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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

ALeperMessiah said:
I agree, I haven't jumped into SP yet (only been able to game on my PC monitor, would rather do SP on my 42" LCD), but the MP is amazing. I'm really digging the level up system and the perks, adds some depth to MP that you normally just don't get from console shooters. Only thing that bothers me is that gameplay modes are included in the level up system. So only certain levels can play certain gametypes. That really restricts the player community on some of those lists, which is dissapointing.

Yea, who thought that was a good idea?


oo Kosma oo said:
Hey guys, as a PS3 owner that would buy this for MP mostly, should I just skip it and get Wowhawk for 30e? Or is this really the best MP game of the forever that will have me entertained for months more then Wowhawk?

You'll get lots of mileage out of Warhawk... can't you empty your bank account and buy both? :)


I am also having issues with the "script fest" SP. I think Halo 3's SP gameplay mechanics have ruined me (AI). I guess I thought 4 would break the mold, instead it's "ah yes, a Call of Duty game". I'm sure this is being exacerbated by playing on Veteran. :( Regardless of how I played past COD's, I too lowered the difficulty. Even Hardened didn't feel right, so I'm going to play on Normal, and save Veteran for a later playthrough. I'm sure I'll enjoy the game better this way.

The graphics really are amazing, yet the shaders look fairly simple, which gives the game somewhat of a last gen feel to me. (Like COD2 & HL2) Maybe I've been spoiled by Gears, COD3, Bioshock, Halo 3, etc (parallax). However, the overall photorealism, and cinematic action is the best I have experienced, and the art direction astounds.

I've only played for a few hours, but Multiplayer was very cool, and easily the series' best. The way ranking and leveling is handled really keeps you going. Though some of those respawns...


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Speaking of the sound, I've played tons and tons of shooters in surround and this game has hands-down the best imaging (convincing soundstage) I've heard. Listening for opponents in multi has saved my butt more than ever, because when I hear them I know where they are with far greater accuracy than is typical. Playing in stereo would definitely hurt my k/d ratio in virtually every online match.

PS3 or 360? Is there a difference in sound?

also, is there any of that blind firing/firing from cover that gears etc has? Or is it literally CoD2 with M16s?
I'm loving CoD4 multiplayer just like I did in the beta. Challenges add to the fun of continued progression as there is always something to do. I'm rocking the GAF clan tag as well. Represent! I'm up to Level 21 and I haven't really tried out any of the Objectives yet, just Deathmatch. How are they?

I do feel spoiled by Bungie's website tie in's that Halo 2 and Halo 3 give us though. Leaderboards, stats, and basically being able to analyze your game while on your computer not on your console...Not to mention Saved Films and Screenshots. But KillCam does add a cool new level though. I just wish IW could work in some website support. At least Leaderboards.
I dislike the match making stuff and really miss the general server lists like the PC Call of Duty games use.
Is there a way to filter servers based on options? Like if I only want to play on servers running Hardcore mode?
Is there a way to switch teams like in the older PC Call of Duty games?
I also wish the voice was push to talk in multiplayer. A lot of us are playing with our surround sound cranked way up and the microphones are picking that up. Also hearing people have their voices repeated because they will say it over the mic, then someone else’s mic will hear it coming over their speakers and send it out again. Does that make sense? I stayed up too late last night playing online so it’s hard for me to put my words down clearly. :D
ALeperMessiah said:
I agree, I haven't jumped into SP yet (only been able to game on my PC monitor, would rather do SP on my 42" LCD), but the MP is amazing. I'm really digging the level up system and the perks, adds some depth to MP that you normally just don't get from console shooters. Only thing that bothers me is that gameplay modes are included in the level up system. So only certain levels can play certain gametypes. That really restricts the player community on some of those lists, which is dissapointing.

I can see the level requirement. Those bigger game types require some sort of strategy and experience. Having Joe Jackass hop in at level one could fuck things up. At least thats how I see it.


oo Kosma oo said:
Hey guys, as a PS3 owner that would buy this for MP mostly, should I just skip it and get Wowhawk for 30e? Or is this really the best MP game of the forever that will have me entertained for months more then Wowhawk?

Get this. Warhawk is fun, but the lack of a party system brings the game down in my book. You won't regret getting CoD4.

At this point I'm not sure that I will even touch single, multi is where it's at.
mrklaw said:
PS3 or 360? Is there a difference in sound?

I'm playing on 360 and I'd rate the sound imaging as better than Halo 3 and way better than Resistance (which does a ton of stuff right with sound but doesn't image that well IMO). Since the CoD4 sound is so fantastic on the 360 I bet it's a real treat in lossless on the PS3.
tetsuoxb said:
What the hell... I'm finding -1 players online, and it won't connect to a single match. I don't get it.
Once it hit 3 am EST last night, all of a sudden I had a shitload of trouble. Dropped games galore.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ah the joys of never playing any CoD game for more than half an hour. While for some of you this whole scripting thing could have become boring, I'm sure I'll enjoy it a lot as I've never had a chance to get bored of it. Reminds me of people's comments for the new R&C, where some see rehashed ideas, it's all so new and fantastic to me (because I never played R&C all that much) :lol


if only rainbow six 6 and cod4 could have a child. everything cod4 does right, rainbow six vegas did wrong and vice a versa.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Okay, playing now. It's really not too shabby! I might be unpopular in saying this, but does 60 FPS make anyone else think it feels more like a "game"? Maybe it's because movies are slower, but it makes the game have that sheen to it.

btw I like it, so don't hate me


VALIS said:
To beat the TV station on Vet, walk into the news room until you trigger the enemies, then run back out through the server room into the offices and let your teammates set up under the windows in the office next to the server room. They're pretty unbeatable there.

Then... uh... wait for half an hour while they kill dudes. Or I don't know exactly how long you're supposed to wait until the respawns thin out, but that's how long I waited. At that point it wasn't very difficult to make my way back to the office on the other side of the newsroom and work my way up and out that way.

See, that's crap. You should be able to actually PLAY the game, instead of just waiting while the AI does its job. I'm still stuck on the beginning portion of the next level. The big problem is that very rarely do I feel like I'm screwing up. In COD2 I mostly felt like I was doing something stupid, like popping my head out when I was red already. Here, I'm getting shot in the face by enemies I can't even see, while trying to run my way down a highway with burning cars and endlessly respawning enemies. It's frustrating beyond belief.
One bit of constructive criticism for the IW guys. I had seven friends online last night for a total party of eight. Boy were we surprised to discover that we would have to grind for a while to unlock even the ability to play 16-player games. Our only choice at that point was:

1) Split up for the night.
2) Play a private 4v4 game.

Since the latter choice would not award us points for leveling up, we split up the room and six of us went and played 12-player team deathmatch.

All of us agreed that out of the box all the play modes should be unlocked or at least one mode of each size. Having to earn the right to play in big ranked rooms is a bit much. If Big Team Battle were an unlockable in Halo 3, people would have thrown a fit.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
All of us agreed that out of the box all the play modes should be unlocked or at least one mode of each size. Having to earn the right to play in big ranked rooms is a bit much. If Big Team Battle were an unlockable in Halo 3, people would have thrown a fit.

I kind of like the fact that I have to work a little bit in order to unlock more play modes. That being said, only TWO modes are available? Ehhhh... Granted, you pick up skill really fast, but there should have been a little more available to those beginning players.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
All of us agreed that out of the box all the play modes should be unlocked or at least one mode of each size. Having to earn the right to play in big ranked rooms is a bit much. If Big Team Battle were an unlockable in Halo 3, people would have thrown a fit.

so CoD4 and 42 all-time classics for DS do have something common.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think the first level is really kind of a poor first level. I feel like I am just following these guys destroying everything in their path. I've barely fired. Maybe I need to amp up the difficulty.


Anyone try just hauling ass through the TV station at the very beginning? That's how I got past. I sprinted through the door, hooked right and followed the wall back to a little office room where I lobbed grenades and randomly fired my weapon because the scene through the doorway was constant visual chaos. Then I sprinted, turning right again, to the far corner, which required staying low and stabbing people as I moved, but once I got back there, the spawns slowed down. Unfortunately, you have to wait for your guys to catch up to you before the door opens.
Dartastic said:
I kind of like the fact that I have to work a little bit in order to unlock more play modes. That being said, only TWO modes are available? Ehhhh... Granted, you pick up skill really fast, but there should have been a little more available to those beginning players.

And at least one mode should support 8v8.


Y2Kev said:
I think the first level is really kind of a poor first level. I feel like I am just following these guys destroying everything in their path. I've barely fired. Maybe I need to amp up the difficulty.

JB was complaining about the same stuff early on, it switches up as you get further in. I haven't played single yet so not sure how true that is, just going on what I heard.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
LJ11 said:
JB was complaining about the same stuff early on, it switches up as you get further in. I haven't played single yet so not sure how true that is, just going on what I heard.
Are you on X360 or PS3 with COD4?


Y2Kev said:
I think the first level is really kind of a poor first level. I feel like I am just following these guys destroying everything in their path. I've barely fired. Maybe I need to amp up the difficulty.
I felt the same, mainly. And the training level was a bit eh graphically, you can see how it would be a waste to spend too much time making a tutorial level you're going to spend 5 minutes in pretty, but the dust particle effect was so strong I was a bit disappointed in the visuals straight off. Luckily the graphics really start to shine shortly after you get done the tanker (which is too dark and full of rain to really impress like the latter levels do) so it's all good.

But on the tanker you are pretty much just along for the ride. Which was a good thing for me since I was still struggling mightily against the controls - I kept tossing a flashbang trying to open a non-existent map and pushing L3 to aim down the sights example thanks to a play through of Rainbow 6 Vegas on the weekend.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
LJ11 said:
Xbox 360, I'll be on tonight if you guys want to get some games in.

CoD4 Wednesdays
Sounds like a plan!! I played a couple of rounds last night. I leveled up to 4 in two rounds. Weird.
besada said:
Anyone try just hauling ass through the TV station at the very beginning? That's how I got past. I sprinted through the door, hooked right and followed the wall back to a little office room where I lobbed grenades and randomly fired my weapon because the scene through the doorway was constant visual chaos. Then I sprinted, turning right again, to the far corner, which required staying low and stabbing people as I moved, but once I got back there, the spawns slowed down. Unfortunately, you have to wait for your guys to catch up to you before the door opens.

I took the opposite (more dangerous) route. I ran and hugged the left wall. I paused before I got to the small room and lobbed some flashbangs to the room to disorient the baddies. After the flashbangs went off, I killed 2 soldiers that hugged the wall that flanked the small office. I ran inside the office type room w/ a shotgun in hand ready for some CQ encounters. I killed any remaining disoriented soldiers lingering around. I ran thru to the other side of the small room and lobbed a flashbang thru the window to the backside of the large TV room. After that went off, i thru a frag to take out the mass of enemy soldiers. Soon after that had went off, i stormed thru to the back of the TV room w/ my shotty and waited for my soldiers to catch up.

That was after 10 tries, :lol


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Y2Kev said:
Okay, playing now. It's really not too shabby! I might be unpopular in saying this, but does 60 FPS make anyone else think it feels more like a "game"? Maybe it's because movies are slower, but it makes the game have that sheen to it.

btw I like it, so don't hate me

I feel the opposite. 60fps makes any game appear more life-like and fluid.
DenogginizerOS said:
Sounds like a plan!! I played a couple of rounds last night. I leveled up to 4 in two rounds. Weird.

Is there a chart of how many additional XP points are needed per rank? How progressive is it?


Das-J said:
Um yeah, I love this game but I am going back to normal... I have a hard time believing anyone actually tested the game on Veteran!
You have to gun and move. Try to keep team members alive and keep moving. Just release all of hell in one position move and repeat.


Iron_Scimitar said:
I took the opposite (more dangerous) route. I ran and hugged the left wall. I paused before I got to the small room and lobbed some flashbangs to the room to disorient the baddies. After the flashbangs went off, I killed 2 soldiers that hugged the wall that flanked the small office. I ran inside the office type room w/ a shotgun in hand ready for some CQ encounters. I killed any remaining disoriented soldiers lingering around. I ran thru to the other side of the small room and lobbed a flashbang thru the window to the backside of the large TV room. After that went off, i thru a frag to take out the mass of enemy soldiers. Soon after that had went off, i stormed thru to the back of the TV room w/ my shotty and waited for my soldiers to catch up.

That was after 10 tries, :lol
I took the same route, and damn it was tough. :lol After a few quick deaths (that f'ing RPG on the second floor smoked me right in the face first time I stood in that doorway, god that had to hurt) I got stubborn and refused to even try going any other way. I focused on clearing the break room quick, then reloading and killing the RPG guy on the balcony and using frags on the other room opposite the small hallway. Then you have to haul ass while reloading because there will be at least a dozen guys still in the main room and you have to do a loop helping kill them before your squad will move up. So bloody intense, I was almost trembling when I was done. :D


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
This game made MGS4 its bitch. Same setting (in parts) yet this looks a lot better and it's 60fps.

Konami, Namco, Capcom... None of their current games run at 60fps (save for RR6/7 and I assume Tekken 6). IW had one at launch (for the 360) and does it again, but managed to make the game prettier than pretty much anything else out there. I'd love to read a postmortem on the development of this game.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Is there a chart of how many additional XP points are needed per rank? How progressive is it?
If so, I would like to see it. I thought the accelerated leveling was a product of the Beta. But when I played my second match, I was already facing a 32. Seems to cheapen the leveling if you ask me.
the graphics in this game are seriously overated.
appart from the nice lighting and above average AF, i dont see the WoW. if you know what i mean.
Underwhelmed overall.
8.7 out of 10.
sprocket said:
Yes because MGS4 is out so we can easily compare.. :/

hey people called it GOTY based on the first trailer so negative aspects should be fair game too :p

But honestly its pretty easy to see how COd4 is 60 fps considering its not nearly as open ended and feels like it is on rails. ( in SP)

Multiplayer the Graphics look great but you can tell where they cut corners. I still think 60fps + cutting corners > 30 fps with great textures.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Got way too frustrated with the TV station on veteran so I quit that shit and started playing multiplayer. Ahhh, best game ever. Gained a few ranks after playing a couple sessions and stayed up till 3:30am playing online.

Then I woke up all groggy for work this morning and I have this awful gaming hangover from memories of the TV station on veteran. I'm really disappointed with COD4's singleplayer campaign. Like someone else said, COD2 on veteran felt more fair and less cheap. Sure, you had to gun and move but if you hunkered down and picked off enemies and played "carefully", you could basically stay alive. Here, I literally got spammed by sometimes up to 4 grenades AT ONCE in the office when I was taking shelter there, and that was only after arriving for no more than 3 or 4 seconds. I mean, what the fuck?

I like to play my shooters on the hardest difficulty, but in order to enjoy COD4's SP, I think I'm just gonna set the rollercoaster on normal and enjoy Mr. Toad's Wild Ride for what it is -- and that makes me sad. I tolerated the heavy scripting in COD2, but I guess I've really grown out of it in the past couple years.


The more I read about the heavy scripting the more I doubt whether I should pick this game up. The crazy scripting made me quit playing COD2 on veteran and rush through the game with little joy on a easier setting.


DaCocoBrova said:
THis game made MGS4 its bitch. Same setting (in parts) yet this looks a lot better and it's 60fps.

Konami, Namco, Capcom... None of their current games run at 60fps (save for RR6/7 and I assume Tekken 6). IW had one at launch (for the 360) and does it again, but managed to make the game prettier than pretty much anything else out there. I'd love to read a postmortem on the development of this game.

I'm not going to comment on MGS4 as I've only seen it in videos/screens, but I don't think this game looks better than Gears or Bioshock on 360 or Heavenly Sword and Ratchet and Clank on PS3. Some of the texture work is pretty bad, take the desert you fly over in the helicopter, it's a mess and looks terrible. Additionally, I think the PS3 version has some pretty nasty aliasing. The game doesn't look nearly as clean as Resistance or R&C.

That said, when the game is "on" (
)it's one of the prettiest games around; it's just that the graphical quality is fairly inconsistent.


If I could go back in time and take a screen shot I'd love one of the time on War Pig yesterday when I died with no less than 4 grenade indicators on the screen. I was in the field away from the buildings crouched against a bit of decent cover when I had 2 grenades land on the other side of the barrier (probably not fatal, even though the piece of brick wall was only waist high) and one on each side of me, one of them like 2 feet away. I just stared at the screen and said "well done you bastards" as I got blowed up to hell and gone.

By the end of the Capitol City run I was expecting to see giant, living hand grenades throwing smaller hand grenades at me while four legged hand grenades barked and howled and rushed me to rip out my throat and then blow up.


chespace said:
Got way too frustrated with the TV station on veteran so I quit that shit and started playing multiplayer. Ahhh, best game ever. Gained a few ranks after playing a couple sessions and stayed up till 3:30am playing online.

Then I woke up all groggy for work this morning and I have this awful gaming hangover from memories of the TV station on veteran. I'm really disappointed with COD4's singleplayer campaign. Like someone else said, COD2 on veteran felt more fair and less cheap. Sure, you had to gun and move but if you hunkered down and picked off enemies and played "carefully", you could basically stay alive. Here, I literally got spammed by sometimes up to 4 grenades AT ONCE in the office when I was taking shelter there, and that was only after arriving for no more than 3 or 4 seconds. I mean, what the fuck?

I like to play my shooters on the hardest difficulty, but in order to enjoy COD4's SP, I think I'm just gonna set the rollercoaster on normal and enjoy Mr. Toad's Wild Ride for what it is -- and that makes me sad. I tolerated the heavy scripting in COD2, but I guess I've really grown out of it in the past couple years.

Veteran is insanely cheap. Your teammates take hits and won't die, but as soon as you show your face you're shot by 3 people waiting. Not to mention your teammates can barely hit anything (You have no idea how many times I've died because an enemy will flank me, walk INFRONT of my teammates, and then proceed to shoot be in the back while the rest of my AI teammates sit back and watch). How about camping and picking people off? - That won't be happening. If you camp outside the enemies will just keep respawning. Not to mention they all seem to have some ungodly ability to shoot you when even your toe is showing. You've got to actively kill, and progress to cut off their numbers and at times it seems impossible. On the TV mission I ran to the far right corner (not the first room, the second) waited a bit, picked off some enemies, tossed some flashes and ran to the far corner of the room, hid to heal myself up, and slowly picked people off. Since I was standing in the place where the enemies usually spawned they wouldn't spawn, and my team slowly caught up to me.

On a funny note, one time I was camping and 2 grenades were thrown at me, so I tossed them both back, only to have 8 thrown at my feet. Overkill a bit I'd say.

About COD4 DS

I take back what I said, the audio is nice, graphics are above average for a ds game, and Gameplay seems to be there. I still think Strafing left and right seems a little hit at miss at times, but everything else makes up for it. The Vehicle sections so far are a lot of fun.
Randomly exploding cars?
Do effing want.

That sounds just too hilarious to possibly be viewed as a negative. Games need more slapstick humor in that vein.
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