Hello you FUCKIN' NERDS! I got some nerd stuff to sell, and I KNOW you're wantin' to buy.
First off, we got the complete VIZ Neon Genesis Evangelion series, uncut, and in English. GET THE FUCKIN' DEAL, SHINJI! Asking $50, way less than what it cost to rebuild Tokyo-2.
Second, even more EVA shit. Campus Apocalypse. FOUR VOLUMES. Howz'about $15? Yeah, that's it.
Like The Dark Tower? Never heard of it? Well, FUCK YOU! Read this shit and get learned about Roland and his ka-tet. Ten volumes, all hardcover but one. TEN FUCKIN VOLUMES, SON. Asking, oh, let's say $25.
Finally, a Dynex 400 watt PSU for all your computing needs. Comes with a money back guarantee that this fuckin power supply supplies your PC with the power it needs so you can browse reddit all day and look at stupid fuckin MEMES. $15.
Read that like a commercial off of Adult Swim! 10/10
Glad I could make you laugh!
My preferred method of payment would be bank transfer.
This won't fly here. You don't have feedback and we've had some bad experiences here.
I suggest you list prices, accept Paypal and do not dare to ask for Paypal gift >.>
Seems kinda weird that you don't want to risk getting hit by chargebacks, but you just said in your post that you were about to bring your items to eBay?Well that's too bad then.
I'm not going to take the chance of being hit with chargebacks on paypal 6 months down the road on items that are worth multiple hundred dollars. :-/
It is what it is. I'm not here to make a quick buck as I don't even need to money to be honest.
My collection has just become absurdly huge that even if I wanted to, I couldn't play though every game in my lifetime.
Positive Feedback for SmokeMaxX Great Seller!!!
Positive Feedback for earvcunanan. Great buyer!
Seems kinda weird that you don't want to risk getting hit by chargebacks, but you just said in your post that you were about to bring your items to eBay?
Hello you FUCKIN' NERDS! I got some nerd stuff to sell, and I KNOW you're wantin' to buy.
First off, we got the complete VIZ Neon Genesis Evangelion series, uncut, and in English. GET THE FUCKIN' DEAL, SHINJI! Asking $50, way less than what it cost to rebuild Tokyo-2.
Second, even more EVA shit. Campus Apocalypse. FOUR VOLUMES. Howz'about $15? Yeah, that's it.
Like The Dark Tower? Never heard of it? Well, FUCK YOU! Read this shit and get learned about Roland and his ka-tet. Ten volumes, all hardcover but one. TEN FUCKIN VOLUMES, SON. Asking, oh, let's say $25.
Finally, a Dynex 400 watt PSU for all your computing needs. Comes with a money back guarantee that this fuckin power supply supplies your PC with the power it needs so you can browse reddit all day and look at stupid fuckin MEMES. $15.
I just ended up with waaaaay too much stuff over all these years of collecting and I don't look forward to having to install 2 full rooms in my new home as full-on game shrines.
I mean, if you've got spare things like these laying around, you know you have a problem.![]()
True, but I'm very apprehensive about doing so. I do have other local sites where bank transfers are the norm though, and when I have to go the route of listing on eBay, after all the horror stories I wouldn't use paypal and opt to go with direct bank transfers again.
I do have a 100% rating from 381 individual sellers on there with tons of items bought from many of them, so that's a plus I guess.
I do understand where you're coming from of course.
I just ended up with waaaaay too much stuff over all these years of collecting and I don't look forward to having to install 2 full rooms in my new home as full-on game shrines.
I mean, if you've got spare things like these laying around, you know you have a problem.![]()
Hello you FUCKIN' NERDS! I got some nerd stuff to sell, and I KNOW you're wantin' to buy.
All thats included
All packed up, a bit of light duct tape inside to be sure things don't get tossed around in transit, but everything in the original spots for the most part.
Positive feedback for SmokeMaxX
Bought US Psn from them.