Positive feedback for the incomparable DunderHassan. Service with a smile.
Looking to sell:
Sweet Home NES English version - This is a glorious reproduction cart. Red cartridge, original cardboard case, cart sleeve, instructions and map. Also a clear plastic case to protect the game and case is included. Works great. Played it once and then went into my shelf. Could use some extra cash and figured before going to Ebay, some GAF memebers might like a chance to get it. The two english US versions on ebay only go from $100 -$120 so I'll do the lower end.
I also have a English translated Clock Tower on SNES as well that I'd be will to part with also if anyone is interested. Same condition as Sweet Home with case, etc minus a red color cartridge.Not currently available on ebay so up for offers.
Also have good condition copies of Mega Man Legends 2 and Rule of Rose up for sale.
Positive seller feedback for Bboy AJ
Even payed extra for faster shipping. Thanks!
Positive feedback for liezryou.
Positive seller feedback for x Maiku x, great trade thank you!
PMed.WTB: 60 US Dollars in PSN credit. I'm only interested in buying it all at once. Paying through PayPal.
Mario Kart 8 code for $15 via Paypal.
positive feedback for ERMint13
I've got plenty of XBL currency codes. I want sniper elite digital for xbone. Also interested in wolfenstein digital for xbone. Pm me if you have either
WTB Mario Kart 8 for Wii U.
couldn't you just redeem those (gamestop) codes and buy sniper elite and wolfenstein off the xbl marketplace?
For Sale
Brand new, factory sealed Playstation 4 - $350
Brand new, factory sealed Xbox One - Day One Edition - $450- SOLD
Pics provided on request. I would have done it already, but I'm at work, and those are currently in my (weather-controlled) storage unit.(see below)
I've had these since launch, and between helping my family move, renovate the new place, work being a bear, and a million other things, I haven't had time to even pull these out of storage and play them. Now, I'm still short on time, and I could use the money. My loss, your gain.
Both of these prices include shipping within the contiguous United States. Offers from outside that area are welcome, but PM me with your area so I can work out what shipping will cost.
If you're looking up my feedback, I haven't sold anything here in a while, but I was one of the original GAF Gold members. Not to mention, a few mods/members here have the resources to easily track me down. Please deal with confidence!
I did a couple of deals with breaky back in the original BST, pre-gold status and all that. Everything was on the up and up, I'll vouch for him.
I can vouch for him as well!
He paid for some games and a console way back in the day, in person, without murdering me or pulling some fishy business. =P
I have a set of US Club Nintendo Hanafuda cards, never used. I also have a sealed Persona 4 preorder bonus Vita skin. I'd like to get $30 shipped for everything. And I'm only willing to ship within the US.