I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, cool it's a good thing. On the other, there are plenty of other transfolk who can't afford this, who can't get proper treatment and are suffering, hardworking, depressed and struggling with it on a daily basis. This lady killed someone, is 57 years old, and will live the rest of her life in prison. Death is the final outcome, and she's already in the tail-end of her life. Why should CA residents, hell the daughter of the victim even, have their taxes go toward this? The murderer won't be corrected, the murderer will never know a life outside of prison, the murderer's life is effectively over.
My feelings on this are so conflicted, I want to feel what is ethically right, but I also don't feel the prisoner deserves this, since no matter what happens, her life is done. I'd rather see healthcare for all across the board, for people who are doing their absolute damndest to make it day-by-day and who can't afford it themselves, than see healthcare for someone who will die a murderer and in prison while there are freewalking citizens who cannot get such treatment.