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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


y'all should be ashamed
Rand al Thor 19 said:
I didn't have much trouble with that part until the second checkpoint where the helicopter's come in and start dropping off enemies. Here is how I finally beat that part: Start by standing behind the ferris wheel and looking at where the enemies will come from. Then turn right and you should see a building with bumper cars. Go to the point where the building ends and camp right there with your sniper ans start taking out the enemies. If a grenade gets close you should have ample room to get out of the way. You shouldn't have to worry about enemies rushing your position to much. When the helicopter arrives kills the enemies(if any) that are by ferris wheel, and make a dash for the Captain. Once you have him go right to the heli. You can take a lot more damage when you're carrying him. Took me five tries using this method until i beat it.

I managed to exploit a glitch...first, when the helis come in to drop off people, run to the old swimming pool building all the way to the back. Then take a left and go until you hit the chain link fence, and there's a small hallway that leads nowhere. This prevents the dozens and dozens of enemies from spawning (apparently if you get too close to their spawn point they don't spawn at all), while you can pick off the people that were left in the middle. Still difficult, but much less so.
Just got through playing some extended time with MP and SP. Really good game. I enjoy it more than the prior COD games even though it's very much in that same vein. Seems very polished like they hit their stride.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the instructions are ass on this thing. What's up with that?


Rand al Thor 19 said:
I didn't have much trouble with that part until the second checkpoint where the helicopter's come in and start dropping off enemies. Here is how I finally beat that part: Start by standing behind the ferris wheel and looking at where the enemies will come from. Then turn right and you should see a building with bumper cars. Go to the point where the building ends and camp right there with your sniper ans start taking out the enemies. If a grenade gets close you should have ample room to get out of the way. You shouldn't have to worry about enemies rushing your position to much. When the helicopter arrives kills the enemies(if any) that are by ferris wheel, and make a dash for the Captain. Once you have him go right to the heli. You can take a lot more damage when you're carrying him. Took me five tries using this method until i beat it.
Heh, well i didnt really have much trouble until that checkpoint either.. but I guess its a case bad luck, but my check point happens as the 3 helicopters are over head.. and i cannot run anywhere without being shot; the few times i have.. i have camped successfully a few times too. but then when its time to go back.. i get whooped. :lol
I managed to exploit a glitch...first, when the helis come in to drop off people, run to the old swimming pool building all the way to the back. Then take a left and go until you hit the chain link fence, and there's a small hallway that leads nowhere. This prevents the dozens and dozens of enemies from spawning (apparently if you get too close to their spawn point they don't spawn at all), while you can pick off the people that were left in the middle. Still difficult, but much less so.
If you were looking down on the area. .with the ferris wheel being the north end.. where exactly is this swimming pool building.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Death from Above.

I'm a believer.

Unbelievable. Honestly. Holy goddamn mother fucking shit in your face on a stick on a pony riding 900 mph while on fire down the freeway in traffic with four arms and six feet and nine million horsepower.
I think I did some minor griping about some things earlier... well, I just didn't look hard enough in the multiplayer options and I found everything I thought was "missing". :p
IW, I bow to thee.
Playing PS3 version, graphics are insane. I love the multiplayer graphics too, none of that "graphics are scaled back for MP" business going on here.


After countless tries to beat Epilogue on veteran... (spoiler warning)
I finally make it to the end hostage slow-mo scene for the first time. I put a bullet in the bad guy's head, then for good measure, I figure, let me shoot him again to make sure he's dead. Bam, I kill the hostage instead... *Friendly fire will not be tolerated*. NOOOOOOOO!
Fortunately, I was able to get the job done several tries later.

Great job, IW. GOTY for me, hands down. It's such an awesome game. Now to bask in the MP fun.


what weapons do you start out with for online play, and generally how long does it take to unlock more weapons. are the weapons unlocked in a specific order, or does it depend on your play style? like if you got alot of precision kills you unlock sniper rifles first. maybe i should actually read some reviews, maybe that will tell me.


Phoenix said:
Other times (such as the AC-130 mission) the game blew everything else away from a gameplay perspective.

That mission is excellent, but from a gameplay perspective? What are you talking about? It's close to Sewer Shark on that end. It's not the gameplay that makes it.


Fair-weather, with pride!
You unlock them at the same rate, as you level up. You start with plenty of quality guns including the mp5. Each weapon has challenges for it, kills and headshots and you unlock scopes and camo for getting each of those complete, respectively.


Played straight through it, think I'd trade the entire campaign for just one sandbox level with me in a ghillie suit and lots of enemies to toy with.


Gametrailer's 360 V.S PS3 COD 4 comparision video HD is up.

Time to stop the question about which version has better graphics. They are alomost same.


Anyone else find running/knifing too difficult because you have to click on the analogs (360)? Is there an option to customize every button?
Y2Kev said:
Death from Above.

I'm a believer.

Unbelievable. Honestly. Holy goddamn mother fucking shit in your face on a stick on a pony riding 900 mph while on fire down the freeway in traffic with four arms and six feet and nine million horsepower.

that entire level was just awesom and freaky in a way.

I mean, that one shot killed like 20 people, this shit is just got real.


That damn infinite spawn sequence by the ferris wheel is kicking my ass, too. Even with the benefit of using a mouse, I'm getting destroyed. After dying about a dozen times, I decided to restart the level so I could put the claymores in better spots. About halfway through the carrying sequence, my dumbass partner managed to get himself completely stuck in a wall. Or the ground. I can't quite tell because he's completely vanished. The marker on my compass leads to nothing.

I'm going to try that swimming pool glitch. That coupled with some strategically placed claymores should hopefully make things easier. But damn, I'm having flashbacks to Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers. If ever a game has gone out of it's way to piss me off, it's that abomination. Maybe I shouldn't have started on Veteran. God forbid I ever try the highest difficulty.


Y2Kev said:
Unbelievable. Honestly. Holy goddamn mother fucking shit in your face on a stick on a pony riding 900 mph while on fire down the freeway in traffic with four arms and six feet and nine million horsepower.

:lol :lol

There are some "meh" missions in the game but the awesome ones are really ultra fucking awesome.

def sim

Calen said:
Hard time how? 360 version, PC, or PS3? The more info we get the better.

For a while we were getting the same "Downloading Game Settings" then "You need an active connection to play online" message and were unable to party up or participate in any multiplayer games. It seems to have fixed itself though.

To be fair, it was working just fine the day before and after a while of messing around with it today. 360 version, by the way. So, like I said, it's fine now. We were playing for a good long while without any problems.


I leveled up enough to get realism mode. What's so goddamned special about realisim mode?

Several ponies and highways later... I believe.



Played a bit more, shooting people through walls, god YES. And I get bonus XP for the wierdest things, like falling into a well. I didn't even know that was going to happen; I just wanted to to see if it would...

So many challenges, so easily accessible, so tempting, and you'll get them all just by playing the game properly (also love how all the official achievements are sequestered in single player).


i was playing tonight, and this one guy had a rank i had never seen, and he was on my team. once the match started the game was lagging horribly, none of us made it out of spawn we kept lagging backwards. The guy mentioned earlier somehow made it and planted the bomb while nobody else could play. Eventually teh other team disconnected and our team got the win and xp. I later checked the guys gamertag, and his moto mentions xbl-hacker.co.uk and i later found out he is ranked number 1 in points at cod4, wonderful :( lol


Holy crap. I just picked up 24 kills w/only 13 deaths in Overgrown. I had something RIDICULOUS like a 16 kill streak or something. Best of all I only killed one person via chopper/airstrike. I like how it tells you when you have a ten kill streak. I understand why you couldn't keep giving me choppers and airstrikes, by why couldn't you at least tell me what my kill streak is by denominations of five, instead of making me GUESS that I had about 16? :lol

Armubaba, I think it's time for a rematch. = p


Vyse The Legend said:
I had a 74 kills and 18 deaths game earlier. I said, "Wow."

Domination game? I had 40 earlier in a Dom game...people kinda just keep running to the flags, and if you have some high ground you can mop them up pretty good...


dork said:
i was playing tonight, and this one guy had a rank i had never seen, and he was on my team. once the match started the game was lagging horribly, none of us made it out of spawn we kept lagging backwards. The guy mentioned earlier somehow made it and planted the bomb while nobody else could play. Eventually teh other team disconnected and our team got the win and xp. I later checked the guys gamertag, and his moto mentions xbl-hacker.co.uk and i later found out he is ranked number 1 in points at cod4, wonderful :( lol
Do you remember/know the guy's name? Mind PM-ing it to me?

A lot of anti-bastard tech has gone into the MP, but always up for catching more. =)

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
For anyone having trouble with The Epilogue on Veteran here is a youtube vid of how it HAS to be done:


The way I did it was remarkably similar to how this guy did it.

there is one MAJOR useful strategy this guy uses in the video. After he clears out the first room and enters the large room where the plane like shakes and then turns on its side or whatever... You can see that he throws a flash to blind them and then he runs in and dives on the ground next to the wooden table on its side or whatever the hell it is... THAT IS KEY!!! By doing that, he made his squad move forward and finish off EVERYONE in that room for him AND charge up the stairs. This is the major time-saver. Get to that overturned table as fast as you can.

Hope this helps some of you guys!!!


Hot damn,I never raise my rank so damn fast till now.Nearly played the whole day on Headquarter matches just to raise my rank fast.


Nutter said:
If you were looking down on the area. .with the ferris wheel being the north end.. where exactly is this swimming pool building.

The swimming pool building is the building you run out of to reach the Ferris wheel when you're carrying your sniper buddy. If you run slighly past that building there's a path to the left (the glitch room is by the path where all those guys come running out when the encounter starts). Which takes you to the chain fence, and there will be a room you can run into (the right) and sit in while you wait out the chopper. But there will still be guys coming so sit in the corner of the room and have your gun aimed towards the left side of the door so you can take them out as they come around the corner. It's a lot easier to do this glitch. I honestly don't think I would be able to beat this level on Veteran without this glitch.

But you have to camp near the ferris wheel and beat the first part of the encounter (before the helicopters come to drop people off) to have the doors open to room. If you blitz that door before the first encounter starts the doors will be shut and they never open.

This glitch works for the 360 version.


Ken Masters said:
how is that possible seeing that there has already been video proof it runs at 1080p and video was posted in this thread

It only runs at 1080p when you disable 720p in the XMB settings and it's only an upscaled signal, not rendered in 1080p natively.

Eric WK

Nutter said:
I have tried camping in all places.. the fuckers throw a billion grenades. :lol
I guess ill give it a go tomorrow.. for tonight i think had my fair share of frustration.

I picked up an LMG and stood on the bumper car area and positioned myself up against the booth connected to it, facing the ferris wheel/open area and just picked them off with my LMG. It took a long, long time to complete it.

And if you're getting frustrated with that, prepare to break controllers later on. I think I spent almost as much time at a section later on as some reviewers spent on the entire game.

Veteran is insane, but completing it is definitely something to be proud of. I think the number of really hard areas is about five or six - times where I honestly thought it wasn't possible or said to myself "Infinity Ward are fucking idiots." And I'm still not happy about some their design choices, like the level I described above where the enemies aren't really individual enemies but respawning assholes who keep coming unless you move forward through their gauntlet.

Now I just need to complete the damn Epilogue and go through a speed run on Normal to get all of the Intel and one or two contextual Achievements. But yeah, you'll get through it if you have the patience. And in the end it's a fantastic game, so press through even with the BS every now and then.


Yesterday I downloaded Wowhawk thinking it would be my MP fix, but it only made me want COD4 more so I caved in today and got it :)

See you online suckers!


So I've done a few levels on Veteran and I have to say, the games AI is pretty bad.

Halo 3 may have spoiled me, but I thought enemies would get smarter on higher difficulty levels, not just cause more damage.

And why do my teammates INSIST on walking in my line of fire at all times?


Mojovonio said:
So I've done a few levels on Veteran and I have to say, the games AI is pretty bad.

Halo 3 may have spoiled me
Higher difficulty settings rarely change enemy AI behavior. Halo is no exception.

Anyway, it's a super-arcady shooter with dozens of targets in motion at the same time. Reminds me of a good gun game, even. Lax AI is the last thing on my mind.


Tag of Excellence
Y2Kev said:
Death from Above.

I'm a believer.

Unbelievable. Honestly. Holy goddamn mother fucking shit in your face on a stick on a pony riding 900 mph while on fire down the freeway in traffic with four arms and six feet and nine million horsepower.
Took you long enough. Robby never lies!

Now cans I haves sum insidez infoz?
Linkzg said:
oh, you guys suuuuck.

every few seconds I would need to take out my RPG and aim for the sky.
I believe I was the one with 42 kills one of those rounds...


It seems like we have a bunch of good players here. We should try to get together as much as possible to kick ass.


butthole fishhooking yes
Mojovonio said:
So I've done a few levels on Veteran and I have to say, the games AI is pretty bad.

Halo 3 may have spoiled me, but I thought enemies would get smarter on higher difficulty levels, not just cause more damage.

And why do my teammates INSIST on walking in my line of fire at all times?

Yeah, I was determined to play through on hardened, but I think I'm going to kick it down to normal. It's just too frustrating. I assume the reviewers played on normal or easy, as I didn't see any mention of the trial and error gameplay mechanic that is so abundant in almost every major firefight. They give you these really awesome, immersive, open set pieces, but expect you to tackle them in one defined, distinct, unflinching way. If you deviate, you will not progress. You will be met with an unending horde of sure-shot enemies who will lob heaps of grenades on your position, even if it's clear they should have no clue where you are.

If Infinity Ward wanted the player to take position in the one building out of dozens in the surround, why didn't they make it more clear? Not only are the firefight objectives not in the HUD, but they are not in the menu, nor does your squad or command vocalize what you should be doing. Why give me such an open environment and then make the checkpoint trigger on the second floor of a building, or at the end of a corridor with a locked door? It makes no sense to me.

Graphics are great. Music is excellent. Presentation is immersive. Gunplay satisfying. It's a shame the game is trial and error at the micro-mission level. And yeah, before you pipe up and tell me how great you are and how you're not having any trouble at all on Veteran, save it. I can and have passed these levels, but I don't like dying because I took a left and then game arbitrarily screwed me because I was supposed to take a right even though that was never communicated.

I believe the word is scripted.

Played a little bit of Multiplayer over at a friend's house last night. Pretty nice. I love the points system and the experience tracking. Guns feel perfect and the experience was really solid. I'm still not sure if I like the whole, "Our team is doing well, so the game is going to power us up" mechanic. I wasn't a fan in previous entries, but from what I saw at lower levels, it's not a "win" button.

I am full of complaints today.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
TekunoRobby said:
Took you long enough. Robby never lies!

Now cans I haves sum insidez infoz?

aeris dies

The amazing thing about that level is not the gunplay, which is hella nice (BOMBAS!!!1). The greatest thing is the unsettling chatter between the pilot and the gunner. WTF is that shit! That's like a horror movie! "Get him, get him, get him, blow him up....BOOM! Whoaaaa! We got a runner! Take him out. Are you gonna take him out? What are you doing? HEY! Get him!"



We need to get a game going again tonight. That was fun.

Hopefully Uncharted demo downloads fast and I can hop onto this around 7:30pm est again.

Who's game?


This is the first game that disturbed my vid-loving wife.

"Okay so you're killing Iraqis now, right? That's what this game is all about."

She actually couldn't watch Death From Above. "They can't even shoot back! It's unfair!"

Welcome to Modern Combat.

I love all the things that IW does with this engine. It's like they're showing off with the different scenarios the engine can handle. Lots of really dramatic moments. They still do the big chaotic battles like no other and now they have the stealth thing locked up. Ghilli Suit level was fucking awesome.

Am playing the Sp before I get into Mp. I know I will play the Sp again though.
Y2Kev said:
yeah, that's when the gaf "this shit just got real" meme triggered in my head
It's from Bad Boys 2. At least that's what I think of when I type it or read it. :lol

And JB, I won't be able to play until 9 or 10 tonight. I get home late on Tues and Thurs. :(


Chili Con Carnage!
So is the ARGOS trick officially dead now? (UKers) I was almost expecting to be able to get this early via there but it's not happening.


Wow, just tried the part...

Where you go after Al-Asad in the T.V station on Veteran difficulty....the HYOOOGE battle...damn insanity...
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