Just completed Mission 5 on Veteran. After doing that all I can say is fuck Realistic. I'm not even going to bother with it. I can't even imagine how infuriating that level must be on that difficulty setting.
Soooooo....i find tdm to be, alright imma camp here and wait for someoneMan, no one? Lol
Just completed Mission 5 on Veteran. After doing that all I can say is fuck Realistic. I'm not even going to bother with it. I can't even imagine how infuriating that level must be on that difficulty setting.
Soooooo....i find tdm to be, alright imma camp here and wait for someone
However, we will be doing some Dom with gaf in 30 mins or so,
Feel free to add me to invite
Psn: jorgejjvr
If you wwant of course, I know it's not hard core tdm lol
Soooooo....i find tdm to be, alright imma camp here and wait for someone
However, we will be doing some Dom with gaf in 30 mins or so,
Feel free to add me to invite
Psn: jorgejjvr
If you wwant of course, I know it's not hard core tdm lol
Was that the shit "boss" fight and depth charges? If so, yeah it's garbage.
Worst campaign, worse than BF ones.
ill be ready, gonna go grab some "gamer fuel" lol
Haha coolHaha, I know. I've had you on for awhile but haven't had chance to play Domination with ya.
I play pc.
from europe though..
Yeah, it's the mission where right before the depth charges you have to fight against endless waves of robots while waiting for a core to be open for you to shoot. Then you have to run to the center where all those robots are constantly spawning to throw a grenade into a system. Then repeat that multiple times. The only upside to the difficulty there is that it autosaves each time after you throw the grenade in. That's one of those points in a mission where there's honestly no redeeming qualities to it. Which is a shame because I thought the level was pretty enjoyable up to that point.
Haha cool
I should be getting off, hopefully in 20 mins
Do you guys have your names on Psn as here?
Mine it's the same avatar and name to make it easier for people
Can you guys also join me without invites?
Correctmine is straym blaster
this is for PS4 right?
Awesome, if someone else wants to join, let me know!im ready
Lulubop is my steam if you ever wanna get some games in
No it wasn't like this before. In the other ones you could leave one crawling around while you gathered and searched for items, no matter how long. I was doing just that in this game then out of nowhere it dies and the next round started.
That's how I remember always doing it anyway.
Argus + Heatwave is one of my favorite builds right now.
Just completed Mission 5 on Veteran. After doing that all I can say is fuck Realistic. I'm not even going to bother with it. I can't even imagine how infuriating that level must be on that difficulty setting.
Anybody else no longer earning crytokeys? Just started happening today.
What ports does this game use on PS4, getting a lot of connection issues.
3074 UPD
Do the single player camo unlocks transfer to multi? So many unlocks, so much confusion.
Yes. All camo unlocks are transferable between all modes. Campaign, multiplayer, and zombies.
Haha yepGuys, I'll play next game, gonna do some laundry.
We're stomping too easy.
Haha yep
What's lost upon prestiging?
Are camos kept? Challenge progress? Weapon progress?
Sure thing ggsactually I think I'll take a break, gg guys!
Camos and challenges are kept; I believe weapon progress towards attachments and camo remain as well. You'll just have to unlock the gun itself if it's not one of the default ones.
What you lose is obviously the non starter weapons and kill streaks unless you use the permanent token on them. The specialists as well.
What specialists / abilities is everyone running?
Currently like Psychosis a lot.
What's most common? Still Vision Pulse?
I'm running the Specter with the Scythe ability. I really like how the lunge saves my ass at cqc.What specialists / abilities is everyone running?
Currently like Psychosis a lot.
What's most common? Still Vision Pulse?
What specialists / abilities is everyone running?
Currently like Psychosis a lot.
What's most common? Still Vision Pulse?
Purifier all day, err day.
What specialists / abilities is everyone running?
Currently like Psychosis a lot.
What's most common? Still Vision Pulse?
Ggs everyone, going to eat and take a break
I got quite some good ripper kills xD
Haha yep, but unfortunately not enough wraith and raps xDdude! you got so many Cerberuses!!!
ghost feels pretty limited, yeah. it should just keep you off the map without moving tbhSo much shit just to *try* to stay off the map maybe they should just trash this meta save silencers.