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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare |OT| House of CODs


player arrow changing to white is the best thing in this patch for me. even after weeks of playing i still occasionally lose my bearing on the mini-map lol


I'll be surprised if M14 ever gets a buff. SHG seems to hate semi-auto/burst weapons. (cookie cutter delay, shit dmg, etc., reccoil, etc.)

I hate vague patch notes almost as much as there being none. Give us numbers, percentages, something more tangible than "damaged increased".

They'll never give numbers because they don't publish numbers to begin with anyway. Reduce max dmg by 5, reduce first range drop-off to 27meters, etc. means nothing without starting values.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Can you guys add me on PSN? I really need some Gaffers to play with.

PSN: Anastacio

Just write "GAF" in the message, so I know you're from here.

Also, which weapons should I go for? And any general tips to get better besides always moving myself around?

PS4 right? I'll add you. Also AK 12 G for life
Booted this up for the first time in a while. The state of the netcode seems to remain at a series low and everyone was spamming system hacks. I'll check back in in January I guess.


And still no way to set a lobby by friends only, invite, or open. How hard is that?

yeah this makes no sense to me. why can't i join a friend's lobby but i can join a session while they are in the middle of a game if there are open slots? smh

ui feels so clunky when you have to send a separate party invite and game invite. it was all one button on the 360. or am i totally missing something?


Any detailed changes to scoring? A lot easier to get score streaks now, but have no idea why, other than the fact I am getting more points.


And still no way to set a lobby by friends only, invite, or open. How hard is that?

Yeah IDK why the lobby systems keep getting worse and worse. Parties don't blow up now but sometimes when I leave matchmaking I can no longer invite and have to remake anyway and then I have to invite everyone over and over so they can join.
The smgs that needed a range buff got one. Shotguns are in a good place IMO besides the S12(gun is awful). I suppose the AMR9 could use a damage buff. I'm pleased with this patch.

Shotguns are terrible. Got a variant of the bulldog with higher damager and just a -1 to accuracy. Slapped a laser on to increase it and it still took two shots to kill someone where it took only one with the Tac. If you could get one off with the Tac.

It would be nice if they fixed the score streaks in HC, so you know which score streak you're actually using.


Just finished the campaign. Your standard run of the mill COD single player, needed more Kevin Spacey for sure.

Will go back to get the extra achievements later on, Exo Survival is going to be a drag.


This is ridiculous. I can't even get games loading on PC match making for like ten minutes straight. My NAT is open. Is there something I'm missing besides click find a game?


Post patch I am giving up on trying to run heavy weapons. I still feel like I am at a major disadvantage compared to ARs. Also isn't movement speed reduced when using these weapons?

I am interested to see how the patch plays out, but I think I am going to stick to ARs and SMGs mostly.

ASM1 has like 45 bullets in the mag, it's almost like it has extended mags by default. I was using it fairly heavy last night pre patch and enjoyed it. I am going to have to try it out tomorrow now that it got a buff.


Post patch I am giving up on trying to run heavy weapons. I still feel like I am at a major disadvantage compared to ARs. Also isn't movement speed reduced when using these weapons?

I am interested to see how the patch plays out, but I think I am going to stick to ARs and SMGs mostly.

ASM1 has like 45 bullets in the mag, it's almost like it has extended mags by default. I was using it fairly heavy last night pre patch and enjoyed it. I am going to have to try it out tomorrow now that it got a buff.

Yes there is a MS penalty with heavy weapons. It's been 1.0 (knife/smg), 0.9 (ar), 0.8 (lmg). Not sure what it is in AW but it feels similar.


Come on you should no get kicked for map specific kill streaks. Got kicked from a game because I used the mobile tank walkers on Comeback. SHG just make HC mode into ricochet.


Post patch I am giving up on trying to run heavy weapons. I still feel like I am at a major disadvantage compared to ARs. Also isn't movement speed reduced when using these weapons?

I am interested to see how the patch plays out, but I think I am going to stick to ARs and SMGs mostly.

ASM1 has like 45 bullets in the mag, it's almost like it has extended mags by default. I was using it fairly heavy last night pre patch and enjoyed it. I am going to have to try it out tomorrow now that it got a buff.

lol try using the rocket launcher. I think I went 5-20.

you guys weren't kidding asm1 is no joke lol


wtf just went several games where my uav glitched out...couldnt use it at all even though i had support and would have gotten it at least twice per game


My thoughts:

The BAL is still a good gun.
The ASM1 rocks. Playing domination and holding flags with this gun was a lot of fun.

System hacks are called in non-stop. If you aren't running hardwired, equip it now.


ASM1 is really good now. I was doing much better with it than the BAL but that might be mainly due to the fact that close-range instakill BAL no longer exists.

I also used BAL for half my matches last night and it is still very good. The CQB is weaker now but if you play campier and can keep your engagements in mid-long range it is still very usable.


ugh...one of my loadouts is still glitched out. regardless of what killstreak i pick on it...its gone when i boot up my game. system hacked!

also asm1 with gungho is amazing.
Any of you guys get that COD AW survey in your email today? Just took it and it may be a good place to voice complaints you have with all the lag and other issues with the game, I know I did :p


Forgive the likely repeat question, but I didn't have time to wade through the thread.

I'm on X1 and it feels like the game just lags out hard when I have two enemies on the screen in front of me. Everything becomes really choppy and then I'm suddenly dead. For a bit, I thought maybe my TV was having some sort of issue. Also, I've experienced full second freezes in local matches.

Someone please tell me that this stuttering/lagging isn't just a problem for me.


So I made myself a little The Flash emblem.....now that lightning bolt I used has been replaced with a freaking spider. What the hell?


Thank god I'm not the only one who does this. My friends say I'm stupid, but it's great. Doing it with the Lynx right now.
It was brilliant in Ghost, until they nerfed it. I got so bored of COD but using the ACOG on the USR was so fresh for me, so satisfying when pulling off the kill. Even though my K/D ratio dropped from 2.25 to 1.65, I was enjoying the game more than I had in years.

I haven't tried it yet in AW.
Any of you guys get that COD AW survey in your email today? Just took it and it may be a good place to voice complaints you have with all the lag and other issues with the game, I know I did :p
Can you post the link to the survey here or PM me?
I really want the ASM1 - Speakeasy. I wish there was a way to actually get the gun variants you want, purposely. This whole random drops for mostly doing bad thing, blows. Especially considering I had some really good games these past few days. I got maybe 4 supply drops in a 20 hour or more, period.

Speakeasy looks neat, and so does the Strider. I'm still vacillating on which ASM is the best. I have the Magnitude (Range +2, Handling -1, Mobility -1) and the Reckless (Integrated Rapid Fire, Fire Rate +1, Handling -1).

Right now I'm finding I prefer the Magnitude, though admittedly I haven't tried the Reckless to see how it fares post-patch. I tend to opt for guns that have their penalties shuffled off to Handling and Mobility, two stats that I don't really mind giving up. Range improvements, on the other hand, really feel key, especially on a gun like the ASM which really suffered at even middle range prior to the patch.

My main build, right now:

ASM Magnitude w/
Advanced Rifling
Rapid Fire

Great damage, range that's now comparable with an assault rifle, and fires pretty darn fast. TTK feels nice and low. The accuracy can make it unwieldy at big ranges, but that's easy enough to plan around. It's a great weapon, and it helps that I think it's also the coolest looking one.
It was brilliant in Ghost, until they nerfed it. I got so bored of COD but using the ACOG on the USR was so fresh for me, so satisfying when pulling off the kill. Even though my K/D ratio dropped from 2.25 to 1.65, I was enjoying the game more than I had in years.

I haven't tried it yet in AW.Can you post the link to the survey here or PM me?

Sure: Survey

I hope it works.
My thoughts:

The BAL is still a good gun.
The ASM1 rocks. Playing domination and holding flags with this gun was a lot of fun.

System hacks are called in non-stop. If you aren't running hardwired, equip it now.
I had to put hardwired on after 3 games.Ridiculous.


The patch seems to be live on PS4 already, but not on Xbox. Is there an ETA available? Looking forward to the BAL nerfs. It was way too good in every situation. I´m far from being good at this game, but it seemed that with a fast draw grip and ACOG you could even deal with snipers and still win most 1v1 corridor situations.


i got hit with a update yesterday i believe - xbox one


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Finally started playing this. The campaign is pretty good, and I'm up to what I believe to be the last chapter. I really like the way the HUD/UI works, and the holograms for story bits. I never played Dead Space, but from what I've seen of it, you can tell those guys worked on this.

I decided to take the advice I've heard on every podcast and not get into online mulitplayer until finishing the campaign, but I cannot even mess around with things in the offline/bot matches. As soon as I pick a map and set the bot count, the menu completely freezes and I have to go back to the PS4 menu and close the application. I've downloaded a 100MB and a 500MB patch since I started playing this, and it always crashes in the bot match setup.

Also, what the hell is this? I had to restart the game, continue without being able to reload, sprint, or ADS (captured in another video that I might upload), and wait for friendly AI to kill enough enemies before I could pick up the stinger missle. Weirdest shit I have seen in a COD campaign since Black Ops gave me a PC console command crash message on Xbox 360 during the nerve gas level.


Does anyone else have a problem when trying to do split screen online sometimes? We try and sign the second player in on their account and the lobby goes from my XBL and saying "Press A To Play" to my XBL and a blank bar. It then says cannot connect...
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