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Call of Cthulhu Mafia |OT| Nuts on this island taste insane! Yum Yum!


I agree on Blarg. I don't necessarily think he's cult, but we're going to be constantly stuck arguing about him until he's gone.

It's a shame because I do actually enjoy the antics, but it's a tad frustrating during the actual game.

At first blush this looks like a terrible reason to vote for him, but, on further thought, it makes perfect sense. If we're completely caught up in who the hell Blarg is and what his motives are, even if we all can agree he's likely he's either neutral, cult or a whackadoo town that isn't helping anyone, we'll still continue to argue over the matter until he's gone from the game. He's been the subject of 50% of the discussion so far, and we don't even know if he even matters. He could be an ordinary villager for all we know.

Coppa is probably our next best call today, butt the case against him isn't really strong. The only thing I see that really points to Coppa is that LP defended him and Coppa was quieter near the beginning of the game. The posts he's made in the last 24 hours have been pretty substantial, imo.

At the end of the day, either we get rid of Blarg and gain some information on what the hell he was talking about, or we continue trying to mindlessly discuss his distracting antics while the cultists kill off the rest of us.
Admittedly, the day is still very young, but I suppose the point still stands- I'll make sure to be more active today.

My thoughts right now are: I do think Blarg is still our best bet. His above proddings are one of the only things he's done thus far that strikes me as pro-town, and that's not a good thing. He refuses to claim responsibility for LP's death (of course, I think it's more likely that someone else is responsibile anyway), and he has yet to post anything particularly enlightening. I was under the impression that we were wanting some more information from him? I don't think I need to know how to preserve a steak. My reasoning from the previous day phase also generally still applies.

Let's consider some possibilities for if we lynch Blarg:

Blarg flips tourist: This (unlikely in my opinion) scenario kind of sucks sucks (especially since it will have been the second time it's happened to me) for obvious reasons. We don't want to lynch a tourist. Even so, a cultist has already turned up dead- as such, we're in a better position to deal with mislynches than either of the other games right now. I'm not saying it's reason to become complacent and accept tourist deaths, but it does mean that since the momentum is in our favor, it's in our best interest to take care of our problem children now. If he turns out to be a vigilante, then it could still be construed a somewhat pro-town move because a reckless vigilante could end up doing the cultist's job for them. Also, Blarg is already suspicious to many of us, to the point where it would probably take a lot change some of our minds. Removing him from the game will force these players to engage with different suspects, which should help everybody with making reads.

Blarg flips neutral: One of the two more likely scenarios in my opinion. Doesn't help our win condition, but rids us of a player who could potentially turn on town when it suits him, so it's still beneficial to the tourists. If he is an SK, then it becomes especially worth lynching him. The loss of his puzzles will make things significantly less confusing for all involved. Again, the removal of Blarg also forces his detractors to find new suspects and engage in the game in new ways.

Blarg flips cultist: One of the two more likely scnearios in my opinion. After two cultist deaths in the first two days, Cthulhu game is voted best GAFia game ever. We realize that it made a lot of sense to lynch the guy who's done little but confuse town. Now that he's gone, those of us who were hung up on him are also able to go after other suspects.

Some scenarios are better for us than others. Still, each scenario has at least something beneficial to offer town. I don't think we can say that about many other options.

Multiple endings are such a chore.

Allow me a bit of friendly reiteration, and this isn't just directed at Matt Attack; if you can't "handle" me, I suggest leaving me out of your conversations.

I highly suggest it, for your sake.


Pair of twos.
I don't trust Coppa or Nin in the slightest.

Make you a deal, lynch me and when it's revealed I'm an ordinary tourist with no special powers, you all lynch blargonaut because he's full of it.

Why is it a necessity? Why today and not tomorrow if we decide to lynch you?

I'm curious his reasoning for it, other than that he's trying desperately to grasp for straws. Blargonaut wants me out because I have his number.


What're the current thoughts on how many teams there are in this game by the way? I know some people have been entertaining the idea of a third party being in the mix. How likely would people say that is?


What're the current thoughts on how many teams there are in this game by the way? I know some people have been entertaining the idea of a third party being in the mix. How likely would people say that is?

Although Darryl made an interesting case with a town aligned team, I don't quite believe that one and I don't get the impression that there are multiple groups of scum. Gut feeling is that it's just tourists vs. cult with 2-3 neutral roles each with their own win conditions.
I don't buy most of Rats' argument against Coppa- speculation about the crazy orb, Blarg, etc doesn't strike me as too odd (even if I've maintained that speculation on the former isn't necessarily too useful either). I also think that calling him out on the pre-game filler comment isn't going to prove useful either.

I am, however, very interested in his silence towards LP. Coppa's already given his explanation for that (which could very well be possible), but if that explanation weren't to be true, the situation starts to seem a little scummy. It's not enough for me to base a vote on at this point, but it's actually a really good observation. My read on Coppa is still leaning town for now, but this is something that might be worth keeping in mind going forward.

Coppanuva *needs* to be lynched today. It's a necessity.

Is it a necessity for you to tell us why?

What're the current thoughts on how many teams there are in this game by the way? I know some people have been entertaining the idea of a third party being in the mix. How likely would people say that is?

I haven't seen enough for me to entertain it as an actual possibility at this point, but who knows.
I'm also still unsure what you think the cultists can do to a tourist holding the orb given that Darryl lived through the night perfectly sound.

Darryl was an obvious target last night. He could have been protected, or watched. The Cultists went after Fireblend. He spoke up a lot and represented a potentially valuable Tourist asset, but by our own admission none of us had a strong read on him. It was a shrewd choice. A smart one.

Again, I want information on it. The more information we have, the better our chances of winning. I still want to see what you think is so bad about us knowing who has the item. What do you think will happen?

Speculation is one thing. You seem to have an almost single-minded obsession. An inordinate number of your posts explicitly deal with it. I think the Cult is scared of the Cube. Prodigy did his best to throw suspicion at Darryl, and you're doing your best to make the current holder out himself.

Which offer are you talking about? Nobody ever asked me about LP, and my read at the time was (incorrectly) that he wasn't suspicious. While I agree that my lack of comments on LP was bad, I had no other theories at that point. What do you want me to say: "I don't really have a strong opinion one way or the other on Lone_prodigy"?

Right here. As I said, you were very good about responding to direct queries. Your silence on this matter, I believe, speaks volumes.

Blarg is only a distraction if you all keep allowing yourselves to be distracted. This infighting will get us nowhere, especially when we have a better target sitting right within our midst. Please, people. I was right about Prodigy. Give me the chance you didn't give me yesterday.
I don't understand those of you who would target me out of principle. I don't apologize for being such a magnetic personality that I seemingly force you to talk about me. Why do you insist on pestering me? I told you, I share what is due. You should learn to appreciate that.

Look how the moths flutter into the fire. Maybe, just maybe, you might even conclude that it's wholly in *their* nature, not mine.

There are four more pertinent items on the menu than me, myself mine and I:

1. The Time Cube and its whereabouts
2. The death of the witch doctor
3. The death of the cultist
4. The insanity mechanic

Yesterday, I promised you two bodies, and lo and behold, two out of four boxes on the checklist are those two bodies. Yet you insist on not eating what I have so generously set out for you? You continue to complain about my cooking? Well, I don't see any other chef on this forsaken island. Maybe there's one down the avenue, you just need to take a left at the millennia-old sunken temple! If you find another one, maybe you can ask them to prepare your meals instead, you ungrateful swine.

Coppanuva, if you continue to press your case against me, I will retaliate against you, and you specifically.
VOTE: ScraftyDevil

I want to get you talking. By no means do I expect you to commit to a vote at the moment but you seem to have some suspicions and I see no harm in them getting aired out. We may find that you have something new to bring to the table that isn't Blarg or Coppa related.

Heh, so it's come to this already, has it?

Alright, I'll humour ya for now and air some dirty laundry, but keep in mind that my suspicions are far from airtight. When I'm not marooned on an island fulla crazies I'm a writer, not a dectective, ya know?

Anywho, I think that one thread we haven't tugged on enough is GreatCharleston. He was a suspect yesterday who got off the hook, but that was mostly cuzza other folks actin' more shifty than him rather than an adequate defense. Judging by some of the gossip I've heard, he's yet to comment on last night's affairs as well, right? I don't think we should write 'em off as a threat yet, especially since mosta our other leads are inconclusive as of now.

I ain't gonna commit to a vote yet, but it's somethin' we should consider.


I don't understand those of you who would target me out of principle. I don't apologize for being such a magnetic personality that I seemingly force you to talk about me. Why do you insist on pestering me? I told you, I share what is due. You should learn to appreciate that.

Look how the moths flutter into the fire. Maybe, just maybe, you might even conclude that it's wholly in *their* nature, not mine.

There are four more pertinent items on the menu than me, myself mine and I:

1. The Time Cube and its whereabouts
2. The death of the witch doctor
3. The death of the cultist
4. The insanity mechanic

Yesterday, I promised you two bodies, and lo and behold, two out of four boxes on the checklist are those two bodies. Yet you insist on not eating what I have so generously set out for you? You continue to complain about my cooking? Well, I don't see any other chef on this forsaken island. Maybe there's one down the avenue, you just need to take a left at the millennia-old sunken temple! If you find another one, maybe you can ask them to prepare your meals instead, you ungrateful swine.

Coppanuva, if you continue to press your case against me, I will retaliate against you, and you specifically.

The theme of this post interests me only because now you are now saying that you served dinner but if I remember correctly, you told guest #25 that the kitchen could not serve dinner and instead he or she would have to provide.


Heh, so it's come to this already, has it?

Alright, I'll humour ya for now and air some dirty laundry, but keep in mind that my suspicions are far from airtight. When I'm not marooned on an island fulla crazies I'm a writer, not a dectective, ya know?

Anywho, I think that one thread we haven't tugged on enough is GreatCharleston. He was a suspect yesterday who got off the hook, but that was mostly cuzza other folks actin' more shifty than him rather than an adequate defense. Judging by some of the gossip I've heard, he's yet to comment on last night's affairs as well, right? I don't think we should write 'em off as a threat yet, especially since mosta our other leads are inconclusive as of now.

I ain't gonna commit to a vote yet, but it's somethin' we should consider.

I told you what I would use my vote for, I've found that seeing your name in bright red is a way to get some talking out of people. You've listed someone new, which is all I had hoped for, if nothing else, it allows us another avenue of attack when we feel it is necessary. I'll switch again though and use these two posts as my reference.

Make you a deal, lynch me and when it's revealed I'm an ordinary tourist with no special powers, you all lynch blargonaut because he's full of it.

Blarg is only a distraction if you all keep allowing yourselves to be distracted. This infighting will get us nowhere, especially when we have a better target sitting right within our midst. Please, people. I was right about Prodigy. Give me the chance you didn't give me yesterday.

Blarg is a distraction, make no mistake that he has to die before that distraction will stop interrupting other talks but both of these posts call out to the more emotional side of me. Rats, you were right about Prodigy and we didn't trust you enough to stay on your side for that one. I'm willing to throw my hat in with you for right now only because I believe Coppa was today or tomorrow anyway. Make no mistake though, my vote is not solidified, it's easy to say to just not get distracted but sometimes you have to force the group to drop a distraction instead of just explaining why it is a distraction. Coppa, you asked for this one but if dropping you brings us one step closer to dropping Blarg as well then so be it and odds look good that the vote for one of you will give us a neutral or cult player.

VOTE: Coppanuva
As much as I'd rather not waste my vote on someone I don't fully believe is dangerous, if it comes down to it I'll hafta vote for Copps simply because Blarg seems like he's more usfeul to keep around. Better to have a wild card up your sleeve than to rely on the dealer t' bail you out.
Anywho, I think that one thread we haven't tugged on enough is GreatCharleston. He was a suspect yesterday who got off the hook, but that was mostly cuzza other folks actin' more shifty than him rather than an adequate defense. Judging by some of the gossip I've heard, he's yet to comment on last night's affairs as well, right? I don't think we should write 'em off as a threat yet, especially since mosta our other leads are inconclusive as of now.

This reminds me that GreatCharleston was the only active player at the end of Day 1 without a vote on anyone.

I also picked up on this at the end of Day 1 but let it slide because other stuff was taking priority:

I'm not sure this is the right decision, I was really against Blarg's posts and how easily everyone thought they meant a lot and now even LoC who took them at more than face value wants rid of him? Are you 100% sure of this, all of you, is this how it should be?

This post is also really weird to me, mostly because it seems ridiculously passive. Like, if you were so against Blarg, why on earth you didn't vote for him? And if you're against Blarg, then why are you reacting to people voting for him in such a manner? If you're against Blarg and had the opportunity to get him out, why wouldn't you? Some of GC's posts seem to be quite fence-straddling.


This reminds me that GreatCharleston was the only active player at the end of Day 1 without a vote on anyone.

I also picked up on this at the end of Day 1 but let it slide because other stuff was taking priority:

This post is also really weird to me, mostly because it seems ridiculously passive. Like, if you were so against Blarg, why on earth you didn't vote for him? And if you're against Blarg, then why are you reacting to people voting for him in such a manner? If you're against Blarg and had the opportunity to get him out, why wouldn't you? Some of GC's posts seem to be quite fence-straddling.

It's actually an excellent observation by Scrafty when you take the time to look at all of the posts. As I said before, it's really easy for cultists to hide behind the whole Blarg debate and this was a clear case of not choosing sides and hiding in with the confusion. I even intended to look back at voting patterns near the end of day 1 because I had urged everyone to vote quite a few times but I got distracted (there it is again) by my promise on Blarg and the info that came in for Coppa.


Blarg has far more potential to hurt us tonight that Coppa does. If he's actually a neutral killer he probably won't be killing a cultist again, just by odds. If he's not, and is something else neutral, he could hurt us in any number of ways. Most of us seem clear on killing him eventually, so why string it along? It'll also bring some clarity of discussion to the topic once we're free of Blarg's FUD.

If Coppa is a Cultist he certainly isn't the last one, so someone is still going to die tonight either way. Let's do something to make sure it is only one.

Vote: Blargonaut


Anywho, I think that one thread we haven't tugged on enough is GreatCharleston. He was a suspect yesterday who got off the hook, but that was mostly cuzza other folks actin' more shifty than him rather than an adequate defense. Judging by some of the gossip I've heard, he's yet to comment on last night's affairs as well, right? I don't think we should write 'em off as a threat yet, especially since mosta our other leads are inconclusive as of now.

I ain't gonna commit to a vote yet, but it's somethin' we should consider.

I'd like to pursue this line a bit more personally, while it seems like it's fairly obvious right now that either Blargonaut or I die this phase (looking like it's me), there's still plenty of useful information we can pull out as tourists and ending the day early is not the way to get it. Don't kill me until you get all the information you can.

Blarg is a distraction, make no mistake that he has to die before that distraction will stop interrupting other talks but both of these posts call out to the more emotional side of me. Rats, you were right about Prodigy and we didn't trust you enough to stay on your side for that one. I'm willing to throw my hat in with you for right now only because I believe Coppa was today or tomorrow anyway. Make no mistake though, my vote is not solidified, it's easy to say to just not get distracted but sometimes you have to force the group to drop a distraction instead of just explaining why it is a distraction. Coppa, you asked for this one but if dropping you brings us one step closer to dropping Blarg as well then so be it and odds look good that the vote for one of you will give us a neutral or cult player.

VOTE: Coppanuva

So be it. I'm prepared to die first if it means Blargonaut dies as well. If I'm a cult or neutral player, don't kill him. Easy decision, but when you see who I really am, keep in mind his insistence that I die tonight.

Also, so I can get it out now: The reason I was asking feelings on a third party/neutral players is that we need to eliminate 1 team entirely if we think there are multiple. The longer we let 2 teams pick people off every night, the worse it gets for us. If we can eliminate either all the cultists, or all the neutrals and get it down to 1 night kill a night, we're in a much better position to win.

Darryl was an obvious target last night. He could have been protected, or watched. The Cultists went after Fireblend. He spoke up a lot and represented a potentially valuable Tourist asset, but by our own admission none of us had a strong read on him. It was a shrewd choice. A smart one.

Fair argument, I can see your logic with that. Was there any indication FireBlend might have a protective role though? Darryl would be an obvious target to protect, and I agree your logic with this makes sense (although I suppose it would also only be useful if the orb can get out of play).

Speculation is one thing. You seem to have an almost single-minded obsession. An inordinate number of your posts explicitly deal with it. I think the Cult is scared of the Cube. Prodigy did his best to throw suspicion at Darryl, and you're doing your best to make the current holder out himself.

Right here. As I said, you were very good about responding to direct queries. Your silence on this matter, I believe, speaks volumes.

Blarg is only a distraction if you all keep allowing yourselves to be distracted. This infighting will get us nowhere, especially when we have a better target sitting right within our midst. Please, people. I was right about Prodigy. Give me the chance you didn't give me yesterday.

Apologies, I didn't read that as you asking my opinion on LP, but rather just suggesting you get someone to vote for him along with you, hence my lack of response. If you had asked me outright "What's your opinion on Lone_Prodigy", I would have answered. Hindsight 20/20 and all but eh, you win some lose some.

That said, you're still making a big mistake lynching me here. But how sure of this are you? If I'm not a cultist would you stake your reputation on it? Volunteer to die next?


I think, regardless of the way Blarg flips, it's the town's worst possible option to let Blarg live and I'll argue anyone who wants to keep him alive past today. My vote only changes if someone comes out and says "I'm a cultist, kill me!"


Blargonaut (5)
Lord of Castamere

Coppanuva (4)
Rats Off To Ya

11 votes are needed to end the day early



I'd like to pursue this line a bit more personally, while it seems like it's fairly obvious right now that either Blargonaut or I die this phase (looking like it's me), there's still plenty of useful information we can pull out as tourists and ending the day early is not the way to get it. Don't kill me until you get all the information you can.

Quoting this for truth by the way. If anyone pushes a vote to 11, I'll call for your policy lynch the next day. Do not end day 2 early. There is plenty to discuss and lost time only helps the cultists.


I told you what I would use my vote for, I've found that seeing your name in bright red is a way to get some talking out of people. You've listed someone new, which is all I had hoped for, if nothing else, it allows us another avenue of attack when we feel it is necessary. I'll switch again though and use these two posts as my reference.

Blarg is a distraction, make no mistake that he has to die before that distraction will stop interrupting other talks but both of these posts call out to the more emotional side of me. Rats, you were right about Prodigy and we didn't trust you enough to stay on your side for that one. I'm willing to throw my hat in with you for right now only because I believe Coppa was today or tomorrow anyway. Make no mistake though, my vote is not solidified, it's easy to say to just not get distracted but sometimes you have to force the group to drop a distraction instead of just explaining why it is a distraction. Coppa, you asked for this one but if dropping you brings us one step closer to dropping Blarg as well then so be it and odds look good that the vote for one of you will give us a neutral or cult player.

VOTE: Coppanuva

I-- I don't know what to say... your decision is just, if the reasoning a bit callous, but I expected no less. Let's be off, then.
Blargonaut joined the party.

As much as I'd rather not waste my vote on someone I don't fully believe is dangerous, if it comes down to it I'll hafta vote for Copps simply because Blarg seems like he's more usfeul to keep around. Better to have a wild card up your sleeve than to rely on the dealer t' bail you out.

I like the way you think, Scrafty! ;)


Blargonaut joined the party.[/B]

Don't be too excited yet, being "Lawful Good" means I have to weigh all the options and take action based on what is best for everyone. You dying might still be best for everyone, I still have about 3 days before I have to settle on a final vote.


As much as I'd rather not waste my vote on someone I don't fully believe is dangerous, if it comes down to it I'll hafta vote for Copps simply because Blarg seems like he's more usfeul to keep around. Better to have a wild card up your sleeve than to rely on the dealer t' bail you out.

The truth is, Blarg is dangerous, regardless of his role or powers. He has siphoned off most of the Day 2 discussion so far, and will do the same on Day 3. Coppanuva may not be the most tourist-like of a person, but he contributes to discussion in a way that Blarg does not. Anyone who votes to stay Blarg's execution will be at the top of my lynch list on Day 3, purely on principle alone.
We've definitely got more ruminatin' to do before the end of the day. We still haven't heard from a buncha potential suspects, so we've gotta jump off the bandwagon until we have more concrete information ta go offa.
Blarg has far more potential to hurt us tonight that Coppa does. If he's actually a neutral killer he probably won't be killing a cultist again, just by odds. If he's not, and is something else neutral, he could hurt us in any number of ways. Most of us seem clear on killing him eventually, so why string it along? It'll also bring some clarity of discussion to the topic once we're free of Blarg's FUD.

If Coppa is a Cultist he certainly isn't the last one, so someone is still going to die tonight either way. Let's do something to make sure it is only one.

Vote: Blargonaut

I never claimed responsibility for either target.
The truth is, Blarg is dangerous, regardless of his role or powers. He has siphoned off most of the Day 2 discussion so far, and will do the same on Day 3. Coppanuva may not be the most tourist-like of a person, but he contributes to discussion in a way that Blarg does not. Anyone who votes to stay Blarg's execution will be at the top of my lynch list on Day 3, purely on principle alone.

That's a dangerous game you're playin' there, pal. A mob mentality is actually the least-helpful thing to have right now, and tryin' to bully folks into going along with ya is just makin' me wanna trust you even less, if I'm bein' honest.


We've definitely got more ruminatin' to do before the end of the day. We still haven't heard from a buncha potential suspects, so we've gotta jump off the bandwagon until we have more concrete information ta go offa.

To be fair, neither bandwagon is close enough to be afraid of the day ending early. No reason to abandon either yet. Discussion can still occur while those bandwagons stare at each other.
The truth is, Blarg is dangerous, regardless of his role or powers. He has siphoned off most of the Day 2 discussion so far, and will do the same on Day 3. Coppanuva may not be the most tourist-like of a person, but he contributes to discussion in a way that Blarg does not. Anyone who votes to stay Blarg's execution will be at the top of my lynch list on Day 3, purely on principle alone.

You're the one siphoning discussion. I'm presenting evidence while you're running around screaming about the boogeyman. Frankly, I'm finding your behavior since this day started quite concerning.

That said, you're still making a big mistake lynching me here. But how sure of this are you? If I'm not a cultist would you stake your reputation on it? Volunteer to die next?

This couldn't sound more scummy if you tried.
*hides face*

I think, regardless of the way Blarg flips, it's the town's worst possible option to let Blarg live and I'll argue anyone who wants to keep him alive past today. My vote only changes if someone comes out and says "I'm a cultist, kill me!"

PEEKABOO! Where's the monster~!? Where is it? ooooOOOOOoOOooOoooooOOoo tell Cthulhu, where's the monster!? omnomnom <3

*hides face*

The truth is, Blarg is dangerous, regardless of his role or powers. He has siphoned off most of the Day 2 discussion so far, and will do the same on Day 3. Coppanuva may not be the most tourist-like of a person, but he contributes to discussion in a way that Blarg does not. Anyone who votes to stay Blarg's execution will be at the top of my lynch list on Day 3, purely on principle alone.

PEEKABOO! I see you! I see you! Where's the monster-- tell Cthulhu, where is it youuuu~! :3


I never claimed responsibility for either target.

Sure, not directly. You've just been making constant menacing posts about promising bodies, cooking people, visiting tents and suggesting an ability to retaliate etc etc. You know exactly what that will get read as. Why you'd hint at that, I have no idea, but it isn't good for town no matter what you're actually doing.

Whether you actually have something special or not your behavior is helping no one but your own enjoyment. The vast majority of your posts are filler. You shouldn't get to get away with it just because that's your shtick. At least you actually coherently responded to me instead of some nonsense remark saying you shockingly agree with a vote for you and disagree with a vote that isn't for you.
Sure, not directly. You've just been making constant menacing posts about promising bodies, cooking people, visiting tents and suggesting an ability to retaliate etc etc. You know exactly what that will get read as. Why you'd hint at that, I have no idea, but it isn't good for town no matter what you're actually doing.

Whether you actually have something special or not your behavior is helping no one but your own enjoyment. The vast majority of your posts are filler. You shouldn't get to get away with it just because that's your shtick. At least you actually coherently responded to me instead of some nonsense remark saying you shockingly agree with a vote for you and disagree with a vote that isn't for you.

Menacing is subjective. Coherence is subjective. Filler is subjective.

Well, at least mine is.

I'm sorry you see it *that* way.

Don't be too excited yet, being "Lawful Good" means I have to weigh all the options and take action based on what is best for everyone. You dying might still be best for everyone, I still have about 3 days before I have to settle on a final vote.

You won't kill me, but you won't save me, eh?

We make a good team. Why fight it, Sorian? :)


You won't kill me, but you won't save me, eh?

We make a good team. Why fight it, Sorian? :)

Because I will kill you, it's just I have to weigh whether that is the right decision or not at any given time. The longer we play games, the longer the cult has to set things in their favor. The issue is, I don't think you are cult but you are siphoning away our resources while people argue over you. Killing you will stop that siphon of information but it probably won't get us any closer to our goal of eliminating all cultists.


victim blaming imo

I'm sorry, it is what it is. Like I said before, it's easy to say "don't be distracted" but by the nature of the game, people are going to be distracted. Some people are honestly thinking Blarg is the best person to lynch today and cultists are going to always point to that mess until it is gone as a way to defend themselves. Blarg has made himself extremely polarizing and anytime someone brings him up, you can always expect more posts to follow about him.
Y'know, they say power weighs heavy on a man's mind. Not that I'd know anything about that, but if Blarg's jibjab is the price we've gotta pay in exchange for having someone on our side who can turn th' tide in our favour, I think that ain't so bad. I heard one'a them cult guys died last night and who's to say the same thing won't happen again if we keep Blarg around for another night?

I really do wanna hear from GreatCharleston before makin' any decisions though. Fella seems like he could be hidin' somethin' and the burden'a proof's on him to show that he ain't up to no good.


Slightly off-topic: I wonder how infuriated Blarg would be if we all put him on our ignore lists. That's way too mean though.


Alright, so let me get this straight...Coppa has made the claim that he's an ordinary townie and if we lynch him and he flips town (which I'm pretty much convinced he will) we'll then go after Blarg? Or, we could, you know, go after Blarg today and re-asses Coppa tomorrow.

God, I hope y'all know what you're doing.


^"Edit": I see we're at 5 for Blarg and 4 for Coppa. Well, that's good. I'm not trying to shift away from Coppa, because I think he's definitely worth looking into further. But going after Blarg today seems so much more sensible.


Y'know, they say power weighs heavy on a man's mind. Not that I'd know anything about that, but if Blarg's jibjab is the price we've gotta pay in exchange for having someone on our side who can turn th' tide in our favour, I think that ain't so bad. I heard one'a them cult guys died last night and who's to say the same thing won't happen again if we keep Blarg around for another night?

Well the worry is that Blarg is a neutral party and not on the side of the tourists or cultists. That is not the kind of wild card I want running around, assuming that he did deliver us a cultist last night (a very unsure assumption), there's no reason why he wouldn't try to even things up tonight.

^"Edit": I see we're at 5 for Blarg and 4 for Coppa. Well, that's good. I'm not trying to shift away from Coppa, because I think he's definitely worth looking into further. But going after Blarg today seems so much more sensible.

My vote is still on Coppa but I can be easily swayed to Blarg so keep that in mind as well. I have no reason to push that Bandwagon even closer to 11 at the moment and I have plenty of time to decide on the best course of action there.


In an effort to get off of this Blarg topic because we're just going to keep going back and forth on this one and get no where. What is everyone else's thoughts on GreatCharleston? The fact that he didn't vote on day 1 is a huge red flag to me that I thank NF for bringing to my attention. The last thing a good member of town wants to do is end up being useless and for as much as he gave information on during day 1, it trips me up to see that he didn't use the most powerful ability of all, his ability to vote.


Well the worry is that Blarg is a neutral party and not on the side of the tourists or cultists. That is not the kind of wild card I want running around, assuming that he did deliver us a cultist last night (a very unsure assumption), there's no reason why he wouldn't try to even things up tonight.

My vote is still on Coppa but I can be easily swayed to Blarg so keep that in mind as well. I have no reason to push that Bandwagon even closer to 11 at the moment and I have plenty of time to decide on the best course of action there.

Both very good points. Also my vote wasn't counted in the total so it should be 6-4, but I agree that inching even closer is bad at this point, so I'm retracting it while we can get more information.

UNVOTE: Blargonaut

In an effort to get off of this Blarg topic because we're just going to keep going back and forth on this one and get no where. What is everyone else's thoughts on GreatCharleston? The fact that he didn't vote on day 1 is a huge red flag to me that I thank NF for bringing to my attention. The last thing a good member of town wants to do is end up being useless and for as much as he gave information on during day 1, it trips me up to see that he didn't use the most powerful ability of all, his ability to vote.

Definitely agree that not voting seems weird. He also seemed to want everybody to agree on one person for the first night.

Seems a decent amount of players went inactive and that's bad to hear Droplet, but it kinda makes sense. Hope it all gets sorted out though and you return.

We've got 23 hours left should we come to a conclusion on a vote this final day or just leave it as whatever we go with in the remaining time?

I mean... Should all players come to a conclusive vote by the end of today or should it just be left for them to naturally decide or not?

To me it looks like he's concerned about sticking out too much. He doesn't want to be singled out for picking an odd choice and looking weird.


Thoughts so far today, now that I'm childless and caught up (more or less)

Coppa: Coppa rubs me the wrong way. Something about his attitude, especially the "are you willing to stake your reputation on this" comment strikes me as scummy. And I'd be careful with those comments, Coppa - You might find someone who is.

Blarg: Blarg needs to go soon, because he is a distraction. Not a total loss, because we are managing to discuss other players like Coppa, but he is pulling attention away from people who need it. It makes me sad, because I love the insanity, but I think town will be better off.
Tonight is as good a night as any to get rid of him, though it could be tomorrow if we feel strongly about another player. I'm on the fence between Blarg and Coppa, and I don't know that I strongly care which goes first.
I should say: I do not believe Blarg is a night killer, or even necessarily a third party. I think he may be trying to call attention to someone else who is, and obfuscating that person in the process. But since he is either incapable or unwilling to provide that information in a straightforward fashion, it's just complicating the issue further.

GreatCharleston: I agree with others in calling him out. He was a target yesterday who has slipped into the woodwork today. It's been just about 24 hours since the day started, and we haven't heard from a lot of our players. Where are they? I understand people are busy, (I went out with friends yesterday and babysat this morning,) but most of our players should be involved by now.

The Time Cube: I'm concerned that no one has claimed it. Maybe they're playing low, like someone suggested earlier, but I would like confirmation that it's still out there.

Question for Darryl: When did you find out that you had the cube? Was it at the beginning of the day phase? It seems like you brought it up a day or so in, so I wanted to figure out a timeline on when you received it.
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