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California Funds First Prisoner Sex-Reassignment Surgery and Move to Women's Prison

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Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
If one wants to object to this I'd suggest protesting to the state of California over the lack of medical coverage for all trans persons who require surgery and care, rather than being angry that someone in prison got medical care.
You are harming her by denying her the surgery she needs.

If the American taxpayers have not decided that this procedure should be paid for publicly for free persons who cannot afford it, why is it being given to a convicted murderer?

I'm not saying neither should have it but the concept of a convicted murderer having this procedure paid for when a law abiding person cannot is what is getting people upset here.

Convicted murderers should have less rights than free innocent people.


Needs? Why? More like wants, maybe a private organization should take donations to help these people out. Shouldn't be on tax payers.

Do you want to go over, line-by-line, all the things the state and federal government uses your tax dollars for that you probably wouldn't care about because you a) don't know about it; b) don't care about it; or c) receive no tangible benefit from it?

People sure get picky over certain things.


Super Sleuth
If the American taxpayers have not decided that this procedure should be paid for publicly for free persons who cannot afford it, why is it being given to a convicted murderer?

I'm not saying neither should have it but the concept of a convicted murderer having this procedure paid for when a law abiding person cannot is what is getting people upset here.

Convicted murderers should have less rights than free innocent people.

You are arguing against all medical care for prisoners.
Feels wrong to be giving such a surgery to a convicted murderer on the tax payer's dime. Law abiding transgender people are suffering and are forced to pay for their own surgeries because they DIDN'T murder a person. Seems counter intuitive.

Pennies. You are literally fretting about pennies.
This has nothing to do with being transphobic. He lost his rights when he murdered a person. Was he considerate of the person's right before he murdered that person? No.

ProTip: people don't lose their rights when they go to prison.

Threads like these are great for letting out themselves for being incredibly ignorant.

A lot of the dumb arguments being made by people are akin to the stupid shit you see in food stamp threads. "If I can't afford steak and soda neither should poor people!"


So argue for those outside of prison who can't afford it to have their surgery paid for. Don't argue for those in prison to be denied it.

Yep, these two things are not mutually exclusive. If we as a society wanted, all trans people would be able to get GRS whether they could afford it and whether or not they were in prison.


Then maybe we should be changing things outside of prison rather than condemning those who are inside it.

This thread really makes me realize that most people look at prison as a place to lock up and forget about people. Fuck their mental well being or anything else, ammirite?

Sadly this is how most people feel all over the world, and yet many dare to call themselves liberal or progressive. In reality they are little better than the deplorables they mock on a day to day basis.
If the American taxpayers have not decided that this procedure should be paid for publicly for free persons who cannot afford it, why is it being given to a convicted murderer?

I'm not saying neither should have it but the concept of a convicted murderer having this procedure paid for when a law abiding person cannot is what is getting people upset here.

Convicted murderers should have less rights than free innocent people.

She does! People are acting like she is going to have an easy life once this is done.
She will serve out the rest of her life in prison. There is no reason she has to needlessly suffer mentally as well.


So argue for those outside of prison who can't afford it to have their surgery paid for. Don't argue for those in prison to be denied it.

That's what I'm doing, to a degree. I'd rather these state funds be directed for that purpose. To provide access to this care to law abiding citizens, first and then prisoners, second (if resources permit).


You think about the amount of trans people in the real world who can't afford surgery and this murderer gets a free ride.

they also dont have the means to make the money to afford their life saving surgery.

If it was really "pennies" then non-criminal people wouldn't be killing themselves over not being able to get the surgery.

it is pennies for the government which is why its ridiculous the US doesn't have single payer healthcare!


That's what I'm doing, to a degree. I'd rather these state funds be directed for that purpose. To provide access to this care to law abiding citizens, first and then prisoners, second (if resources permit).

Agreed ^^^


If the American taxpayers have not decided that this procedure should be paid for publicly for free persons who cannot afford it, why is it being given to a convicted murderer?

I'm not saying neither should have it but the concept of a convicted murderer having this procedure paid for when a law abiding person cannot is what is getting people upset here.

Convicted murderers should have less rights than free innocent people.

What...? She does have fewer rights than free innocent people. Some rights should never be taken away.


Sadly this is how most people feel all over the world, and yet many dare to call themselves liberal or progressive. In reality they are little better than the deplorables they mock on a day to day basis.

its even more disgusting when people look at this issue as a "taxes, me taxes" issue. Your taxes are wasted on pointless shit day in day out in billions. Look at the god damn military and the bullshit they waste their money on ffs.

>.< man this thread makes me miffed.


If the American taxpayers have not decided that this procedure should be paid for publicly for free persons who cannot afford it, why is it being given to a convicted murderer?

I'm not saying neither should have it but the concept of a convicted murderer having this procedure paid for when a law abiding person cannot is what is getting people upset here.

Convicted murderers should have less rights than free innocent people.

Oh but they did decide that the convicted murderer gets the surgery. They elected the judge in that case, they must live with the judge's ruling.
ProTip: people don't lose their rights when they go to prison.

Threads like these are great for letting out themselves for being incredibly ignorant.
I understand they have basic human rights. Their sentence shouldn't be a torment either. But for someone that murdered and has life in prison then I have no empathy. Like I said we already pay a dearly price for these prisoners.


Wow this is some thread.

People really think gender dysphoria is some jaunty walk through the park and transitioning and surgery is some breeze?

Going by this thread, apparently the point of our corrections system is to just lock people up and fuck em!

Since you committed a crime you lost your humanity, don't deserve shit!

At this point, why don't we just murder inmates and spare them the cruelty.

But yes I know, execution is wrong.

But locking people up and denying them treatment they need for their physical and mental well being thats justice! because: mah tax dollars!

But yes lets subsidize the oil industry, quite right, carry on.

Obviously every citizen deserves better healthcare and that needs work, but fucking the prisoners over even more than we already do in this country, isn't the answer.


There has to be a better solution than having taxpayers foot the bill for a murderer's expensive surgery. Maybe it costs less than maintaining a separate facility for trans criminals though.
No, this is the best solution, because the government should be covering this for all individuals who require it.
If it was really "pennies" then non-criminal people wouldn't be killing themselves over not being able to get the surgery.

That's due to a lack of you know government healthcare to the general populace.

It literally is pennies. It's a 20k surgery paid for by the government of California.

Race to the bottom is no solution
I understand they have basic human rights. Their sentence shouldn't be a torment either. But for someone that murdered and has life in prison then I have no empathy. Like I said we already pay a dearly price for these prisoners.

Thankfully the people that are in charge of making these decisions are so painfully lacking in empathy.
If the American taxpayers have not decided that this procedure should be paid for publicly for free persons who cannot afford it, why is it being given to a convicted murderer?

I'm not saying neither should have it but the concept of a convicted murderer having this procedure paid for when a law abiding person cannot is what is getting people upset here.

Convicted murderers should have less rights than free innocent people.

The American taxpayers HAVE decided that this procedure, being a life-saving procedure, being a procedure that spares the patient from needless suffering, should be paid for publicly. They didn't decide on this one individually, they decided that, as a whole, if it will save their life, it is the responsibility of the state or State in question to do so.

Because to do otherwise is a human rights violation. You remember those, right? Human rights? The thing that separates us from the heretofore "second world" and "third world," because we have them whereas they eschew them?

This is the race to the bottom. In denying her this surgery, you are saying that she is worth less than any other prisoner.

Because she suffers from gender dysphoria.

You might not have put that together. You might think that you aren't really saying that, that you are above such things, but your implicit bias shows.

I'm not mad at you for it. I'm not going to judge you for it. But please. Please understand.


its even more disgusting when people look at this issue as a "taxes, me taxes" issue. Your taxes are wasted on pointless shit day in day out in billions. Look at the god damn military and the bullshit they waste their money on ffs.

>.< man this thread makes me miffed.

its not tax payers money being wasted though. people think they are an expert when it comes to what tax money is spent on., you see in in the UK with the public view that the NHS is wasteful when they in fact provide the cheapest care on a per person basis in the first world. and people think its wasteful!

its just right wing propaganda that is being pushed to make people think the free market can do better so that it all gets privatised


I understand they have basic human rights. Their sentence shouldn't be a torment either. But for someone that murdered and has life in prison then I have no empathy. Like I said we already pay a dearly price for these prisoners.

Then you are a bad person.


its not tax payers money being wasted though. people think they are an expert when it comes to what tax money is spent on., you see in in the UK with the public view that the NHS is wasteful when they in fact provide the cheapest care on a per person basis in the first world. and people think its wasteful!

its just right wing propaganda that is being pushed to make people think the free market can do better so that it all gets privatised

It's ok for the penal system to litigate this case for years, though. I'm sure that was worth all the tax payer money. Complaining about "wasteful spending" is more often than not a scapegoat.
If the American taxpayers have not decided that this procedure should be paid for publicly for free persons who cannot afford it, why is it being given to a convicted murderer?

I'm not saying neither should have it but the concept of a convicted murderer having this procedure paid for when a law abiding person cannot is what is getting people upset here.

Convicted murderers should have less rights than free innocent people.

that's not how that works. Tax payers, all too prone to feelings over facts, don't get to decide what is a necessary treatment and what isn't, leading physicians and doctors do.


This thread is getting way out of hand.

This person negated any privilege they had when they killed someone.

This thread is getting quite out of hand. People acting like SRS is a privilege and those prisoners should be on the hook for their own lifesaving medical treatment.

I'll bet the state of California has spent more on prosthetic limbs than SRS, but nobody's insisting one-legged prisoners be forced to hop around. Wait, that's a terrible analogy: SRS is way more medically necessary than prosthetics.


Saint Titanfall
There is no doubt an extreme irony that you potentially get better health care as an inmate in American than as a law abiding citizen. I guess it's testament messed up health care and among other things in is in America. But I guess America is an extremely backwards country. This is not to say inmates should get free comprehensive healthcare. But the system as is incentives you to commit a crime should you end up with any major illness you can't afford the pay the health care for.


For you.
This has nothing to do with being transphobic. He lost his rights when he murdered a person. Was he considerate of the person's right before he murdered that person? No.
"Nothing to do with being transphobic"

*Proceeds to call the prisoner a "he" several times.

You sure showed how totally not transphobic you are I guess.

And now, people don't lose basic human rights when they commit a crime, that's fucking ridiculous.
There is no doubt an extreme irony that you get better health care as an inmate in American than as a law abiding citizen. I guess it's testament messed up health care and among other things in is in America. But I guess America is an extremely backwards country. This is not to say inmates should get free comprehensive healthcare. But the system as is incentives you to commit a crime should you end up with any major illness you can't afford the pay the health care for.

Yeah you know in exchange for your freedom of movement, association, voting on many cases, etc..

But sure free GRS is gonna cause trans folk to start committing crimes...
It is the nature of prison, prisoners do not maker money ergo they cannot pay for things, thus they must be supplied...

Don't get mad a the prisoner get mad at the system that doesn't look after those on the outside....

We cannot race to the bottom.

And like I said, I wish I could see the right side of this. But I struggle with the idea, I can't see that someone who's going to live the last of their days for murder in a prison getting this treatment when I know damn well there is someone who is going to end their own life because they can't handle the depression and pain of living in a body that doesn't feel like their own. It's not fair. It's not like she's ever going to get out of prison, she's going to die in there. This isn't someone who is ever going to get out and live a life. If this was someone who would be getting out with a chance of reform, I could have sympathy. I have empathy, but I can't find what I need to sympathize.

I hate that there are good people out there who will be pushed to the limit because they can't get their own treatment, when someone who stole a father's life in his prime get theirs in what very well could be their final years. So I don't know what I'm supposed to feel, but it won't be sympathy until everyone can get the care they deserve and need.
That's due to a lack of you know government healthcare to the general populace.

It literally is pennies. It's a 20k surgery paid for by the government of California.

Race to the bottom is no solution

In general, this is my main issue with the income inequality in our country. The inability for people to afford things if they need to leads to us being subverted and kneeling to powers at be, like health insurance companies.

But the "Race to the bottom is no solution" stuff is just rhetoric.
And like I said, I wish I could see the right side of this. But I struggle with the idea, I can't see that someone who's going to live the last of their days for murder in a prison getting this treatment when I know damn well there is someone who is going to end their own life because they can't handle the depression and pain of living in a body that doesn't feel like their own. It's not fair. It's not like she's ever going to get out of prison, she's going to die in there. This isn't someone who is ever going to get out and live a life. If this was someone who would be getting out with a chance of reform, I could have sympathy. I have empathy, but I can't find what I need to sympathize.

I hate that there are good people out there who will be pushed to the limit because they can't get their own treatment, when someone who stole a father's life in his prime get theirs in what very well could be their final years. So I don't know what I'm supposed to feel, but it won't be sympathy until everyone can get the care they deserve and need.

The rational and empathetic response to this situation should not be "this person's life is fucked up, so therefore EVERYONE's life should be fucked up and unfair"
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