a whole pile of Japanese guidebooks, mostly for RPGs. I'm flying back to the USA on Monday, December 16, and will carry whatever anyone is buying from me back on the plane. All prices
include domestic US shipping; I've factored in $3.00-5.00 each depending on the size of the book. Also, the books that I don't think I'll be using again are at knockdown prices whereas the rest of the stuff I would be happy to hang onto (and won't lug with me on the subway and plane) so those are closer to market prices.
* Fina; Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: a
massive coffee-table-sized guidebook showing you everything you need to know to play the new 2.0 version of this game. Maps, ability lists, artwork... absolutely essential. $30 shipped.
From top left:
* Tactics Ogre PS1 version: Chaos Route and Law Route: $8 each or $15 for the set.
* Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission V-Jump Guide: $15
* Final Fantasy X "A Tale For You" (the title is the Japanese writers' translation of Auron's line at the beginning of the game: "This is your story."): This is part of the series of "playthrough" books that Squaresoft made in the PS1/2 era. All the dialogue in the game is given in book form, with screenshots on every page, so you can "replay" the game be reading the book. It's surprisingly fun to go through these books while listening to the OST. They're rare now and were never cheap to begin with ($20+ cover prices). $20 for this one.
* Xenosaga Episode I guidebook: $8
* Dark Souls guide $8
* End of Eternity / Resonance of Fate complete ultimate guidebook;
massive and phonebook-thick. A godsend when exploring all those hexes. $20
* Star Ocean: The Second Story guide $8
* Dragon Quest VIII guide. I still haven't started playing the DQVIII that I bought from a GAFfer back in 2011 ^_^; $10
* Metal Gear Solid 2 complete guidebook $10
* Metal Gear Solid 3 complete guidebook. The photo doesn't show it, but the book has a great brushed aluminum-like finish. $10
* Xenoblade official guide. Very hard to find; mine has a little bit of writing in it from the previous owner. $20
* Final Fantasy XII Ultimania Omega. Best game of the generation; best guidebook for the game. Contains all the dialogue for both the story
and all 1100+ NPCs! $25
* Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania Omega. My favorite of the FFXIII books; this one is filled with artwork and design documents that show you just what a beautiful world had been created for this game... before Toriyama got his hands on it. $25
* Final Fantasy Type-0 Ultimania. The ridiculously-thick single volume Ultimania for this game. You can't see it in the photo, but this copy has a slight slant to it due to how it was stored. I got it cheap for that reason and have had it wedged between other stuff for months to get it back into shape. I'd charge more if not for that: $20
* Final Fantasy IX Ultimania. Wonderful game, wonderful book. $20
Disregard the odd orientation in these next few photos. (At no point was my phone ever held horizontally, I go to the photos on my computer and this is how they're stored. I give up):
* Final Fantasy VIII For Beginners - Starting guidebook. $8.
* Final Fantasy XIV Eorzea Starting Guide. This was made for version 1.0 but is still a fun read. The dungeons have mostly changed while the jobs and cities haven't. $10
I don't think I have the PlayStation Magazines anymore, but I have the World Preview books for FFXIII and Type-0. They're books, not magazines, and have stiff covers. $8 each for them.
* Suikoden II guide: $8
* Suikoden guide: $8
* Final Fantasy XIII V-Jump guide: $8
* Final Fantasy Type-0 V-Jump guide: $10
* Lightning Returns Master Guide: this just came out a week ago and I bought two of them purely for the PS3 Aeris costume download code. The Xbox 360 codes are still in unused! I'll offer than at the exact cover price plus shipping: $15 each.
In the next day or so I'll add more. Paypal Gift preferred, and while I'm not yet GAF Gold, I've made many people very happy with sales just like this one in 2011 and 2012. Whatever you buy will be carried on the plane and mailed from New Jersey, probably on Tuesday, December 17. A great chance for you RPG fans to get a hold of some nice Japanese guidebooks!