If we lynch him and he flips Ordinary Tourist I'll name my firstborn Blargonaut.
Both sides of the argument have merit. Blarg argues that by leaving him and Matt active, we will narrow the playing field further, since there will be fewer unknown roles, thus making it easier to find the mafia. On the other hand, Sorian is playing defense, saying that we need to keep as many town roles alive as possible to protect our power roles.
Hm. I don't know which direction I want to go. Offense or Defense.
Okay. I know my answer.
Assuming he is willing to cut out the nonsense, leaving Blarg alive is still the best option.
Here is why:
If we kill Blarg, he takes Matt with him, and the night killer takes out one person. Total deaths: 3
If we do not kill Blarg, we still have to kill someone. (Coppa was the next runner up, I believe) then the cult make a kill and the night killer make a kill. Total deaths: 3, but if Blarg and Matt survive, then we do have two confirmed roles who are (at least on the surface,) working for town. We keep the same number of people, but we know who some of them are, thus lowering our suspect pool.
Is it dangerous?
Is it a gamble?
Does any of what I'm saying matter?
No, becuase I don't think anyone can lead a charge to evict another player in forty minutes, so this whole post is moot. Sorry to waste your time.
Unvote me for Offense.
Do nothing/vote me out for Defense.
Time's running out.
You're stating the obvious, of course the numbers will be whittled down to 15 players eventually.
And yes, that "bonus day" is the core of Sorian's plan. He's Defense, as RetroMG put it.
My plan is Offense. Read RetroMG's post above.
You should thank Retro for making your point more succinct. At least this is clearer, I still vote defense of course because of our lead but everyone else can decide their own way on this offense vs. defense bungle.
Haven't played since before HoW came out. Already got a GH from way back though.Hey, Ouro, I know you play Destiny. Did you see that Xur is finally selling the Gjallarhorn today?
(Sorry, I couldn't resist posting a little nonsense.)
/sigh think think think. Offense or defense?
VOTE: Blargonaut
I'm sorry, sir.
We going to debate this for fifteen more minutes, or shall I just end it? I choose defense. Time is always Town's greatest asset.
I was just thinking about random things and I had a thought. If this is important, I guess just ponder it over the next night phase because we probably aren't going anywhere with it now. Aren't there roles that instead of being blocked by the protector role (Fireblend) just end up killing the protector instead? I thought when I was reading different role modifiers and such that was one I read about. Fireblend seemed like a bad choice for a cult kill during night 1 IMO and would it be possible that he died protecting the actual cult target? Maybe worth looking into if you think there was a more obvious cult target that Fireblend would have noticed and tried to protect.
I just woke up sorry. Not that it would have mattered, I guess. gg Blarg.
The tourists surrounded Blargonaut, torches held high. La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo stepped forward, determined to unmask the menace that gripped the people in a fog of delusion and puzzles.
"Now, Blarg...show us who you really are!" La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo grabbed Blargonaut by the hair and jerked harshly. The visage that everyone had come to know as Blargonaut gave way, the mask stripped deftly from his head.
What was underneath was inconceivable...ineffable, even. A thousand horrors couldn't describe the features that now anointed his face. Never Forever gasped, saying, "Ah-ha! I knew you were trouble when you walked in."
Blarg cackled. "Don't you understand? You can't defeat me! I CREATED YOU. I CAN DESTROY YOU."
"Dear god, it's Bizarro Blargonaut!" La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo cried.
Blarg continued,
RetroMG curled into a ball, crying. "Please, please make him stop! I can't do this shit anymore!"
La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo put on a brave face, thinking quietly to himself, for the first time in what felt like forever to anyone watching. Finally he spoke. "There has to be more than this." He grabbed Blarg's head once more and tugged. Again, a mask gave way.
"...are you fucking kidding me?"
The face of a young girl, twisted in a maniacal smile now replaced the utter madness. Blarg winked at La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo. "You see now? I'm innocent! I accidentally ate some weird mushroom in the woods and now I'm stuck here on this stupid island! I miss my brother, who's totally shorter than me and not at all as brilliant!"
La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo tried to make sense of all of this. He paced back and forth, contemplating, until he shouted, "TO THE THESIS CHAMBER!" The tourists looked on as La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo dashed across the beach in his flip-flops, mumbling something about word counts and societal expectations.
Blarg screamed in horror. "NO! PLEASE! ANYTHING BUT THAT! LOOK, I'LL SHOW YOU MY TRUE FORM!" He tore off one more mask, revealing a young man, doomed with the face of one who looked to have been sucking on lemons for years on end.
"Bask in my glory, people. It is I, H.P. Lovecraft! Please, I just want to leave this place. I've written about countless horrors, and I never once imagined I would once be subject to the insanity of my creations!"
Matt Attack laughed, causing the rest of the tourists to gaze, confused, in his direction.
"I knew it was you, Lovecraft. And now, it's time for you to go. AURYN! Do that voodoo that you do!"
Matt Attack raised a talisman to the heavens, and a large crack echoed across the island as seven spirits emanated from it and rushed towards Blargonaut. They pelted him mercilessly, crushing his bones and flesh until there was nothing left but a mound of an unrecognizable Lovecraft.
"And with that, tourists. I must bid you adieu. Falkor, to me!" Matt Attack raced across the beach as a giant, fluffy luckdragon descended from the sky, picking Matt Attack up and tossing him onto his back.
The tourists watched in despair as Matt Attack flew away, free from the insanity that beseiged them.
You are H.P. Lovecraft.
You are aligned with nobody.
Somehow you ended up as a protagonist in one of your own stories. Things are not looking great on this accursed island and you’d like nothing more than to leave it. The magic of the cultists seems to be the reason you are trapped here. Getting rid of some of them may be enough to free yourself.
The cultists will have a hard time sacrificing you. The Old Ones are your creation after all.
You can feel that someone else on this island should not be here. This person is not part of your story. Your gut tells you that he is after you.
Should you be lynched it will weaken the Old Ones. The following night the cultists will not be able to sacrifice anyone.
You win when three cultists are gone.
Matt Attack
You are Bastian Balthazar Bux.
You are aligned with nobody.
This place does not look like Fantasia. How did you end up here? The last thing you can remember before you found yourself on this island was taking a look at a book by some H.P. Lovecraft.
Somehow you know that this H.P. Lovecraft guy is on this island.
From what you can tell your only way out of this nightmare is to get rid of H.P. Lovecraft. This should allow you to go home to your living room where hopefully some hot cocoa is still waiting for you.
Should H.P. Lovecraft be lynched the cultists will not be able to sacrifice anyone during the next night phase.
You still possess the magical amulet AURYN. Its powers allow you to survive one night attack.
You can try to find Lovecraft during the night phase. To do so, private message me the command SPY: Playername.
You win when H.P. Lovecraft is lynched during the day phase. You have to lynch him before 3 cultists are gone.
God damn it Blarg, why would you leave out such an important detail about yourself?
Ugh, see you all on day 3.
Good job you guys, you really made a difference.
Excerpts from a trampled kids' sticker book, date unknown.
On Friday night, a comedian died in (illegible). Someone (illegible). Nobody cares. Nobody cares but me. Are they right? Is it futile? Soon there will be war. Millions will burn. Millions will perish in sickness and misery. Why does one death matter against so many? Because there is good and there is evil, and evil must be punished. Even in the face of Armageddon, I shall not compromise in this. But there are so many deserving of retribution...and there is so little time.
(pages ripped, torn)
(illegible) that what happens to us? A life of conflict with no time for friends... so that when it's done, only our enemies leave roses. Violent lives, ending violently. We never die in bed. Not allowed. Something in our personalities, perhaps? Some animal urge to fight and struggle, making us what we are? Unimportant. We do what we have to do. He understood. Treated it like a joke, but he understood. He saw the cracks in society, saw the little men and women in masks trying to hold it together... he saw the true face of the Isle and chose to become a reflection of it, a parody of it. No one else saw the joke. That's why he was lonely.
Heard joke once: Sailor sees captain. Says she's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says she feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Captain says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is onboard tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Sailor bursts in two, tears. Says, "But, captain... I am the ship."
Good joke. Everybody dies. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.
(pages ripped, torn)
Day 3 ends:Welcome!
You are an Insane Tourist.
You are aligned with the Tourists.
Ever since you can remember you could hear voices in your head. Most of the time they are quiet, almost unrecognisable. But they are always present. These voices turned you insane. But you are used to them and are able to hide your madness.
The moment you set foot in this island the voices became louder than ever. Someone or something is calling out for you. You dont understand what they are saying but somehow they make you feel at ease.
During the game you may be recruited by Cultists. Should this happen you will join their side.
You win when no remaining players are Cult-aligned.
This definitely makes me doubt most of the stuff that was said about the item. Saying it turns you insane now reads to me as Darryl saying "Cultists! Over here! Recruit me!". Note that his Role PM says he has always been insane, and not that something recently made him that way. That makes me suspect he didn't become that way due to using the Time Cube.
No, one of the abilities of the cube is to instantly remove all trace of you & another player from play.
Neuromancer isn't in the OP anymore either. Guess he truly didn't like Sorian. Lol.
Whelp. That's a thing.
Neuromancer isn't in the OP anymore either. Guess he truly didn't like Sorian. Lol.
Whelp. That's a thing.