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Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2014

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I don't know if this is of any help to you guys but he's still using GameFAQS by the name of Ockman which seems to be his PSN as well, Still uses Yuripaw for Miiverse by the looks of it.

Thanks for the heads up! TBH I've already written it off as a loss. I'm not gonna pursue it anymore unless he somehow contacts me or gets back on these forums. I have been reading his posts though.

This was written by him like a day after I found out my codes were redeemed.
From http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/718931-final-fantasy-xiv-online-a-realm-reborn/69316248
I don't have any money. Like I am broke right now because I'm a college student who just finished this semester, and I haven't had much income in a while. I have some PSN money though, and I wonder if I could buy a PSN the game on a subaccount, would I get a serial key via some means still, that I could just link with my main account instead and redownload my client?
Oh HMMM Yuripaw. I wonder how you have PSN money?


So I won MK8 used for $28.50 last night in a lowball CAG auction...I'm really hoping it's legit as I've already paid now....

Wow. That's a steal! MK8 is a great game. My gf isn't even much of a MK fan but kept saying "okay well I just want to see what we unlocked..." and then every time we played another grand prix lol.


Thanks for the heads up! TBH I've already written it off as a loss. I'm not gonna pursue it anymore unless he someone contacts me or gets back on these forums. I have been reading his posts though.

This was written by him like a day after I found out my codes were redeemed.
From http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/718931-final-fantasy-xiv-online-a-realm-reborn/69316248

Oh HMMM Yuripaw. I wonder how you have PSN money?

So have i. This will not discourage me though i still buy great stuff at great prices here.


You usually can't go wrong on CAG as long as you look at the person's record that has the game.

The person is new but seems to have +1 feedback and sounded legit enough when I spoke with her previously via PM on there. Fingers crossed.

Wow. That's a steal! MK8 is a great game. My gf isn't even much of a MK fan but kept saying "okay well I just want to see what we unlocked..." and then every time we played another grand prix lol.

I'm really looking forward to hopefully playing soon! I'm not huge on MK in general but people seem to be having a lot of fun with it.


Thanks to all who have messaged me about selling me Wii U game codes. I no longer need any. Thanks to all who messaged me. If any one else is looking for codes, judging by the amount of pm's I received there are plenty for sale so don't be afraid to ask! :eek:
I don't know if this is of any help to you guys but he's still using GameFAQS by the name of Ockman which seems to be his PSN as well, Still uses Yuripaw for Miiverse by the looks of it.

Thanks for the heads up! TBH I've already written it off as a loss. I'm not gonna pursue it anymore unless he someone contacts me or gets back on these forums. I have been reading his posts though.

This was written by him like a day after I found out my codes were redeemed.
From http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/718931-final-fantasy-xiv-online-a-realm-reborn/69316248

Oh HMMM Yuripaw. I wonder how you have PSN money?

Last year Yuripaw sold me his PS4 preorder with 2 games from Amazon in October. Five days before the November 15th he emailed me saying that his email account and Amazon account was compromised and that someone brought $500 worth of digital items from Amazon. This was his message:

Yuripaw said:
I have been avoiding messaging you about this for 2 days, because I am so scared, and afraid of what your response may be, but please listen to me, as I am being as sincere as I humanly possibly can. Last week, I noticed I was having some trouble accessing my email. I didn't really sweat it right away, because I don't use email too often.

However, on friday, I noticed I was having bigger problems when I could no longer log into my amazon account as well. You might be seeing where this is going, but to put it as simply as possible...it seems my amazon account was compromised, and the orders I had placed for you and myself were canceled, and someone spent the gift card balance on digital items without me even knowing about it before it was too late. With the exception of Killzone, which you should still receive, because it was shipped out already.

I am still trying to make sense of all this, and figure something out with amazon, however they have not gotten back to me with any kind of satisfactory response. They are "looking into it"

My biggest fear in all of this though was how I can make amends with you. I was crying so much on Friday, because if I had a job, I would just pay you the money back for your trouble, but my problem is, I am jobless, and I have no money. At least none of any large amounts. :(

I am basically asking you...what can I do for you? What do I have to do to make this right? I...don't have much money, but I will give you what I can when I can. I don't own many items...but...you want a ps3? fuck..ill give you my 500 gb super slim ps3 if it means making some of it up to you :( ...

Sorry, im kinda freaking out here as I type this...anyway, please...please do not blame me for this, is the only thing I ask from you. i will do whatever it takes to make this right, I just...i just dont know what, and would appreciate any suggestions you may have to offer :(

Anyway...that's the story... :( I await your reply.

sincerly, with deepest regret.

After a few days of constantly messaging Yuri that I wouldn't accept nothing less than what we agreed to & that I would post this development on the thread, the PS4 miraculously came through on the 15th. So I gave him positive feedback although it was fishy from the start but I had no proof of Yuri trying to be conniving. I also sold him a monitor a year before that which I waited 2 months for payment because he was having "personal issues".


From all of these stories, it sounds like he is a manipulator at best. I'm sorry to hear about what you all had to deal with. IblisGinjo, I'm glad you got your PS4 at least.


Last year Yuripaw sold me his PS4 preorder with 2 games from Amazon in October. Five days before the November 15th he emailed me saying that his email account and Amazon account was compromised and that someone brought $500 worth of digital items from Amazon. This was his message:

After a few days of constantly messaging Yuri that I wouldn't accept nothing less than what we agreed to & that I would post this development on the thread, the PS4 miraculously came through on the 15th. So I gave him positive feedback although it was fishy from the start but I had no proof of Yuri trying to be conniving. I also sold him a monitor a year before that which I waited 2 months for payment because he was having "personal issues".
Wow. I can't believe so many stories about him are coming out now. I'm always nice when it comes to feedback but this makes you wonder if you should just write every hitch in every transaction so that others in the future can be careful.

BTW thank you to everyone who's commented on the issue or messaged me personally. I greatly appreciate you guys' support.


WTB: Free game code for MK8 Wii U promotion (North America Ed.). I got Pikmin 3, but I really wanted Wind Waker HD and didn't realize it was still so expensive and ended up buying Child of Light instead with my digital deluxe promotion dollars. Cheers.

EDIT: My bad.. I wasn't thinking. I had already redeemed my MK8 code for Pikmin 3 and thought maybe another could be used for WW:HD as well. Sorry for the trouble.
...I'm always nice when it comes to feedback but this makes you wonder if you should just write every hitch in every transaction so that others in the future can be careful...

That's how I feel. Maybe if I had posted that sooner someone else would have thought twice about dealing with him.
Got about $550 credit at GS today. Got Xbone, FM5, and Watch_Dogs. Thx for the heads up fellas!

Does that shit work if I trade towards the Xbone, don't end up having enough and they throw it on a gift card? I have a 3dsXL lying around and a spare PS3 but that wouldn't get me enough trade credit towards the Xbone. Do they require I pay the rest immediately or is something where they would go "Okay, here's the XXX.XX amount on a card towards the system"?


Does that shit work if I trade towards the Xbone, don't end up having enough and they throw it on a gift card? I have a 3dsXL lying around and a spare PS3 but that wouldn't get me enough trade credit towards the Xbone. Do they require I pay the rest immediately or is something where they would go "Okay, here's the XXX.XX amount on a card towards the system"?

You can trade towards a purchase and pay later when you pick it up I'm pretty sure. What I did was trade it towards the Kinectless Xbox One that comes out next week. If I decide I don't want it at any time, I can just cancel the preorder and the full amount will be returned to a gift card.
You can trade towards a purchase and pay later when you pick it up I'm pretty sure. What I did was trade it towards the Kinectless Xbox One that comes out next week. If I decide I don't want it at any time, I can just cancel the preorder and the full amount will be returned to a gift card.

That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks, man. Wonder how much with the trade in bonus that they'll give for a 3DS XL.
Oh, and Positive seller feedback for Silh. This is my second time buying from Silh and I couldn't be happier. Bought a pair of astros since my wife stole mine. Thanks again!


listen to the mad man
Given that we can't police sellers or buyers, it serves no purpose to "give people the benefit of the doubt" by omitting important facts when leaving feedback. If someone agrees to buy something and delays paying you because of personal issues, but comes through in the end, leave neutral feedback and say that the person came through in the end but delayed before-hand. If someone agrees to sell something and gives you grief when you expect them to come through or pulls the post office stuff, leave them negative feedback. Just because someone appears to be a kind-hearted human being doesn't mean they're a good buyer or seller, and the purpose of feedback is not to help someone's dating profile, it's to evaluate them as a buying or seller. Leaving fake positive feedback doesn't help you and might enable a would-be scammer. If you absolutely can't bring yourself to say anything less than glowing about another individual, choose not to leave feedback or something.

I have no skin in this; I don't sell here and I think the last time I bought here was 2010 or so (I bought Seaman off PepsimanVsJoe, I think?). I'm just saying that this is a thread that only works thanks to members leaving feedback and other members aggregating that feedback. So if you want the thread to work, you have to be honest.


damn thats pretty shitty to read about the scamming. Red flags should have gone up after the ps4 thing. Please give accurate feedback when possible.


From all of these stories, it sounds like he is a manipulator at best. I'm sorry to hear about what you all had to deal with. IblisGinjo, I'm glad you got your PS4 at least.

I bought a used 360 Slim from him last February, and the transaction went flawlessly. I also attempted to buy in iPad 3 from him, but after I paid he claimed that he dropped it down some stairs and broke it, so he refunded my money promptly. ll-in-all, I only had good experiences with him, which leads me to believe that he truly is struggling with something personal that he's not equipped to deal with in a mature manner.

I certainly don't condone his recent practices, but I do hope that he's able to safely climb out of whatever hole he's in--it's sad to see people who, just b/c they've hit a rough patch in their lives, turn to taking advantage of other honest people.

And it's a real bummer to see one of this thread's best contributors--SmokeMaxX--fall prey to Yuripaw's shady dealings. Hope you still stick around, SmokeMaxX!


I bought a used 360 Slim from him last February, and the transaction went flawlessly. I also attempted to buy in iPad 3 from him, but after I paid he claimed that he dropped it down some stairs and broke it, so he refunded my money promptly. ll-in-all, I only had good experiences with him, which leads me to believe that he truly is struggling with something personal that he's not equipped to deal with in a mature manner.

I certainly don't condone his recent practices, but I do hope that he's able to safely climb out of whatever hole he's in--it's sad to see people who, just b/c they've hit a rough patch in their lives, turn to taking advantage of other honest people.

And it's a real bummer to see one of this thread's best contributors--SmokeMaxX--fall prey to Yuripaw's shady dealings. Hope you still stick around, SmokeMaxX!
Oh yeah, I'm here for the long run. I googled some of his posts on other forums just to see what he's been saying and the "I'm broke" thing isn't really new for him. He's had that shtick for a while. I'm pretty surprised that he did this tbh. I've done a few transactions with him (under the Yuripaw account) previously with absolutely zero problems. I guess he just wanted to scam some people with his new account though. It just goes to show what people will do if they think they can get away with it.


I bought a used 360 Slim from him last February, and the transaction went flawlessly. I also attempted to buy in iPad 3 from him, but after I paid he claimed that he dropped it down some stairs and broke it, so he refunded my money promptly. ll-in-all, I only had good experiences with him, which leads me to believe that he truly is struggling with something personal that he's not equipped to deal with in a mature manner.

I certainly don't condone his recent practices, but I do hope that he's able to safely climb out of whatever hole he's in--it's sad to see people who, just b/c they've hit a rough patch in their lives, turn to taking advantage of other honest people.

And it's a real bummer to see one of this thread's best contributors--SmokeMaxX--fall prey to Yuripaw's shady dealings. Hope you still stick around, SmokeMaxX!

I hope he's a good guy, I do. It just bothers me to see him take advantage of people like this.


Headed to Gamestop to trade in the PS4 and some games. Will report back.

If you're trading it for an Xbox like I did, you should get enough credit for a brand new Xbone/Kinect/Forza 5 bundle + a new $60 game with the PS4 and 3 newer games. You get $397 for the PS which is the price of the damn thing new haha


For sale:

CDN Mario Kart 8 Club Nintendo Pin # - $20 PayPal/Interac E-mail Transfer

NSMB/Luigi U (Physical) - $30 Canadian, local pickup only (Toronto, Canada)


I am still without a job as of today and cannot receive unemployment, have debt and bills to pay so I appreciate any help by purchasing my stuff.

Want to Sell (Prices Include Shipping, Please paypal gift or pay the fees)
  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Soundtrack (opened) - $25
  • Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Soundtrack Club Nintendo edition (sealed) - $25
  • Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection (opened) - $25
  • Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Wii U) - $18
  • Assassin's Creed (PS3 - Greatest Hits) - $10
  • Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3) - $18
  • LittleBigPlanet Game of the Year Edition - $18
  • LittleBigPlanet 2 (sealed) - $18
  • J-Stars Victory VS (PS3 - JPN) - $70
  • Shin Megami Tensei - Book & CD that came with limited edition - $15 (no game)

Might add some other stuff later so watch this post....

All games are complete and include game, case, and manual.(if it comes with one)

I have 2 Positive Seller Feedback and 2 Positive Buyer Feedback.


If you PM me and I don't respond within 24-48 hours, I did not receive your PM. Please PM me again! Gaf's messaging system screws up occasionally.

Selling: All prices for physical goods are SHIPPED. If you buy multiple things, price will go down to reflect on saved shipping. I will consider offers, but most of these things are about as cheap as I can go. If you buy more stuff, I am more likely to give a discount.


3DS/WiiU eShop Credit:
I sell US 3DS/WiiU eShop Credit at face value for anyone needing it (including the international users who aren't able to get it themselves). Increments of $20, $35, or $50. If international, please use ppfeecalc.com with the "International" setting to calculate fees. If from the US, thefeecalculator is usually accurate. I usually have codes on me, but sometimes need to run to the store to pick more up.

Xbox Live 1 Year Code - $40 *4 left!*

Club Nintendo Codes:
Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS) - 40 Coins (+10 via Post Play Survey) - $3 or willing to trade for equivalent amount of coins
Game & Wario (WiiU) - 40 Coins (+10 via Post Play Survey) - $3 or willing to trade for equivalent amount of coins


Playstation 3:

Hori Fighting Stick Mini 3 for PS3 (Used; Black/Red Version) - $32 shipped
Stick is fully functional. Stick is also really small.

Additional Pics:
Pic of stick in box; box has some cosmetic damages on top (can see in pic): http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/ometauru/20140511_175351_zpsqops3z1a.jpg
Pics of top:
Pic of bottom:

Discounted Best Buy/Amazon.com/GameStop Gift Cards

I take Paypal and, upon request, Amazon Payments. If you choose Paypal, please gift or pay fees.
NeoGAF PLATINUM! (150+ Total Positive Feedback!) (Gonna keep the Feedback List in my B/S/T posts from now on. Feel free to use =]
anyone need a club nintendo japan code for monster hunter 4 for free?

i also have one for yugioh zexal.

Just hit me up and i'll put them out

I've bbeen told to specify that this are CLUB NINTENDO CODES, instead of full game codes.




32 GB Wii U - Interested in a bundle with Mario Kart 8, but not necessary.

PM me how much it would be shipped to 11215.

Also Interested in a Starcraft 2 - Heart Of The Swarm digital key.



Mario Kart 8 Free Game Promo, one of these games:
1- Super Mario Bros U
2- Pikmin 3
3- Windwaker HD
4- Wii Party U

for 20$ paypal


Junior Member


Watch Dogs (PS4) - $42 Shipped, DLC code used.

Shipping to continental United States, paypal preferred, amazon gift cards accepted. I have four positive feedback in the thread so far (not updated in spreadsheet yet).


This is going to be a long shot, but i need to replace my phone
The moto e is priced at 180 CAD, when it's 130$ USD, and it's not out yet in canada
Since it's a new phone, i'm not expecting anyone to be selling, which is why i'm looking for the old moto g model (the one without microsd and lte)
hoping to get it for cheap, since i'm tight on money right now
it has to work on AWS/t-mobile network, since i'm on wind in canada and not the big 3 network


Positive Feedback for Undead Bokun. Traded his Mario Kart 8 Club Nintendo code for my XBL money. Super fast transaction. Zero problems. Very responsive.


For Sale

DanganRonpa Limited Edition CONTENTS ONLY! $55 shipped
Muramasa Rebirth Limited Edition for the PS Vita, sealed $50 shipped

Selvaria Bles 1/7 PVC by ALTER

Alicia 1/8 PVC from Valkyria Chronicles by Kotobukiya $90 shipped

Alicia 1/8 PVC from Valkyria Chronicles by SEGA $70 shipped

aaaand probably one of the rarest things I own:
Final Fantasy XIII Deluxe Edition-PM me with offers and details

I also have a few more things not yet pictured, One Coin Tales of Vesperia set, Final Fantasy XIII Elixir Trading Arts, and more. PM me if you're interested in more info!
Will consider reasonable offers. PM if you guys are interested! Willing to discount if buying multiples. I still have original packaging for everything, would prefer to stick with US buyers only.


Unconfirmed Member
EDIT: Have some problems with shipping right now, will put up again later.


Anyone still looking for a MK8 Promo game download code for the US eShop? Game choices are:

- New Super Mario Bros. U
- Pikmin 3
- Wind Waker HD
- Wii Party U

Looking for any of the following as payment:

- $20 via PayPal
- $20 in PSN Credit
- $20 in Wii U/3DS eShop Credit

PM if interested!
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