$2 Mewtwo Smash Brothers 3ds.
Decided to try one more time instead of gamestop but with more clarification here.Hi folks!! Still for sale!
Wii U 32GB console - 2 months old! - $170 + $20 S/H
Comes with Super Mario 3D World and 2 Wiimotes w/ the attachments and a classic controller too.
I'll trade too, just show me what you got! Looking for an Xbox One w/ controller or a PS Vita 2000 with a good size memory card (16GB or more).
I have great feedback here and have sold high price items in this thread (Surface Pro 3, Xbox One, PC Parts, etc..). Buy with confidence.
Wii U is still for saleI prefer PayPal gift but if you don't want to do that then PLEASE cover the fee. No international shipping.
Okay uh, here goes.
Updating feedback for Xeroblade from positive to negative (if that's a thing you can do)
The bullet point version
-took 5 days to send out F Zero GX after I paid, game came in pretty bad condition considering the fact he didn't note the condition. Various members had various views on the condition, but you can check back a week or so for that whole thing.
-as a sign of good faith, Xeroblade said he was sorry for not noting the condition, as he thought it was in good condition. However, when I uploaded pictures, he offered me $6 back. That made me update my neutral feedback to postive, because hey, what a nice guy! Except uh....he never actually sent that $6 when I said sure, and he ignored my follow up to see if he was going to send it.
-I come back from a weekend vacation like 3 days later and try F Zero GX. It boots, like I tested originally, doesn't get past the title screen :/ He sold me a copy of F Zero GX you can't get more than 3m into without it saying the disc is unreadable. Had I done what plenty of Gaffer do, which is buy a game and wait forever to touch it, I would have been screwed.
-He didn't want to pay return shipping, and when I finally got him to agree to...uh
well yeah, heres where I'm currently at. The package arrived 3 days ago and he still hasn't refunded me. I sent it 6 days ago. He also hasn't responded to 2 PMs asking if he will send me my money back.
I was going to change positive to neutral, but I can't describe this sale of a bad disc+effort to refund as anything but negative. Erg :/
Okay uh, here goes.
Updating feedback for Xeroblade from positive to negative (if that's a thing you can do)
The bullet point version
-took 5 days to send out F Zero GX after I paid, game came in pretty bad condition considering the fact he didn't note the condition. Various members had various views on the condition, but you can check back a week or so for that whole thing.
-as a sign of good faith, Xeroblade said he was sorry for not noting the condition, as he thought it was in good condition. However, when I uploaded pictures, he offered me $6 back. That made me update my neutral feedback to postive, because hey, what a nice guy! Except uh....he never actually sent that $6 when I said sure, and he ignored my follow up to see if he was going to send it.
-I come back from a weekend vacation like 3 days later and try F Zero GX. It boots, like I tested originally, doesn't get past the title screen :/ He sold me a copy of F Zero GX you can't get more than 3m into without it saying the disc is unreadable. Had I done what plenty of Gaffer do, which is buy a game and wait forever to touch it, I would have been screwed.
-He didn't want to pay return shipping, and when I finally got him to agree to...uh
well yeah, heres where I'm currently at. The package arrived 3 days ago and he still hasn't refunded me. I sent it 6 days ago. He also hasn't responded to 2 PMs asking if he will send me my money back.
I was going to change positive to neutral, but I can't describe this sale of a bad disc+effort to refund as anything but negative. Erg :/
You sent him back the item with the intention of getting a refund, correct? If so, did you go through PayPal's claim process?
Should that not be the case, learn from this and initiate a claim whenever you find yourself unhappy with a transaction and dealing with a seller who can't be arsed to do right by you when there's a legitimate concern.
As it stands right now, all signs point to him flat-out ignoring you since he now has his item back and isn't forced to refund the money.
Yes, I sent it back with the intentions of getting a refund, and he said to tell him the total to send back (shipping was $4.50ish and I paid $26 for the game so I said $30).
Andd since I'm naive enough to love GAF since BST has been amazing to me so far I sent it as friends/family not payment goods >_>
I learned my lesson there I guess.
Samsung 840 SSD - 120 GB - $50 shipped
Gigabyte GTX 460 1 GB - $50 shipped (graphics card only)
Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition on Steam.
Please PM me to discuss price.
Looking to sell a Macbook Pro - Retina Mid 2014 Model
500gb flash
16gb ram
retina screen
750m Nvidia/Intel Iris Pro
I7 2.5Ghz
trying to get $1450 for it shipped. Amazon/Newegg Gift cards or Paypal friends preferred. Selling to get me a skylake rig.
Any questions send me a PM.
Selling MSI 7970 w/ Koolance waterblock. My friend threw this in when I bought his computer, but I didn't want to spend the cash on a replacement shroud and I'm using a friend's 280x right now. I don't know the specs on the card itself...pretty sure it's reference. I don't know how much this was OC'd, but my friend wouldn't sell me a fucked card, and I'll verify it works before shipping.
Just make me a reasonable offer and it's yours. If you're willing to pay shipping, I'll ship anywhere.
dualshock 3 controller
76018 - Marvel Super Heroes Hulk Smash Lab - $40
5001622 - Lego Employee - $8
Borderlands The Handsome Collection $28
FIFA 15 $19
Fallout 3 and NV bundle only for Ps3 $20
Want to buy:
Pikmin 3 (WiiU)
Ghost trick (DS)
Okamiden (DS)
The World Ends With You (DS)sold
Elite Beat Agents (DS)
Rhythm Heaven (DS)
Nore more Heroes (Wii)
Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
Timesplitters 2 (GC)
Killer 7 (GC)
Resident Evil 4 (GC)
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader (GC)
Resident Evil [REmake] (GC)
Luigi's Mansion (GC)
All games are used but in good condition and complete. Offering them to GAF before putting them up on ebay. PM me if interested in selling or buying. We can negotiate a fair GAF price and I can send pics. Venmo. Paypal work.
Positive seller feedback for bearcatjosh. Bought some Amiibo and a carrying case from him and everything was in order. Sorry for the delay in leaving feedback!
Added in new Gamecube Games, PC, Xbox, PS2, and more.
Games, Systems, and PC Parts for Sale.
-3$ for shipping, unless larger package. Pick up will be free.
Shipping out tomorrow, removing sold items.
Twilight Princess - 50$
Tales of Symphonia(Complete) - 15$
Knights of the Old Republic(Complete) - 10$
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance(Cart) - 8$
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call Limited Edition(New) - 33$
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow - 17$(Complete)
Pokemon Black(New) - 36$
Clubhouse Games(Complete) - 5$
Dragon Quest V(New and Used copies) - 50$ New
Etrian Odyssey II(Complete) - 14$
Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness(Complete) - 12$
Persona 3 Portable(Complete) - 14$
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology(Complete) - 12$
Phantasy Star Portable 2(Complete) - 38$
Ys Oath In Felghana LE(New) - 52$
Trails in the Sky LE(New) - 53$
Persona PSP LE(New) - 55$
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth(New) - 25$
Prinny Can I really be the Hero?(Complete) - 10$
Tactics Orge(Complete) - 10$
Persona Innocent Sin LE(Complete) - 45$
Crisis Core(Game Only) - 3$
Devil May Cry 4(Complete) - 4$
Obvilion GOTY(complete) - 4$
Knights of the Old Republic II(Complete) - 8$
Silent Hill 2(Complete) - 30$
Mists of Padaneria LE - 80$
Vampire Bloodlines (Game and Manual) - 15$
Arcanum(Game and Manual) - 4$
No One Lives Forever Guide - 3$
Fallout Collection(Complete) - 4$
Kohan(Game and Manual) - 5$
Alice(Game and Manual) - 10$
Witcher(Complete) - 4$
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 + Postcards(Complete) - 24$
Children of Eden(Complete) - 5$
Pink Sweets + Muchi Muchi Pork(Complete) - 62$
Espgalduda II Black Label(Complete) - 30$
Deathsmiles Limited Edition(Complete) - 17$
Metal Gear Rising(Complete) - 5$
Devil May Cry 4 LE - 11$
Culdcept Saga - 15$
Xenoblade Chronicles - 70$ - Pending
Gunbird 2(Complete) - 36$
Mars Matrix(Complete) - 65$
Vangrant Story(Complete) - 16$
Parasite Eve(Complete) - 12$
Odin Sphere(Complete) - 12$
Silent Hill 2GH(Complete) - 23$
Grand Theft Auto VC(Complete) - 5$
Tales of the Abyss(Complete) - 18$
Dragon Quest 8(Complete) - 15$
Xenosaga III(Complete) - 40$
Devil Summoner LE(New) - 50$
Berserk Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō(Complete) - 20$.
Shadow Hearts Covenant(Complete) 25$
VP2(Complete) 12$
Gradius 5(Disc Only) - 30$
Marvel vs Capcom 3 SE(Complete) - 15$
Earth Defense Force 2025(Complete) - 8$
Tales of Graces F - 20$
Zone of the Enders Special Edition 30$
PSP 3000 Model - 50$ + Free Crisis Core
Gameboy Limited Edition - 50$
Street Fighter 360 Controller(Fightpad)(Chun Li) - 35$
Pokemon Walker - 10$
Azumanga Daioh Complete Thin Pack - 35$
Shiki Part 1 BluRay LE - 35$(New)
Shiki Part 2 BluRay LE - 30$
TV Shows
Chuck Season 1 & 2, 10$
Spartacus God of the Arena BluRay - 9$
FireFly DVD - 4$
Sox World Series 2005 LE New - 25$
Movies. All BluRay(All prices will be shipped)
Life of Pi - 5$
Avengers - 6$
Arrietty(New) - 20$
Beauty and the Beast(Diamond) - 50$
The Lone Ranger - 5$
CaddyShack(New) - 5$
Supercop(new) - 4$
Man of Steel - 5$
Love Actually - 5$
The Dark Knight Rises - 5$
Django Unchained - 6$
Alien - 5$
Ironman - 6$
Nausicaa(New) - 23$
Up - 20$
Worlds End - 6$
This is the End - 5$
Batman Collection(Batman, Returns, Forever, Robin) - 9$
Silver Linings Playbook - 5$
Total Recall(The Good one) New - 6$
Lion King Diamond Edition 3D - 55$
PC Parts.
i5 2500 3.3ghz - 55$