Tried it with the steam weekend, haven't played a cawadoody game since black ops 1 steam weekend.
-lag and rubberbanding (60 euro game + dlc, too much to ask for dedicated servers)
-ttk lower than ever
-runs like SHIT on my hd6870 despite being more powerful than xbox one, st st st stutter
-forgot how much I hate sprint and ADS in shooters and how boring and shallow and low skillcap cod is.
+the new dodges and double jumps add a lot of much needed movement based depth to the shallowest shooter on the planet
+they removed the annoying guitar riffs and bar filling during gameplay and put them after the match
+the game is deader than dead on pc despite the free weekend, I tried most of the game modes and they all said 0 matches found, only the first one and one other had a few games going.