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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare |OT| House of CODs

Run and gun on an open field.

That is what it is.

For me:

- there are enemies everywhere
- it is nearly impossible to make a ratio higher than 2:1
- it is nearly impossible to make killstreaks higher than 4
- enemies are constantly popping in your back
- no strategic advantage be gained in maps, every good point has two pathways running in to your back
- as a result my ammo is always running out.
- quick scoping is back
- headset advantage seems to be minimal
- game play is very fast
- you get killed within 10 seconds from your spawn point

Was able to get quite easily 2:1 ratio's in every match for the past 8 years, 4:1 is pretty common, by just playing it a bit slower and not running like a fool. This game seems to be build on running like a fool and punishes everyone who doesn't.

Every time I get killed it feels like a fucking random act of someone popping up in my back or sides.

Not liking it.

Pretty much.

I'm enjoying it for the most part, but I certainly miss the days of competitive COD 1.


So I played til about 1 am last night. This game is fucking amazing.

I got burned by ghosts, didnt want to buy another COD again. But now I am totally glad that I did. This one is finally the one that CHANGES the game.

Seriously, I dont see how the next COD cant have the movement abilities in it. Without them, I dont think I could play it.


I love the gear in this game, saw a pretty awesome helmet yesterday.

Level 40 now, how does prestige works here? Do i keep my gear? Any class?


Unconfirmed Member
Mute Exo ability and Overcharge perk are a fucking deady combo, you get at least 30 - 45secs of silent time with that. Got the drop on so many people, especially with all the other perks that quieten your exo movements (blast suppressor) and blind eye to remove you from UAV etc. Loving it :)

ACE 1991

So are there a group of Gaffers I can play with? As always, this game feels pretty aimless when going it alone. I'm on PS4, add me: edkinator91


Jesus christ for the love of god just turn off player collisions. I can take dying because of getting stuck in the geometry since it's fairly rare, but just now I died maybe 4 or 5 times in one match because some idiot was standing in a doorway.

e: would be great if grenades passed through allies for the same reason


Btw no one has said this yet but I think the "Mute charges" from the campaign are really fucking awesome. Imagine that existing right now.

Some of the other future tools they have are fun too.
Goddamn my purple shoes look so hot on the battlefield. It's hilarious when I get killed, ragdoll, and then see these dumb purple shoes crumble beneath me.


Jesus christ for the love of god just turn off player collisions. I can take dying because of getting stuck in the geometry since it's fairly rare, but just now I died maybe 4 or 5 times in one match because some idiot was standing in a doorway.
I hate that so much. I even hate it when you are shooting at one player and then another player passes by either in front or behind, your reticle moves because of the aim assist, and then they guy you were shooting at kills you.


Jesus christ for the love of god just turn off player collisions. I can take dying because of getting stuck in the geometry since it's fairly rare, but just now I died maybe 4 or 5 times in one match because some idiot was standing in a doorway.

e: would be great if grenades passed through allies for the same reason
It's always been like this in CoD. And it's always made the first mad dash at the beginning of matches particularly unpleasant.
Is anyone else not using Exo abilities at all? The movement mechanics are awesome, but I'm just not buying into the abilities. I'd rather spend the point elsewhere.

Exo Speed + Overcharged is critical to me.

Back in the old Call of Dutys I can't tell you how many times I'd see an opportunity to rush a flank and just NARROWLY miss getting there in time. The key is to use the key boost to gain a significant advantage or to get out of trouble. I'm hitting flanks that I never used to be able to in the past and that's mostly due to good map design (imo) and speed boost. It's also unbeleivable when paired with a a laser sighted SMG or shotgun for offensive purposes <3

Shield is fine.

Mute is broken.

Camo needs a buff. It's not anywhere near good enough to be given such a limited supply.

Regen seems fine, maybe needs a slight buff as I've always mowed those guys down.
Anyone know what this is?

I have 0 in 'My Bank' - I seem to remember something similar in BLOPs games, I haven't played those for a while though.

For those wondering, you can find it in the Call of Duty app (on Android, press the three dots in the right corner to bring up the settings and this 'My Bank' at the top of the screen).

Mute Exo ability and Overcharge perk are a fucking deady combo, you get at least 30 - 45secs of silent time with that. Got the drop on so many people, especially with all the other perks that quietern your exo movements (blast suppressor) and blind eye to remove you from UAV etc. Loving it :)

Shhhh! That's what i've been running and people don't even know you exist while playing ... lol it can get hilarious jumping around dead silent with them not knowing where the hell you're at.


Btw no one has said this yet but I think the "Mute charges" from the campaign are really fucking awesome. Imagine that existing right now.

Some of the other future tools they have are fun too.
OH MY GOD YES. Definitely my favorite gadget in the game. I get a stupid grin on my face every time I'm asked to put one down.


Has anyone here bought the digital 360 version and got the free upgrade on X1? If so, have you managed to start your X1 downlaod?

I did this yesterday, but it still wants to charge me full price for the X1 version, and I have no idea what to do.


Dumb question: Might the PS4 version get a patch for single player to improve the performance / frame rate ?

IIRC, Ghosts on PS4 did get a patch to bring it up to native 1080p, at launch or shortly after.


Unconfirmed Member
Shhhh! That's what i've been running and people don't even know you exist while playing ... lol it can get hilarious jumping around dead silent with them not knowing where the hell you're at.


Nobody better touch my damn Mute timings, it's too much fun! Love it.


Mute Exo ability and Overcharge perk are a fucking deady combo, you get at least 30 - 45secs of silent time with that. Got the drop on so many people, especially with all the other perks that quieten your exo movements (blast suppressor) and blind eye to remove you from UAV etc. Loving it :)
Shhhh! That's what i've been running and people don't even know you exist while playing ... lol it can get hilarious jumping around dead silent with them not knowing where the hell you're at.
What are your loadouts? I want to try this.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Anyone playing on veteran? If so, how is it? I'm not an amazing Call of Duty-er, but I've beaten MW2 and MW3 on vet.

Started it earlier today and did like 6 missions on Veteran. It feels right in terms of difficulty.

So far I haven't had any problems like I did in the BLOPS games, that occasionally had seemingly infinite spawns while you were positioned in terrible spots.


playing it on Veteran is ridiculous... You have to literally crawl your way to end of the stage. I tried rushing.. but the AI is too damn accurate.


I was also getting use to the controls, could be easier now...
Run and gun on an open field.

That is what it is.

For me:

- there are enemies everywhere
- it is nearly impossible to make a ratio higher than 2:1
- it is nearly impossible to make killstreaks higher than 4
- enemies are constantly popping in your back
- no strategic advantage be gained in maps, every good point has two pathways running in to your back
- as a result my ammo is always running out.
- quick scoping is back
- headset advantage seems to be minimal
- game play is very fast
- you get killed within 10 seconds from your spawn point

Was able to get quite easily 2:1 ratio's in every match for the past 8 years, 4:1 is pretty common, by just playing it a bit slower and not running like a fool. This game seems to be build on running like a fool and punishes everyone who doesn't.

Every time I get killed it feels like a fucking random act of someone popping up in my back or sides.

Not liking it.

I love the fact that there are a lot of nice flanking opportunities. This can be both beneficial and bad for campers at the same time. On one hand, if you set up in a well covered area then the chances of a flank coming are pretty high. On the other hand, there are multiple routes to take in order to flush campers out.

You've got to have great situational awareness. It takes a little while to understand the flow of the game, but once you get it these maps really quick. I'm really enjoying them.


Tried playing my roommate's copy a little while ago... Absolutely unplayable. The lag is so horrible that it's pretty much impossible to accomplish anything.

In the moments when it's not lagging, it's an absolute clusterfuck... What happened to the good CoD? Is it just gone forever? :|
I understand people's complaints about the movement affecting the flow of multiplayer, but it is definitely not less skill based than other CODs. If anything, this could be the most skill based COD yet. In order to avoid getting killed you have to maneuver quickly and thoughtfully through the map constantly, covering your back and always gaining new vantage points. Of course it 'feels' random when somebody pops down behind you out of nowhere, but there are ways to avoid it or even counter it much of the time.

As an avid Crysis 2 and 3 player where the tactics are very similar, I would tell those who are struggling not to give up. Once you begin to master the movement mechanics it is extremely rewarding.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
The iOS app is straight up bullshit!

I can't understand how they did it, but it's really an awful step backward from the Ghosts app. You can look at some of your stats, you can maybe, kind of, not really design your emblem, and you can look at your clan information. That's it... you can't change loadouts like you did in Ghost - so the app is basically useless.


I hate that so much. I even hate it when you are shooting at one player and then another player passes by either in front or behind, your reticle moves because of the aim assist, and then they guy you were shooting at kills you.

Haha yeah, that actually just happened to me again a couple of games ago. Fortunately, you can turn aim assist off if it starts happening too often.

It's always been like this in CoD. And it's always made the first mad dash at the beginning of matches particularly unpleasant.

I know yeah, just feels like it's happening particularly often in AW. I have no idea why it hasn't been disabled already.

Anyway, there seems to be a couple of maps that really just don't suit the run n gun SAC3 gameplay (the sunny one with the pipes and all comes to mind, the resort one too probably) but other than that, my lowest KDRs from the past 5 matches have been 1.13 and 1.55 lol. Either I'm on fire which I highly doubt cause I've got an incredibly unpleasant flu going on right now and I've been doing horribly thus far or the double SMGs really is just a good class. Having a lot of fun.
What are your loadouts? I want to try this.
Shit, wish the app worked on my shitty phone i'd look the exacts up lol. Only played maybe 10 games last night after work but it became apparent how important some of these perks are....

I was using Blast Suppressor (not sure on name) to keep me off the radar when using exo abilities.. .which is every few seconds.

Paired with the exo ability Mute which makes you completely silent (at least that what it sounds like to me).

And the B27 with suppressor and that first sub machine gun as a secondary backup in case things got crazy. (helps with ammo too running two primaries)
is there any way to keep the standard COD controls but to not have side dashes set to pushing L3 and then left or right? Because i foresee myself doing that like 2 times over my course of MP, and one of those will probably be by accident.


What's everyone's highest killstreak so far? I somehow got to 7 in a TDM game last night. I find myself dying much faster than in previous COD games.
I understand people's complaints about the movement affecting the flow of multiplayer, but it is definitely not less skill based than other CODs. If anything, this could be the most skill based COD yet. In order to avoid getting killed you have to maneuver quickly and thoughtfully through the map constantly, covering your back and always gaining new vantage points. Of course it 'feels' random when somebody pops down behind you out of nowhere, but there are ways to avoid it or even counter it much of the time.

As an avid Crysis 2 and 3 player where the tactics are very similar, I would tell those who are struggling not to give up. Once you begin to master the movement mechanics it is extremely rewarding.

There is so much of this goin on. People will get better. You have to think on multiple planes now instead of the ground floor. Map knowledge is now more important than ever. So are spawn locations etc.

I've seen some hate from people i've played with that were just weren't playing smart. It's hard to not kill you when you're boosting on top of every roof and rushing around not taking your time to anticipate enemy movement. I'll keep getting my skeet shooter (or whatever they're called) medals from you all lol. It's like Duck Hunt in a bunch of games!
Is it a glitch that shows everyone as a red connection whenever I look at the scoreboard? I've never had this issue in a COD and I have a 60/20 connection. This is the only COD that seems to do this.

I did notice over time the pings update, but its weird.
I understand people's complaints about the movement affecting the flow of multiplayer, but it is definitely not less skill based than other CODs. If anything, this could be the most skill based COD yet. In order to avoid getting killed you have to maneuver quickly and thoughtfully through the map constantly, covering your back and always gaining new vantage points.

I don't know about that. I've always felt that skill comes from map awareness and controlling the flow of it - more so than just raw twitch skill. The constant loop of circular spawning pretty much destroys any sense of that flow. But that's just me, and I'm old-school Counter Strike.

As a run-and-gun, chicken-with-your-head-cut-off shooter though, this AW is pretty fun. Love the mobility. But after playing awhile last night, I'm getting skeptical of this netcode. Things fall apart in close quarters, much like BF4 at launch.
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