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Call of Cthulhu Mafia |OT| Nuts on this island taste insane! Yum Yum!

Ah, that seemed a bit harsh, didn't it.

There, there, Coppanuva. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. And help me lynch Matt Attack.

okay I'm really going to sleep now, bye~


So what I'm hearing is, if we have nobody else to lynch today, we should kill Blarg before the cultists do. Our doctor is now dead, so if we want to keep him alive, we need to rely on the existence of some other role which we don't know is in the game. Also, he had no information so seeing his role will do literally nothing for us.

I don't really see a good reason to keep Blarg around, nor do I see a reason to lynch him either. He's not really a free lynch since all this does is prolongs the game for one more day, yet he's not really a free night kill either.

So basically, we should just move on.
Surprise, I'm still awake, and I can't stop checking my phone. Now that I'm not stepping on anybody's toes, I can elaborate on this post:

I probably won't vote for Blarg today because I think he's a Tourist and I'm not in the business of voting for people I think are Tourists. I'm also hesitant to argue too strongly on his behalf, for reasons.

I strongly suspected that Blarg had some significant pro-Town role and was merely using his behavior as a disguise. Anyone who read the Star Wars game could have come to the same conclusion. The reason for my reluctance to get in his corner is that I didn't want to spoil his gambit by inadvertently shining a light on it. I feared that even saying I thought he was a Tourist was going too far.

I figured the best way to keep Blarg alive was to argue as passionately as I could for somebody else. I still think Coppanuva is our best bet today, though I admit the wind has been taken out of my sails a bit. It appears I read more into Blarg's accusations than I was intended to, and that caused me to overvalue my hand. But I stand by my original case, which was largely composed before any of this happened.
So what I'm hearing is, if we have nobody else to lynch today, we should kill Blarg before the cultists do. Our doctor is now dead, so if we want to keep him alive, we need to rely on the existence of some other role which we don't know is in the game. Also, he had no information so seeing his role will do literally nothing for us.

I don't really see a good reason to keep Blarg around, nor do I see a reason to lynch him either. He's not really a free lynch since all this does is prolongs the game for one more day, yet he's not really a free night kill either.

So basically, we should just move on.

I agree with this assessment wholeheartedly.


Yea, at this point I don't see the behavior of either player as pro-town. You guys both fucked us. Matt probably has an alternate win condition, but since Blarg agreed with the no night eviction element for lynch day than it will probably let us continue playing the game. Will probably vote on Blarg.
So what I'm hearing is, if we have nobody else to lynch today, we should kill Blarg before the cultists do. Our doctor is now dead, so if we want to keep him alive, we need to rely on the existence of some other role which we don't know is in the game. Also, he had no information so seeing his role will do literally nothing for us.

I don't really see a good reason to keep Blarg around, nor do I see a reason to lynch him either. He's not really a free lynch since all this does is prolongs the game for one more day, yet he's not really a free night kill either.

So basically, we should just move on.

"The human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what humans do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'. Only egotism exists." - H.P. Lovecraft

And so while playing as Lovecraft in a Lovecraft-themed game, I ultimately validate Lovecraft's outlook on life through my actions; that in the end, there is only insignificance.

I would be okay with a Blarg lynch. It will be interesting to examine the activity of our murderous stranger in isolation. Maybe he can "investigate" Coppa for me, so this day isn't a total wash. >_>


HOLY SHIT ! A lot of happened while i was asleep !
I will keep my vote on blarg for now since the reveal just strengthened my believe that it would be best for now to get rid of him.
Why, I do declare, where on this accursed pebble is Mr. Castamere? Only top men will get us off this island! I've heard that he comes highly recommended as a dashing no-nonsense crypt-keeper and gumshoe expert in runology, you know.


[Mark 1 Project]

1ID_SOLVENT.: JOKER_CORRELATE.ini; note, disregard ostrich and emu.
SOLUTE1: Dd... Halve #2nd = CoMManDD Post #__, then div. by 7 = WARNING: Minimum number of warships in bound, verified -/- DO NOT MIX WITH ID_SOLUTION
SOLUTE3: To customer #25, dinner cannot be served by the kitchen, we already thoroughly explained that you must provide.
SOLUTE4: ??? await if need be

Now, prepare yourselves for a 101 in BS:

*casts Grease*

1ID_SOLVENT.: JOKER_CORRELATE.ini; note, disregard ostrich and emu.
  • '.ini' referred to 'initials', I wanted you to notice the all-caps as initials
  • JOKER_CORRELATE = written in all caps, all initials
  • disregard ostrich and emu = disregard initials O and E from JOKER, you end up with 'J K R'; also, this note is relevant to SOLUTE5
  • 'J K R' are the initials of J.K. Rowling, she wrote Harry Potter
  • Harry Potter's initials are H.P.
  • "CORRELATE" with game's theme; H.P. = H.P. Lovecraft
  • ID_SOLVENT (the initials H.P.) + SOLUTE2 (the obscure reference to Florida-dwelling R.H. Barlow, a known associate of H.P. Lovecraft) = ID_SOLUTION, which is H.P. Lovecraft
  • .: <- this referred to the 3 cultists I had to kill off for my Win condition

SOLUTE1: Dd... Halve #2nd = CoMManDD Post #__, then div. by 7 = WARNING: Minimum number of warships in bound, verified -/- DO NOT MIX WITH ID_SOLUTION
Who are we hunting? Cultists? Madmen? Don Draper?

  • Dd... = "Dear diary...", the title header of one of my posts, Post #472
  • Halve #2nd => take the post count of the second place person (in this case, it was me), divide it by 2 =
    CoMManDD Post #__ = Post #21, CoMManDD refers to initials of sentence, "Cultists? Mad Men? Don Draper?"
  • then div. by 7, thus 21/7 = 3
  • 3 = WARNING: Minimum number of warships in bound, verified ===> 3 = WARNING: Minimum number of cultists in-game, verified (via role PM)
  • "warships" sounds like worships (reference to cult worship), "in bound" refers to 'in-game', "verified" refers to the 3 cultists stated in my role PM; since they were stated in my role PM, I considered that minimum amount of Cultists to be 100% verified
  • "-/- DO NOT MIX WITH ID_SOLUTION" refers to me not being affiliated with the Cultists; once you reached the point in my puzzle where you worked out there were a minimum of 3 Cultists, this phrase is basically telling you that I'm not associated with their faction ("DO NOT MIX WITH")

  • This puzzle referred to this GIF I posted, in Post #83
  • IN-SITU ('in seat', sitting down; also a reference to me on-site, 'in-game'), ORANGE (fruit), MIC (hinting for you to look at GIF of guy turning mic off, and notice the Florida Channel logo, hence, Florida the state), STATE (Florida), ASSOCIATE (of Lovecraft, in Florida), EXTRAPOLATE WITH RESEARCH (dive into the lore behind the game's theme, biography of Lovecraft, pertaining to Florida; he had a friend/associate who lived in Florida named R.H. Barlow) -> a bunch of random-ass bio/lore info to be combined with the SOLVENT's discovery of 'H.P.' initials, that would give you the loose idea of me being H.P. Lovecraft, my ID_SOLUTION

SOLUTE3: To customer #25, dinner cannot be served by the kitchen, we already thoroughly explained that you must provide.

  • Here's Post #25, Sally Draper saying that all she wants to do is eat dinner, used in reply to RetroMG asking who we were hunting in Post #21; this GIF was posted merely for the continuation of the food theme, and 'having dinner' was a loose reference to me wanting to kill the cultists off, omnomnom
  • "customer" was just a reference to the self-evident fact that they were sitting in a restaurant, and was a loose reference to my "creepy ship galley apprentice girl' lore-fluff that I've posted in all-italics a few times
  • "dinner cannot be served by the kitchen" refers to the helplessness of my role; me, having no active powers, no night-kill ability to help me kill the 3 Cultists, the "dinner", required to satisfy my Win condition
  • "we thoroughly explained that you must provide" is basically me generally asking for everyone's help (as in, any one of you) to provide the Cultists' identities and kill them; however, me italicizing 'you' in my posts often, was also a constant reference to the Other that was hunting me, who turned out to be Matt Attack

SOLUTE4: ??? await if need be
  • ??? = 3 question marks, alluding to me not knowing the identity of the 3 Cultists I was supposed to kill
  • "await if need be" was a "Stand-by." command I placed for a finger, should I have referred to you by name and said: ??? (it was a way for me to acknowledge your correct working-out of my Win condition (3 question marks, 3 cultists), and the only one I ever acknowledged to be right (the first time, at least) was Mr. Castamere, if memory serves me right)
  • ... = 3 periods, also an allusion to the number of Cultists that needed to die for my Win condition

Did I say I was just fucking with Coppanuva? I lied.

Part 2 of my BS soon.
Does any of this even matter anymore?

Now I have to lie here all hog-tied for two days, watching you Cultist scrubs argue over how stringy my meat is.



What an ending.
Mah armsv and feep may be tied ahp, butf I can draw linesf on the fsand witfh my teef, fellas! *ptooey*

We can stillf *pleh* totesf play some minigamef while I waitf for mai inevfitable dooooooom~!
To me it looks like he's concerned about sticking out too much. He doesn't want to be singled out for picking an odd choice and looking weird.

You sure got me caught read handed, Coppanuva. Here's some mighty fine praise.

I'm so happy you're all so suspicious of my lack of activity but it was literally dawn of day 2, no one was active, Blarg was just craving attention in his poor way of trying to act like a possessed Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls in the AM, what ever was I to do? Shit post some more for the sake of being active? Fellow players, PLEASE. I was monitoring this thread regularly but yesterday early PM in Europe I was out for the entire day and I don't post mobile, I've already confirmed this early on. So you'll have to trust me on this much.

I've skimmed over this thread and Blarg, HOW COULD YOU? I defended you, I literally stopped you from dying day one, how could you make everyone assume I was worthy of being hanged? Then y'all claim shit posting/filler AND potential cultist? Huh... WHY NOT BOTH?


ScraftyDevil wouldn't let up on me for a while, I really don't know why he has it out for me for being a new player, is it this reputation I've somehow obtained for trying to maintain true neutral? I already said I didn't vote first day, I mean I am technically in the wrong I suppose for not throwing one out regardless but no one really seemed weak to me aside from the first Cultist to be killed but I didn't wanna bandwagon myself in case others think "Hmm... He's CLEARLY trying to save himself/take attention off of himself." There's no real way to prove myself, I mean... I could be your martyr if you wanted, hang me, take me out the game to prove my innocence, I'll do it for you all just to shut you up and prove you all wrong.

VOTE: Coppanuva

You're playing a dangerous game friend. You were inactive but upon being suspected you've tried to be as close to the others as possible. You will not be forgiven so easily and from now on I ain't even gonna defend Blarg next time he's up on the chopping block he's done for.
Blarg vs Matt Attack

Aside from play style, I don't see why Blargs role is "pro-town" neutral. It looks to me that the only thing in his role that truly helps the town is our lynching him.

Matt Attack is trickier because his role could fall any way.
It could be a straight neutral role in which case he'll be removed in the morning if we kill blarg, since that is almost certainly the win condition.
He could be completely honest that he's town with the bonus of knowing about a way to get us a kill free night.
He could be cult aligned but I struggle to see the cult benefit to the role so I don't see that being likely.

I'm not going to vote right now, because I might not be back for a while and I don't think the decision needs to be rushed but right now I think we kill Blarg.

Questions for others/blarg

What in Blargs role makes him pro-town? I'm not talking about how he decided to play the role, I mean in the role itself what makes it pro-town rather than straight neutral. Personally I don't think that role is written expecting that the player uses their own sacrifice as a pro-town move.

In what way would Matts role benefit the cult?


Man, I'm used to waking up to like 8 posts to read through, not 2.5 pages.

Vote Matt Attack to Foil the Cultist Conspiracy.

Don't start this again, I'll be inclined not to believe whatever your stance is. Anytime you call for a conspiracy, it's really bullshit.

Ahhhhhh. I agree that would be a good balance.

UNVOTE: Matt Attack

VOTE: Sorian

Sorian won't be lynched, but I don't want my vote on any of the leading candidates yet, so Sorian can have an extra vote. <3

Obligatory Reasoning: Posts too much and what he did to Tucah.

Droplet, what's your view on the situation? Who do you think we should lynch?

<3 you too


So as for the matter at hand. I still think Blarg needs to go. Guaranteeing no cult kill is a lot different than hoping the cult will kill Blarg at night, effectively wasting their kill. That being said, I have another fear on this matter. Blarg seems like a prize, killing him by lynch gives the town a reward of no lynch that night. I'm willing to bet that there is a specific role amongst the cultists that specifically has the job of sacrificing Blarg's role and if they succeed then the cult has the opportunity for an extra kill that night or the following night. I notice some people brought this up already and I made it known before I went to bed last night that this was my worry. It's too risky to let him leave the day phase, I don't have faith that we have a way to protect Blarg tonight because there is no guarantee that we have another shield to place on him or a switcher role. Seeing as how Charleston posted already, my work is done with my vote and I want to cement my stance on Blarg

VOTE: Blargonaut

Don't push him to 11 to end the day though, there is a lot of good discussion here and we may be missing something.


You sure got me caught read handed, Coppanuva. Here's some mighty fine praise.

I'm so happy you're all so suspicious of my lack of activity but it was literally dawn of day 2, no one was active, Blarg was just craving attention in his poor way of trying to act like a possessed Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls in the AM, what ever was I to do? Shit post some more for the sake of being active? Fellow players, PLEASE. I was monitoring this thread regularly but yesterday early PM in Europe I was out for the entire day and I don't post mobile, I've already confirmed this early on. So you'll have to trust me on this much.

I've skimmed over this thread and Blarg, HOW COULD YOU? I defended you, I literally stopped you from dying day one, how could you make everyone assume I was worthy of being hanged? Then y'all claim shit posting/filler AND potential cultist? Huh... WHY NOT BOTH?


ScraftyDevil wouldn't let up on me for a while, I really don't know why he has it out for me for being a new player, is it this reputation I've somehow obtained for trying to maintain true neutral? I already said I didn't vote first day, I mean I am technically in the wrong I suppose for not throwing one out regardless but no one really seemed weak to me aside from the first Cultist to be killed but I didn't wanna bandwagon myself in case others think "Hmm... He's CLEARLY trying to save himself/take attention off of himself." There's no real way to prove myself, I mean... I could be your martyr if you wanted, hang me, take me out the game to prove my innocence, I'll do it for you all just to shut you up and prove you all wrong.

VOTE: Coppanuva

You're playing a dangerous game friend. You were inactive but upon being suspected you've tried to be as close to the others as possible. You will not be forgiven so easily and from now on I ain't even gonna defend Blarg next time he's up on the chopping block he's done for.

I think our main issue was you kept your head low whenever big topics arose and this post kind of reads as you doing it again. The big discussion piece right now is Blarg vs. MattAttack but you go right to Coppa instead. It does read as odd but I do think there are bigger fish to fry right now. This post doesn't help in my eyes.


Can we get a vote count update?

well this is a headache

conclusion: We should probably lynch Blarg now as a night free of a Cultist killing gives info roles more of a chance to gather intel, as opposed to saving it for later when some are likely to have already died.

The result will likely be the same from a numbers perspective as if the Cult had killed one of us off anyway, as I think this is MA's win condition and he'll be removed from the game, but at least then we're down to Town v Cult without any added mess and we can actually focus on pointing fingers at people who look really fucking shady but are easily gliding under the radar because of these continued complications offering an easy way out.



well this is a headache

conclusion: We should probably lynch Blarg now as a night free of a Cultist killing gives info roles more of a chance to gather intel, as opposed to saving it for later when some are likely to have already died.

The result will likely be the same from a numbers perspective as if the Cult had killed one of us off anyway, as I think this is MA's win condition and he'll be removed from the game, but at least then we're down to Town v Cult without any added mess and we can actually focus on pointing fingers at people who look really fucking shady but are easily gliding under the radar because of these continued complications offering an easy way out.

This is where I'm at too. Blarg has already confirmed himself that lynching him will give us a free night. I was already pushing from the beginning that we just need to remove distractions so we can focus on the real problem of cultists. Killing Blarg now has added benefit for us and clears those distractions right up. Then we will head into day 3 just about the same as day day 2 was and we can start fresh on all of our thoughts. I say almost the same because there is still another killer out there but we have no way of controlling that variable at the moment.

ScraftyDevil wouldn't let up on me for a while, I really don't know why she has it out for me for being a new player, is it this reputation I've somehow obtained for trying to maintain true neutral? I already said I didn't vote first day, I mean I am technically in the wrong I suppose for not throwing one out regardless but no one really seemed weak to me aside from the first Cultist to be killed but I didn't wanna bandwagon myself in case others think "Hmm... He's CLEARLY trying to save himself/take attention off of himself." There's no real way to prove myself, I mean... I could be your martyr if you wanted, hang me, take me out the game to prove my innocence, I'll do it for you all just to shut you up and prove you all wrong.

Good t' hear from ya finally.


You should be aware of the dangers of passivity, though. By not votin' you're wastin' your one power as a tourist, which of course is gonna make people think you've got an ace up your sleeve and suspect foul play. This whole defensive victim schtick ain't doin' much to quell my suspicions either, but unfortunately we've got one player about to fold and another who's just revealed his hand so I've gotta put you on the backburner for now.

UNVOTE: GreatCharleston

I'll still be keepin' an eye on you though, so make sure you don't show any cracks in that poker face of yours.


Nah, I don't want to sway your vote in any way at the moment. I just thought it was interesting that after a long radio silence, you honed back in on Coppa. Something about it just felt off.

There are still 2 days left in the Day, it's 7:30AM here and I'm gonna go sleep now. I'll come back in a few hours and try to mass-quote everyone to answer questions in a few hours. I'll reiterate before I go; I have nothing left to hide. No more puzzles. No more mind-games. There is only my heaving naked ass and the power I release upon death, that renders the Cultists helpless for 1 Night.

Sightseers, I leave it up to you; are you willing to sacrifice me and my power on Night 2,


are you willing to fight each night to protect me until you can deliver me straight to the slimy core of this tentacle fuck before setting me off?

Matt Attack offers you no such power, no such option. All he has to offer is his annoying, ugly avatar and faux-naive playstyle. I don't care if he's some snotty little brat from some pulp dime shit. I'm the superior snotty little brat from a kickass relevant modern kids' show. Shove that between your pages and fuck it, I sware down, bruv.

Tourists, your votes are your power, and I literally give you a free Day to exercise this power.

I'm not Armageddon Steve Buscemi anymore. I'm fucking NASA Bruce Willis.

It's up to you to detonate me as you see fit.

My plan still stands. Where's your sense of adventure, fellas?

Don't you want to reach 800 feet?

Don't you want to see what happens? Take a little risk for once?




Whew. That was a fun read.

OK, so I believe Blarg's role (as it was corroborated by Matt Attack). However, I don't know if he's town-sided or not, still. As far as I can tell we've got three options tonight:

Lynch Blarg: Get all the information about his role and likely save us from a cult night kill. Sounds good to me.

Lynch Matt Attack: Get all the information about his role, probably find some more info on Blarg. Problem here is Matt Attack could very well be town (as could Blarg). But lynching him doesn't gain us as much as lynching Blarg.

Lynch Coppa: He continues to act suspicious and is our most actual cult candidate for today. Given the new information, I think he might be our best bet.

It's important to note, if we decide to keep Blarg around for another night we probably should protect him. Cult killing Blarg and getting two night kills is very, very bad. And here's the unique thing about Blarg: we've got to kill him eventually. The longer we wait, the more opportunity the cultists have to take him out. So we've got to tread carefully.

That being said, I'm unvoting for Blarg as of now. My current thoughts of Blarg's alignment is that he's either neutral or town. I don't think he's a cultist any longer. As for Matt Attack, I simply think he's a town who thinks it's in our best interest to lynch Blarg as soon as possible.

UNVOTE: Blargonaut

In my personal opinion, we need to either lynch Blarg today to ensure we get the kill-free night or let him live tonight, protect him, and try to go after one of our other cult leads. The problem with the latter plan is the longer Blarg is left alive the greater the risk.

I change my mind. Don't kill Matt Attack today. He's a Town investigator, right? Or at least, that's what he claims to be.

If what he says is true, that means the two of us are extremely powerful pro-Town roles. One investigator. One insane night-kill blocker. OUR ROLES ARE ALREADY KNOWN TO ALL OF YOU.

So you gain nothing, no info, by killing either of us tonight.

By keeping us BOTH alive tonight, you divide the Cultists' attention between two high priority targets; they'll have to divide their forces to engage both of us, which, if there are more protective/switcher Town roles hidden amongst you, gives you a greater chance of saving the either of us.

So, we lynch Coppanuva, just as we had planned before this whole debacle; that way, we shed some light on a completely unknown quantity that already has a record of acting suspicious.

You want to see if the Cult/remaining players are capable of a double Night kill? You want info on an unknown role? You want to potentially keep both your pro-Town cards in play for a bit longer?



VOTE: Coppanuva

You're playing a dangerous game friend. You were inactive but upon being suspected you've tried to be as close to the others as possible. You will not be forgiven so easily and from now on I ain't even gonna defend Blarg next time he's up on the chopping block he's done for.

Uncalled for, but I understand your reasoning. Aren't you now doing what you're faulting me for? After all, you were (admittedly) inactive daytime yesterday, and are now trying to get close to others by joining one of the lynch bandwagons on me.

That said, I agree with Sorian that you're not the most pressing target for the time. Today is for us to deal with this whole blargonaut/Matt Attack debate.


Important question: CAN we protect Blarg? We have no Doctor. I agree that saving his ability until closer to the end is wise, but can we actually do that? If not, it would be wiser to trigger the ability now,before the cult takes it from us. (and if Sorian is right, uses it for themselves.)

BTW, I apologize if I seem argumentative. I'm just trying to see the puzzle from all angles. The HP Lovecraft reveal seemed ridiculous, especially combined with the Neverending Story as Terminator twist, but Blarg's puzzle reveal makes me think that it must be true.
Important question: CAN we protect Blarg? We have no Doctor. I agree that saving his ability until closer to the end is wise, but can we actually do that? If not, it would be wiser to trigger the ability now,before the cult takes it from us. (and if Sorian is right, uses it for themselves.)

BTW, I apologize if I seem argumentative. I'm just trying to see the puzzle from all angles. The HP Lovecraft reveal seemed ridiculous, especially combined with the Neverending Story as Terminator twist, but Blarg's puzzle reveal makes me think that it must be true.



Ah, that seemed a bit harsh, didn't it.

There, there, Coppanuva. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. And help me lynch Matt Attack.

okay I'm really going to sleep now, bye~



I change my mind. Don't kill Matt Attack today. He's a Town investigator, right? Or at least, that's what he claims to be.

If what he says is true, that means the two of us are extremely powerful pro-Town roles. One investigator. One insane night-kill blocker. OUR ROLES ARE ALREADY KNOWN TO ALL OF YOU.

So you gain nothing, no info, by killing either of us tonight.

By keeping us BOTH alive tonight, you divide the Cultists' attention between two high priority targets; they'll have to divide their forces to engage both of us, which, if there are more protective/switcher Town roles hidden amongst you, gives you a greater chance of saving the either of us.

So, we lynch Coppanuva, just as we had planned before this whole debacle; that way, we shed some light on a completely unknown quantity that already has a record of acting suspicious.

You want to see if the Cult/remaining players are capable of a double Night kill? You want info on an unknown role? You want to potentially keep both your pro-Town cards in play for a bit longer?


No. Nope, no no no. What makes me suddenly so suspicious in your eyes Blargonaut? Last night you admitted you singled me out just to fuck with me. Now I'm the best option despite the fact you labeled 4 other potential candidates? Why? What justification? It seems to me like you're simply pushing me out there because I'm the target you can push votes on most easily.

We have plenty of time left. Let's see what some of the people you suggested we look at have to say. OceanicAir's replacement seems to be talking, but I haven't seen much from Neuromancer in a while other than a vote for Sorian which we seemed to have ignored for the most part. So neuromancer, opinions?

Vote: Neuromancer
Uncalled for, but I understand your reasoning. Aren't you now doing what you're faulting me for? After all, you were (admittedly) inactive daytime yesterday, and are now trying to get close to others by joining one of the lynch bandwagons on me.

That said, I agree with Sorian that you're not the most pressing target for the time. Today is for us to deal with this whole blargonaut/Matt Attack debate.

I'm not really clinging to anyone though, I'm definitely the biggest wild card because I seldom EVER agree with anyone and yet the majority of times people come to conclusions together about me or think I'm a true mastermind who is keeping his power level low in order to usurp victory when the time is right. I was inactive for a period of time though, that much is true.

People are coming to the conclusion of Blarg right now, I won't take my vote away, not just yet. Blarg promises things but it's not really hard to lie.



I change my mind. Don't kill Matt Attack today. He's a Town investigator, right? Or at least, that's what he claims to be.

If what he says is true, that means the two of us are extremely powerful pro-Town roles. One investigator. One insane night-kill blocker. OUR ROLES ARE ALREADY KNOWN TO ALL OF YOU.

So you gain nothing, no info, by killing either of us tonight.

By keeping us BOTH alive tonight, you divide the Cultists' attention between two high priority targets; they'll have to divide their forces to engage both of us, which, if there are more protective/switcher Town roles hidden amongst you, gives you a greater chance of saving the either of us.

So, we lynch Coppanuva, just as we had planned before this whole debacle; that way, we shed some light on a completely unknown quantity that already has a record of acting suspicious.

You want to see if the Cult/remaining players are capable of a double Night kill? You want info on an unknown role? You want to potentially keep both your pro-Town cards in play for a bit longer?


No, I do not want to see if this is a possibility. At this stage in the game, the only way we'd know if that is a possibility is if they activate it and I do NOT want to allow them to have a double kill. The problem with keeping you alive is we don't know if there is any way to protect you and I'm not handing you over to cultists on the off chance you are worth something to them. On the flip side, the cult might ignore you thinking that a possible switcher will switch you tonight so they will go for someone else instead which would not give us the free night of no kills like we need. This is the best time to use it, we probably are going to lose two tonight without it because of that third party, now we can just lose one and it will be to someone who already killed on cultist. I don't want to lose a real investigator role because we sat on this instead of using it.

To RetroMG: I agree with Blarg on this one, do not ask for hints on anyone else's role. We had one needed role claim today, we need no other hints to give the cultists more targets.


To RetroMG: I agree with Blarg on this one, do not ask for hints on anyone else's role. We had one needed role claim today, we need no other hints to give the cultists more targets.

Wasn't my intention, just trying to discuss whether or not keeping Blarg alive is even a feasible project. If so, we should definitely do it. If not, we might be best served using the ability today.


We have plenty of time left. Let's see what some of the people you suggested we look at have to say. OceanicAir's replacement seems to be talking, but I haven't seen much from Neuromancer in a while other than a vote for Sorian which we seemed to have ignored for the most part. So neuromancer, opinions?

Vote: Neuromancer

I want to point out that the vote for me was ignored and Flame_AC even said later that he would place a vote on me because he knows I won't get lynched. Sure, I know I'm town so that's easy for me to gloss those over but I urge everyone to be careful on assumptions like that. Not all of our cultist kills are going to be so easy, you shouldn't be giving anyone a free pass unless you know for sure that they are town and at this point, information like that should, theoretically, be scarce.


Wasn't my intention, just trying to discuss whether or not keeping Blarg alive is even a feasible project. If so, we should definitely do it. If not, we might be best served using the ability today.

Just a helpful reminder, I do know what you are getting at though and I don't think we have any way of knowing that keeping Blarg alive is a feasible project. It's always safe to assume that town has at least one protective type role but we already saw our one dead. We can't know that there is more than one and I don't feel comfortable gambling by keeping Blarg alive, it seems like a bad bet.
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