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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
360. I want to hop in to JB's game. I enjoyed the H3 beta when I played with him and I don't play online much.
beerbelly said:
Awww I had severe motion sickness with this game. I can't bare 60fps shooters :/

Is this a joke because I got really dizzy playing COD 4 this afternoon for some reason and I thought it was my sugar level or something. :lol
Finally got my copy today. Bastard GS told me yesterday that they messed up on the order and wasn't getting a copy in till today. Then I talked to the manager and he told me they recieved it late yesterday afternoon. :mad:

Anyways, I did get a chance to play it yesterday at a friends house. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!! My jaw literally dropped the minute I started playing. This is the first game that has graphically impressed me(I thought Gears didn't look to good and only had good looking backdrops) this gen. I even stopped to enjoy the beautiful niteview on the second stage. The locale looks and feels like I am in the middle east. Just amazing.

The online is also incredible. The transition from single to multi in terms of graphics is just amazing. It actually holds up, even with all the carnage going on.

Quick question: How do you spot enemies in multiplayer w/o relying on the hud? I can't differenciate the friendlies with the enemies. Everyone looks the same. Also, how do you avoid radar detection? Is it like Halo and all I need to do is crouch? Finally, for me to be successful, do I need to aim before shooting or can I shoot people without aiming? The combat gameplay is completely different from all the other fps games I've played.
Masta_Killah said:
Quick question: How do you spot enemies in multiplayer w/o relying on the hud? I can't differenciate the friendlies with the enemies. Everyone looks the same.

I had this issue also. Any advice would be welcome.

Masta_Killah said:
The combat gameplay is completely different from all the other fps games I've played.

No it's not. It's exactly like Halo 3 apparently...Use your plasma grenades...

Eric WK

Masta_Killah said:
Quick question: How do you spot enemies in multiplayer w/o relying on the hud? I can't differenciate the friendlies with the enemies. Everyone looks the same. Also, how do you avoid radar detection? Is it like Halo and all I need to do is crouch? Finally, for me to be successful, do I need to aim before shooting or can I shoot people without aiming? The combat gameplay is completely different from all the other fps games I've played.

1. Everyone doesn't look the same. There are four different armies in the game: British SAS, USMC, Russians and Middle Eastern (not sure if there's a technical name for either of them). Depending on the map, each team will be two opposing factions. It can be tough to tell the difference, I guess, but there is one. And the name pops up in Green for friendly, Red for enemy.

2. You only show up on radar if you're firing. If they've popped a UAV, though, you're always shown. The only way to prevent that is to use the UAV Jammer perk.

3. Aim. Unless you don't have a choice, always be using your scope or ironsights.
Stoney Mason said:
I had this issue also. Any advice would be welcome.

No it's not. It's exactly like Halo 3 apparently...Use your plasma grenades...

I just hold my crosshairs over them really quickly and if it gives me a green name, don't shoot. Red...shoot.


Masta_Killah said:
Quick question: How do you spot enemies in multiplayer w/o relying on the hud? I can't differenciate the friendlies with the enemies. Everyone looks the same. Also, how do you avoid radar detection? Is it like Halo and all I need to do is crouch? Finally, for me to be successful, do I need to aim before shooting or can I shoot people without aiming? The combat gameplay is completely different from all the other fps games I've played.

Your allies will have their names above them in green and the enemies names only appear (in red i think) after you shoot them a bit, but it won't take long to be able to differentiate between the sides. From what I've played one side will have typical US/British uniforms on while the other side will be more motley and look more like the Russian or Middle Eastern dudes in the SP. I had the same problem at first, reminded me of Counterstrike oddly.

I don't think crouching avoids radar, there is an unlockable perk you get that makes you invisible to the UAVs at all times. For anyone trying to ninja it up with silenced weapons it'd be crucial.

You really need to be aiming down the sites to shoot accurately unless you have a great gun or bump into a guy in the hall. But based on the killing I've taken, you can shoot very accurately at range while moving.
dark10x said:
I dunno about that...

We still don't know how the final will run, but the playable build present at E for All was running at 60 fps. MGS4 is also features more complex geometry, I'd say.

I think Ratchet and Clank Future is actually more impressive than CoD4. It features much more complex geometry, better textures, perfect AA and even more on screen carnage while also running at 60 fps. Devil May Cry 4 is another upcoming game that bests CoD4 while running at 60.

Catching up, but I agree.

The game looks great, but not uber great.

RavenFox said:
Really? I mean the similarities alone owns Halo but then again some people will drink the kool aid no matter what

TekunoRobby said:
You can't pull that sort of bullshit. Both games require you to shoot fools in the face with guns from a first person perspective. Yes you can do a comparison and get used to people saying it.

CoD4 > Halo 3

What the fuck?
CajoleJuice said:
So are we going to set up a private match if we get more than the max party size? What is the max party size anyhow? I forget.

I added you to my XBL friends list, so ill just jump the game you are playing whenever its the "gaf game" or something.

I tried to add y2kev but his was full and when I tried to add more I accidently kicked my computer off.

and how do you get the 25 miles ran thing? how do you keep track of it?


jet1911 said:

Best mission in the game.

Absolutely without question one of the top 3... competing heavily for number one.


Tideas said:
reminds me of the gunship in Transformers. So those actually do exists. Man they're powerful

Transformers are real too, they're all just busy chasing after a transforming box of porn.


Dirtbag 504 said:
whats it like to be that jaded... do you enjoy anything anymore?

Well there is something to be said for their comments. COD4 is somewhat of a mixed bag. There are times when the game is beyond exceptional visually and other times when it feel remarkably average, so if you were looking for visual perfection as the ads and hype would have you believe you can actually come away from the game underwhelmed at the graphics. From a gameplay perspective, many of the things that have become more common place such as ducking behind cover and shooting wild over a box ala Gears or dashing from cover point to coverpoint ala Rainbow Six are sorely missed when playing the game.

That's not said specifically to detract from the game, but there were many times when I felt that the game didn't quite live up to the hype. Other times (such as the AC-130 mission) the game blew everything else away from a gameplay perspective. So I wouldn't call them jaded so much as they aren't apologists for some of the games 'shortcomings'. Nevertheless it is a phenomenal experience - though it seems that enemies come from spawn points from time to time unlike Heavenly Sword where there are no magic enemy groups just appearing from the ether until you reach a point on the map. There was actually one place where I was trying to kill the enemies before moving on to a map point which would in reality be suicide to reach since there were so many enemies popping up - but shit I ran out of ammo in my guns and in those of several fallen enemy soldiers before I gave up and just ran for the next checkpoint.


I was wondering about the party limit in mp. IW said 16 for most playlists and 18 only for GW. Well that equates to GW with max party of 8 and none support anything more than 6. I am confused though, an 18 player game, where we can only bring in 8, why not nine? What about the fact that there are no 16 player playlists, when it was said that there would be.

It sucks having to split a large group just so we can play matchmaking together. Why not split the team randomly when the group is larger than one team, I mean you can join friends game and be put on the opposing side, whats the difference?


Pterion said:
I'm going to buy it tomorrow, probably. Shame about the short SP though (I'm not into MP when it comes to FPS).

strange i'm getting it for exact opposite reason. playing MP and likely never touching SP.


Damn this game is just, awesome.

I told myself that I would play the first level, then a match or two of MP and call it quits.

5 hours later...


Not sure if its live, or cod4 severs but everything is locking up. Dropping everyone from games, parties, the menus keep locking up then flashing to a black screen about active network connections.

Anyone else having that issue right now?


Timan said:
Not sure if its live, or cod4 severs but everything is locking up. Dropping everyone from games, parties, the menus keep locking up then flashing to a black screen about active network connections.

Anyone else having that issue right now?
are you playing it on psn, by chance. this was kind of happening to me last night. haven't experienced it on live at all, though


Is there any way to keep your friends on your team? As fun as it is to shoot my friends sometimes, I'd like to be able to decide to work with them.

I'm terrible but the online is awesome, though I almost wish the leveling up is slower as I dont care about the e-peen emblems and will be max level well before I'm bored of the game, but have a feeling would get bored quickly after the carrot runs out.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
dark10x said:
I dunno about that...

We still don't know how the final will run, but the playable build present at E for All was running at 60 fps. MGS4 is also features more complex geometry, I'd say.

I think Ratchet and Clank Future is actually more impressive than CoD4. It features much more complex geometry, better textures, perfect AA and even more on screen carnage while also running at 60 fps. Devil May Cry 4 is another upcoming game that bests CoD4 while running at 60.
Bring on the 60fps! The more the merrier!


Figures, I'm playing through the time trial in the very beginning of the game, finally get it. (As you can see here) And the 360 locks up as soon as I finish. So while I've got the achievement, everyone on my friends list sees my previous best time of 21.75. Now there's this voice in the back of my head saying I must do it again! :p


Broadbandito said:

I actually think the girl on the left is pretty decent looking.. where do you get tranny? lol:lol
Wrong thread... haha! I agree she is not bad looking at all, the other one though.


Subconscious Brolonging
Masta_Killah said:
Quick question: How do you spot enemies in multiplayer w/o relying on the hud? I can't differenciate the friendlies with the enemies. Everyone looks the same. Also, how do you avoid radar detection? Is it like Halo and all I need to do is crouch? Finally, for me to be successful, do I need to aim before shooting or can I shoot people without aiming? The combat gameplay is completely different from all the other fps games I've played.

I never have any problem with this, just keep in mind.

- Friendlies names are green, have your teams symbol by them, and pop up instantly if you target them. They'll also appear above their characters if they're close to you, regardless of if you're aiming at them or not.

- Each team is a different faction and they do look pretty different. Once you play for awhile and know what the different factions look like, it will help with picking out friend from foe.

- Learn to use the radar, and not just when the UAV is active. I barely use radar in most FPS's, but it is super helpful hear and great for finding targets and knowing where your team is at.

Anyway, multiplayer is pretty fucking amazing. It's super fun and I'm really, really impressed that it runs at 60 fps locked and is basically lag free. It's one of the smoothest games I've ever played on Live and my hats off to the coding maniacs at IW.


JB1981 said:
are you playing it on psn, by chance. this was kind of happening to me last night. haven't experienced it on live at all, though

It's happening on Live for me right now too. All sorts of stupid errors like this one:


might be hard to read, but it says: "You must have an active network connection to play online or systemlink matches" despite me being signed into Xbox Live and having a damn party invite right on the screen.

The other error I've gotten like 3 times now says something like 'you have older playlist data, please restart the game or re-sign into Xbox Live'. very annoying, hopefully this gets fixed.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Awesome games, guys. Doling out mass amounts of facial damage never felt so good. :lol


Is it possible to beat the Epilogue on Veteran without being a god or something?

Also someone got the location of every laptops?
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