Junior Member
Given, I only played two matches last night, but I didn't experience any lag at all on PS4 around 6:00pm EST. I had a blast.
What's everyone's highest killstreak so far? I somehow got to 7 in a TDM game last night. I find myself dying much faster than in previous COD games.
Things fall apart in close quarters, much like BF4 at launch.
Run and gun on an open field.
That is what it is.
For me:
- there are enemies everywhere
- it is nearly impossible to make a ratio higher than 2:1
- it is nearly impossible to make killstreaks higher than 4
- enemies are constantly popping in your back
- no strategic advantage be gained in maps, every good point has two pathways running in to your back
- as a result my ammo is always running out.
- quick scoping is back
- headset advantage seems to be minimal
- game play is very fast
- you get killed within 10 seconds from your spawn point
Was able to get quite easily 2:1 ratio's in every match for the past 8 years, 4:1 is pretty common, by just playing it a bit slower and not running like a fool. This game seems to be build on running like a fool and punishes everyone who doesn't.
Every time I get killed it feels like a fucking random act of someone popping up in my back or sides.
Not liking it.
Shit, wish the app worked on my shitty phone i'd look the exacts up lol. Only played maybe 10 games last night after work but it became apparent how important some of these perks are....
I was using Blast Suppressor (not sure on name) to keep me off the radar when using exo abilities.. .which is every few seconds.
Paired with the exo ability Mute which makes you completely silent (at least that what it sounds like to me).
And the B27 with suppressor and that first sub machine gun as a secondary backup in case things got crazy. (helps with ammo too running two primaries)
What's everyone's highest killstreak so far? I somehow got to 7 in a TDM game last night. I find myself dying much faster than in previous COD games.
So can you unlock any helmets that don't expire?
This game is great so far. One thing that really bothers me is the placement where they display who is talking on the mic. Why does it have to be in the middle and in large text?!
What is exo mute?
There's blast suppresor which prevents your exo movements from showing you on the map.
But I don't see any perk or ability called mute.
What is exo mute?
There's blast suppresor which prevents your exo movements from showing you on the map.
But I don't see any perk or ability called mute.
There's one exo ability, where you dont make footstep sounds.
Mine is 10, the game invites you to run and gun but i find that's not a proper tactic for me, i tend to look for high places whit a good view of high transit areas, stay there for a minute maybe and move to the next spot. I've managed to improve my K/D greatly and stay alive much longer that way. I only play TDM.What's everyone's highest killstreak so far? I somehow got to 7 in a TDM game last night. I find myself dying much faster than in previous COD games.
What's everyone's highest killstreak so far? I somehow got to 7 in a TDM game last night. I find myself dying much faster than in previous COD games.
I'm studying to become a Film Director.
This is my passion.
I am sitting in a lecture right now and all I can think about is being a level 38 and wanting to go back to my dorm and rank up.
This and the MCC will ruin me.
Mine is 10, the game invites you to run and gun but i find that's not a proper tactic for me, i tend to look for high places whit a good view of high transit areas, stay there for a minute maybe and move to the next spot. I've managed to improve my K/D greatly and stay alive much longer that way. I only play TDM.
What are your loadouts? I want to try this.
Yes, that's what i did the first couple of days and ended up with a .5 K/D stat :/. Level 42 now and i'm .97 still awful but i've turned my game around by being more patient.It's hard not to run around because the exo abilities are just so much damn fun though, lol.
Mine is 10, the game invites you to run and gun but i find that's not a proper tactic for me, i tend to look for high places whit a good view of high transit areas, stay there for a minute maybe and move to the next spot. I've managed to improve my K/D greatly and stay alive much longer that way. I only play TDM.
Move THEN press.Someone help me on side boost. I have to click down the left stick, hold it down, and go left or right? It seems kinda slow and doesn't always work for me. Easier way?
What's everyone's highest killstreak so far? I somehow got to 7 in a TDM game last night. I find myself dying much faster than in previous COD games.
0_0 you just blew my mind. Will try after uni today.Move THEN press.
I've felt this way more and more since Black Ops. I got Ghosts for free at launch and it was pretty much the end of the road for me with COD. This game just has no strategy anymore and it's all sprint, shoot, die, repeat. Doesn't matter what gun you use or how you take advantage of the map. Everything just feels random and the maps promote that gameplay. Good if you like it but I feel MW1 and hell even World at War had better multiplayer maps and gameplay. Doesn't seem like they'll ever go back to it, unfortunately.
What? WaW was run into a room with 3 bouncing Betty's and two dudes shooting at you, for the entire match. What strategy?
The lag is a serious problem. Seems like every year everybody complains about this and Activision's developer of the year continually fucks it up. Somebody needs to run some tests to confirm the extent of the lag and lag comp.
Really makes me appreciate Titanfall's netcoding even with the hitches it has.
Yes, this is for the better, i have to confess i rarely try anything other than TDM for fear of getting my precious K/D destroyed.Ok after some research I believe the only way you can see someone's k/d ratio is trying to find his name on the overall leaderboard which is next to impossible. So it seems sledgehammer removed the lobby leaderboard stats and the ability to quicky look at people's starts.
Have to say I have been calling for this for years. People play objective modes to jack up their k/d ratio so they can show off, now there is no point if the only person that can easily see it is yourself.
Aren't they supposed to turn on the servers or something?
Oddly enough my last four supply drops have all happened exactly when I get killed. Weird.
map control, which does not exist in AW
Definitely enjoying this game alot more in Search and Destroy. The abilities and exo moves are more tactical since you have to think about showing up on the map. And since it's not as insanely fast paced I haven't had as much problems with lag.
To me this game shines in this mode, anyone frustrated with team deathmatch should really give it a try.
Plus this game runs at 4K like a charm on PC![]()
map control, which does not exist in AW
At level 42 i think i finally know all the maps or most of them and where i should be going every round.Game is really fun in MP. Played a few hours yesterday. Loved every minute of it. Slowly getting KD back up to 1:1 after the couple hours of embarrassment.
My memory isn't good enough to remember all the details in a map anymore. Too many FPS and racing games over the years have dulled that for me.
map control, which does not exist in AW
There is map control for sure, of course if your team doesn't work as such you won't control anything. I can picture each map and what areas are best for this.Not true. One team pinned me down where I was getting spawn killed for 4 lives. I don't know if "spawn camping" counts as map control, but I was pissed off for a while that one team had that map down.
Not true. One team pinned me down where I was getting spawn killed for 4 lives. I don't know if "spawn camping" counts as map control, but I was pissed off for a while that one team had that map down.
map control, which does not exist in AW
And there isn't an option to turn it off.I scoured the menus yesterday trying to figure that out.