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Call of Cthulhu Mafia |OT| Nuts on this island taste insane! Yum Yum!


In conclusion, while well put together, your argument is simply not true and every one of my actions are justifiable. Also, because it's currently 3-2 in the "Blarg vs Coppa" war again, and I have no more interest in saving his skin anyhow, VOTE: Blargonaut.

Just a reminder:

17. For your vote to count, it must be presented in the following format: VOTE: playername, via use of the highlight tag. It must also be in an entirely separate line from any other text.

I missed your vote. Just realised it because you UNVOTED.
UNVOTE: Coppanuva

VOTE: GreatCharleston

Both very good points. Also my vote wasn't counted in the total so it should be 6-4, but I agree that inching even closer is bad at this point, so I'm retracting it while we can get more information.

UNVOTE: Blargonaut

Definitely agree that not voting seems weird. He also seemed to want everybody to agree on one person for the first night.

To me it looks like he's concerned about sticking out too much. He doesn't want to be singled out for picking an odd choice and looking weird.

(Today, 07:48 PM) x 2

Now that's synergy.

We demand raises.


I think Rats made a fairly well made case for the person with the Orb to not disclose until day 3. I get the feeling that advice is being followed so discussion on the item will have to delay by another day again. I can't disagree with the logic in waiting though I don't think claiming to have the item will make that person more likely to be a night time target. If the day 2 person doesn't claim the item when day 3 rolls around though then we are going to have a new and very real mystery on our hands that we'll have to figure out.


Just a reminder:

17. For your vote to count, it must be presented in the following format: VOTE: playername, via use of the highlight tag. It must also be in an entirely separate line from any other text.

I missed your vote. Just realised it because you UNVOTED.

Apologies, forgot that rule. Will make sure I fix it in the future :)
I think Rats made a fairly well made case for the person with the Orb to not disclose until day 3. I get the feeling that advice is being followed so discussion on the item will have to delay by another day again. I can't disagree with the logic in waiting though I don't think claiming to have the item will make that person more likely to be a night time target. If the day 2 person doesn't claim the item when day 3 rolls around though then we are going to have a new and very real mystery on our hands that we'll have to figure out.

I don't see "Blargonaut" or "Blarg" in that paragraph, Sorian.

Sorian, why are you deflecting the issue at hand? Say sorry, Sorian. You need to talk about me, Sorian.

Blargonaut "Blarg" Blargonaut, Sorian.


I was talking to Retro above, didn't realize we were at the end of a page so now I look silly.

You also look silly to the people who are on 100 posts per page for posting that in the middle of the page.

By the way, I had a dream about Mafia last night. People from GAF broke into my house in the middle of the night to photograph where I live. They also took pictures of my wife and I for evidence in the new day phase. When I tried to chase them out, one of them, (who I was positive was Sorian,) stopped me and said, "Making us leave makes you look really suspicious. What are you trying to hide?"

And then I woke up.


BTW, I also don't know why I've made so many 100ppp jokes this game. I don't actually care how you have your preferences set, I just enjoy giving you crap.
And then I woke up.




*cracks knuckles* "Those Ancient bastards are gonna pay for coiling up my ride..."

Is there anybody who'd like to make an argument for why Blarg is tourist? I see that Rats at least is currently getting that reading from him, and those of us who want to lynch him might benefit from understanding that perspective.

In an effort to get off of this Blarg topic because we're just going to keep going back and forth on this one and get no where. What is everyone else's thoughts on GreatCharleston? The fact that he didn't vote on day 1 is a huge red flag to me that I thank NF for bringing to my attention. The last thing a good member of town wants to do is end up being useless and for as much as he gave information on during day 1, it trips me up to see that he didn't use the most powerful ability of all, his ability to vote.

I'm actually a bit more suspicious of him than I am, say, Coppanuva. His lack of a vote seems to be in line with his posts from early on in the game, but you're right that it's important to exercise the ability to vote. Not voting gives us less to work with, which intentionally or not, could help somebody fly under the radar.


This is nice, I put Blarg on ignore and things just seem so much clearer now.

By the way, I had a dream about Mafia last night. People from GAF broke into my house in the middle of the night to photograph where I live. They also took pictures of my wife and I for evidence in the new day phase. When I tried to chase them out, one of them, (who I was positive was Sorian,) stopped me and said, "Making us leave makes you look really suspicious. What are you trying to hide?"

This made me laugh at work, damn it.

Well, what are you trying to hide?
I'm actually a bit more suspicious of him than I am, say, Coppanuva. His lack of a vote seems to be in line with his posts from early on in the game, but you're right that it's important to exercise the ability to vote. Not voting gives us less to work with, which intentionally or not, could help somebody fly under the radar.

And that's just the thing now, innit? If he really is a tourist then why would 'e have anythin' to be afraid of by voting? It's the only power that the normal folks have, so why not excercise it unless you're worried about alignin' yourself with a certain group?

Y'know what, I'm gettin' impatient so I think I'll take a page outta our mutual pal Sorian's book.

VOTE: GreatCharleston


I've said it before, it does no good unless there is sufficient pressure. This new topic can't be avoided forever.

VOTE: GreatCharleston


That's a dangerous game you're playin' there, pal. A mob mentality is actually the least-helpful thing to have right now, and tryin' to bully folks into going along with ya is just makin' me wanna trust you even less, if I'm bein' honest.

You're the one siphoning discussion. I'm presenting evidence while you're running around screaming about the boogeyman. Frankly, I'm finding your behavior since this day started quite concerning.

This couldn't sound more scummy if you tried.

Aggression is the only way to win the game. If we are not constantly lynching the people who are the most scummy or distracting, then we are losing ground.

I haven't addressed the Coppanuva situation, as generally, I agree with everyone's points about LoneProdigy making sure to get in a defense of Coppanuva before he died. I agree that Coppa is someone we should pursue further and keep an eye on, but as I've stated, Blarg has to go first. I'm more then willing to investigate Coppanuva, perhaps even lynch him on another day, but the longer Blarg's nonsense continues, the more ground we lose and the LoneProdigy kill goes to waste.


I hope you know I don't actually have you on ignore, that would be bad form to just up and ignore another player. I'll give you bonus points for trying to lure me out with that anime gif though, it almost worked.


So I was looking at another player by the way. Vylash.

He's never posted in the thread as far as I can tell. Doesn't get any worse than that.


So I was looking at another player by the way. Vylash.

He's never posted in the thread as far as I can tell. Doesn't get any worse than that.

He told me that he is interested to play. So I did not replace him during the night phase. I'll send him a message tomorrow, in case he still hasn't posted then.


So I was looking at another player by the way. Vylash.

He's never posted in the thread as far as I can tell. Doesn't get any worse than that.

I could have sworn he at least said Hi when he came in on day 1 but you're right, he never did. Not really worth our time at the moment though, it was the same kind of situation as Captain and Orange during the first day phase. We know 0 about their roles so it wouldn't be in our best interest to just vote them off entirely. Our other replacements already have me worried too, they are smelling like Tucah to me already and we already know what happened last time I barked up that tree.



I hope you don't mind that I have to be extra careful of you. You've avatar'd yourself as a character that I like which means that I have to actively try to distrust you to offset the psychological effect of me trusting that character.

Anyway, worth noting that this is where our current vote is at:

Blargonaut (5)
Lord of Castamere

Coppanuva (2)
Rats Off To Ya


11 votes are needed to end the day early


I post that in hopes of it generating some discussion. I know we are at a bit of an impasse until Charleston posts but I hope that conversation does not end up stifled while we wait for someone who may never post (he has met his obligation for day 2 and no longer needs to post today to stay in the game).


I post that in hopes of it generating some discussion. I know we are at a bit of an impasse until Charleston posts but I hope that conversation does not end up stifled while we wait for someone who may never post (he has met his obligation for day 2 and no longer needs to post today to stay in the game).

Well... if he wants to stay in then we can always force him to talk by way of simple majority right? Just needs someone to switch from blargonaut for the time being to make him be the next in line for eviction, and I want some talk from GreatCharleston. So...

VOTE: GreatCharleston


I don't know if I'd consider GreatCharleston's posts as contributing to the game. Here are his Day 2 posts:

So was Blarg "insane" on the first day with all the cryptic nonsense I take it? Then maybe he doesn't have special powers after all?

Feel kinda bad we lost Fireblend though, he was a fairly good player and was a step above the average tourist too. You're with us in spirit which probably helps as a shaman.


Oh my god you guys had really read Lone_Prodigy EXTREMELY well but... How?

All reactionary posts, literally said nothing else other then feeling bad for Fireblend and being amazed at the Town's greatness.


I don't know if I'd consider GreatCharleston's posts as contributing to the game. Here are his Day 2 posts:

All reactionary posts, literally said nothing else other then feeling bad for Fireblend and being amazed at the Town's greatness.

Did anyone say that he contributed anything on Day 2? (Honest question) I know that I said he posted on Day 2 which just means he has already met the rule standard to be allowed to continue to Day 3 without being kicked for inactivity.


Did anyone say that he contributed anything on Day 2? (Honest question) I know that I said he posted on Day 2 which just means he has already met the rule standard to be allowed to continue to Day 3 without being kicked for inactivity.

Technically no, I just posted that as more of a statement that while he may have met the letter of the rule, I'd argue he hasn't yet met the spirit of it.


for now i keep my vore on Blarg but ok ok , i will try to get to know him better ;: I

I don't think anyone can "handle" Blarg. The spirit of day 2 for Cthulhu is going to be whether we want to vote away a distraction or strike at a possible cultist element. I would like to hear your honest opinion on this GreatCharleston and Coppa thing. You seem to be one of the ones extremely distracted by Blarg at the moment so let's forget about him for a minute. Pretend we are in duel mode like the danganronpa thread and it's Charleston vs. Coppa. Who would you vote for and why?

Technically no, I just posted that as more of a statement that while he may have met the letter of the rule, I'd argue he hasn't yet met the spirit of it.

True but like it or not, for Zatoth to seek a replacement, only the letter of the rule matters. Past that, it's up to us to decide if we want to lynch him as guilty of not showing up to court to defend himself. But we're getting ahead of ourselves, he still has plenty of time to post before we have to start discussing that.


I don't think anyone can "handle" Blarg. The spirit of day 2 for Cthulhu is going to be whether we want to vote away a distraction or strike at a possible cultist element. I would like to hear your honest opinion on this GreatCharleston and Coppa thing. You seem to be one of the ones extremely distracted by Blarg at the moment so let's forget about him for a minute. Pretend we are in duel mode like the danganronpa thread and it's Charleston vs. Coppa. Who would you vote for and why?

I kind of want to answer this question, just for fun. I'd say Coppanuva is the better lynch candidate. Chrarleston has been shifty and an infrequent poster and I'd rather here more from him before we lynch him. As mentioned earlier, the case made against Coppa is fairly decent, I'd be happy to lynch him under normal circumstances and think we'll probably lynch him very soon.


This is a good point, I should urge everyone to answer my above question though I do mean it more for our lurkers who I know are watching the thread but haven't really given a clear opinion on the topic (like Nin and LoC, for example)

To be fair, I'll answer too. Coppa is the better choice at the moment between the two. He has had more evidence leveraged against him and I've gotten to see how he reacts to that pressure. I don't have the same information on Charleston yet so I can't make that call over there.

My main thing with Coppa at this time is when the going gets hot, he starts trying to goad us into a vote for. He's had posts where he's tried to appeal to our fear that we might be voting off another townie and how we'll regret or be disappointed with the result when his role is shown. It's an appeal to emotion instead of logic and I don't know how much I can trust it.


I hope you don't mind that I have to be extra careful of you. You've avatar'd yourself as a character that I like which means that I have to actively try to distrust you to offset the psychological effect of me trusting that character

I've actually been really curious about what Scrafty's avatar is. I think I know, but if you wouldn't mind throwing it in spoiler tags, (since we have an ongoing Danganronpa game) I'd appreciate it.
It's Akane from DR2, right? I would guess from her Despair days.
I see. Sorian, you're trying to make GC talk by forcing everyone to vote for him? Decent strategy but one that can go bad. What if there are 2 doctors or another power role for the Town and we simply vote him based on nothing?

Off topic, not really related to the game:
Blargonaut is awesome. Easily the most fun person to play Mafia with even if it does get obstructive sometimes lol


This is a good point, I should urge everyone to answer my above question though I do mean it more for our lurkers who I know are watching the thread but haven't really given a clear opinion on the topic (like Nin and LoC, for example)

Of the two, I'd vote GreatCharleston. He's just way more of a risk at this point since I know my own role. But no, in all seriousness this is somewhat of a loaded question until GreatCharleston speaks. You have me, who you've seen react and have a good read on, and GreatCharleston who you admittedly know nothing about. Not exactly a fair comparison.


I've actually been really curious about what Scrafty's avatar is. I think I know, but if you wouldn't mind throwing it in spoiler tags, (since we have an ongoing Danganronpa game) I'd appreciate it.
It's Akane from DR2, right? I would guess from her Despair days.

That is the correct person yes. She can correct me if I am wrong but I believe the avatar itself is a fan made thing meant to portray the other thing in your spoiler tag.

Is Great Charleston someone who hadn't posted in a while?

Kind of like you! :p Welcome back

Yes, he did post during the day 2 phase but it was literally only reactionary fluff posts. I leveraged some suspicion towards him in day 1 which raised some other eyebrows but we moved on from him and he seemed to get back into the background fairly easily again. I'd urge you to look over his posts and Coppa's from day 1 and tell me what you think in response to my question a few posts above.


I see. Sorian, you're trying to make GC talk by forcing everyone to vote for him? Decent strategy but one that can go bad. What if there are 2 doctors or another power role for the Town and we simply vote him based on nothing?

Sometimes the threat of being lynched is all that is needed.

Of the two, I'd vote GreatCharleston. He's just way more of a risk at this point since I know my own role. But no, in all seriousness this is somewhat of a loaded question until GreatCharleston speaks. You have me, who you've seen react and have a good read on, and GreatCharleston who you admittedly know nothing about. Not exactly a fair comparison.

You're right, it isn't the fairest comparison and I'm hoping to see someone mention something intriguing from day 1 since you both had similar posting styles during that phase.


I don't think anyone can "handle" Blarg. The spirit of day 2 for Cthulhu is going to be whether we want to vote away a distraction or strike at a possible cultist element. I would like to hear your honest opinion on this GreatCharleston and Coppa thing.

Coppa defended himself quite well. The heat was on him and he made some good points why he should not be lynched. GreatCharleston on the other hand , i cant comment on him since he was almost invisible.


Saying almost as the just made himself visible to be in the game but not as visible to be judged on comments he made.
I went for blarg as it is my intention to kill Cuthulhu players. He just seems like the best scenario we have right now. Even if i dont get him
I've been thinking a lot about the events and results of day one, and come to the conclusion that Sorian is the most suspicious character on the island.

Sorian started the voting to lynch Tucah, an ordinary tourist. He had various reasons, most of which are not particularly convincing, so I suspect that Sorian was a wilful architect of the lynching and knew that Tucah was a tourist, or at least, not a fellow cultist. I tried to argue against voting for Tucah citing a lack of logic behind this vote, sadly without success. Meanwhile, Sorian convinced eight other people, most of which I imagine were unwitting tourists, to vote for Tucah. How did he do this? By presenting himself as an authority figure by dominating conversations and aggressively questioning everyone else. This behavior serves the dual purposes of directing attention away from him and getting people to trust him by virtue of being the loudest voice in the room. Sorian is an absurdly prolific poster in this thread compared to every else, and I suggest that that alone should raise red flags.

VOTE: Sorian


I've been thinking a lot about the events and results of day one, and come to the conclusion that Sorian is the most suspicious character on the island.

Sorian started the voting to lynch Tucah, an ordinary tourist. He had various reasons, most of which are not particularly convincing, so I suspect that Sorian was a wilful architect of the lynching and knew that Tucah was a tourist, or at least, not a fellow cultist. I tried to argue against voting for Tucah citing a lack of logic behind this vote, sadly without success. Meanwhile, Sorian convinced eight other people, most of which I imagine were unwitting tourists, to vote for Tucah. How did he do this? By presenting himself as an authority figure by dominating conversations and aggressively questioning everyone else. This behavior serves the dual purposes of directing attention away from him and getting people to trust him by virtue of being the loudest voice in the room. Sorian is an absurdly prolific poster in this thread compared to every else, and I suggest that that alone should raise red flags.

VOTE: Sorian

I 100% screwed up with the vote on Tucah, I can't deny that in any way and that loss of a tourist is on me all the way. That being said I still stand by my reasoning, especially in regards to why I think your argument was weak. In the end, it was day 1, no one except for cultists have any concrete information on who is what alignment and we had to vote based off of hunch. I thought my hunch was right so I presented my evidence and people found it sound enough to join my cause on it. There are going to be tourist lunches throughout the game just by virtue of how much we probably outnumber the cultists. I put myself on the line out there on a day where we have nothing to stand on and I was wrong. I can't agree that it deserves a lynch for me though, scum leading such a blatant vote is just too ballsy, even by my standards. If there is something else that makes you think I am scum then I'm willing to make an argument against those points but if all you have is post count (which means nothing IMO as long as the player is active) and me being wrong then I don't see you having much of a case.

That being said, your voice was one that was missed a lot today and I'm glad that you finally came forward with something even if it was against me. If nothing else, hopefully this gets more activity from the thread. We get no where without the discussions.

I'm going to explain my hardline stance against Coppanuva a bit further... through PUZZLES! To the crew; if you value your roles, you need to slay Coppanuva today. Yes. We can flubber all we want right now, but I expect all your votes to be in the majority of Coppanuva before the day's end.

...what, you don't trust me?

*looks at Fireblend and Lone_Prodigy*

My promises were fulfilled. Which is more than all of you can say.

Tomorrow will be too late for Coppanuva's swansong, so I entrust my fingers to tune you correctly, today:


[Mark 2 Project]

PRESTAT. 1ID 1 2 3 4 . note, BOLO IN EFFECT
SOLUTE5: OST_"[(2*3)][][][][(0-0)][][][][(15/5)]; these aren't the stamps of the mail of the period? oup see"_EMULATE.mp3 (do not divulge)
SOLUTE7: ?? await if need be

(after reading through a bit, I now realize that it will be better for me to post this sooner instead of later today like I had planned)

I trust you will all act intelligently and pragmatically. And if you don't like me or my puzzles, too bad. It's literally your loss.

And don't forget Darryl.
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