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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

I just played CoD4, holy crap, fuck awesome, my god, this is the shit. Halo and Resistance are great games but CoD4 is in a class of its own (apologies to Frankie). I was a huge fan of CoD2 but it didn't get enough online loving from my friends but this will be no problem with CoD4 thank you Raptor Jesus.


Also, have the spawns and the ACOG scope been fixed? And has the M21 received it's much-needed nerfing?


Ramirez said:
Spawns are still pretty bad.

Really? So far I think they're working great. Every game has us using every inch of the map, and it always feels like you're always pushing or being pushed back. I love the spawns.
teepo said:
i think playing on veteran was a mistake because my team mates a.i aint worth shit.

being spammed by grenades is frustrating and annoying when you're indoors, notably in the tv station.
Yeah, TV station was when I decided to hop into multiplayer. It was kickin' my azz.


blindrocket said:
Yeah, TV station was when I decided to hop into multiplayer. It was kickin' my azz.

Some parts of the game are so hard on Hardened that I can't imagine facing them in Veteran. I'll end up giving it a shot though cause the campaign is just fuck awesome, super intense and lots of varied scenarios. I've never been a huge COD fan (always loved the tight controls though), but with COD4 IW really really hit it out of the park. I think much of that has to do with the fact that their not tied down by WWII anymore, thank god they moved on from that.


Not Wario
Alright, this settles it. I'm changing to Normal. This game on Hardened is simply not fun for me at all now. (Which is weird because, before
the scenes where you have to wait on the evac with your wounded captain and subsequent mission where you have to get back down to the LZ
I had found the challenge perfect. :(


Fair-weather, with pride!
Game is pretty awesome even if the sniping is shit(it has that stupid breathing thing, and then even worse it makes you move while trying to "steady" your shot. fucking quit it.)

Had some awesome multi with cajole there, even if i was getting my shit beat down I got a decent amount of points. Challenges look great too.


Not Wario
QVT said:
Game is pretty awesome even if the sniping is shit(it has that stupid breathing thing, and then even worse it makes you move while trying to "steady" your shot. fucking quit it.)

Had some awesome multi with cajole there, even if i was getting my shit beat down I got a decent amount of points. Challenges look great too.

What? That's standard in about half of all games involving sniping now! Not to mention the fact that the sniping is actually much easier than most games despite that.


multiplayer== amazing

single player = amazing unless you are playing on veteran

I am having absolutely no fun with singleplayer, the single player portion of the game on veteran is pretty much "Run as fast as you can without shooting anyone to the nearest checkpoint"

because of the fact the ai respawns like crazy, there is no point to actually fighting and you should just run.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Just played through the first few levels, love how intense it is. Definitely the most cinematic first person shooter I've played. I'm sad that it's so short (from what you guys are saying).

Definitely takes FPS to the "next-gen" level IMO. More so than any other FPS I've played so far with perhaps the exception of the Crysis SP demo.

Really awesome looking as well, presentation and graphics are just insane. The politics, america is justified killing everyone bullshit running through the game is a bit annoying but whatever. For Sony's sake I am happy IW did a great job with their effort on Playstation 3's unique architecture.


Fair-weather, with pride!
traveler said:
What? That's standard in about half of all games involving sniping now! Not to mention the fact that the sniping is actually much easier than most games despite that.

Yeah, and all those suck. I used to love AWPing people :(


QVT said:
Game is pretty awesome even if the sniping is shit(it has that stupid breathing thing, and then even worse it makes you move while trying to "steady" your shot. fucking quit it.)

Had some awesome multi with cajole there, even if i was getting my shit beat down I got a decent amount of points. Challenges look great too.

The problem is that you're moving the left analogue stick as you click it down, just click it and don't move it. Sniping works great in COD4 IMO.


Fair-weather, with pride!
MercuryLS said:
The problem is that you're moving the left analogue stick as you click it down, just click it and don't move it. Sniping works great in COD4 IMO.

Yeah exactly, I was saying that is fucking hard to do with how fast the game moves.

okay kids....setting your analog sensitivity to "high" or above is equal to Nirvana

...the only thing that probability prevents this game as being the BEST controlling FPS on a console...well ever, is how you CANNOT remap the "sprint command".....that shit aint fucking happenin with the SIXAXIS analogs and sadly it will never be used by me =*(


If you're running the PC version, see the thread linked under my username for the PC users. Our dedicated server. Running hardcore with Search & Destroy :)


Ramirez said:
Spawns are still pretty bad.
As bad as in the beta? As in spawning in the same air-strike that killed you and one team spawning in the same sport of Crash for the whole game?
The 3rd mission, where you begin on a bridge with smoke pillars in the background, blew my fucking mind. Up until then I was kind of "eh" about the technicality of the game, but man. The graphics are out of this world, especially considering the fact that it runs like butter.


Law of the West
This game on Hardened is simply not fun for me at all now.

Um yeah, I love this game but I am going back to normal... I have a hard time believing anyone actually tested the game on Veteran!
Just passed Shock and Awe. For those not there yet...After you're done with it, one of the greatest segments in war shooters, hell in all games.
Seriously, I've never cared for the story in war games, but this game hits you with so much incredible shit... Sorry but HL2 has nothing on this.


zam said:
As bad as in the beta? As in spawning in the same air-strike that killed you and one team spawning in the same sport of Crash for the whole game?


Yea I've spawned into a few airstrikes and helicopters so far.
So I've been playing multiplayer for the past 3 hours straight. I played with one of my friends for a while and QVT joined in too. Total awesomeness. Of course, I knew it would be from the beta. I'm already up to level 16...I can see myself doing that Prestige mode thing the maximum amount of times to get my guns gold plated. :lol

On the downside, I just played possibly the most retarded mode + map combination ever. Headquarters + that ridiculously small map. What a disaster.

Edit: Make that 2h17m


I dont know I guess I see veteran different than others here. Seems to be the same as other CODs to me.

And zam add me to FL! I was in process of moving and shit during beta so couldn't get on much.


Quality over quantity, people. Enough about the length. The single player mode would be worth $60 if it was 4 hours long. That sneaking mission with Cpt McMillan (sp?) was one of the coolest things I've experienced in a FPS. I want a full game built around following that McMillan character! Kick ass!


What the crap @ the first American mission on Veteran. That office part of the mission where you've got multiple levels and guys just coming at you ruthlessly... that part is just ridiculously hard. They don't stop coming either, which just makes it harder. Ugh.

Edit- I'm going through the office that's straight in front of the door. It seems like it's the only way to go through where you actually have a chance. Head to the corner, throw a grenade and spray the dudes that run through the door. Get in the office, and go from room to room just dodging grenades and shooting anyone you can. Is there a point where they actually stop coming, or do I have to advance to get them to stop? Guah!


Sorry for the lack of updates on the OP, been playing the game too much. I will be updating the OP with all the reviews and any quality videos.

Hope you all are enjoying COD4 as much as I am!
Dartastic said:
What the crap @ the first American mission on Veteran. That office part of the mission where you've got multiple levels and guys just coming at you ruthlessly... that part is just ridiculously hard. They don't stop coming either, which just makes it harder. Ugh.

Edit- I'm going through the office that's straight in front of the door. It seems like it's the only way to go through where you actually have a chance. Head to the corner, throw a grenade and spray the dudes that run through the door. Get in the office, and go from room to room just dodging grenades and shooting anyone you can. Is there a point where they actually stop coming, or do I have to advance to get them to stop? Guah!
That's the only thing I hate about the game. Its not really about defeating enemies more so than pushing to save points.


Wow, multiplayer rocks. I had to stop myself from playing. I am totally pro PC where multi-platform FPS are concerned, but this game changed my mind (4 player split screen rocks). Never thought this would happen, but the PS3 may even run equally FPS wise with the xbox this gen. Crazy.

Either case this game is going to consist of my life for the next few days.


Deus Ex Machina said:
That's the only thing I hate about the game. Its not really about defeating enemies more so than pushing to save points.

Aw crap, so I DO have to push. = / Is there a way to change the difficulty part of the way through if it starts to piss me off too much, ala COD2?

Edit again- OMG. Cleared the floor, now my guys are moving up to the 2nd floor. Thank GOD.


Dartastic said:
What the crap @ the first American mission on Veteran. That office part of the mission where you've got multiple levels and guys just coming at you ruthlessly... that part is just ridiculously hard. They don't stop coming either, which just makes it harder. Ugh.

Edit- I'm going through the office that's straight in front of the door. It seems like it's the only way to go through where you actually have a chance. Head to the corner, throw a grenade and spray the dudes that run through the door. Get in the office, and go from room to room just dodging grenades and shooting anyone you can. Is there a point where they actually stop coming, or do I have to advance to get them to stop? Guah!

You have to advance to get just about everyone to stop coming at every point in the game.


FartOfWar said:
You have to advance to get just about everyone to stop coming at every point in the game.

Yeah, it's getting pretty ridiculous already, and I'm not even that far in. I'm enjoying it though, when I'm not getting hit in the face by an Arab's bullet. :lol


I'm sure MP will be a blast based on my time with the beta, but I don't care for the SP much at all. Endlessly respawning bullshit. I'd rather die from 1 shot than infinitely respawning enemies.

@%#$& TV station. I don't want to puss out and play on less than Veteran, but this is ridiculous.

The atmosphere and environment, especially in the outdoor levels, is great, though.


VALIS said:
I'm sure MP will be a blast based on my time with the beta, but I don't care for the SP much at all. Endlessly respawning bullshit. I'd rather die from 1 shot than infinitely respawning enemies.

@%#$& TV station. I don't want to puss out and play on less than Veteran, but this is ridiculous.

The atmosphere and environment, especially in the outdoor levels, is great, though.

Yeah. I'm just starting The Bog now, and the endless respawns are seriously making the game go from hard to absolutely insane. It makes it even worse due to the fact that I have to keep pushing forward in order to get them to stop respawning, but I can't push forward very well because they keep respawning. It's a Catch-22, and it really sucks. I want to keep playing on Veteran, but I'm really tempted to knock it down a notch to Hardened. Besides that though, the game is absolutely amazing.


AgentOtaku said:

okay kids....setting your analog sensitivity to "high" or above is equal to Nirvana

...the only thing that probability prevents this game as being the BEST controlling FPS on a console...well ever, is how you CANNOT remap the "sprint command".....that shit aint fucking happenin with the SIXAXIS analogs and sadly it will never be used by me =*(


I keep my sens at medium/default. I've been owning, winning most games.

I also sprint constantly. With no problems.
Mr.Potato Head said:
technically..yes its a leap over GEARS in alot of ways.. im not trying to say its way better looking but i think how the effects were used..makes COD4 look alot better then GEARS.

The combination of atmsophere, aminations, lighting, and all the other graphical touches makes me feel COD4 looks like a leap above GEARS.... again, in ALOT of ways.

its just my opinion though...

Mojovonio said:
If your opinion isn't the same as everyone else's, its wrong.

Sorry pal, missed your reply a few days ago lol but lets be serious, COD4 looks friggen awesome, better then Gears in alot of ways..no not WAY better looking but man oh man.. she's pretty and guess what bud, it runs at 60fps.

So imho, your wrong :D


I think the COD formula has grown stale to me. I finished the single player campaign and apart from the graphics in some levels I was completely underwhelmed. Yes, it's pretty, but the actual gameplay was repititive, and frustratingly difficult at times. Furthermore, this game seemed to railroad you even harder then COD 1 & 2. I'm not sure wether I should be angry that the game was only 5 hours long or relieved that it's over. I'm hoping that I'll wind up enjoying multiplayer.


Law of the West
I'm really tempted to knock it down a notch to Hardened.

Um well I started at veteran and moved down to hardened and its much of the same... which is to say I can go crazy with grenades and the shotgun in the TV station and STILL get shot in the back or blown up by multiple grenades that come out of no where. Maybe I'm getting shitty in my old age but this is F'ing HARD!


hyperbolically metafictive
so...no version differences worth mentioning? i think i'll pick up the ps3 version tomorrow then -- my 360 is showing signs of imminent rrod
Das-J said:
Um yeah, I love this game but I am going back to normal... I have a hard time believing anyone actually tested the game on Veteran!

I already finished it on Veteran. It wasn't so bad. The hardest part was the end.

Anywho, anyone find the 2 intels in
"One Shot, One Kill"


Das-J said:
Um well I started at veteran and moved down to hardened and its much of the same... which is to say I can go crazy with grenades and the shotgun in the TV station and STILL get shot in the back or blown up by multiple grenades that come out of no where. Maybe I'm getting shitty in my old age but this is F'ing HARD!

I really think that the way to get through that place is to just PUSH, and push HARD. Make sure to get in that first office. Then make sure to push to the NEXT office, while slowly circling around the room. Eventually everyone will die, and you'll be able to make it to the next level. That is to say, you'll make it to the NEXT area where you die. A lot. = /


Concept17 said:

I keep my sens at medium/default. I've been owning, winning most games.

I also sprint constantly. With no problems.

Same here. I also learned that you don't have to hold down the L3, so that helps :lol

In multiplayer, is there some reason why my gunfire is coming out in bursts? I forgot what gun it was, but it would only burst. Maybe there's a weapon that only bursts and I just havent encountered it in SP? Duno, I'm a COD newb.


Ashhong said:
Same here. I also learned that you don't have to hold down the L3, so that helps :lol

In multiplayer, is there some reason why my gunfire is coming out in bursts? I forgot what gun it was, but it would only burst. Maybe there's a weapon that only bursts and I just havent encountered it in SP? Duno, I'm a COD newb.

The M16 fires in bursts.
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