afford to buy take two and make them exclusive, so I. This completely hyperthetical scenario that Sony fans dream will happen I think they would have to at least bring it out on PC and playstation close to day one. Or deffo have an agreement to make it multi platform.
I mean, what's gta 5 sold? Over 100 million copies? You would have to think logocally that if it was 100 million copies atleast 30 percent of those copies would be on xbox platforms.
Anyway, this is all complete hypertheticals and no where near reality so there is no point in even entertaining it.
I think Sony goes for Square and that's fine imo. They will support them still releasing PC and switch games I imagine.
No idea.