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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


MercuryLS said:
Some parts of the game are so hard on Hardened that I can't imagine facing them in Veteran. I'll end up giving it a shot though cause the campaign is just fuck awesome, super intense and lots of varied scenarios. I've never been a huge COD fan (always loved the tight controls though), but with COD4 IW really really hit it out of the park. I think much of that has to do with the fact that their not tied down by WWII anymore, thank god they moved on from that.

The TV station on Veteran was where I gave up after an hour. It just didn't feel fair, it felt like too significant of jump in difficulty that early on, dropped it back down to Hardened and it felt fairer to my newb self. That said, IW has all of their Achievements in Campaign and Veteran should be pretty rough to get through -- but I am not nearly good enough to beat that TV station sequence.


SnakeXs said:

Oh well, I only have a X360 but I have this mordib obsesion to VALIDATE MY CONSOLE


LukeSmith said:
The TV station on Veteran was where I gave up after an hour. It just didn't feel fair, it felt like too significant of jump in difficulty that early on, dropped it back down to Hardened and it felt fairer to my newb self. That said, IW has all of their Achievements in Campaign and Veteran should be pretty rough to get through -- but I am not nearly good enough to beat that TV station sequence.

I did it by pushing my way along the left-hand side of the room. If you make it all the way to the back, they stop spawning.


Breaking News:

Two identical twins serving British Troops.

It pretty much also says everything about the fckn COMPARATION.


BTW Left guy is PS3, right guy is X360. PC is not in the shot, he's been busy with PS3's girlfriend.


DeceitDecide said:
This is going to be such a noob question, but in multiplayer how the hell do you trigger one of those helicopter strikes or UAV strikes?

5 and 7 kills in a row (and you get the option), if I remember correctly from the BETA.


VALIS said:
I'm sure MP will be a blast based on my time with the beta, but I don't care for the SP much at all. Endlessly respawning bullshit. I'd rather die from 1 shot than infinitely respawning enemies.
There are no infinitely respawning enemies in CoD4. You can always deplete them.
Vyse The Legend said:
I did it by pushing my way along the left-hand side of the room. If you make it all the way to the back, they stop spawning.
Vyse, you're a prince.

I've been beating my head against a wall (or, in the "language" of COD4, been blow to bits by grenades) for app. an half hour due to the Broadcast Station level while playing Veteran. I had to stop when I found myself experimenting with how much friendly fire was a little too generous. Sorry Private Whoever; your day to die <shrug>.

I like the the game, but the set pieces can be murderous. Many times over.

When I picked up the game, 4 or 5 national guardsmen were also picking it up. I joked that, "Haven't you seen/done enough of this already?" The response was, with a chuckle: "It's stress relief." :lol


Played up to the first American mission and about a half-hour of multi and goddamn does this shit rock. The amount of shit going on is awe-inspiring, and all the little effects really add to the experience. Can't believe how smooth and solid multi feels also. The slightly tweaked control scheme is taking some getting used to though. Fuck, I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow!!!!!!!!


LukeSmith said:
The TV station on Veteran was where I gave up after an hour. It just didn't feel fair, it felt like too significant of jump in difficulty that early on, dropped it back down to Hardened and it felt fairer to my newb self. That said, IW has all of their Achievements in Campaign and Veteran should be pretty rough to get through -- but I am not nearly good enough to beat that TV station sequence.

Honestly I doubt it has anything to do with you "not being good enough". It has everything to do with a broken spawn system where enemies come back to bite you in the ass. That room was absolute torture for me, until I learned that the best way to go about it was by...

Vyse The Legend said:
...pushing my way along the left-hand side of the room. If you make it all the way to the back, they stop spawning.

I would get pinned down in an office, take a few out, then hope that they would stop coming. They wouldn't. I learned that I needed to run to another office in order to stop them from endlessly respawning. Because if they just keep coming, you're eventually going to get taken down. The key is getting to the point where they STOP spawning, then you'll be ok. It's still a crock of shit. Just push, and push hard.
amar212 said:
Breaking News:

Two identical twins serving British Troops.

It pretty much also says everything about the fckn COMPARATION.


BTW Left guy is PS3, right guy is X360. PC is not in the shot, he's been busy with PS3's girlfriend.

:lol :lol :lol

One has white boots though. OMG SMOOTHER 60FPS confirmed!


I'll add this in here to stir up some more debate. Shawn Elliott posted some COD4 videos of A) Exploding car shenanigans, and B) Clone houses.

You should also listen to the new GFW Radio tomorrow as there should be some discussion on the subject
and you should have been listening to it beforehand anyway

Video 1: The Exploding Car

Video 2: Clone Pod

Video 3: Clone Chamber

I still need to finish COD2, but the COD4 Multiplayer is much more interesting to me. I'll give it a god once I'm done with.. all these other games I bought :(
I've just played single player and I loved it. The AC-130 mission was amazing. It was like watching a real video but without all the information blocked out.


Dartastic said:
I would get pinned down in an office, take a few out, then hope that they would stop coming. They wouldn't. I learned that I needed to run to another office in order to stop them from endlessly respawning. Because if they just keep coming, you're eventually going to get taken down. The key is getting to the point where they STOP spawning, then you'll be ok. It's still a crock of shit. Just push, and push hard.

isn't that how it would be though? Perhaps not literally spawning enemies, but asuming the enemy have occupied defensive positions, there will be a limited number of those and if you take an enemy down its reasonable to expect someone to be there to replace them after a short delay. You do have to push. You can't expect to just sit back and duck shoot a few bad guys and the room/village will be empty. They'll reinforce.

Of course realistic doesn't always mean fun, and that does sound frustrating. I'll happily go through on normal anyway


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
LukeSmith said:
The TV station on Veteran was where I gave up after an hour. It just didn't feel fair, it felt like too significant of jump in difficulty that early on, dropped it back down to Hardened and it felt fairer to my newb self. That said, IW has all of their Achievements in Campaign and Veteran should be pretty rough to get through -- but I am not nearly good enough to beat that TV station sequence.

Yup, I just tried TV station for almost 2 hours. Fuck. This. Shit.

It isn't that the AI is unmanageable, it's more that they spam grenades to force you out of cover and then shoot the shit out of you when you run. Plus, after 2 hours of being hunkered down in cubes and those offices, I still have no confirmed idea of where I'm supposed to run.

Veteran mode failed. Such a shame.


Rlan said:
I'll add this in here to stir up some more debate.


Video 1: The Exploding Car

What's the debate?

"Hey, I died when I ran over here. So I tried running over here exactly the same way again, and I died. Then, I decided to try running over here the exact same way a third time, and I died."

Well; congratulations.


but ever so delicious
Rayme said:
What's the debate?

"Hey, I died when I ran over here. So I tried running over here exactly the same way again, and I died. Then, I decided to try running over here the exact same way a third time, and I died."

Well; congratulations.

That its scripted and beyond retarded.


Rlan said:
I'll add this in here to stir up some more debate. Shawn Elliott posted some COD4 videos of A) Exploding car shenanigans, and B) Clone houses.

You should also listen to the new GFW Radio tomorrow as there should be some discussion on the subject
and you should have been listening to it beforehand anyway

Video 1: The Exploding Car

Video 2: Clone Pod

Video 3: Clone Chamber

I still need to finish COD2, but the COD4 Multiplayer is much more interesting to me. I'll give it a god once I'm done with.. all these other games I bought :(

What is he trying to proof? That he sucks at gaming? How many times does he need to walk to that car to see if it explodes? While you can hide somewhere else?

Or don't I get it?
sinnergy said:
What is he trying to proof? That he sucks at gaming? How many times does he need to walk to that car to see if it explodes? While you can hide somewhere else?

Or don't I get it?

Yeah, it's not going to be a big deal for most people.

If he wasn't shit he'd never have noticed it, as most won't.
sinnergy said:
What is he trying to proof? That he sucks at gaming? How many times does he need to walk to that car to see if it explodes? While you can hide somewhere else?

Or don't I get it?

You don't get it, enjoy your CoD.


To beat the TV station on Vet, walk into the news room until you trigger the enemies, then run back out through the server room into the offices and let your teammates set up under the windows in the office next to the server room. They're pretty unbeatable there.

Then... uh... wait for half an hour while they kill dudes. Or I don't know exactly how long you're supposed to wait until the respawns thin out, but that's how long I waited. At that point it wasn't very difficult to make my way back to the office on the other side of the newsroom and work my way up and out that way.
sinnergy said:
What is he trying to proof? That he sucks at gaming? How many times does he need to walk to that car to see if it explodes? While you can hide somewhere else?

Or don't I get it?

you dont get it.

you might also enjoy a revolutionary game called DRagon's Lair.


Rlan said:

Holy fucking shit. That's the most retarded scripted event I saw :lol.

Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to block the path for the player by sudden insta-death?

Couldn't they use a turned over truck or pile of debris? "No, no an exploding car will be better!" :lol

More multiplayer impressions people! How's the shooting through walls element? I love that kind of gameplay quirks.
evlcookie said:
That its scripted and beyond retarded.

It's a car thats meant to blow up. These things happen.

If he wasn't running through gunfire like a tard towards a flaming car it wouldn't have happened. He'd probably be sneaking around exploding cars going 'wow, how awesome is this'. Instead we get a silly youtube whine.

It's no game breaker.


sinnergy said:
What is he trying to proof? That he sucks at gaming? How many times does he need to walk to that car to see if it explodes? While you can hide somewhere else?

Or don't I get it?

I didn't even notice the car was on fire. Whats the point of a 'car on fire' warning when you're dead if you don't notice its on fire in the first place.

Plus it seems a bit too trial and error. If its the first time you go that way and just die, without any form of understandable warning, then thats bad.

I also don't like the sound of the TV room. Especially chespace's comments about not knowing where to go. I had that quite a bit on CoD2. considering how scripted and relatively linear it is, there were quite a few times I didn't know where to go. You end up just running around looking for where your men have handily lined up near a corner or door.


Damn it, GAME are only sending me the game today, then it's 2 business days for delivery, so I've got an intense wait until Friday for this game.

More Portal to pass the time, I think...
Rlan said:
I'll add this in here to stir up some more debate. Shawn Elliott posted some COD4 videos of A) Exploding car shenanigans, and B) Clone houses.

You should also listen to the new GFW Radio tomorrow as there should be some discussion on the subject
and you should have been listening to it beforehand anyway

Video 1: The Exploding Car

Video 2: Clone Pod

Video 3: Clone Chamber

I still need to finish COD2, but the COD4 Multiplayer is much more interesting to me. I'll give it a god once I'm done with.. all these other games I bought :(

This is like getting on a bad ass roller coaster and complaining there's no steering wheel.


mrklaw said:
Plus it seems a bit too trial and error. If its the first time you go that way and just die, without any form of understandable warning, then thats bad.
That's a much better criticism. Honestly.

Imo; since doing that only sets you back approx two seconds, I don't think you're punished too harshly. It winds up being:
-Step 1: Run over to car.
-Step 3: Game resets to two seconds earlier, right before you ran to the car.
-Step 4: Do not run over to car.


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
This is like getting on a bad ass roller coaster and complaining there's no steering wheel.

Exactly, everyone knows CoD games are scripted and linear. You buy this game because it looks amazing, because you enjoy the single player roller coaster ride, and for the multiplayer.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Wow @ the apologists. I'm officially going to stop hating on Halo 3 and focus my attention here.


Rayme said:
That's a much better criticism. Honestly.

Imo; since doing that only sets you back approx two seconds, I don't think you're punished too harshly. It winds up being:
-Step 1: Run over to car.

step 2.5 - WTF!? What did I do? I don't understand, there weren't any shots being fired. didn't see a warning about grenades on the screen. Shout at the TV for 30 seconds.

-Step 3: Game resets to two seconds earlier, right before you ran to the car.
-Step 4: Do not run over to car.



BeeDog said:
Is there any kind of ranking/stat tracking in the PC version? What about modding options like the PC COD2?

Also, we need more PS3 impressions people! I was a bit bummed by the PC demo first, but a replay or two piqued my interest. Need to know which version to get.

Anyone? Post was overlooked. ;'(
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