I have been avoiding messaging you about this for 2 days, because I am so scared, and afraid of what your response may be, but please listen to me, as I am being as sincere as I humanly possibly can. Last week, I noticed I was having some trouble accessing my email. I didn't really sweat it right away, because I don't use email too often.
However, on friday, I noticed I was having bigger problems when I could no longer log into my amazon account as well. You might be seeing where this is going, but to put it as simply as possible...it seems my amazon account was compromised, and the orders I had placed for you and myself were canceled, and someone spent the gift card balance on digital items without me even knowing about it before it was too late. With the exception of Killzone, which you should still receive, because it was shipped out already.
I am still trying to make sense of all this, and figure something out with amazon, however they have not gotten back to me with any kind of satisfactory response. They are "looking into it"
My biggest fear in all of this though was how I can make amends with you. I was crying so much on Friday, because if I had a job, I would just pay you the money back for your trouble, but my problem is, I am jobless, and I have no money. At least none of any large amounts.
I am basically asking you...what can I do for you? What do I have to do to make this right? I...don't have much money, but I will give you what I can when I can. I don't own many items...but...you want a ps3? fuck..ill give you my 500 gb super slim ps3 if it means making some of it up to you

Sorry, im kinda freaking out here as I type this...anyway, please...please do not blame me for this, is the only thing I ask from you. i will do whatever it takes to make this right, I just...i just dont know what, and would appreciate any suggestions you may have to offer
Anyway...that's the story...

I await your reply.
sincerly, with deepest regret.