What game and perk set ups does he use?
Just put up a new video, talking a bit about some of the higher up scorestreaks and how crazy stuff can get.
THE SWARM LOOP - Black Ops 2 Scorestreaks
damn 63-3 in 1st round lol
I would criticize him for never capping or defending points, but then again he doesn't have to worry about it considering the opposing team is perpetually dead.
I would criticize him for never capping or defending points, but then again he doesn't have to worry about it considering the opposing team is perpetually dead.
Holy shit my KD took a nose dive from 2.0 to 1.6. Come the fuck on. Lol. Smh.
the maps are the worse i have ever seen in CoD and the rest is not much better. I have not played MW3 but Blops2 is the worse CoD i have played. I really can´t imagine how bad MW3 must be if this is better than MW3...
What rifle were you using?
the maps are the worse i have ever seen in CoD and the rest is not much better. I have not played MW3 but Blops2 is the worse CoD i have played. I really can´t imagine how bad MW3 must be if this is better than MW3...
MW3's maps were much worse than these.
Hes like fourteen too that is kind of insane. I've never managed to do better then 22-1 and that was in the first COD4 where I played probably 500+ hours in the spawn of a couple of months.
the maps are the worse i have ever seen in CoD and the rest is not much better. I have not played MW3 but Blops2 is the worse CoD i have played. I really can´t imagine how bad MW3 must be if this is better than MW3...
MW3's maps were much worse than these.
man good that i didn´t bought MW3
Preston is 18. He is good, though. Nice guy, too.
I think he does COD streaming for a living now. Been playing since he was 12 or so I think.
the maps are the worse i have ever seen in CoD and the rest is not much better. I have not played MW3 but Blops2 is the worse CoD i have played. I really can´t imagine how bad MW3 must be if this is better than MW3...
Hes like fourteen too that is kind of insane. I've never managed to do better then 22-1 and that was in the first COD4 where I played probably 500+ hours in the spawn of a couple of months.
For the people complaining about not hearing footsteps there is a later perk 2 I believe called awareness that increases enemy sounds.
So its in there you just have to use a perk to get the benefit
Just unlocked the Vector SMG...my God what a difference it makes.
Is anyone having really awful screen tearing in multiplayer only, on PC? Even if I force vsync or use the in-game vsync I get really distracting tears.
Tried League Play since I'm one of those that can't do a Public Match on PS3. In the most unsurprising turn of events the host pulled the plug and Host Migration failed the second time.
Yeah...I think I've had enough League Play.
What do you guys have your mouse sensitivity set to?
Not me.
Did you turn on Triple Buffer in your GPU control panel?
Is it that good
Is anyone having really awful screen tearing in multiplayer only, on PC? Even if I force vsync or use the in-game vsync I get really distracting tears.
I wish I was that good on PC.
"I couldn't get to 100 kills. FML, that sucks."
Went from being a loser to being a winner. If you want to be on the winning team, make sure to use the Vector.
Nothing here. I'm only running on normal, high textures, 2xmsaa though. Tried the latest beta nvidia drivers?
On pc, how do you change your matchmaking preferences? I changed it to "best" but I forgot where it is to switch it back..
Is there a way to disable theatre recording online like in mw3? It made a huge improvement in performance in mw3.