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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread



Fix this please, Infinity Ward. Happens every single time I first boot up CoD4.


Vyse The Legend said:
Good man, Che. :D

I forgot to mention flashbangs earlier. They are a godsend.

Hence why it took me so long to complete the TV station. I had a few frag grenades and no flashbangs. I backtracked like a madman to find some and didn't. I did find an RPG, but that really doesn't help since you rarely have a clear line of sight on that level.


rance said:
Man, this game is hells of screwy online.

A whole bunch of us are having a hard time trying to play online in general.
Hard time how? 360 version, PC, or PS3? The more info we get the better.


rance said:
Man, this game is hells of screwy online.

A whole bunch of us are having a hard time trying to play online in general.

My friends and I are having the same problem with the 360 version and we don't use the same ISP or anything like that.


I couldn't get online with the 360 version. It kept telling me I didn't have a network connection but that's false. I did get a chance to play online for about 1 hour before though and I'm enjoying it more than Halo 3's.


Art does not make 60FPS @ 1080i with real world physics on the PSf*ckin2.
Big-E said:
I am so pissed at FS. Still don't have it in yet. I hate Canada sometimes.
Canadians can't play FPS very well as they lack depth perception (proven fact).
Companies know this and do limited releases because of it.
During the filming of Back To The Future, Michael J. Fox was nearly decapitated by one of the cable running from the clock tower. Doctors did tests and found out his lack of depth perception and malnourishment were believed to be the cause.


« generous god »
MonkeyLicker said:
Canadians can't play FPS very well as they lack depth perception (proven fact).
Companies know this and do limited releases because of it.
During the filming of Back To The Future, Michael J. Fox was nearly decapitated by one of the cable running from the clock tower. Doctors did tests and found out his lack of depth perception and malnourishment were believed to be the cause.

Your Americain, right?
CajoleJuice said:
That was truly good stuff. Ground War is insane.

in the last game, you and one or two other guys were being so annoying!

it was like nonstop helicopters and air strikes, it was just total domination of my team.


Art does not make 60FPS @ 1080i with real world physics on the PSf*ckin2.
jet1911 said:

I's true, why would I lie.:D

It's also true that due to the pollution in California, Californians can't have sex outdoors due to excess minerals in the soil.


MonkeyLicker said:
It's also true that due to the pollution in California, Californians can't have sex outdoors due to excess minerals in the soil.
Maybe this explains those weird stains.


I'm not liking the single player but the online is awesome. Dunno how I won my first deathmatch and came in 2nd on my second one. Then partnered up with JRzez, DJ and Remy and was getting owned .85kd :(.


yeah, i cant get in a match, it tells me I need a network connection, even though i'm logged in on Live.

I was able to play one match last night, and that's been it.


gstaff said:
yeah, i cant get in a match, it tells me I need a network connection, even though i'm logged in on Live.

I was able to play one match last night, and that's been it.
Ok, I think we have a lead on what's causing this. If our theory is right, it should go away on its own shortly.


Is there a comparison between the consoles and PC on highest settings? Sorry if this has been talked about already, I haven't read the entire thread.


Calen said:
Ok, I think we have a lead on what's causing this. If our theory is right, it should go away on its own shortly.

I was able to get it to work once i connected the 360 directly to my modem. The router I have might need to be replaced. I know when I play Halo 3, it gives me some warning about the NAT, and from the troubleshoot it sounded like I might want a new router.


-Beat it on normal, will now try on Veteran.

-Hated playing with people at higher levels, then realized the leveling system in Halo 3 was bullshit anyways.

-Loves multiplayer and notices that it has ZERO lag.

-Almost cried at the end.

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
Finally!!!! After two painstaking hours, I beat the Epilogue on Veteran. What a pain in the ass!!! I found if you aren't by the "breach" with 35 secs left and up the stairs with 25 secs left, it's almost impossible to do.


dam, single player is so intense and the graphics are incredible

its almost to fast a lot of the time compared to other FPS's where you can take your time and figure out what to do

but i guess thats what real war is all about


Rand al Thor 19 said:
Finally!!!! After two painstaking hours, I beat the Epilogue on Veteran. What a pain in the ass!!! I found if you aren't by the "breach" with 35 secs left and up the stairs with 25 secs left, it's almost impossible to do.

Can you only play that level after beating the last game or do you unlock it?

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
Mojovonio said:
Can you only play that level after beating the last game or do you unlock it?

After beating the last level, I watched the credits and as soon as it ended, the Epilogue level started. At that point you could Save and Quit cause you can then choose the Epilogue from the Mission Select screen.


Rand al Thor 19 said:
After beating the last level, I watched the credits and as soon as it ended, the Epilogue level started. At that point you could Save and Quit cause you can then choose the Epilogue from the Mission Select screen.

ah, makes sense


Just finished the SP, great ending
and wow the last couple of levels somehow manage to ratchet up the intensity even more. :lol

Glad I played it on normal, it was challenging enough in places but I never got stuck or even remotely frustrated except for 2 spots when I was clearly trying to break the level design. COD is always a tough slog for me simply because it forces me way out of my FPS comfort zone - in almost all games I'm much more inclined to hang back, always skirt the edges of setpieces and try to snipe/flank/ninja my way through. Or else I prefer to take cover and pick off enemies slowly but surely. But being forced to run and gun a little more is good too, I have R6:Vegas and other series to indulge in my tactical (my friend refers to it as "pussified";)) shooter nature.


Not Wario
Just finished the game. Pretty great experience overall. Here's my more detailed thoughts:

-Most intense FPS I've ever played, easily. The audio, especially, is quite overwhelming.
-Level design was pretty superb the whole way through. Especially loves the
"All Ghillied Up" mission, which was easily the best in the whole game.
-I also enjoyed the story bits quite a lot. Looks like IW took a liking to HL's story segments, as there were several moments in this game where you did nothing but watch the story unfold before you.
-Speaking of the story, I found it to be easily the best of the CoD games and the biggest surprise of the game. I honestly expected it to be throwaway, but it turned out very well. Felt to me like Splinter Cell story without the convulted nature combined with what Gears of War should have been in terms of "locker room male comraderie."
-Weapons are awesome. Sound, animation, feel- I'd go so far as to say they're the best in the biz in those regards.
-Now, to start with the less-than-awesome stuff, I can't say I'm a big fan of the way this game creates challenge. Infinitely respawning enemies works sometimes, but the times it doesn't, it hurts bad. I understand that it's basically the only way to keep the player from exploiting a regenerating health system, but it just didn't work in some of the levels.
-Grenade spam- I don't think I had as much a problem with it as some of you here did, but it did bug me, especially in the more indoor oriented spaces.
-Losing my sight when being shot- I found that pretty much all of the challenge came from either the aforementioned respawn deal or this. Fighting to keep your sights on enemies while constantly have it shoved away is not fun. I basically had to back out of every firefight whenever shot.
-Not so much a negative as a WTF- the ending rap song. :lol
-What was the deal with the epilogue? Was that supposed to be part of the story? I didn't understand.
-If I had to give it a score, I'd probably put it somewhere between 8.5-9.0.

Now, on to multiplayer!
calder said:
great ending

does Price really die? I thought the whole point of the "Epilogue" is that you are playing as Price. You hear Gaz talking, and after you beat it, there's a photo of Gaz, Price, Vasquez and another Marine together (there are four squad members on the plane, too).

Edit: I just replayed the last part and
it seems Gaz takes a bullet to the head, so it's not him, I guess. Just the same voice actor.


Does anyone else find it a huge letdown that there is no splitscreen Live multiplayer? Most of the fun of CoD3 was splitscreen Live multiplayer with buddies.


butthole fishhooking yes
Zzoram said:
Does anyone else find it a huge letdown that there is no splitscreen Live multiplayer? Most of the fun of CoD3 was splitscreen Live multiplayer with buddies.

Yeah, it was bitched about in another thread. Sucks hard. Was over at a buddies tonight and we wanted to jump online together. No go. He's got a 65" 1080p set too. Would have been awesome. Played Guitar Hero instead.


So the last part of the mission "One Shot, One Kill" on Veteran.. (waiting for helicopter)
This is where the game shows its problems.

I would even call it bad game design at this point.


Vyse The Legend said:

Unlimited amount of enemies who magically can see right through your camo, where as they could not before?

Btw, did anyone here complete this part on Veteran yet? HELP ME! :(


I picked up the X360 version and played a bit. At first SP seemed underwhelming, like CoD2 with a new skin and the graphics seemed weak outside the amazingly solid framerate.

Then I got to the first "open" type level with city fighting and damn, that was pretty great. Graphics looked pretty good and 60fps is awesome. Lots of stuff going on, intense, had that CoD2 feel but in modern day setting. So ok, I guess I'm sold on the SP.

Then I tried the MP. I don't play MP and don't like MP. Sitting around in lobbies bores me, running around shooting guys with lag bores me. Halo 3 and Warhawk are about the only MP I've enjoyed this gen. Maybe Lost Planet if I didn't suck so much at it. Anyhow, wowowoowow, the MP here is awesomeawesomeawesome. It's not like a normal FPS online match! It's like an arcade game with points popping up on the screen, ranks shooting up real-time, instant respawn (YES), kill-cam that's instant and just the right length, A FREAKING MAP (YES, SO HELPFUL), it's just nonstop fun and crazy action with nice graphics and 60fps. So yeah, I might be sold on the MP as well.

Good stuff.
Nutter said:
Unlimited amount of enemies who magically can see right through your camo, where as they could not before?

Btw, did anyone here complete this part on Veteran yet? HELP ME! :(

Yeah, I finished the entire game on Veteran already, which is why I asked.

Anyway, it's relatively easy. Just camp behind the bumper cars.


Vyse The Legend said:
Yeah, I finished the entire game on Veteran already, which is why I asked.

Anyway, it's relatively easy. Just camp behind the bumper cars.
I have tried camping in all places.. the fuckers throw a billion grenades. :lol
I guess ill give it a go tomorrow.. for tonight i think had my fair share of frustration.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Finished Death From Above earlier tonight and it was creepy just how much the whole sequence was directly, almost blatantly, inspired by that youtube clip of the AC-130. Even the banter between the pilot and operator and the guy yelling "gun reloaded!" Crazy. Awesome too, especially when you use the 105mm howitzer. Holy shit. ADOOSH.

Okay and now I'm at the very first 5 second of Shock and Awe in veteran mode and this game has reached bullshit levels again. I fly up in my helicopter, the cobras shoot a tank on the freeway, and next thing I know, I'm dead. Over and over again. I hated the helicopter rail shooter segment in GRAW and I hate it now. WTF? Any idea what to do?


Fair-weather, with pride!
chespace said:
Finished Death From Above earlier tonight and it was creepy just how much the whole sequence was directly, almost blatantly, inspired by that youtube clip of the AC-130. Even the banter between the pilot and operator and the guy yelling "gun reloaded!" Crazy. Awesome too, especially when you use the 105mm howitzer. Holy shit. ADOOSH.

Okay and now I'm at the very first 5 second of Shock and Awe in veteran mode and this game has reached bullshit levels again. I fly up in my helicopter, the cobras shoot a tank on the freeway, and next thing I know, I'm dead. Over and over again. I hated the helicopter rail shooter segment in GRAW and I hate it now. WTF? Any idea what to do?

Death from Above is definitely my favourite level of any game I've played ever I think. The 105 mm, holy fuck.

Shock and Awe, just make sure to turn your gun towards the left really fast and take out the guys as quick as you can. they'll be on the left firing shit at you right away, but you can actually get a shot on them before they kill you and on veteran you need to.

I agree though, the on rails section was shit. Just wait until you get further on veteran, some of this shit is bonkers even on hard.

Wanna play some multi tonight? I don't need assists in this game to kick your ass.


chespace said:
Finished Death From Above earlier tonight and it was creepy just how much the whole sequence was directly, almost blatantly, inspired by that youtube clip of the AC-130. Even the banter between the pilot and operator and the guy yelling "gun reloaded!" Crazy. Awesome too, especially when you use the 105mm howitzer. Holy shit. ADOOSH.

Okay and now I'm at the very first 5 second of Shock and Awe in veteran mode and this game has reached bullshit levels again. I fly up in my helicopter, the cobras shoot a tank on the freeway, and next thing I know, I'm dead. Over and over again. I hated the helicopter rail shooter segment in GRAW and I hate it now. WTF? Any idea what to do?

:lol COD4 has been whooping your ass. Main things to look for are RPGs on buildings and tanks. Not to bad, you'll laugh at how easy it really is after you beat it. Just remember who fires first as you fly along.

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
Nutter said:
I have tried camping in all places.. the fuckers throw a billion grenades. :lol
I guess ill give it a go tomorrow.. for tonight i think had my fair share of frustration.

I didn't have much trouble with that part until the second checkpoint where the helicopter's come in and start dropping off enemies. Here is how I finally beat that part: Start by standing behind the ferris wheel and looking at where the enemies will come from. Then turn right and you should see a building with bumper cars. Go to the point where the building ends and camp right there with your sniper ans start taking out the enemies. If a grenade gets close you should have ample room to get out of the way. You shouldn't have to worry about enemies rushing your position to much. When the helicopter arrives kills the enemies(if any) that are by ferris wheel, and make a dash for the Captain. Once you have him go right to the heli. You can take a lot more damage when you're carrying him. Took me five tries using this method until i beat it.
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