Okay, thanks. I'll report back with my findings. Does the $500 include shipping?
Okay, thanks. I'll report back with my findings. Does the $500 include shipping?
Positive Seller Feedback for JayEH for a quick and easy transaction. Thanks for the New Super Mario Bros U code!
Reporting positive buyer feedback for gaf user Oatmeal
Positive feedback for blazenumb1. Helped me get Watch Dogs for cheap(er).
Dunno if Best Buy is capable of release day shipping haha. They're not as good as other online retailers about that. We're probably in the same boat regarding this issue. I get free expedited shipping and I have to wait till Monday to receive the game. Might as well have ordered it for in store pickup lol.To everyone who ordered watch dogs or Mario Kart I apologize(although I have no control over that) for Best Buy's slower shipping, not sure what they're doing.
Bundle A - $7
SEGA Genesis Classics Series 1(Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Comix Zone, Ecco the Dolphin, Gain Ground, Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master, VectorMan, Crack Down, Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi and Space Harrier II.)
Alpha Protocol
Company of Heroes
Rome: Total War
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
Bundle C - $8
Dead Space
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Medal of Honor
Mirror's Edge
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Populous and Dead Space 3 (ORIGIN KEYS ONLY)
Bundle D - $10
Iron Brigade
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Mark of the Ninja
FTL: Faster Than Light
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
The Swapper
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Does anyone have a Street fighter 4 AE key for PC? i would be willing to pay $10-20 for it thanks.
Positive buyer feedback for tm24. Easy person to deal with, thanks!
Dunno if Best Buy is capable of release day shipping haha. They're not as good as other online retailers about that. We're probably in the same boat regarding this issue. I get free expedited shipping and I have to wait till Monday to receive the game. Might as well have ordered it for in store pickup lol.
WTB: 3DS for $50-80 shipped. Cosmetic condition doesn't matter and I'd actually prefer one that has some wear and tear (my 4 year old will be using it a lot).
Would definitely go higher for an Ambassador/model that has some downloads already.
PM please!
Also WTB: Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 7, Any of the Mario Games, Animal Crossing 3DS, ALBW (physical or digital).
It's dependent on when they receive the shipment. Free shipping as a regular member got me Conception II on release day. Like only yesterday did BB start processing MK8 online orders.They always had before so maybe I was just lucky. Was gonna just direct people to do store pick up if they want ensure they get it release day. Will still keep the offer open since I was wrong in assuming they could since they had in the past for the last few months.
WTB: 3DS for $50-80 shipped. Cosmetic condition doesn't matter and I'd actually prefer one that has some wear and tear (my 4 year old will be using it a lot).
Would definitely go higher for an Ambassador/model that has some downloads already.
PM please!
Also WTB: Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 7, Any of the Mario Games, Animal Crossing 3DS, ALBW (physical or digital). Again - condition doesn't matter as long as it works. I'm totally happy with no cases or manual or codes.
Positive feedback for blazenumb1. Bought a pre-order for Mario Kart for me. Class act, answered my questions and placed the order quickly.