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California Funds First Prisoner Sex-Reassignment Surgery and Move to Women's Prison

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"Nothing to do with being transphobic"

*Proceeds to call the prisoner a "he" several times.

You sure showed how totally not transphobic you are I guess.
I honestly do not care what people do with their lives. You accusing me of transphobic without even knowing me is dumb. I have nothing against people's sexual preferences. I have my own to worry about. But as a tax payer this kinda upsets me. The government didn't offer to pay for some of the surgeries I required.


It's funny that GAF is considered such a liberal echo chamber since whenever a thread comes up about transgender or racial issues so many of those self identifying "progressive liberals" all seem eager to show their asses.
And like I said, I wish I could see the right side of this. But I struggle with the idea, I can't see that someone who's going to live the last of their days for murder in a prison getting this treatment when I know damn well there is someone who is going to end their own life because they can't handle the depression and pain of living in a body that doesn't feel like their own. It's not fair. It's not like she's ever going to get out of prison, she's going to die in there. This isn't someone who is ever going to get out and live a life. If this was someone who would be getting out with a chance of reform, I could have sympathy. I have empathy, but I can't find what I need to sympathize.

I hate that there are good people out there who will be pushed to the limit because they can't get their own treatment, when someone who stole a father's life in his prime get theirs in what very well could be their final years. So I don't know what I'm supposed to feel, but it won't be sympathy until everyone can get the care they deserve and need.

You don't have to show them sympathy. Understanding that it sucks for everyone else is no reason to deny it to a prisoner. It surely sucks for me, but I would not wish this burden on anyone. Not my worst enemy. Nobody. Ever.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
She deserves this, just as anyone else who needs it does.

This. The argument shouldn't be "she shouldn't get the help she needs", but "trans people outside of prison should get the help they need".


Why would tax payers pay for this muderer?
You're right, let's withhold medical treatment for people because they're criminals and prisoners. Better yet, instead of housing them it would be cheaper to execute them on the spot. Who cares right? They're just murderes etc.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
California prison officials agreed in August 2015 to pay for the surgery for the inmate

Good use of tax money, WTF?
Is SRS covered by healthcare in cali?

Also so many slippery slopes in this thread. Apparently if you oppose this you automatically want to execute all prisoners on spot.


And like I said, I wish I could see the right side of this. But I struggle with the idea, I can't see that someone who's going to live the last of their days for murder in a prison getting this treatment when I know damn well there is someone who is going to end their own life because they can't handle the depression and pain of living in a body that doesn't feel like their own. It's not fair. It's not like she's ever going to get out of prison, she's going to die in there. This isn't someone who is ever going to get out and live a life. If this was someone who would be getting out with a chance of reform, I could have sympathy. I have empathy, but I can't find what I need to sympathize.

I hate that there are good people out there who will be pushed to the limit because they can't get their own treatment, when someone who stole a father's life in his prime get theirs in what very well could be their final years. So I don't know what I'm supposed to feel, but it won't be sympathy until everyone can get the care they deserve and need.

Yeah, it isn't fair. But the two issues aren't mutually exclusive and we can still fight for both things.

Not directed to you, but I'm sure if people outside of prison could get the same treatment for free, quite a few posters in this thread would still be complaining about tax payers having to cover the cost for a prisoner.
I honestly do not care what people do with their lives. You accusing me of transphobic without even knowing me is dumb. I have nothing against people's sexual preferences. I have my own to worry about. But as a tax payer this kinda upsets me. The government didn't offer to pay for some of the surgeries I required.
blame your government for that instead.
In general, this is my main issue with the income inequality in our country. The inability for people to afford things if they need to leads to us being subverted and kneeling to powers at be, like health insurance companies.

But the "Race to the bottom is no solution" stuff is just rhetoric.

The rational and empathetic response to this situation should not be "this person's life is fucked up, so therefore EVERYONE's life should be fucked up and unfair"

I was searching for a response but Ninja Scooter put it better than what I was working on.

Good use of tax money, WTF?

Pennies.. you're getting upset about pennies
We somehow managed to spend 3m tax payer dollars on an ordinary run of the mill gas station in Iraq

We just signed a bill that gives Israel 40 fucking billion dollars over the next decade

But a thread over giving surgery to prisoners so they don't off themselves in prison will generate more discussion and outrage than either

Also I guess we have discovered some believe we shouldn't be feeding prisoners either. Or something.


You're right, let's withhold medical treatment for people because they're criminals and prisoners. Better yet, instead of housing them it would be cheaper to execute them on the spot. Who cares right? They're just murderes etc.

Hell if you're black you don't even need to be guilty for this to happen.


The negative reactions in this thread come as no surprise seeing that bully felony thread.

People are so messed up when it comes to our justice system.
I will never understand why so many people in America see healthcare as a priveledge and not a right. Happy she is getting the care she needs, wish everyone had the same opportunity.


You think about the amount of trans people in the real world who can't afford surgery and this murderer gets a free ride.

Medical care and surgery should be free at the point of delivery for everyone, but that's a separate argument.
I honestly do not care what people do with their lives. You accusing me of transphobic without even knowing me is dumb. I have nothing against people's sexual preferences. I have my own to worry about. But as a tax payer this kinda upsets me. The government didn't offer to pay for some of the surgeries I required.

Maybe not but you are surely ultra-ignorant, and thus are coming across as severely transphobic. I don't even think you know what sexual preference is, and has NOTHING to do with being trans. At ALL


Yeah, it isn't fair. But the two issues aren't mutually exclusive and we can still fight for both things.

Not directed to you, but I'm sure if people outside of prison could get the same treatment for free, quite a few posters in this thread would still be complaining about tax payers having to cover the cost.
Of course they would still be arguing. The what about argument is like the rising racist movement that don't care if they are perceived as racist as long as they are not called racist put instead a word that legitimizes them and makes them less scary.

Same damn mindset.
We somehow managed to spend 3m tax payer dollars on an ordinary run of the mill gas station in Iraq

We just signed a bill that gives Israel 40 fucking billion dollars over the next decade

But a thread over giving surgery to prisoners so they don't off themselves in prison will generate more discussion and outrage than either

Also I guess we have discovered some believe we shouldn't be feeding prisoners either. Or something.

All of a sudden when it's poor people or prisoners everybody is a penny pincher. Everyone needs someone below them to shit on to feel better about themselves I guess. Republicans have been mastering this strategy for decades.


Is SRS covered by healthcare in cali?

I wonder if someone on medicaid in Cali could use this as a reason to sue and get the government to pay for their surgery as well? Maybe it creates a legal precedent. So if Cali will pay for their prisoners SRS then they should be obliged to pay for their medicaid recipients that are in need of it as well. Worth a shot imo.


You're right, let's withhold medical treatment for people because they're criminals and prisoners. Better yet, instead of housing them it would be cheaper to execute them on the spot. Who cares right? They're just murderes etc.

1. You act like without sex-change this person would have died (life threatened).
2. Stop with the sensationalism.


What this dude said below:

There are many surgeries that treat non-lifethreatening conditions that can (or should at least) be covered by state-sponsored health care. And while it is true that some trans people elect to be non-op, it's still an important tool for treating dysphoria.


The negative reactions in this thread come as no surprise seeing that bully felony thread.

People are so messed up when it comes to our justice system.

Our society tells us that people who commit crimes are subhuman, that people who are not educated are subhuman, that people with darker skin are subhuman. I'm also honestly not terribly surprised at some of the views in this thread.
The reality is as I expected, many will claim to be LGBT allies but what they really mean is they're "LGB and I guess T but they really don't need that surgery" allies...


All of a sudden when it's poor people or prisoners everybody is a penny pincher. Everyone needs someone below them to shit on to feel better about themselves I guess. Republicans have been mastering this strategy for decades.

The ultimate irony is helping the downtrodden often is cheaper than our current solutions.


Good for her. Imprisonment includes a restriction on voting, movement, and other amenities free citizens possess, but that does not mean exclusion from medical care. The number of people in this thread saying she should pay for it (while incarcerated mind you) is laughably high. If she had developed cancer or tumor, almost no one would object to treatment, as that would be cruel and unusual to deprive her. But GRS is somehow not acceptable?

Prison should be about rehabilitation, not punishment. Being there is the punishment. And for those of you complaining that taxpayers are paying for this, there are literally millions of dollars spent in your state on things that don't directly affect you. And I agree that all trans people deserve a chance at treatment, not just inmates. That's an issue with the US healthcare system, not prisons paying for the well being of their residents.
Maybe not but you are surely ultra-ignorant, and thus are coming across as severely transphobic. I don't even think you know what sexual preference is, and has NOTHING to do with being trans. At ALL
How am I coming across as "severely transphobic" lol. Because I referred the convict as "he"?
I mean really people should stop labeling others as "ignorant" or "phobic" just because we don't agree with something.
1. You act like without sex-change this person would have died (life threatened).

so mental illnesses like depression are not potentially life threatening? Look up suicide rates among transgender and LGBT.

How am I coming across as "severely transphobic" lol. Because I referred the convict as "he"?
I mean really people should stop labeling others as "ignorant" or "phobic" just because we don't agree with something.

People aren't labeling you as ignorant because you don't agree with something, they are labeling you as ignorant because the shit you are saying is incredibly ignorant and you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


1. You act like without sex-change this person would have died (life threatened).
2. Stop with the sensationalism.
Umm not getting surgery can be life threatening, the suicide rates for pre-op transgender people is not just an unrelated coincidence.


How am I coming across as "severely transphobic" lol. Because I referred the convict as "he"?
I mean really people should stop labeling others as "ignorant" or "phobic" just because we don't agree with something.

Start listening to facts then. If you intentionally ignore facts, it's hard to imagine you as anything other than bigoted.
How am I coming across as "severely transphobic" lol. Because I referred the convict as "he"?
I mean really people should stop labeling others as "ignorant" or "phobic" just because we don't agree with something.

Misgendering is an act of transphobia... not like you didn't know the person on question was a trans woman


We somehow managed to spend 3m tax payer dollars on an ordinary run of the mill gas station in Iraq

We just signed a bill that gives Israel 40 fucking billion dollars over the next decade

But a thread over giving surgery to prisoners so they don't off themselves in prison will generate more discussion and outrage than either

Also I guess we have discovered some believe we shouldn't be feeding prisoners either. Or something.

It's really a fuck you, got mine attitude.
The point of prison is rehabilitation, regardless of if she gets out or not. It should be about making someone better and this goes a long way towards doing that. Her mental health is completely in the hands of the state.

It may be a hard pill to swallow for some considering healthcare should be considered a right that no one should have to worry about that shit but that's unfortunately not reality we currently live in.

I say good on California for taking one step forward and no steps back.


Probably cost a pittance compared to the gigantic waste of money the prison system is, and this use actually seemed to serve a positive purpose. I don't think that SRS should be required for her to go the women's prison, though. Hopefully, she gets proper follow ups and doesn't suffer from complications due to neglect.


How am I coming across as "severely transphobic" lol. Because I referred the convict as "he"?
I mean really people should stop labeling others as "ignorant" or "phobic" just because we don't agree with something.

dude you do know what ignorance means right? its not about disagreements.

lacking knowledge or awareness in general.

on Trans issues you are totally ignorant. you lack knowledge and people are explaining these things to you, but instead you got offended at someone saying you have a lack of knowledge on this topic and you have retreated and not actually taken in anything anyone has tried to explain to you.
How am I coming across as "severely transphobic" lol. Because I referred the convict as "he"?
I mean really people should stop labeling others as "ignorant" or "phobic" just because we don't agree with something.

Using the correct pronouns is the bare minimum of respect you can give and you couldn't even manage that. And then you complain that I call you transphobic

And then you call it a sexual preference which is factually wrong, and not something we can "disagree" on. And then you complain that I labelled you ignorant

Sexual preference is the sex or gender you are attracted to. This has absolutely nothing to do with what gender you yourself identify as.
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