Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Positive feedback for SmokeMaxX. Fast shipping and great packaging.
Right back at him. Instant payment.Positive Feedback to kennah! Most painless transaction I've ever had.
Yeah. Positive Feedback for NameGenerated. Great Buyer.Positive feedback for SmokeMaxX. Fast shipping and great packaging.
Darn, you got that? I PM'd him about it a few weeks ago and never got a reply haha.Positive Feedback to AZ Greg for selling me his mint shape ASUS monitor. Thanks again buddy.
Same. Positive feedback for SkyMasterson. Quick to respond to my PM's, and quick to send code. Definitely would do business with again.Positive feedback for Baconbitz
Quick and easy transaction!
I'd look on the previous 3 pages. There was a blue and red XL up for sale.Still looking to pick one up. I'll probably give it the weekend and then just pick up a new one if nothing pops up.
Anyways, color doesn't really matter. Just need one in excellent condition, complete with charger. I would like to pay around $100 shipped for a standard, original release, more for an XL, and more if the system is linked to any digital content, but I'm just as happy to have an empty system.
Just curious- how often does the feedback list get updated?
It depends on if anyone has time to do it. I think I still have rights to edit, but I've been working 60 hours a week. How far behind is it right now? I can try to tackle it this evening if it's very outdated.
Last updated 1/27/13 (Post #751). So ~1600 posts behind.
I'd look on the previous 3 pages. There was a blue and red XL up for sale.
Damn. Okay, I'll get started on it tonight.
WTB Dragon's Dogma (PS3) - US only please.
Positive Feedback to AZ Greg for selling me his mint shape ASUS monitor. Thanks again buddy.
I think you can sell on behalf but you are responsible and no linking to outside i just checked the OP and didn't see anything about this. is there any kind of unofficial rule about selling on behalf of non-GAF members? i have a friend who's looking sell a rather large chunk of a collection (not at all once) and i know a lot of what she has would interest GAFfers.