So, Ive played it for quite a few hours ( Xbox 360 ) Harcore Search & Destroy exclusively and the game is easily one of my favourite Call of Duty games in the bunch. Obviously, due to the nature of S&D Im not really dealing with all the respawn mode crap and any hit detection issues are usually toned down almost completely because hardcore isnt about the shooting element as people actually die when you hit them but more about your movement, positioning and good use of gear.
My current list of likes:
- Sound effects are great. Wish they would have added some more explosion variations though.
- Love the weapons and the slow unlock of stuff, so you are forced to use it for extended periods of time to get the higher tier stuff like silencers. Means I personally get to use more variations of the weapons or else Id just slap on a scope and a silencer, get bored within a day and move on.
- Perks overall feel less dominant, usually I can always pick out my 3 perks I want for HC S&D but now, they have been nerfed and changed to a point where its more of a Oh that sounds fun instead of FUCK, Im gimped without that one!
- Love the new 10 Point system. First time I feel like theres truly a choice in how you play, ditch that sidearm for an additional perk or something Brilliant without being overpowered.
- Overall they shed some of the soulless Treyarch feel of Black Ops and the game finally got a great appeal. Hard to explain but despite the MW games taking a nose dive, fun wise they always had some soul behind them that Treyarch couldnt match.
- A lot of the maps are extremely inspired by maps in previous Call of Duty games, like they take the atmosphere from some of the fan favourites and made a new map, like MW2s Afghan and the new Turbine map feel very related. I like it. ( Not the layouts though )
- Sniping is dead! Okay overstatement but Ive been shot a handfuld of times by a sniper in the last 35 levels, people dont seem to want to use it. Especially not in hardcore where you might as well pick up a powerful semi-automatic rifle and do the same while still mainting combat ability in other areas.
- Best matchmaking system so far, especially considering its around launch day. It takes 5 second tops to find a lobby, only wait time comes during the countdown. Seriously fast and smooth. Havent missed a bet yet, except a 2 minute outtage.
- I really like the precision of the weapons. While this may be a controversial subject, in HC and especially S&D it all comes down to movement, positioning, teamwork and luck and the shooting elements moves further down. Then having to deal with that bullshit from previous games where hip firing would make bullets go straight up or down. Now they are actually lethal and hit within the actual cone of the weapon, then you can add a laser sight for even better hip firing and then ADS for ultimate precision.
What I dont like so much:
- Maybe its just me but it feels like they upped the damage of hardcore. I mean, sure I play hardcore for the weapon to be ultra deadly but theres also a fine line. In the older games, players could survive small arms fire at a range but now it feels like every weapon is deadly at all ranges. So might as well pick a weapon with a high ROF ( SMG, usually ) and snipe with that. Isnt very appealing.
- Maps, while their atmosphere is great as I mentioned most of the layouts are annoying. They take the same shit from MW3 where everywhere connects to everything. Cant sit any place without 2-3 corridors leading behind you. Some of the best MP maps in shooters usually have a handful of access routes but you could actually lock down these access paths and push forward Now you cant be anywhere without getting bumrushed. Now the ADHD TDM CoD crowd loves that shit but theres more game-modes in this game and they arent exactly winning any awards for S&D play.
- Maps are too small. I like variation but why does every map have to be this tiny? The variation comes in small, tiny and ultra tiny. I want some of the big CoD maps, like Derail.
- People can correct me if this isnt right but as far as I remember, in the older CoDs the end-game killcam would only play if the last action was actually a kill. Not a bomb defuse, suicide or whatever. Now it seems to play the killcam all the time for the last kill on the winning team. I used to love killcams but I feel like Im watching killcams CONSTANTLY now, eugh. I used to strive to get the last killcam but now Ive seen it so many times I just want the next round to start. Getting sick of them-
- The music in the club at Plaza.
- They removed the sneak element from S&D which was a huge, enjoyable part of the game-mode. Ghost perk change is the biggest problem because the change is über shit. Too high level requirement and having to blaze around like a scolded cock to avoid being seen by a UAV in hardcore means instant death. So death by UAV tracking or death by running, take your pick.
- Last thing is theres something iffy going on with the map rotation. I feel like Im playing the same 3-4 maps over and over again, people can vote random or it can be a fresh lobby and its constantly Plaza, Hijacked, Overflow and Turbine. Then occasionally two others and the rest, never see them. In 30 levels Ive played TWICE on Aftermath and 4 times on Raid. Mix that shit up!
Wish theyd start balancing the game for each type of play ( Slow, medium, fast paced ) somehow, instead of basing all this shit off completely different game-modes with people who bitch and whine over people sitting still for more than 2 seconds Just makes other modes less enjoyable.
Theres just way too much focus on the anti-camping bullshit, which ruins modes where a slow pace is required.
But despite all of that, Im not feeling all that frustrated when playing this like I do with IWs Call of Duty releases. Has some Treyarch sensibility and despite flaws, its enjoyable. Had a 27 match winstreak, eep!
However the MW3 map syndrome is the biggest source of any frustration. The shit where you can work together and move up, only to find the usual rush kid has stormed through the maps 17 corridors that lead behind you. Its annoying as shit.
However my experiences comes down to the gamemode alone of course, cant comment on the other modes and I wont touch them with a 12ft pole either.
Right now, CoD 4 > MW2 ( Purely because of the maps ) > Blops 2 > Blops 1 > Testicular Cancer > MW3
Sorry, that was a bit long.